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viz.: Ordinary, 84 a 8; Middling, 8 a 9; Good
middling, a 94; Middling fair, 94 a 9; Fair, 9
a 10; Good fair, 10 a 11; and Fine, 11 a 12 cts.
These prices will, we think, prevail for some time,
and will approximate the average of the season,
unless the crop should be much less than our
figures indicate.
J. A. RUFF & Co.

New Orleans, Oct. 1st, 1846.


own vines. The great difficulty generally with American wine is the deficiency of body and richness in the fruit, which renders it necessary to add sugar when this deficiency exists. This is always done even with the best wines abroad, when a cold or wet season impairs the accustomed richness of the fruit. We believe our fruits may be much improved, especially for the purpose of wine, by planting seeds from the best foreign varieties. Out We place the above valuable estimate of the cot- of numerous specimens thus obtained, some would ton crop before our readers, as a present guide and doubtless be found combining great richness and future reference. We will add, however, for our-sufficient hardiness to endure our climate. The same selves, that the weather, since the date of Messrs. care used in the cultivation of the vine, we may be Ruff & Co.'s letter, has generally been favorable for led to expect will result in equal success with the the cotton plant, and increased receipts are antici- cultivation of the peach and other fruits, which are pated. Judging from more recent advices from dif-natives of hot climates, but of which continued careferent parts of the South now before us, we are of ful and scientific propagation has succeeded in opinion that the present crop will not fall short of producing the choicest kinds in profusion, and 1,900,000, and may go up to 2,100,000. As an evi-hardy enough for our severe climate. dence of this, cotton (at the time we are writing Choice kinds of beverage are also made from this article, Oct. 19th) is dull in the market, with a slight downward tendency in New York. We may have advices of an advance by the Liverpool steamer, hourly expected, which of course will cause a corresponding advance on this side of the



other fruits. The pear yields perry, from which
the most delicious champagne is made, with the
addition of a little sugar. The red and white cur-
rant yields a good wine when properly treated with
the addition of sugar. The quince, when grated
with water, and sugar added, undergoes a fermen-
tation, which, if arrested at the proper period by a
small addition of brandy, yields an excellent wine.
raisins, will undergo a fermentation, and if properly
The best cider, with the addition of bruised or cut
treated, subsequently yields a wine of excellent
flavor and quality. The introduction of some or
all of these may be made for our own use with
desirable than the drugged, pernicious stuff which
great advantage; and they are certainly far more
ed for the use of the sick.
is too often, we may almost say generally, import-


AMONG the valuable contributions to the late Fair of the American Institute, were fine samples of wine from Mr. N. Longworth, of Cincinnati, and a few from other sections of the Union. These specimens were superior to any before sent for exhibition, showing a decided improvement in this branch of husbandry. Two samples of pure wine from Ohio were made from the Catawba grape, and possessed a good body and an excellent flavor, nearly resembling, but much surpassing the dry imported Hock. Another from a native grape, had a fine body, and a peculiar flavor, which use would Ar a late meeting of the British Association, undoubtedly soon render a favorite. A specimen Mr. Hogan read a communication which had apof pure sweet, or lady's wine, with a small quan-peared in a continental journal, in which it was tity of sugar added to the must, possessed a rich-recommended that the potato plant should be proness and delicacy of flavor similar to the Malmsey, pagated by seed, as the best means of guarding but more delicious, having the taste of a rich, fresh against the disease. grape. Two other samples, one from a native Dr. Lankaster said, that the number of facts grape of Alabama, and another from our own State, brought forward by Mr. Hogan to substantiate his showed a body and flavor which gives every pro- plan of remedying the potato disease, were quite mise that the subject needs only to be carefully insufficient. Unless this plan had been extensively studied and pursued, to reach a point in production adopted, and found to be extensively successful, when we can soon dispense with the importation it would be folly to proceed on it, with the amount of all foreign wine, excepting some peculiar of evidence that could be brought against it. With regard to the causes of the disease, he said that there had not been one theory borne out by evidence that would lead to its being adopted by a man of science. That it depended on atmospheric changes was assumed, and there was no proof of it. There was only the coincidence of certain kinds of weather and the disease. That it arose from debility in the potato plant, was also an assumption. No debility had been proved to exist. He thought it right that it should go forth to the world, that the only conclusion yet arrived at was negative, and that the more they investigated the matter, the more evident did it become, that prevailing theories and remedial recommendations were founded on ignorance and assumption


American enterprise has not fully considered the peculiar circumstances of soil, manuring, cultivation, &c., which affect the quality of wine. One side of a hill will frequently yield an article totally different in quality from an opposite side, and the character varies with almost every field where the grape is produced. Generally, the best wine is made from grapes raised without manures, or such as are peculiarly mild in their character, and impart no flavor to the fruit. One of the best vineyards of France was seriously deteriorated for years by a dressing with fresh animal or putrescent manures. Some of the most delicate wines are made from grapes manured only from the trimmings of their




speaking, is the first state or stage in the life of an MUCH has been said and written upon the various insect. The forms which distinguish the different modes of destroying insects injurious to vegetation, tribes are numerous and varied; but none are proand of counteracting in a measure their injurious vided with wings. They are known in common effects. Were we to enumerate all that have been parlance by the names of grub, caterpillar, maggot, recommended by various writers on agriculture and or wire-worm. All insects in this state feed voragardening, it would surely be a matter of astonish- ciously, and consequently at this period of their ment that the races of injurious insects had not lives they are the most destructive to vegetation. long ago been exterminated, not that they should They do not feed on all plants alike; some confine appear in such undue proportion as almost to baffle themselves to one particular species, without which our exertions to destroy them. It must surely be they die; others eat the leaves of two or three confessed that in no one department, either of agri- plants only; while some few are general feeders, culture or gardening, is there such a lamentable de-attacking almost every kind of plants without disficiency as in this. The reasons for it will be evi- crimination. Hence it is that the larvæ of insects dent, when it is remembered, that in order to check found in flower gardens, are different from those of or counteract the operations of these numerous the fields, kitchen garden, or orchard. The smaller classes of depredators with any success, a know-species are generally the most injurious, as they ledge of the peculiar habits and economy of each make use of many curious devices to escape obserspecies is first to be acquired; without this, little vation; some penetrate the heart of the young can be done of any account, and even the remedies shoot, or eat their way into the bud; many conceal that are applied are used at random. It may be themselves with great skill, by rolling up the said, and perhaps with some truth, that this subject leaves in which they have taken up their residence; belongs to the naturalist, and that the agriculturist and others, again, spin themselves a silken case, and gardener should look to him for information, where they live in security. and for effective remedies. The naturalist studies Of the Pupa or Chrysalis.--This is the second out and explains the animal economy, but it remains state, and here they are not to be dreaded, as in for those most interested, those who daily see and general the pupæ are torpid, inactive, and incapable feel their effects, to apply remedies which their pre-of receiving nourishment. When the larva has atvious knowledge, obtained from the naturalist, will tained its growth, it retires either into the earth, or enable them to do. The agriculturist should devote to some secure situation, where the change to the a portion of his leisure moments in acquiring a chrysalis state is effected in a few hours, or at perfect knowledge of the general forms which be-most, a few days. The pupa are as various in long to insects, the changes they undergo, and of their forms and situations as the larvæ. Those of the primary divisions into which they have been formed by modern naturalists. He should watch their progress, note the manner of their feeding, mark the time they pass in their larva and pupa states, and the period of their becoming perfect insects. He should learn to distinguish between beneficial insects whose increase should be promoted, and injurious insects whose depredations should be arrested.

In some future communication I may give to your readers, if desirable, a description of the different operations which, in a general way, may be directed to the removal of insects; but, in this, I propose to give a general view of the changes which insects pass through, from the egg to the perfect state; the different appearances which the various tribes assume, before they reach their final development; and the several orders or divisions under which they are classed by modern naturalists. Insects are distinguished from vertebrated animals by being destitute of a back-bone, and furnished with more than two feet; and from worms, by possessing feet. Most insects are furnished with six feet, but some few have a greater number, as the centipede, wood-louse, &c.

The generality of insects are produced from eggs; some are hatched within the body, and the young are produced in a living state; while most others are hatched from eggs deposited in some secure place, either above or below the surface of the earth. The period required for these eggs to hatch is very variable; in some species this process takes place in a few days, while, with others, it is not accomplished until the following year.

Of the Larva or Caterpillar.-This, properly

the beetle tribe are found in the earth, or in other substances; they have usually the first rudiments of feet, and of other parts, which become fully developed only in the perfect state. The pupe of butterflies are entirely naked; and are either suspended by the tail, or attached to trees, walls, &c., by a strong thread. The duration of the chrysalis varies according to the species; and there are many insects which undergo so trifling a change, that it is scarcely perceptible.

Of the Imago or Winged Form.-This is the third and last stage in the life of an insect, and the one in which the organs are fully developed, and when it becomes a perfect being, exhibiting those characters which point out its station in nature. The habits and economy of perfect insects, no less than their external appearance, are, in most cases, totally different from those which belong to the previous stages of their existence. The caterpillar, furnished with strong jaws for devouring foliage, is changed into an insect, without any organs for mastication, and which lives only by sucking the nectar of flowers. The duration of this state of the insect is also variable. Most are probably annual, coming from the egg and passing through all their changes within the year. Some, however, as some of the beetle tribe, are long-lived. Moths are biennial, passing the winter in the chrysalis state under ground. Butterflies are mostly annual; although some few survive the winter, and appear early in the spring. The perfect insect of some species exists but a few hours, and seems born only to provide for a continuation of the species; while in the lower state it enjoys an aquatic existence of two or three years. L. T. T.

Ladies' Department.



hints for the future.


worm state all winter. The period of the pupa state varies from eleven to sixteen days. Cleanliness, therefore, both in doors and out is the only remedy for this domestic torment.

I was then taken into

Old Lady's Diary, June 20th.-Having at length My hostess has received the information most finished my preparations, given my last directions to my faithful Betsey, and a farewell look at closets kindly. The good man was called in, and has proand store-room, I determine to begin my journey to-mised to lend his aid, and as soon as the hurry of morrow, and as my path will lie through by-roads the farm work is over, the yard is to be well and farming districts, I hope to gain many useful scraped, and the litter to be burned, that the fleas, young and old, may be effectually destroyed; the 21st.—The day has been unusually fine, and the dog-kennel is to be removed to a greater distance, country beautiful beyond description. Wherever and a fence made to keep the sheep at a respectful the eye rests it is charmed by the busy scene, the distance from the house. hay harvest is in full progress, and every field tells the household councils, and received, in return, of hopes fulfilled. We have stopped for the night useful hints and valuable recipes which I mean to at a good-looking farm-house, claiming on a sign put in practice on my return; the cream cheese was swinging near the door, to be "The Traveller's particularly good, and as it is the most economical Rest,"blessed promise, for a long day's ride, here. To a quart of sour milk curd, drained to the and easiest recipe I have ever met with, I copy it however agreeable, will bring fatigue, and the tra- consistence of soft butter, add a quart of thick rich veller hails a clean room and comfortable bed as God's own benison, which should be gratefully recream; beat them well together until they are ceived; everything in my own room appears comthoroughly mixed, then add a table-spoonful of fortable, and invites repose; but from sundry indi-fine salt; fold a napkin in four folds, and lay it cations around the house, such as patches of chick- then fold another napkin and lay it on the top-the in a large soup plate, into which pour the cream, en feathers that have been carelessly thrown out after the chickens had been picked, a pile of old mixture will make three or four. Set the plates in shavings where a dog and some sheep have been a cool place for twenty-four hours; change the reposing, and also two or three pigs running rather napkins and plates every morning for four or five too near the house for my liking, creating suspi- days, when the cheese will be fit for use. cions that those daring and troublesome domestic familiars-yclept fleas, may, and will, intrude in the house, which otherwise appears a pattern of

domestic comfort and cleanliness..

Returning from my visit to the spring-house, 1 was attracted by a nice intelligent looking girl busily employed mending gum elastic shoes; she was filling up a leisure hour, and preparing for her 22d.—Morning has dawned at length; my suspi- early walks to the spring-house; her directions are cions were, alas, too true, and I have been in the too valuable to be lost. Cut some scraps of gum elastic very fine, and put them into a wide-mouthed power of the tormentors all night. Traveller's Rest! it can only be so to an armadillo or rhinoceros. vial, on which pour enough oil of sassafras to cover What the house should be called I leave travellers the gum, then stop it tight and leave it until the to decide. I will amuse myself until breakfast gum is dissolved, which it will be in two or three time by writing the history of my tormentors, and days if the mixture is stirred frequently. Wash give it as a hint to my kind entertainers, who, I the gum shoe quite clean, inside and out, and dry it have no doubt, err only through ignorance. thoroughly, then smear the edges of the slit and the inside of the shoe near it, with the dissolved farger than the slit, prepared in the same manner, gum; have a patch of thin gum elastic a little and place it over the hole on the inside of the shoe, and press it firmly down, placing a weight in the shoe for three or four hours, when the patch will adhere firmly to the shoe.


and torment to all within their reach. The female


visit next year, provided they get rid of the fleas.
I then took my leave, promising to pay them a


The flea (Pulex irritans), in its perfect state, too well known to need much comment; their eager ness for blood and their powerful muscular activity, enable them to leap to an amazing distance, while their sharp lancet-like tongue renders them a dread flea deposits from ten to a dozen eggs, of a rounded form and white color; she places them in obscure places, such as cracks in the floor, shavings, sawdust, or hairs of rugs where dogs are accustomed to lie. From these eggs are hatched long worm-like grubs, destitute of feet, with thirteen distinct Miss M. E. H., of Poughkeepsie, in leaving the ments; the last furnished with two hooks. These Albany Female Institute, received a gold medal larvæ are very active, twisting about in all direc- upon which was inscribed the following beautiful tions, and feeding upon the fleshy particles of fea- and appropriate motto:thers, congealed blood, scraps of raw meat left by the dogs near their kennels, and some say, the blood of animals, but this is doubtful, as they are not A READY MODE OF REMOVING SPERM, TALLOW, found on them. In about twelve days they are OR OIL FROM CLOTH.-Hold the cloth or garment as fully grown, and ready to enclose themselves in a near as possible to the fire without burning, and the small cocoon of silk, often covered with dust, and sperm or oil will immediately evaporate away. If attached to adjoining substances, and should the a fire is not at hand, light a small roll of paper and weather be hot, they pass through the change hold it for half a minute or so, close to, and directly without the silk cover. The eggs that are not over, the oil intended to be removed, and the subhatched until the end of summer, continue in the stance in like manner disappears.

Dieu récompense la vertu et les hommes savoir.




and Ireland, or Recipes for making Various Articles of Food, of Indian Corn Meal," containing all the recipes

By the arrival of the steamer Caledonia, we are in I received before leaving home from our kind female receipt of our foreign journals up to October 4th.

MARKETS. Ashes were brisk of sale at an advance of 1s. 6d. per cwt., and a prospect of still higher prices. Cotton a shade higher, with large sales. The stock on hand at Liverpool on the 1st of October, was 655,000 bales, against 957,000 same period last year. Beef, Pork, and Lard, no change. Cheese, a limited supply, and much wanted. Butter of a choice quality the same. Hemp scarce at an increased price. Flour an advance of 3s. per barrel. Indian Corn an advance. Naval Stores in good demand, with an upward tendency. Tar scarce. Rice, large sales. Tallow very scarce, and an improvement of 1s. 6d. per cwt. bacco in fair request. Wool firm, at an advance. Money remains unchanged. Rate of discount 3 per cent.


Free Importation of Grain into Frankfort.-The senate of the free city, Frankfort, has just published a proclamation allowing the importation of corn duty free, into the territory of the republic.

friends in different parts of the Union-heaven bless them! I have had 2,000 of these Olive Leaves struck off, and intend, in the first place, to send a copy to every newspaper in the realm. Í shall have a thousand, all of which I shall put into the hands of those I meet on the road. I have resolved to make it a condition upon which only I consent to be any man's guest, that his wife shall serve up a johnny-cake for Breakfast, or an Indian pudding for dinner. I was invited yesterday to a tea party which comes off tonight, where about 30 persons are to be present. I accepted the invitation with the johnny-cake clause, which was readily agreed to by all parties. So tonight the virtues of corn meal will be tested by some of the best livers in Birmingham.

Monday, July 20th.-Wrote like a steam engine till noon, to clear from my hands a peck of letters which had accumulated in the course of a day or two, under the auspices of penny postage. After dinner I mounted my staff, and knapsack, to open my pedestrian ter, which lies twenty-five miles south of Birmingcampaign with an afternoon's walk towards Worcesham. Good Joseph Sturge accompanied me a short distance, then bidding me God speed in all the benevolence of his great heart, left me, like Bunyan's pilgrim, to go on my way rejoicing. In a few minutes I had reached the summit of an eminence, upon which Edge baston Hall stands half hidden and half revealed

in the solemn shade of its "ancestral oaks." De

Crops.-The spread of the potato disease has been signally arrested, owing to the uncommonly fine autumnal weather. Many more will be saved than was anticipated. Turnips prove a great crop, and will almost entirely supply the place of potatoes for feeding cattle. The latter math of grass and clover is also very abundant. With the exception of last year, the old stock of wheat on hand is larger than it ever has been since the autumn of 1837. The present wheat crop of England is an average one. Taking all these things into consideration, the American merchant should be very cautious about making speculations in grain. Imports of American Flour and Indian Corn into Eng-scending this, Birmingham, with all its towering fac land. There were imported into Liverpool this year tory-chimneys, disappeared, and I found myself surfrom America, 877,659 barrels of flour, and from Cana-rounded by the beauty and magnificence of the counda, 246,276, in all, 1,123,935 barrels. The increase of try scenery of England, in its summer portraiture, and Indian corn is remarkable. In 1845 the import was summer music; for the very foliage of the trees, that 37,000 quarters-in 1846 192,000 quarters. The stock in some cases over-arched the road, seemed to be at present in Liverpool, is 340,000 barrels of flour, free vocal with the music of singing birds, of the merriest and in bond, and about 200,000 quarters of wheat, free mood. The little things--they must have been small, and in bond. The other grain may be estimated at else I should have seen some of them-owed nature 100,000 quarters. Thus we perceive what a trade the and art all the melody of their throats for such a beau corn trade in Liverpool is likely to be. tiful world to sing in. In these lovely groves and hedges, and along the green borders of the meadowbrooks, they were out of the reach of the "villainous saltpetre," and of truant schoolboys, affected with the mania of speculation in speckled eggs. So the wee, twittering songsters may sing right on, without a semiquaver of apprehension from these sources of trouble and interruption. Haying time is about half over, and the wheat harvest has just commenced, and the reapers are on the road, sickle in hand, to gather in the crops. What with stopping occasionally to talk with the hay-rickers, or walking a little way up the narrow lanes walled with "living green," to see an unique cottage through the meshes of its ivy veil; or with looking through a hole in the hedge, at a herd of sleek, mottled cows feeding or ruminating gracefully in a new-shorn meadow, I was four hours in making eight miles. I reached the "Rose and Crown" about eight o'clock, where I found everything in keeping with the rigid simplicity of an English country inn. The hostess-for whether married or not, she is the most visible and vigorous person about such an establishment-a neat, ruddy Englishwoman, in a few minutes served up tea with accompaniments of romantic frugality. One of these articles is worthy of notice, as it is common to every table which I have seen thus far in this country. It is a shaving, not a slice of buttered bread, not much thicker than a shaving which a fore-plane would take at a stroke from a straight-grained board of pine. A hungry man would eat a square-yard of these buttered bread-shavings at a meal without much impairing his appetite for substances less superficial.

Rise of Bread.-On Monday, the full-priced bakers in the metropolis advanced the price of the 4lb. loaf to 81d., an advance of one halfpenny.

Produce of a Bushel of Wheat and other Grain in Scotland. The following shows the average produce of a bushel of wheat weighing 60 pounds, manufactured at the water of Leith Mills:-25 lbs. of fine flour; 22 do. of seconds; 1 do. of pollard; 10 do. of branloss 1 lbs.

A Table of the quantity of Flour and Bread from Grain.




Peas and Beans..

Weight Weight Weight

per Bushel

in lbs.

of Flour of Bread
in lbs. in lbs.





371 50

[blocks in formation]

-Gardener's Chronicle. A Leaf from Burritt's Journal.-Elihu Burritt, the ⚫ learned blacksmith, who is now engaged in making a pedestrian tour in various parts of Europe, is giving the result of his observations in the "Christian Citizen," from which we make the following extracts :-I have just got out "An Olive Leaf, from the Housewives of America to the Housewives of Great Britain

Editor's Table.

[blocks in formation]

structive matter, the work comprises over six hundred original patents, or new inventions, principally of foreign origin, which alone must ever constitute the book, one of singular value and permanent utility.

the whole theory of dyeing, calico-printing, &c., to the utmost simplicity and accuracy. We have hitherto had no work of a purely practical character in these A BRIEF COMPEND OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURE. important arts. In the present production, this is the -By. R. L. Allen. Saxton & Miles. Pp. 437, 12mo. leading idea of the author--himself many years a Price $1. We announced this work as in press, in practical dyer; and from the vast accumulation of our August number, and now have the pleasure of material which he has brought to his aid, it is believed adding that it has appeared, and is for sale at most of more has been accomplished for the practical purthe book-stores. It is a condensed Encyclopædia of poses of those engaged in these departments of comAgriculture. The whole subject of soils, manures, merce than has ever before been attempted. In addicrops, and animals, is treated in as full and compre- tion to a prodigious variety of useful, new, and inhensive a manner as the space will permit. The most prominent points are clearly yet succinctly stated, and all is expressed in a style at once concise, and readily comprehended. The author has been a practical farmer and stock-breeder, from boyhood, and consequently understands what he is writing about. He avoids all the fanciful theories of the present day, while he treats of the best practices of husbandry, based upon well authenticated principles, as developed and adopted by the most enlightened modern agriculturists. The work treats fully of Southern as well as Northern agriculture, and will be found equally adapt- EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE.-By Henry Colman, ed to any latitude of America. It is emphatically a from personal observation. We are in receipt of Part work for the million, and should be in the hands of VII. of Vol. II. of this work. Draining, plowing, irrievery farmer. It is neatly got up, and does the pub-gation, rotation of crops, soiling, &c., are the contents, lishers credit. and are well and practically treated.

PORTRAITS OF THE PRESIDENTS.-Philadelphia: C. S. Williams. Large folio. This work is well got up, in lithography, in the form of an Atlas, giving accurate portraits of all the Presidents of the United States, from the commencement of the Government down to the present Administration. For sale by Saxton & Miles, 205 Broadway, N. Y. Price $2.50.

PICTORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND.-We have received No. 9 of this excellent work most beautifully illustrated. Harper & Brothers. Price 25 cents. To be finished in about 40 numbers. It is highly useful and agreeable reading.

MANUAL OF ROSES; Comprising the most complete History of the Rose, including every class, and all the most admirable varieties that have appeared in Europe and America; together with ample information on their culture and propagation.-By William Robert Prince, Proprietor of the Linnæan Botanic THE STATESMEN OF THE COMMONWEALTH; with Garden and Nurseries, at Flushing, L. I. New York: a treatise on the Popular Progress in English History. Saxton & Miles. Pp. 262, 12mo. The author remarks By John Forster. Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff Street. in his preface, that "During the last ten years the ac- Price 25 cents per number, to be completed in five quisitions made to the Family of Roses, have been so numbers. This republication is embellished with remarkable for their splendor, fragrance, and other portraits of distinguished persons figuring in the hisqualities, that the public attention has been awakened tory, and elucidated with valuable notes by the Rev. J. to their culture in a degree almost unprecedented in O. Choules. It is a work of great merit, and particuthe annals of Floriculture. This general regard has larly commends itself to the American Reader, as it given rise to several publications on the subject, in describes a series of events which had no little influFrance, England, Belgium, and America, and it has, at ence in the early settlement of our country, and its the same time, imparted an increased impetus to the subsequent career. Some of the actors in this history, culture of the Queen of Flowers.' The most promi-like Sir Harry Vane, the Younger, were at one time nent of the publications referred to, is from the pen of residents, and held official stations in New England, Mr. T. Rivers, Jr., of England; and it has been the and other American colonies. desire of the writer of the present little volume, to combine in its pages, every item of knowledge that is comprised in that estimable work, and to extract from every other source, whatever additional information was attainable; thus forming a concentration of all the information existing in Europe on this interesting subject, and presenting the toute ensemble of European attainment as the starting point for American advancement, adding thereto whatever information was existent here in the present stage of the Rose Culture, and which has been derived more particularly from the labors and experience of his father and self, and some few others." The subject the author has chosen is an interesting one, and as far as we are able to judge, the work will prove useful to amateurs and others engaged in floriculture.

THE NEW ENGLAND AGRICULTURAL ALMANAC for 1847.-Published by F. Trowbridge, New Haven, Conn. This is prettily illustrated, and well filled with useful matter to the farmer. We can say the same of the American Cultivator's Almanac, published by C. F. Crossman, Rochester, N. Y.

LECTURES TO WOMEN ON ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, with an Appendix on Water Cure. By Mary S. Gove. Pp. 301. Price 50 cents. Harper & Brothers, 82 Cliff Street. This work should be carefully read by every woman; for nothing is more true than what the fair authoress asserts, that "whoever shall convince mankind of the necessity and importance of the study of Anatomy and Physiology, and those laws which govern life and health, will do more toward promoting the general good and happiness of A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON DYEING AND CALICO our species, than he would if he gave us priceless PRINTING; including the latest Inventions and Im-gems, and gold without measure." provements; also, a Description of the Origin, Manu- LONG ISLAND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SHOW. facture, Uses, and Chemical Properties of the Various -This came off on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of SepAnimal, Vegetable, and Mineral Substances employed tember, in Flushing. We understand there was a in these Arts. With an Appendix, comprising Defini- good display of fruits and flowers. Owing to imperations of Chemical Terms; with Tables of Weights, tive engagements elsewhere, we were deprived of the Measures, Thermometers, Hydrometers, &c. By an pleasure of attending it. experienced dyer, assisted by several scientific gen- SOMETHING OF A SQUASH.-The Batavia Times tlemen. With Engravings on steel and wood. New has sen a squash, grown in the garden of J. A. Clark, York: Harper & Brothers. Pp. 704. 8vo. $3.50. of that village, which measures six feet and six The object of this work is to systematize and reduce inches in circumference, and weighs 150 1-2 pounds.

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