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covering them with spruce branches, fern, or any dry

By the steam-ship Acadia, we are in receipt of our litter that may be at hand. This is laid on very thinly, foreign journals to December 4th. barely sufficient to hide the branches, and yet, although we had the thermometer at zero last winter, I did not lose a single plant, not even among the Fairy Roses, which many of the rose growers experience great difficulty in preserving in well-protected pits and frames. rather retentive soil, so they have no local advantages. They have been in excellent bloom from the middle of May up to the end of October; and really I do not know a more interesting appendage to a garden than a few beds of these perpetual blooming favorites.- Gar. Chron.

MARKETS.-Ashes were in limited demand. Cotton much depressed, and a further reduction of 4d, per lb. has taken place. The stock on hand at Liverpool on the 1st Dec. was 926,000 bales, against 786,000 same time last year. It is within d. as low now as it was ever My roses are planted in an exposed situation, on a known. Flour has undergone a decided decline. Beef, little alteration. Pork, dull. Cheese, a slight decline, but a good demand. Naval Stores. The sales in these were large, and at good prices. Rice and Tallow, nothing particularly worthy of notice. Tobacco firm with an upward tendency. Wool did not go off well at the late sale, most of it being put up in a very slovenly and imperfect manner. We must pay more attention to this matter if we wish to command fair prices in the British market.

Money was in good demand, and a further advance of the rate of interest is anticipated. From 3 to 5

per cent. was asked.

Trade in the manufacturing districts was dull, and undergoing curtailment.

Keeping Fruit.-Numerous inquiries having, from time to time, been made relative to the best methods of preserving apples and pears during winter, I will mention one or two particulars necessary in the storing of these, and the kind of house best adapted for securing a prolonged supply. The house, in the first place, should be ventilated in the ceiling, as from the moment of storing until the apple is absolutely decayed, an organic transposition of its parts is constantly going on; Failure of the Potato Crop-The accounts of the therefore it is important to allow the confined air of failure of this crop are so fluctuating that we can hard- the room, which becomes highly impregnated with the ly give an opinion respecting it. There is no doubt, effluvia, to pass off. Any animal or vegetable substance however, that the loss has been grossly and wickedly in a sound state is more liable to become diseased exaggerated, for the purpose of aiding speculators. We when placed in an atmosphere impregnated with may say the same of wheat and other products. effluvia; but again, on the other hand, it is well Emigration to the United States.-Great preparations known that apples and pears shrivel and lose their flaare making in Germany and Switzerland to emigrate vor when exposed, particularly in spring, to a free to America the coming season. Food is scarce and admission of external air. This may be attributed not high there; besides, the people being much persecuted so much to the mere admission of air, as to the increased for their religious opinions, desire to live where they can choose their own road to Heaven, and have plenty to eat while travelling thither.

temperature which the air in spring has attained. The increased heat of the atmosphere then dries up the juices of the apple and destroys its flavor; in fact, Professor Liebig's Opinion on the Potato Disease.-The fruit so exposed becomes tasteless and tough. Now it researches I have undertaken upon the sound and dis- appears to me quite necessary to admit air or rather to eased potatoes of the present year have disclosed to me allow the impure air to pass off quietly at the ceiling the remarkable fact, that they contain in the sap a without creating a complete current in the house, and considerable quantity of vegetable casein (cheese) to exclude the admission of external air at the doors precipitable by acids. This constituent I did not ob- and windows as much as possible, to keep down the serve in my previous researches. It would thus appear temperature of the room, for on this a great deal dethat, from the influence of the weather, or generally pends. Could the same kind of temperature be mainspeaking, from atmospheric causes, a part of the vegetained in spring as during winter, there can be no doubt table albumen which prevails in the potato has become that fruit would keep much better, and be better converted into vegetable casein. The great instability flavored. When pears are just arriving at perfection, of this last substance is well known, hence the facility they may be greatly improved in flavor by being placed with which the potato containing it undergoes putre- in a warm room for a few days before they are eaten. faction. Any injury to health from the use of these The increased temperature promotes more rapidly and potatoes is out of the question, and nowhere in Ger- perfectly the transposition of the juices into the sacmany has such an effect been observed. In the dis- charine state. eased potato no solanin can be discovered. It may be of some use to call attention to the fact that diseased potatoes may easily, and at very little expense, be kept for a length of time, and afterwards employed in various ways, by cutting them into slices, of about a quarter of an inch thick, and immersing them in water, containing from two to three per cent. of sulphuric acid. After twenty-four or thirty-six hours, the acid liquor may be drawn off, and all remains of it washed away by steeping in successive portions of fresh water. Treated in this manner, the potatoes are easily dried. The pieces are white and of little weight, and can be ground to flour and baked into bread along with the four of wheat. I think it probable that the diseased potatoes, after being sliced and kept for some time in contact with weak sulphuric acid, so as to be penetrated by the acid, may be preserved in that state in pits. But further experiments are necessary to determine this. It is certain, however, that dilute sulphuric acid stops the progress of putrefaction.

Protection of Tender Roses.-One of the best plans consists in pegging the shoots close to the ground, after the bloom is destroyed in the aratumn, and afterwards

Air Churn.-The Bishop of Derry has invented an atmospheric churn. Instead of the present unscientific mode of making butter by churning, his lordship accomplishes this measure by the simpler manner of forcing a full current of atmospheric air through the cream by means of an exceedingly well-devised forc ing pump. The air passes through a glass tube connected with the air-pump, descending nearly to the bottom of the churn. The churn is of tin, and fits into another tin cylinder, provided with a funnel and stop-cock, so as to heat the cream to the necessary temperature. The pump is worked by means of a winch, which is not so laborious as the usual churn. Independently of the happy application of science to this important department of domestic economy, in a practical point of view it is extremely valuable. The milk is not moved by a dasher, as in the common churn; but the oxygen of the atmosphere is brought into close contact with the cream, so as to effect a full combination of the butyracious part, and to convert it all into butter. On one occasion the churning was carried on for the space of 1 hour and 45 minutes, and 11 gallons of cream produced 26 lbs, of butter.—Globe,

Editor's Table.



provided with them. We have one for exhibition at our warehouse, and will receive orders for them of any required size.

THE YOUTH'S CABINET.-This is a beautiful monthly periodical, of 32 pages, octavo. Price $1 a year. It is got up something in the style of the Penny Magazine, and is highly deserving the patronage of the public. Saxton & Miles, publishers, 205 Broadway, New York.

AN ESSAY UPON THE WHEAT FLY, AND SOME SPECIES ALLIED TO IT. By Asa Fitch, M. D., pp. 32, octavo, with a colored engraving of eight figures. We hail this pamphlet as another evidence of the gradual advancement of an improved agriculture with the public mind. Dr. Fitch seems to have treated the subject of the Wheat Fly and the species resembling it, with suffi- ADDRESS UPON INSECTS INJURIOUS TO VEGETAcient minuteness, and gives us a more clear and definite TroN. By Noyes Darling.-This Address was delividea of its history, habits, and the means of arresting ered before the New Haven Horticultural and Agricul its ravages than we have yet met with. We hope his tural Societies, at their late meeting in October, and is work will have an extensive circulation among the published in the Transactions of the Society for the farmers; as it might be the means of leading many year 1845. Mr. Darling has been long and favorably of them to habits of observation of insects, which known as a writer on Insects, and his Address is dewould hereafter greatly benefit the community. We serving an attentive perusal. The little creatures do wish the State Ag. Society would purchase the copy-infinite mischief, and the best means of extirpating right of this pamphlet from the author, and issue a them and guarding against their ravages ought to be large edition for distribution among the County So-carefully studied by all agriculturists. cieties. We are much obliged for the copy sent us. THE WHEAT CROP OF 1845.-The wheat crop of

THE HISTORY OF SILK, COTTON, LINEN, WOOL, the United States for this year, is estimated at 125,000,AND OTHER FIBROUS SUBSTANCES; Including obser- 000 of bushels. The wheat crop of 1842, which was vations on Spinning, Dying and Weaving. Also, an the largest ever previously raised in this country, was account of the Pastoral Life of the Ancients, their 103,000,000. The increase of 22,000,000 shows not Social State and Attainments in the Domestic Arts-less the large additional amount of land brought under Illustrated by Steel Engravings, pp. 464, octavo. cultivation than the genial character of the last sumHarper & Brothers, New York. We have looked mer. The crop of Michigan is comparatively larger through this highly curious and useful book with than that of any other State in the Union. With a much pleasure, and find it condenses a mass of infor- population of not over 400,000, she raises this year at mation on the subjects of which it treats, which one least 7.000,000 bushels of wheat. The quality is also might seek in vain for in an extensive library. In of the very best.-Albany Argus. comparing the agriculture and manufactures of ancient times with those of our own day, we find that very many, even in the most humble circumstances, are enjoying, in their daily food and raiment, what princes might have formerly coveted in vain. This History, of the Messrs. Harper, is a beautiful work for holiday presents among the industrial classes, and we recommend it to Agricultural Societies in making up their assortment of books for premiums to be distributed at their annual meetings.

THE MYSTERIES OF TOBACCo. By the Rev. Benjamin J. Lane. Wiley & Putnam. Price 37 cents. Our readers are pretty well aware of our utter detestation of this nasty and odious weed. How any one can use it in any shape or form is utterly incomprehensible to us. This treatise shows its filthiness and injurious tendencies, in a very full and complete manner. We wish it could be placed in the hands of every head of a family in the United States; we should then hope for some reform in the use of this vile weed. Tobacco is the direct cause of insanity, and many other diseases too fearful to mention. If any one doubts this, let him read the opinions of the most eminent German physicians, the country where tobacco is more universally used, and especially in the way of snuffing and smoking, than any other.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-To Hon. W. L. Goggin, President, for his Address before the New London, Va., Ag. Society; to an unknown_friend, for the Address of the Hon. Josiah Quincy, Jr., at the late Show of the N. Y. State Ag. Society.

ROAD HORSES.-We desire to call attention to the superior horses advertised in this paper. Such animals are rare, and especially at the prices offered. They would be of great value in any breeding stud for roadsters.

THE ARTIST, THE MERCHANT, AND THE STATESMAN, Of the age of the Medici and of our own Times. In two volumes. By C. Edwards Lester. Price $1 25. Paine & Burgess, 67 John St.-These volumes under review, are devoted to the Autobiography of Powers, the American Sculptor, whose inimitable works have already placed him higher in the niche of fame than any other artist of ancient or modern times. Hiram Powers is a man of power-a wonderful creature of instinctive genius, and with modesty equal to his worth. The world is sounding with praises of his statues of the human form divine; but if we can ever see him, we intend to get him to chisel a horse, an ox, and some other domestic animals. The son of a Vermont farmer, he is just the man for this; nor will it lessen his dignity to do works of this kind. Many are the anecdotes we have heard of Powers from his associates; all these, and a thousand more, has Mr. Lester given us in this autobiography, clothed in his usual racy, slapdash style. This will be a very popular book; every American ought to read it, old or young- To CORRESPONDENTS.-John B. Miller, Thomas it will make them proud of their countryman, proud of Affleck, B. L. C. Wailes, Philetus Philips, Wm. Partheir country, and give them an inkling of the fame tridge, John P. Norton, Coke, M. W. Philips, S. H, that ultimately awaits us, as a nation, in the fine arts. R., Solon Robinson, and A Constant Reader are reEuropeans will now cease their sneers. These volceived. We cannot agree with the latter in his umes are embellished with portraits of Powers and Americus Vespucius.

FIRE PROOF SAFES.-Our readers are referred to the advertisement of Salamander Safes. We have examined them thoroughly, and believe them to be a superior article, highly desirable to preserve money, plate, jewelry, and valuable papers from fire and burglars. Planters and farmers doing much business ought to be

DORKING FOWLS.-We would inform the numerous applicants for these fowls, that no orders can be sup plied before next fall. The price will uniformly be $5 per pair.

opinion of the African maize. It has been frequently noticed in this Journal, through the N. Y. Farmers' Club.

TO A SUBSCRIBER.-The common kind of salt, such as can be purchased from 20 to 25 cents per bushel, is the kind used for agricultural purposes. The part of the cargo lying on the ship's bottom, sometimes gets quite dirty, and may then be had at a still lower price.



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At Market, 1300 Beef Cattle (350 from the South), 75 Cows and Calves, and 2500 Sheep and Lambs.

PRICES.-Beef Cattle-An active demand has prevailed,during the week, without, however, any material variation in price, which, for inferior and middling qualities, may be quoted at $4.50 $5.00 and $5.50 and $6.25 for good and prime; though a small lot on Saturday, brought $8.50. 200 left over.

COWS AND CALVES.-All at market taken at prices ranging according to quality, from $15 to $30.

SHEEP AND LAMBS.-We quote $1 25a$3.50. A few extra a $6. All sold.

LOOSE HAY-IS held at $1.12) and considerable sales making.

REMARKS.-Ashes quiet. Cotton is dull at a reduction of of a cent per lb. Export since 1st September last, 328,698 bales; same time last year, 377,768; same time year before, 209,580. Four dull, at a great reduction of prices. The large advance last month was totally unjustified, and was got up mainly by a com. bination of speculators on both sides of the water. Wheat and most kinds of grain have fallen, but are in good demand. Hay brisk. Naval Stores firm. Provisions of all kinds in fair request Molasses, Sugar, Rice, and Tobacco, little change. Wool rather stagnant.

Money continues scarce, and is difficult to be had at legal rates except on the best paper.

Stocks much depressed on account of the Oregon WAR-vide licet-the political humbug and terror of the day.

The Weather for most of the month has been of the snug winter kind. Such late crops as have remained out at the south have been well husbanded, and the year's business on the whole may be considered highly advantageous to the Farmer and Planter.

TRANSACTIONS OF THE N. Y. STATE AG. SOCIETY.-The answer of " A Member" to an article in the December No. of the Cultivator came to hand too late for the January No.; I have therefore issued it in an Extra, published by myself. I respectfully call the attention of all candid persons to it, as the writer makes out a strong case against the editor of the Cultivator on one point. What he will have to say on others I have no means of knowing. By his request I have issued a large edition that his friends can have it gratis, in any quantity, for distribution. I recommend their circulating it extensively in every direction, the more especially since myself and Saxton & Miles have become the innocent victims of vexatious suits, simply because I dare to be INDEPENDENT and HONORABLE in my conduct. A. B. ALLEN.

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Syracuse, N. Y....Stoddard & Babcock and L. W. Hall. Auburn, N. Y........................................... .......J. C. Derby & Co. Rochester, N.Y........................C. F. Crossman. Buffalo, N. Y.................................................................J. H. Butler & Co. Boston, Mass..................................................Saxton & Kelt. Milwaukie, Wis. Ter.................Hale & Hopkins. Chicago, Ill......................................................S. F. Gale & Co. St. Louis, Mo.........

...Halsall & Collet.
Columbus, Ga., and Montgomery, Ala.....Hall & Moses.
Morton & Griswold.
Louisville, Ky..
George Lapping & Co.
New Orleans............ D. Baker & Co. and N. Steele.

Cincinnati, Ohio.............
........................................W. H. Moore & Co.
Charleston, S. C................................. ...J. Thompson.
Athens, Geo....................................................J. J. Richards.
Norfolk, Va.........................................................J. Vickery, Jr.
Natchez, Miss.....
...........G S. Tainter
Woodland, La., East Feliciana........ Rev. A. W. Pool.

General Travelling Agents, (SOLON ROBINSON,


Bound volumes can be obtained of any of our Agents at 91.25


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For which was awarded by the American Institute, New York, a Silver Medal.

From recent and extended operations in the trials of these machines at the South, as well as the decisions of scientific and reputable individuals from various and remote parts, the propriotors are now in possession of the most conclusive evidence that this machine not only stands unrivalled, but that its arrangement will ever remain the climax of improvement in Corn Shellers. In the further support of which, the following additional facts are respectfully submitted, viz.:-Its structure is simple and compact; of strong and durable materials; is easy of transportation; safe in of corn, whether damp or dry; receives the ears promiscuously its operation against accident; is adapted to all the various kinds from the shovel, basket, or crib; breaks neither the corn nor the cobs; is readily attached to any horse or other power (being simply driven by belt or rope); operates in the double capacity of sheller and separater, doing its work perfectly clean, and at the rate of from one hundred to one hundred and fifty bushels per have spared neither pains nor expense in the establishment of In the manufacture of these machines, the parties concerned that system which would produce an article of the greatest utility, accompanied with least expense. The machine in its present and improved style is respectfully submitted as evidence of success; and the proprietors only ask of the public a careful investigation, and they will cheerfully abide the result.

In regard to a fixed and uniform price, on which there has been no settled arrangement, the proprietors now have the satisfaction to state that the mode of manufacture has become firmly established, and the price per machine will uniformly be Fifty Dollars. F. N. SMITH, Patentee.

Samuel Hanna, proprietor for the States of New York and New Jersey, and general agent for the Atlantic States.

The subscriber having become sole manufacturer of the above machine, is now prepared to supply orders, and will forward at the established price. Apply to

SAMUEL HANNA, Valatia, Kinderhook, N. Y.

A. B. ALLEN, Agent, 187 Water Street, N. Y.

T. B. WHEELER, Travelling Agent for the Southern States.


Gayler's Double Salamander Book Safes, warranted Fire Proof. Single Salamander Safes, equal, if not superior, to any made. C. J. Gayler's Double Salamander, is the only Safe yet invented which is, beyond doubt, proof against the action of fire, strong enough to endure a fall from the third story of a building, with locks to each door of the best quality, which will defeat the attempts of burglars. This really fire proof article is constructed so as to combine two perfect iron safes, one within the other, each being made of wrought bar and plate iron, and lined between with the most perfect non-conducting and indestructible substances.

Those who are in want of an article that will afford sure protection, are invited to examine an assortment of the double and single Salamander Safes. Safes made, Book-cases, and any lock required, fitted to order. LEONARD BROWN, 80 Wall Street. One of these Safes can be seen at my warehouse where orders will be received. A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water St., N. Y.

The Subscriber has just received a fresh supply of the above valuable Raspberry, esteemed in England superior to all other varieties. The fruit is very large, of rich flavor, and bears abundantly. They are ready for delivery as follows:

Package containing 25 canes, $8. Containing 12 canes, $5. Single canes, 50 cents. These are warranted true to name. Also for sale, a choice collection of green-house ar.d stove plants. Orders addressed to the undersigned will receive attention, and from unknown applicants a remittance or satisfactory reference is required. JACOB R. VALK.

Horticultural Gardens, Flushing, L. I., N.Y., January 1, 1846.


A thorough-bred stallion for sale, of a fashionable pedigree; five years old; of a blood bay; black legs, mane, and tail, and lbs. He has won several races, and is a superb trotter, going level without white. He stands 154 hands high, and will weigh 1,100 in his pace. He is perfectly sound; kind in temper; possesses great style, and would have made a capital roadster. He has two crosses in him, of the famous imported Messenger, and may be depended on to get first-rate roadsters. His price is $400, which is extremely low for him. He would have brought $1,200 easily three years ago, but his owner having no further use for him is desirous of selling.

Also for sale a road stallion 16 hands high, and four years old, of a bay color and fine style. Price $400. Apply to A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street.

The elegant bound volumes of the American Agriculturist are the best Holiday Presents the Farmer and Planter can give their families and friends.

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AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. THE Subscriber keeps constantly on hand the best and most complete assortment of Agricultural Implements, Field Seeds, and Fertilizers, to be found in the city. A few of the articles he onumerates below, viz. :

Plows.-Cotton, Rice, and Sugar Plows,...

..$2.00 to 4.50 Some of these plows are made expressly for light sandy soils, others for a loam or stiff clay, which they work in the best manner. Being made by patent machinery, they are superior to anything of the kind ever before sold in this market.

....6.00 to 6.50

One-horse Plows for the North, with single and double mould boards. These last are admirable to work in between the rows of root crops and corn, when not over 34 feet apart, as they turn the furrow both ways to the crop at once, thus doing double the work of a single mould board.... ...3.00 to 5.00 Rice Trenching Plow. This does the same work as the hands perform on a rice plantation with trenching hoes, and equally as weli, and with five times the rapidity that a negro can work. No rice planter should be without them..... Two and Four-horse Plows, of different sizes, and for all kinds of soil-stony, sandy, loam, or clay; also for stubble and sward land. Some of these have crane clevies attached to them, thus enabling the off' horse, in plowing a wet meadow, to walk on the solid sward, instead of a miry fresh plowed furrow. Others are adapted to trench plowing, enabling the farmer to turn up virgin earth in a deep soil. These plows are strong enough to grub up bushes with their roots, heavy bogs, &c. They likewise answer for partial ditching....

.....5.00 to 20.00

Paring Flows for shaving off the turf preparatory to 15.00 } burning... Harrows. A complete assortment of square, triangle, and double triangle folding harrows, with wrought iron or steel pointed teeth. The last are very superior..... 6.00 to 16.00 Rollers of various kinds, wood, stone, or iron, single or double, and to move by hand or horse power.. ..16.00 to 65.00 Cultivators, hand or horse, of varions patterns.....3.00 to 8.00 Horse Powers. Endless chain single horse.... .......85.00 two-horse...............110.00


"Cast-iron, single or two-horse........... 50.00 to 60.00

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do. four horse... Grain Threshers.... $25.00 to 40.00 Threshers, with Separators....

Clover Mills....

Fanning Mills..

.....95.00 Beaters....20.00 to 25.00 35.00 to 50.00 ...30.00 to 65.00 .........12.00 to 27.00 Burr Stone Mills, for grinding grain.... .30.00 to 125.00 Cast-iron Mills, a new and most admirable invention. They work either by hand or other power, and are well adapted for grinding all kinds of grain, except flouring wheat for market...7.00 to 25.00 Corn and Cob Crushers, for grinding cob in the ear,30.00 to 35.00 Sugar Crushers.....

.........7.50 to 20.00 Paint Mills of various patterns... ...7.00 to 17.00 Corn Shellers and Huskers. Will shell from 100 to 200 bushels of ears per hour, in the best manner. These work by horse or other power..... .25.00 to 50.00

The same worked by hand, made of wood

cast iron......


Vegetable Cutters, for slicing up potatoes, beets, turnips, &c........

Castings of all the patterns for New York and Peekskill Plows' at 4 cents per lb. Worcester ditto, 6 cents.

Seeds of the various kinds, for the field only; such as Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley, Corn, Beans, Peas, and Grass Seeds, Potatoes, Beets, Carrots, and Parsnips. No garden seeds are kept. Fertilizers, such as Guano, Poudrette, Lime, Plaster, Bones. Agricultural Books, a complete assortment.

A liberal discount made to dealers.

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, N. Y.

THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST. TERMS-One Dollar per year in advance; three copies for Two Dollars; eight copies for Five Dollars.

Published Monthly, by SAXTON & MILES, 205 Broadway, New York, containing 32 pages, royal octavo.

Each number of the Agriculturist contains but One sheet, and is transported by mail under the same regulations as newspapers, viz.: free any distance not over 30 miles from its place of publication; over this and within 100 miles, or to any town in the State of New York, one cent postage on each number, and one and a half cents if over 100 miles, without the State.

Editors of newspapers noticing the numbers of this work monthly, or advertising it, will be furnished a copy gratis, upon sending such notice to this office.

Back Volumes of THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST, with tables of contents complete, for sale at $1.00 each; elegantly and uniformly bound in cloth, $1.25. These are handsome, tasteful books, and make very desirable premiums for distribution with Agricultural Societies, and should also find place in all our District School Libraries. They constitute the best and most complete treatise on American Farming, Stock-Breeding, and Horticulture, extant. When several copies are ordered, a

liberal discount will be made.


Shipped by the Peruvian Guano Company of Lima, received per ship Orpheus.

CAUTION. This is the only parcel of GENUINE PERUVIAN Guano now in this country, and may be had of the following


SAML. K. GEORGE, Baltimore.

W. WOODBRIDGE, Savannah.
G. CLEEMAN, Philadelphia.
A. B. ALLEN, New York.
THOMPSON & CO., Brooklyn.

Agents of the

The Coquimbo is expected at this port, and the Troy at Balt
more, with cargoes of this article. Farmers and others are can
tioned against purchasing any as Peruvian, not imported into this
port by the undersigned, or into Baltimore by Saml. K. George.
Agent of the Peruvian Guano Company.
No. 42 South Street, New York, Dec. 27, 1845.

To Subscribers; To Exchange Papers; To the Legislature.. 9
The Alpaca; Cisterns; Clearing Swamps and Marshes...... 10
The Stable, No. 6................

[blocks in formation]

7.00 to 10.00 8.00 to Straw Cutters. Common hand kind.. ........3.00 to Hovey's, with spiral blades......... ...10.00 to Stevens' do. cut from 1 inch to 14 in. long. 10.00 to 15.00 Corn stalk Cutters, Thorn's. Sinclair's, and others25.00 to 45.00 Cotton Ging of various patterns... .......25.00 to 150.00 Ox, Road, or Dirt Scrapers.. .....4.50 to


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Self-Acting Cheese Press, a neat and very superior and simple article...


Farms of the Messrs. Hallock; Cast of a Prize
Short-Horn Heifer

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]


A Potato Washer; Spanish and French Merinos, T. H. N............ 15
Mr. Norton's Letters, No. 15; Working Oxen, N;
Curiosity-Grafting, Robert Hamilton
Agricultural Chemistry and Geology, No. 4;
Diseases of Animals, No. 1, Andrew Stone
Cliques as Opposed to Honorable Competition, Agricola
Fine Clay in Georgia, Wm. Partridge
Curing Meat, Henry J. Canfield.....
Improving Land, W.D...
Cutting Roots, Jas. Winthrop;
Agriculture in Alabama, Alexander McDonald
Carrots versus Oats, S;
Shipping Sheep, Win. Jarvis


Description of a Poultry House, Wm. Leavenworth.
Horticulture in Holland, S. B. Parsons.....
Amer. Ag. Association; A Productive Farm;
Cattle Yards, &c.

c.50 Seed Sowers, various patterns...... ....... .....................................2.50 to 5.00 Horticultural Tool Chests complete............18.00 Wheel-Barrows for Gardens........... ........4.50 Common ditto......... ...2.25 to 3.50 Tree or Bush Pullers, $3.00 to 5.00; Garden Syringes, 3.00 to 3.50. Grain Cradles, 3.00 to 3.50; Sausage Stuffers, 4.50 to 5.00; Lactometers, 2.50; Bee Hives, 3.25; Ox Yokes and Bows, 2.50 to 5.00; Manure Forks, 63 cents to 4.00; Hay ditto, 50 cents to 1.00; Grain and Grass Scythes, 75 cents to 1.00; Swingle Trees, 1.00 to 3.50; Hay and Straw Knives, 1.00 to 2.00; Axes, Collins', Lime in Virginia, Calvin, Tomkins, & Co.; Hunts' and Simons', handled, 1.00 to 1.50; Grubbing Hoes, 50 cts. Cattle Handler, Wm. H. Schermerhorn; to 1.00; Picks, 1.00 to 2.00; Trace Chains, 75 cts. to 1.00; Bud-Overseers for Farms and Plantations ding ditto, 1.13; Ox chains, American 12 cents per lb., English ditto, 9 cts; Shovels, 75 cts. to 1.50; Spades, ditto, ditto; Tree Scrapers, 31 to 75 cents; Schuffling Hoes, 25 cts. to 1.00; Churns, various patterns, 2.00 to 4.00; Grafting Chisels and Saw, handled, 2.00; Hoes, all patterns, 25 to 63 cts.; Potato hooks, 50 cts. to 1.50; Do. Forks, 1.37 to 2.00; Garden Reels, 75 cts. ; Sickles, 37 to 63 cts; Grass Shears, 1.25 to 1.50; Twig Cutters, 50 cts. to 2.00; Vine Scissors, 63 cts.; Pruning Shears, 2.00; Screw Wrench1.50 to 2.00; Sheep Shears, 75 cts. to 1.25; Strawberry Forks, 37 cts.; Scythe Rifles, Rakes, various patterns and various prices; Peat Knives 1.50; Ox Muzzles, 31 to 50 cts. per pair; Ox Howsers, A 50 chets, 500 75, Ctsin store Brushes, Hammers, Axe Handles, Horse Rockets, Grindstones, Rollers, Crank and Shafts, Flower Gatherers, Flails, Edging Knives, Cattle Tie-chains, Bull Rings, Butter Boxes, Bush Hooks, Caterpillar Brushes, Fleams, Scoops, Oz Balls, Post, Spoons, Garden Trowels, Spinning-wheel Heads, Well Wheels, Oven Mouths, Budding Knives, Pruning ditto.

Davison's Invention for Curing Provisions, A. S..
Two Items about Hay, A. R. Ď........


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Raising Sheep at the West; Annual Meeting of the N.Y.
State Ag. Society; Save your Hay Seed
Paulownia Imperialis, Wm. R. Prince
Hogs Running at Large, Quirk
Preserving Poultry and Game Fresh
Milking; Making Stocking Yarn
A Chapter on Grasses, No. 1; Poultry Feeding Fountain 35
Foreign Agricultural News..........
Editor's Table....................

33, 34

Market Transactions of the N.Y. State Ag. Society........

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