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If the cups have sometimes overflowed I know usual labor. I would observe that this experiment not; yet I have often looked through the glasses of was made upon dry soil, and in a very dry season. the hives to see, but have never observed any syrup The process of decomposition underneath the sod on the floor boards. This fact leads me to con- concentrated the moisture, and the unbroken surclude that when, by a sudden elevation of tempera- face prevented evaporation. When I harvested ture, a quantity is forced out by the expansion of (which I think should be as late as possible and air within, the vessel being partially empty, the avoid the freezing), I found that the tops came bees from the same cause require a greater quantity from below the sod, but the potatoes were upon the of food, which compensates the supposed difficulty. surface, some of them out of the ground. I shall The former season I surrounded the feeders with try this mode again, and place the potatoes twelve saw dust as a bad conductor; the latter they had inches apart in the rows. over them empty boxes only. The precaution is, however, to be recommended. Bevan recommends as the best spring food for bees and also the best substitute for honey in autumn, the following compound one pound of coarse brown sugar and three-fourths of a pint of ale, boiled to the consistence of a syrup, to which should be added a teaspoonful of salt. PHILETUS PHILLIPS.

Middletown Point, N. J.

CULTURE OF POTATOES. THE December No. of the Agriculturist contained a short article upon the Potato Rot, and an invitation to its readers to contribute facts relating to the cultivation of the potato.

I have escaped the rot, although all my neighbors have suffered from it the two past years. I cannot account for it, but reasoning from analogy I have formed the following opinion: That if the disease is caused by an insect, the plant may be too mature, or not sufficiently so when the insect appears, to suffer from such attack. Therefore we succeed best when we plant early, or late. This same theory would apply equally well to the sup position that the disease is the effect of the damp, hot weather of August. In sowing wheat in the spring, we know that we escape both the weevil and rust, either by late or early sowing, and I have noticed that the blast in the potato, and the rust on the wheat, come together.

Walpole, N. H., Jan. 13, 1846.



My farm is upon the banks of the Connecticut, and the soil is of alluvial formation. Such soils, are not favorable to the production of potatoes, as they are too close, and harden from the influence of the sun after rain. The porous, moist, upland, IN September, 1843, I sent you an article on the is congenial to the potato. Upon our intervals cultivation of sumach, which appeared in your [meadows or bottoms skirting the river] we pre-number for October. I am pleased to inform you, pare the potato ground precisely as we do for corn, and the friends of American industry generally, by spreading upon the green sward coarse and un- that the quantity sent from the south for the past rotted manure from the barn yard, and turn under as year, 1845, mostly from Virginia, has been equal early as we can. After rolling and harrowing, we to about 10,000 bags, equivalent to 700 tons, being plant upon the surface in hills about three feet nearly one-twentieth of the consumption of the apart in the rows, and make the hill as large as we country. We do not hoe more than once, except in wet seasons, when the weeds flourish.


I mentioned in my former essay, that the most astringent vegetables, or those containing the largest portion of gallic acid, are raised in warm climates. Now, although the sumach sent from Virginia has been used in place of Sicilian, yet that which can be raised in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and more particularly Florida, would be of decidedly better quality. I would, therefore, call the attention of enterprising citizens of those States to the article, and can promise them they can cultivate no product that will pay them better.

I planted one piece in the usual manner as early as the middle of April, and on the last day of May I planted another piece upon the same swell of land, turning under a good coat of grass to the depth of five inches. I then sharpened a stake (not very sharp), which was about three inches in diameter, and put an inch pin through it about ten inches from the bottom, so that stepping upon the pin I could easily perforate the sod. I then began making my holes between the two first furrows, I stated in my article of 1843, "that I had been about eighteen inches apart, and continued to do informed sumach would not reproduce from the so in every fourth lap through the field. I then seed, it being a hybridous plant; but on consultput one medium sized potato in each hole, forcing ing a Mr Woodward, who sent the seed of our it down to the bottom of the sod, and covering it sumach to England, he says it will reproduce, as with my heel. After planting the whole field in much of the seed sent there produces bountifully." this manner, I went over it with the roller, which He states that it should be gathered as soon as ripe, left the surface perfectly smooth. After the tops and planted soon after, so as not to become too old. were three or four inches high, I plastered them, This I consider an important fact, and one which and covered the plaster an inch or two with my our southern planters should embrace; for by hoe. Before the tops got to be too large, I went planting the seed, and mowing down the shoots between the rows with a cultivator, and pulled the three times annually, they might obtain from three weeds out between the hills. The result of the to five tons per acre, with much less expense and experiment was very gratifying. The crop from trouble than by gathering and bringing home the this piece was almost twice as large as from the natural growth scattered extensively over the counother. The potatoes were larger, and much finer try. The sumach is perennial, and when once for the table, and cost me not more than half the planted would last for ages, the crop when sown



annually increasing until the ground became full of roots.

I refer those who may be desirous of cultivating sumach, to my former article, for the time of cutting, and the modes of preparing and packing the article for market. WM. PARTRIDGE.

AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. THE regular monthly meeting of this Association was held at the Historical Society rooms, on the 7th of January. Hon. Luther Bradish, the President, in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Dr. Gardener presented a copy of the first annual report on the Geology of Vermont.

them with a valuable manure. Messrs. Stevens, W. S. McCoun, and S. T. Jones, were appointed as that committee.

Prepared Manures, and their effect upon Crops.Mr. Pell rose and said: By analysis it is known that all cereal grains, cruciferous and leguminous plants, trees, and shrubs, require in the soil the same chemical substances, but in different quantities. These are eleven, viz: potash, soda, lime, magnesia, alumina, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, silica, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, and chlorine. If one be absent, the soil will not grow any cultivated plant. Hence analysis of soils is necessary for a proper and economical application of manure. In a barren soil one necessary ingredient alone might be absent. If, Dr. Alexander H. Stevens stated that he had sown then, ten ingredients be added and the eleventh kept for experiment, the clover seed received from the back, the soil is still barren. Hence, the reason Society, under the name of Persian clover, at a why so much of New York will not grow wheat, former meeting. It proved to be lucerne. He fur- and yet will grow other grain: the requisite quantity ther remarked that he had previously grown lu- of some one or more chemical ingredients necessary cerne with much advantage, and considered it supe- for wheat is absent, but in sufficient quantity for rye, rior to any other green crop. A discussion arose, &c. When, at last, cultivated plants cease to grow, and many inquiries were made in relation to this the five-finger vine appears, as it requires still less crop, from which it appeared that it possessed such of them. In such a stage it is not rare that an exadvantages over other crops, under favorable cir- pense of three dollars per acre will enable soil to cumstances, as to make it an object of importance produce thirty bushels of wheat. I produced 78 to cultivate it more generally than is done at present. bushels of wheat on a piece of worn out ground, by Mr. Stevens described a successful mode of de- fifty cents worth of two ingredients. Like produstroying Canada thistles, where the roots had pen- ces like; and hence if straw of wheat be given to etrated beyond the reach of the plow. His plan the ground it will produce wheat: indeed, wheat was to cultivate the ground thoroughly, and seed may be grown on a pane of glass, if the seed be it down with red top grass seed, sown liberally, so covered with wheat straw in a decomposing state. that the sod should smother the young thistle, and Hence the farmer may sell the grain but not the thus prevent their growth. He also stated that he straw. The farmer who sells straw becomes poor; had sown some of the New Zealand spinach seed he who buys it, grows rich. distributed by the Society. He had succeeded in I apply straw to the cattleyard; it absorbs the liquid raising a few plants, and found it a valuable vege-excrement, and rots. What is long or partly unrotted table for the table. Several gentlemen, who had I apply to hoed crops; what is fine I mix with the also received this seed, reported that they had not eleven requisites and apply as a top dressing. It may been able to raise a plant. be advisable to apply the straw to the ground and

Mr. Andrew H. Green, Cor. Sec'y, made his re-plow it in when unrotted. To grow grains give port. He read communications from Gov. Reed, of the soil straw of its kind; for potatoes, their vines; Bermuda, and Dr. Philips, of Mississippi, accept- grapes, their vines; to apples their branches; and ing the appointment as councillors of the Associa- so of all. The droppings of cattle are the best mation; he also produced a translation of the pam-nure to grow grasses, as they feed on grass; those phlet of Baron Von Speck, on sheep, which had of horses fed on grain for the growth of cereals. been referred to him for translation. He had trans-Onions are grown year after year by only returning lated it himself, and wished the Association to con- the tops to the ground. In Virginia, had the refuse sider whether it was best to publish it. Messrs. of the tobacco plant been returned to the soil, she W. S. McCoun and A. B. Allen were appointed a would not now be barren. The bad farmer is incommittee to examine the translation. jured by the vicinity of well manured land, as maMr. R. L. Pell read a valuable essay (see a con-nure has an affinity for oxygen, hydrogen, ammodensed report of it below) upon the subject of pre- nia, &c., floating in the air, and attracts them to the pared manures, and their effects upon his crops for provident farmer's land.

several successive years, after which he directed Formerly, I applied composts of various things, the attention of the Association to the importance and had wonderful results; Idared not omit any one, of introducing the Peruvian alpaca into this coun- as I knew not which had produced the result. try. He presented a specimen of their wool. It Now, science by analysis shows what is necessary. was moved that a committee of three be appointed By these composts, I grew a squash to weigh 201 to investigate the subject, and bring it before the lbs., the heaviest on record; and a cabbage to weigh Society at a future meeting. Messrs. R. L. Pell, 44 lbs. By it I grew wheat to weigh 64 lbs., rye J. S. Skinner, and Edward Clark were appointed. 60 lbs., oats 44 lbs. When Sprengel made known A motion was made that a committee be appointed his analysis, showing that eleven substances are neto inquire into the subject of the waste manures of cessary to all good soils, I found that my compost by the city, as alluded to in Mr. Pell's essay, and to chance had them all, and twenty other enriching suggest such means as would enable the city to be ingredients. relieved of this nuisance, and at the same time benefit the agricultural community by furnishing

Previous to 1840, my orchards bore only every other year. Since then I make them bear every




year and this year, a bad one for fruit, found Lime has been used by me to great advantage. my manured trees full, and those not manured bar- I prefer oyster shell lime, as it contains no magneThe drought of this year was fatal to fruit; sia, which most stone lime does. I think oyster yet my manured trees had abundant moisture and shell lime has a tendency to lessen in growth the were fruitful. I prefer the manure of decayed vege- stem and leaves, and increase the fruit and seeds. table matter to the excrement of cattle, as the mate- I put on barren or worn out land 300 bushels oysrial that makes and supports the animal has been ter shell hime and it grew wheat to a weight of 64 lbs. extracted, and the excrement is not so rich on that per bushel; with the wheat I sowed one bushel of cloaccount. If the vegetable matter be rotted and verseed and half a bushel of timothy seed per acre, its ammonia fixed by charcoal dust, all the chemical and the next year cut 24 tons, and the second year 3 substances are present. Thus rotted vegetable mat- tons of hay per acre. I have found it of great advanter is more beneficial than the dung of cattle, quan- tage in potato culture; the potatoes do not rot in the tity and quantity alike. ground, while neighboring unlimed ones all do. They are mealy and fine, and do not rot after gathering, and have been free of rot in dry, wet and average seasons. I think it destroys the fungus or insect, if either be the cause of rot.

A most valuable manure is the liquid remaining after the boiling of bones. It is very offensive unless disinfected. When hot it is not offensive, but becomes so when cold. It is a jelly when cold. By the application of charcoal dust to the hot liquid, the jelly when cold is not offensive. In this state it may be made into compost with other substances. In that condition it is a most valuable manure. At present large amounts of the liquid are thrown into the rivers. I prevailed upon a grinder of bones to save his liquid by charcoal, and he now sells what formerly he hired carried away. I have used it with great advantage, both on arable and meadow land.

Charcoal is one of the most valuable manures. It is the most powerful absorbent known. It takes from the atmosphere oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia, &c., and holds them while the weather is dry. During rain it absorbs 80 per cent of water, and releases the gases to descend to the earth to fertilize it. When the weather becomes dry it parts with the water, and absorbs from the air the gases again. This it continues almost perpetually, as it is nearly indestructible. When applied to the earth, the trees, plants, and grasses are found to nave it adhering to their roots ready to impart gases and moisture as wanted. Trees packed in it have remained green for 80 days, while others without it have died in like circumstances. Hams and salt meats are preserved perfectly when packed in it. I preserved apples in perfect condition for one year If spread over compost heaps, barn-yards, stable-floors, in privies, it absorbs the ammonia, prevents offensive smells, fixes the volatile gases, and thus makes a valuable compost.

in it.

Ashes applied to sandy soils are valuable; and on some soils leached are as good as unleached. I have known land too poor to grow 8 bushels of corn, made to produce 45 bush. by ashes alone; and they are more valuable on a sandy soil than any other manure except marly clay. They enable the sandy soil to retain its moisture, a great point. They are used to great advantage on Long Island and in New Jersey. They stimulate growth as does plaster. Sown broad cast on grass, the effect is perceptible at a great distance. The yield the first year on sandy soils in grass, will pay the expense of applying forty bushels to the acre. They give to the soil silicate of potash, which is needed to form stems.

Ashes have two actions on soils, viz., chemically by alkali they neutralize acids; and mechanically by rendering sandy soils more tenacious. Muck is made valuable by them, when mixed in compost; the acid of the muck is destroyed by the alkali, and fermentation follows.

Bone dust I have used and find it most valuable, and advise its use, especially on soils long cultivated, destitute of phosphate of lime; it is the most efficacious manure that can be used on an exhausted soil, but will do better on dry calcareous soil than on such as contain alumina. It should be mixed with earth to ferment before spreading. There should be used from 12 to 20 bushels to the acre. It seems best on turnips. In compost, it is valuable, as it yields phosphates largely. It is said that in England, where on lands it had been applied 20 years before, its effect could be seen to a yard. I trust the exportation of bones from our country will soon cease. I have used guano successfully and unsuccessfully. Mixed with earth and applied to plants in close contact it was injurious; applied in weak solution to grass land and green house plants its effect was wonderful. My experience shows that its method of use will determine its value. In composts I have found it very effective.

Night soil is one of the most valuable manures. In this country, as well as in England, great prejudice prevails against its use in agriculture or gardening. For ages it has been used in Asia and particularly in China. In France, in Belgium, Bohemia, Saxony, all the German confederacy, and Sweden its destruction or waste is prohibited by law. In England and America it is thrown into the rivers to befoul them, and the fish which devour it are eaten instead of vegetables grown by it. As manure, 6 loads of it have been found to produce 650 bushels per acre of potatoes, while, on the same ground. 120 loads of horse manure yielded only 480 bushels.

In conclusion, I have to remark that the main stay of the farmer is his barnyard manure. Yet this varies in quality, according to the material of which it is made, and the manner of making. Thus the droppings of cattle fed on straw and turnips are far less valuable than those of cattle fed on hay and oil cake; and it is economy to feed hay and oil cake rather than straw and turnips. So in manuring; that which is leached by rains and volatilized by the sun is less valuable than the unleached and unsunned. But this is too extensive a subject to take up, and is so well understood by good farmers, that it is unnecessary to say more on the subject.

Mr. Pell made some further remarks on methods of cultivation, which we will report in our next.

After some business relating to the Society was transacted, the meeting adjourned.




ANNUAL MEETING OF NEW YORK STATE the annual address. The new officers were then installed, and after the passage of some resolutions and some interesting discussion, the Society adjourned.

THE Society met in the Capitol on the 21st of January.

The meeting was called to order by the President, B. P. Johnson, Esq.

The Recording Secretary, L. Tucker, read the list of members present.

The Treasurer, T. Hillhouse, read the report of the Committee appointed to examine the Treasurer's accounts. The accounts were reported satisfactory. The Treasurer then read his report. From this it appears that the Receipts of the year 1845, including balance on hand Jan. 1, 1845, were Disbursements... .3,776 06 Invested on bond and mortgage.2,000 00

... $6,322 27 5,776 06

Balance on hand Jan. 1, 1846. . . . . . . $546 21 Mr. Geddes reported, that the Committee on Corn had awarded the premium on corn to Geo. Vail, of Troy, 91 bushels to the acre.

C. N. Bement, chairman, reported the awards of premiums made by the Committee on root crops. Mr. Fuller, of Onondaga Co., moved that a committee of three from each Senatorial District, be appointed to recommend suitable persons as officers of the Society for the year 1846, and to report to the Executive Committee a proper place at which the Annual Show of the Society should be held; the motion prevailed.

Mr. Cheever, of Albany Co., moved that the committee of nomination be chosen by the delegates present from each Senatorial District, each delegation to select three of its members; the motion prevailed.

The delegations then retired, and on coming in reported the committee.

L. F. Allen offered a resolution, proposing a committee to investigate and report to the Society all information that can be obtained in reference to the dairies of this State. The resolution was adopted, and L. F. Allen, D. Lee, E. Comstock, Z. Pratt, and Wm. Walbridge, were appointed the committee. The Society adjourned to meet at 6 o'clock,

P. M.

On convening at evening, Mr. Denniston, of the nominating committee, reported the following names, viz. :

President, J. M. SHERWOOD; Vice Presidents, R. H. LUDLOW, A. BOCKEE, E. P. PRENTICE, T. I. MARVIN, P. JONES, J. M. SPEED, H. S. RANDALL, and LEWIS F. ALLEN Recording Secretary, LUTHER TUCKER; Corresponding Secretary, JOEL B. NOTT; Treasurer, T. HILLHOUSE; Executive Committee, A. CON CKLIN, GEO. VAIL, AMI. DOUBLEDAY, A. STEVENS, and J. MILLER.

Mr. Hillhouse declined, and J. M. D. McIntire was substituted, and the nominees were elected by the Society.

The committee recommended Auburn as the place for the next Show.

The Society then adjourned to the next day. On the 22d, the Society met and heard reports from its officers and various committees, and adjourned to evening, when the President delivered

On the 224, the Executive Committee met, and adopted the recommendation of the nominating committee, and selected Auburn as the place of the Show for this year. Mr. Tucker resigned the duties of his office, and they were devolved on the Corresponding Secretary.




I HAVE seen in the Baltimore American, National Intelligencer, and other southern papers, an advertisement, offering for sale the cargo of Guano imported into New York in the Caroline Amelia, Peruvian Guano, from the Chincha Islands" and that the farmers of the United States may not be imposed upon in the purchase of this manure, I beg leave to avail myself of your journal to enlighten them on this subject.

The Caroline Amelia was loaded under a license from the Chilian Government, at a distance of nearly a thousand miles from the Chincha Islands, and her cargo is of a quality far inferior to that obtained in Peru. Indeed, much of that sent to England from the same place has been found to be entirely worthless, from exposure to the rain where deposited; and from being strongly impregnated with salt, from the beating of the surf against the low rocks where it is gathered. Another vessel, the Wodan, under the Danish flag, was also loaded at the same place for the United States, and the same imposition may be attempted with her cargo.

The only genuine Peruvian Guano sent to this Peruvian Guano Company, under authority of the country, is shipped at the Chincha Islands, by the Peruvian Government, and all to my consignment. It will be received by me at New York, or by Mr. SAM'L K. GEORGE, at Baltimore. ed as Peruvian, is spurious, and our farmers must Any other offerbe cautious to ascertain the origin of what they buy to avoid imposition.

in the United States are those of the Orpheus and The only two cargoes of Peruvian Guano now Coquimbo. The ships Regulus, Troy, and Missishere or at Baltimore, in the course of the spring. sippi, are expected to arrive with further supplies,

Enclosed I send you the analysis of a sample of this Chilian Guano by Dr. Chilton of this city: Phosphate of Lime.. Carbonate of Lime.




Alumina, &c. Stony matter... 16.22

Chloride of Sodium.
Sulphate of Soda··



Sulphate of Ammonia,

Phosphate of Ammonia,


Muriate of Ammonia,

Urate of Ammonia,

Undecomposed Organic Matter... Water and loss..





New York, Jan'y 13, 1846.

tific men.

Ladies' Department.


[blocks in formation]

12th.-Having secured my little prisoner, the apple worm, which I captured on the 1st, in a box, and placed in a warm room beside one conSINCE Some of the pages of your periodical have taining several apples with worms in them, I find been devoted to the ladies, it has occurred to me, fied my curiosity by appearing in their spring dress. they have anticipated spring, and some have gratithat extracts from an unpublished journal of an They are now beautiful little dark brown moths, Old Lady, which has lately fallen into my posses- and, as I suspected, all of the same family, deserving sion, might frequently afford useful hints to to be better known than I believe them to be farmers' wives, and occasionally throw light on among the farmers, though well known to the ensome of those subjects that are beginning to attract tomologists as the Carpocapsa pononana, one of the the attention of practical farmers, as well as scien- family of the Tortrix. I will therefore refer to my The writer of this Journal appears to previous observations on this family, and describe have spent a long life in the country, devoting them at length; and that I may be better acquainted herself to homely pursuits and useful studies-and with them in future, I will sketch their portraits in taking for her motto-" Whatever is worth doing, their various disguises as they now lie before me. is worth doing well." She pretends to little scientific information; but appears devotedly fond of the contemplation of the operations of nature, as presented to her view-whether it be in the changing clouds and skies-the still forest-the useful field and garden-or in the homely kitchen and its fireside combinations. But, above all, the study of the insect world appears to have been her peculiar delight, and to this she seems to have devoted many of her leisure hours, carefully noting down any interesting fact that has fallen under her notice. To this portion of her journal I will now call the attention of my country-women, hoping that the observations of this good old lady may not only amuse and interest, but induce some to follow her example, and find in the book of nature their chief happiness.


1, Cocoon or silk covering, on the bark; 2, chrysalis; 3, perfect moth, at rest; 4, moth on the wing; 5, worm.

Moth. The upper wings of this little moth (4) are of a light grey color, beautifully pencilled and mottled with dark brown dots and waving lines; the back margin is ornamented with a large reddish brown spot, surrounded with a border of reddish brown gold, edged with a sparkling brown fringe. The under wings are of a light brownish red, shaded into a light dusky yellow, with a sparkling lustre, and bordered by a fringe. The body is light brownish grey, pencilled with dark brown lines, like the upper wings. The chrysalis (2) is a bright reddish brown; the cocoon (1), a dark brown flattened oval silk ball, closely woven to, and surrounded by, the bark.

Feb. 1st.-A fine cold day-must go and see what my friends the woodpeckers are about, as there are an unusual number employed among the fruit trees amply paid for my trouble, and have gained subjects for thought to amuse me for a month. Having noticed that the woodpeckers were most busily engaged on the oldest fruit trees and those that had the roughest bark, I chose a large old apple tree for my observations, and with my pruning knife, which I always carry with me, carefully raised the loose bark. For some time I could detect nothing that could interest either me or a woodpecker; but at length I discovered a little dark substance resembling coarse mud-colored silk, which appeared to glue a piece of loose bark to the tree. On removing it carefully, I found the coarse, dark cover, beautifully lined with soft In the months of May and June, great numbers white silk, forming a bed and cover to a little red-of these little moths may be seen at rest on the trees dish brown worm, which appeared fast asleep, or concealed among the grass during the day; but and carefully cradled for the winter. Pursuing as evening approaches, they begin their work of my search further, I found many more; but some destruction, by depositing their eggs on the young had undergone a change, and become what the en- fruit, always choosing the firmest and best as food tomologists call a chrysalis. (See 5, Fig. 14.) for the future grubs. The eggs are usually depoHere, then, was a reason for the visit from the wood-sited near the blossom or hollow of the apple, near peckers, who had found out the secret before me. the stalk. In a few days the eggs are hatched, and But who is the little worm, and to what the little worms enter the young fruit, where they family does he belong? Of this the woodpeckers feed for three or four weeks; they then leave the know nothing, and the worm is fast asleep. I fruit whether it has fallen or not from the tree, and must try and find out. On carefully examining my find for themselves a home, usually under the bark little prisoner, I find a strong resemblance to a trou- of the tree, where they spin their beautifully and blesome family that has annoyed me all summer, curiously contrived covering, to shelter themselves commonly called apple worm, some of whom are during their helpless state. In a few days the little still lingering in the cores of my winter store grub changes first to a chrysalis, then to a moth, apples. I must look further into this matter, and and comes out to deposit her eggs on the remaining see what are his future intentions. fruit, which will be destroyed in proportion to the

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