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Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, | Argentina-Continued.


Alien Property Custodian, proposed
disposition of property held by, XXI,

Austrian representations for release,

Estimates of probable awards of
Tripartite Claims Commission
against Austria and Hungary,
304, 308

Statement of Secretary of State to

House Ways and Means Com-
mittee regarding return of Aus-
trian and Hungarian property,

Aliens (see also Canada: Border-cross-
ing privileges), status of, 384
American Institute of International
Law. See under International
Commission of Jurists.


Bolivia-Paraguay. See Arbitration
under Boundary disputes: Boliv-

Dominican Republic-Haiti, possi-
bility of arbitration of boundary
question, 345-346, 350, 351, 352-
353, 353-354

Ecuador Peru, boundary litigation,
1924 agreement for U. S. arbitra-
tion, 340

Proposals and discussions of Inter-

national Commission of Jurists,
367-368, 387-388, 388, 389-390,

San Andrés Archipelago:

Colombian unwillingness to arbi-

trate question with Nicaragua,

Keys claimed by United States,
suggestions for arbitration of
ownership, 324-325, 328-329;
U. S. attitude, 325-326
Argentina (see also Boundary disputes:
Bolivia-Paraguay), 10, 19-20, 20n,
203-204, 421-436

Attitude toward negotiations of Pre-

paratory Commission for the Dis-
armament Conference, 203-204
Loan for naval construction, pro-
posed, 427-428, 429, 432
Naval construction, U. S. efforts to
secure for American firms equal
consideration with other foreign
companies in bids, 424-436

Treaty of friendship, commerce and
consular rights with United
States, proposed, attitude of
Argentina, 421-423

U. S. proposal for conference for
limitation of naval armament,
transmittal to Argentina for
information, 10; reply of Argen-
tina and U. S. attitude, 19-20,

Arms and munitions. See Preparatory
Commission for the Disarmament
Conference; Special Commission
for the Preparation of a Draft Con-
vention on the Private Manufac-
ture of Arms, etc.; Three-Power
Conference at Geneva; and Wash-
ington Conference of 1922.
Asylum, 370, 387
Australia, representations by Austral-
ian Government regarding entry of
Australian businessmen into United
States, 437-441

Austria (see also Alien Property Cus-
todian), 442-476

Investment program, 443, 446-447,
448-449, 450, 452

Loans, 442-475

Investment loan, proposed (see also
Relief loans, infra):

Amount, term, and purpose, 442,
443, 445, 446-447, 450-451
Attitude of Czechoslovakia and
the Netherlands, 461
Consent of

Committee of Control of the
Guarantor. States for the
Reconstruction of Aus-
tria, 442-443, 445, 448,
451, 452-453, 469-470,

Relief Bonds Committee, In-
ternational, 445, 455, 456-
457, 461, 462-463, 464,
469, 470-471

Reparation Commission, 442,
443, 445, 455, 460, 463
United States. See Relief
loans, infra.

Cooperation of League of Na-
tions, 442-443, 445-446
Morgan & Co., J. P., negotia-
tions in connection with,
445-446, 450-452, 457, 460,
461, 465, 467, 473-474



Reconstruction loan of 1923, 444,
458, 461, 467

Relief loans (see also Investment
loan: Consent of Relief Bonds
Committec, supra):
Austrian assets pledged for pay-

ment, request to United
States for subordination to
new investment loan (see
also Joint Resolution, infra),
456-457, 459, 472–473; U. S.
attitude, 474-475

Funding of, Austrian proposal,
457, 458-459, 461-462, 463-
465, 466-469, 472-473
Joint Resolution of U. S. Con-
gress (1922) extending pay-
ments 25 years, question of
further extension of pay-
ments, 443, 444-445, 447-
448,450,451, 453-456, 458,459
Prepayments, Austrian proposal,
462, 473-474

Relief Bonds Committee, Interna-
tional (see also Loans: Invest-
ment loan: Consent of Relief
Bonds Committee, supra): Meet-
ings, 456-457, 461–463, 464, 466-
469; U. S. representation, ques-
tion of, 460, 464, 465, 473, 474
Vienna Palace of Justice riots, action
of American Minister on occasion
of, 475-476

Aviation service to Latin America, re-
marks of President Coolidge, IX
Berizzi Brothers Company, Appellant vs.
The Steamship "Pesaro", 418
Bethlehem Steel Corporation, efforts to

secure naval construction contracts
with Argentina, 425, 426-427, 429,
429-431, 435, 436

Bolivia (see also under Boundary dis-

putes), treaty of friendship, com-
merce and consular rights with
United States, proposed, 477-480;
Bolivian attitude, 479

Bolshevik aims and policies in Mexico
and Latin America, statement by
Secretary of State, 356-363
Boundary disputes:

Bolivia-Paraguay, 315-322
Arbitration: Provision for arbitral
tribunal, 317; submission to
arbitration, possibility of, 315-
316, 319, 321, 322

Good offices of Argentina for settle-

Acceptance of offer, 315-316,

Conference for settlement: Ar-
rival at impasse, 319-320,
321; meetings, 318-319, 320-
321; personnel, 318; sus-
pension, 321, 322

Boundary disputes—Continued.

Good offices, etc.-Continued.
Suggestion for agreement, 321-
Submission of controversy to
United States, possibility of,

Colombia-Nicaragua, question of
ownership of San Andrés Archi-
pelago, 322-331

Colombian proposal for settlement,
negotiation of:

Delay in negotiations, 329–331
Formulas for settlement pro-

posed by Colombian Govern-
ment, 323, 325, 328-329; by
Colombian Minister, 324-
325, 326-328

Nicaraguan indications of willing-
ness to enter upon negotia-
tions, 322-323

Keys claimed by United States,
question of, 324-329

Colombia-Peru, ratification by Peru
of boundary treaty of 1922, 331-

Act of Peruvian Congress approv-
ing, 343, 343–344

Delay in ratification, Colombian
representations concerning, and
Peruvian explanations, 331-
332, 333-335, 336-337, 341
U. S. good offices in obtaining, 332-
333, 334-336, 337-338, 340-341,
342-343, 344

Appreciation of Colombia, 343
Protest of Ecuador, 338-341
Dominican Republic-Haiti, negotia-
tions for settlement, 345-356
Arbitration, possibility of, 345–346,
351, 352-353, 353–354
Conference at Santo Domingo, 354-

Good offices of United States, 346,
348, 349-350, 356

Treaty of amity suggested by
Haitian President, 347-348,
349, 350, 352–354; Dominican
attitude, 350-352

Visit of President Vasquez to
Haiti, 345, 346-348

Ecuador-Peru, agreement (1924) for
submission of question to arbi-
tration, 340

Boundary treaties:
Colombia-Ecuador (1916), cited, 339-

Colombia-Nicaragua, 'proposed
boundary treaty, 324-325, 327,
Colombia-Peru. See Boundary dis-
putes: Colombia-Peru.


Boundary treaties-Continued.
Ecuador-Peru, agreement (1924) for
submission of boundary dis-
pute to arbitration of United
States, 340

Brazil, U. S. proposal for conference for
limitation of naval armament,
transmittal to Brazil for informa-
tion, and further correspondence,
9n, 20n

Canada, XVIII, 481-516
Border-crossing privileges between
Canada and United States,
changes in procedure effected by
General Order No. 86 of U. S.
Department of Labor, 494-511
Canadian representations concern-

ing changes, 496, 502-506, 508-
Conference for discussing effects of

order, and efforts of United
States to meet difficulties con-
cerning foreign-born residents
of Canada, 496-502, 502, 510-

Text of order, and questions and
answers concerning interpreta-
tion, 494-496, 506-508
Establishment of direct diplomatic
relations with United States,

Great Lakes (see also St. Lawrence
Waterway, infra), continued pro-
tests by Canadian Government
against increased diversion of
waters, 484-487; publication of
correspondence, question of, 484-


International Joint Commission:
Roseau River, U. S. proposals for
referring to Commission prob-
lem of improving, 490-492,
493-494; Canadian attitude,


St. Lawrence Waterway project,
report and recommendations,
487, 488, 489-490

Joint Board of Engineers, XVIII,
484-485, 486, 488, 489-490
Roseau River, problem of improving,

U. S. proposals for referring to
International Joint Commis-
sion, 490-492, 493-494; Cana-
dian attitude, 492

Seine fishing in Missisquoi Bay, dis-
inclination of Canada to au-
thorize discontinuance, 511-516
St. Lawrence River Commission,

St. Lawrence Waterway, project for
improvement by joint action of
the United States and Canada,

Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, 399-400

Chile, 9-10, 20, 203n, 205, 517-551
Attitude toward negotiations of Pre-
paratory Commission for the
Disarmament Conference, 203n,

Disagreement of Department of State
with decision of Chilean court
that a diplomatic secretary does
not enjoy diplomatic immunity,

Treaty of friendship, commerce and
consular rights with United
States, proposed, 517–526
Chilean attitude, 519-520, 523
Instructions to U. S. Ambassador

concerning draft and negotia-
tions, 517-519, 520-522, 523,

U. S. proposal for conference for
limitation of naval armament,
transmittal to Chile for informa-
tion, and further correspondence,
9-10, 20

U. S. representations regarding pro-
posed Chilean legislation con-

Coal, 537-541; signature of law,

Insurance, 541-549

Mercantile marine, 526–537
China: Japanese position with respect
to, 39, 50; protection of U. S.
citizens, XXIV; Washington Confer-
ence treaties and resolutions, status
of, 236-238

Claims. See Alien Property Custodian.
Colombia. See under Boundary dis-

Commercial and banking interests of

United States (see also Chile: U. S.
representations, etc.; and Morgan
& Co., J. P.): Steel interests, press
reports concerning presence of rep-
resentatives at Three-Power Con-
ference at Geneva, 96-97, 106;
U. S. circular instruction to diplo-
matic and certain consular officers
concerning questions arising from
negotiation of foreign loans by
American bankers, 312-315; U. S.
efforts to secure for American firms
equal consideration with
foreign companies in bids for
Argentine naval construction, 424-

Commercial treaties and agreements.
See under Great Britain; also Treaty
of friendship, commerce and con-
sular rights under Argentina, Bo-
livia, and Chile.


Commissions, committees, etc.:
Commissions of conciliation, 387, 388
Commissions of inquiry: American,

387-388, 389; proposal of Sub-
committee A of the Preparatory
Commission for the Disarma-
ment Conference, observations of
U. S. and other delegations,
Committee of Control of the Guaran-

tor States for the Reconstruction
of Austria, consent to Austrian
investment loan, 442-443, 445,
448, 451, 452-453, 469-470, 471-
Committee of Experts for the Pro-

gressive Codification of Inter-
national Law, questionnaires,

Committee of Experts on Double
Taxation and Tax Evasion, par-
ticipation of United States in
meeting, 286-288

International Commission of Jurists.
See International Commission of

International Joint Commission,

U.S.-Canada. See under Canada.
Joint Commission of the Preparatory
Commission for the Disarma-
ment Conference. See under
Preparatory Commission.
Permanent Advisory Commission of
the League of Nations, 217
Relief Bonds Committee, Interna-
tional. See under Austria.
Reparation Commission, consent to
Austrian investment loan, ques-
tion of, 442, 443, 445, 455, 460,
Security Committee of Preparatory
Commission for the Disarma-
ment Conference, question of
U. S. participation in work,

Special Commission for the Prepara-
tion of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms
and Ammunition and Imple-
ments of War. See Special Com-
mission, etc.

St. Lawrence River Commission, 487–

Temporary Mixed Commission on
Armaments, 217-218

Tripartite Claims Commission, U. S.–
Austria and Hungary, 302-303,
304, 305-308

Communism, statement by Secretary of
State regarding Bolshevik aims and
policies in Mexico and Latin Amer-
ica, 356-363

Conciliation, commissions of, 387, 388

[blocks in formation]

Hague peace conferences of 1899 and
1907, and conferences on private
international law, 372, 384-385,
387, 388

Import and Export Prohibitions and
Restrictions, Conference for the
Abolition of. See Import and
Export Prohibitions and Re-
strictions, etc.

International Commission of Jurists.
See International Commission of

Naval Armament Limitation, Three-
Power Conference for. See Three-
Power Conference at Geneva.
Radiotelegraph Conference, Third In-
ternational, 288n

Special Commission for the Prepara-
tion of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms
and Ammunition and Imple-
ments of War. See Special Com-
mission, etc.

World Economic Conference.

World Economic Conference.


Conflict of laws. See International
Commission of Jurists: Accom-
plishments and recommendations
concerning private international

Consular officers. See Diplomatic and
consular officers.
tions, etc.

See Treaties, conven-

Coolidge, Calvin (President):
Executive order regarding rules of

precedence as between certain
officers of the United States,

Messages to Congress: Annual, v−XXV;

Feb. 5, recommending appro-
priation for American representa-
tion at World Economic Confer-
ence, 238-239, 239-240; Feb. 10,
concerning invitation to confer-
ence for naval armament limits-
tion, text, 6-8


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