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Statement Made at New York City, November 25, 1938, Before Sailing for the Conference


HE delegation of the United States sails

to take part in the Eighth International

Conference of American States at Lima at a time when a friendly and dispassionate approach to international problems is essential. In its invitation to participate in the Conference, the Government of Peru commented upon the grave problems which are disturbing the world today and which are compromising its security. It observed that the situation requires the nations of America to strengthen their traditional ties and endeavor to create new bonds of solidarity which would serve to eliminate the danger of war among themselves and to safeguard them from the propagation on their soil of extracontinental disputes. The Government of the United States will strongly support at the coming Conference every effort designed

so to strengthen these traditional ties among the American peoples and their governments.

will heartily favor all measures for their mutual benefit.

The continued loyal observance of the American system of consultation and cooperation, the utilization of our inter-American peace machinery, and the support of our principles of the peaceful settlement of international disputes will be most constructive factors in the solution of world problems today. The encouraging developments in many phases of inter-American relations during the two years which have elapsed since the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace met at Buenos Aires give us every reason to hope for further effective progress at Lima. The mere fact that the representatives of twenty-one nations can meet to discuss their problems in a spirit of trust, understanding, and tolerance is a solid cause for hope in a world threatened today with despair. This approach to international relations strengthens our faith in the

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