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create a wholly satisfactory friendship. Relationships dictated by force or created in the design of self-interest run along only until the force is broken or abused, or until the selfinterest changes. Then they end in disillusion, or worse. We, however, are making a great effort for relationships based on trusting friendship. Such friendships grow slowly. They must be carefully respected and tended in a thousand ways. We are all determined that this must be the basis of our relationship and that such friendship shall be its ruling bond.

We have here stated our agreements in declarations rather than in treaties or conventions. That is wise when the matters dealt with are of general character and of political nature. The people of the American republics have a proud history of the use of declarations. Their national life has grown in and out of the declarations of independence which mark their birth. And so in this Declaration of Lima lies the future of the solidarity of the American republics. It rests on the history and spirit of

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the peoples and such can be the only guaranty of its significance. It will be determinedunder the test of grave events-by the constancy and ardor with which the American republics consecrate themselves to the great and creative task of keeping alive that program of principles which have guided us in our deliberations, and on which peace and well-being under law and order must rest. From my experience here I have absolute faith that each and every one of the twenty-one American republics will be faithful in this endeavor and that each and every one will strive to the utmost to carry out the broad and essential program that has here been proclaimed. The utmost degree of vigilance, which only those who love liberty are capable of exerting, may be required.

I turn again to you, Mr. President, as our host, and thank you in the name of all the delegations. It was in Lima in times past that many congresses assembled and made their contributions to American history. It must be a source of pride and satisfaction to you and every

Peruvian that it was in Lima again that the labors begun so many years ago have gone further forward toward fruition.

On behalf of the delegates of the twenty American republics who have been guests at this Conference, I raise my glass to our host, His Excellency the President of Peru, to his charming wife, and to the Government and people of Peru, and wish them every success and happiness in the days to come.

Statement Made at Guayaquil, Ecuador, December 30, 1938, on Returning to the United States From the Conference


LL of us have reason to be immensely

pleased and encouraged by the results

obtained at the Eighth International Conference of American States. We made real progress in our development of the program we have set for ourselves on these continents. We have made it clear that the American nations are united in their effort to secure, on these continents and throughout the world, a system of international relations that will mean peace, economic and social security, and friendly understanding and cooperation among the peoples of all nations.

Dr. Julio Tobar Donoso, president of the Ecuadoran delegation, was selected for the important position of president of the Committee on Intellectual Cooperation and Moral Dis

armament. His effective work, as well as the contribution made to the Conference by all members of the Ecuadoran delegation, should be a source of pride to the Ecuadoran Government and people. Ecuador again has made a valuable contribution to real Pan-Americanism and to sound international relations.

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