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Statement Made at Buenaventura, Colombia, January 1, 1939, on Returning to the United States From the Conference


AM sure that every one of the American

republics will share with the United States

a feeling of great encouragement and satisfaction over the results of the Conference at Lima. There was genuine cooperation and a most friendly and constructive interchange of ideas. I come from the Conference with a renewed hope and optimism regarding peace, economic restoration, and a genuine understanding and spiritual interchange among the peoples of the American republics.

Colombia, as always, made a fine contribution to the work of the Conference. The president and other members of the Colombian delegation took a most active and helpful part in working out the Declaration of the Principles of the Solidarity of America which, I am con

vinced, will prove of increasing significance both in inter-American relations and as a stabilizing influence in the world situation. Dr. Roberto Urdaneta Arbeláez, one of the Colombian delegates, presided ably over the extremely important Committee on International Law.

The selection of Bogotá as the seat of the Ninth International Conference of American States is a well-merited recognition of Colombia's contribution to Pan-Americanism and to sound international relations. I sincerely congratulate the Colombian Government and people upon this honor, and I am confident that the Ninth Conference will fulfil the high expectations of all of us.

Statement Made at Panamá, January 3, 1939, on Returning to the United States From the Conference


HEN I had the pleasure of visiting

Panama on my way to Lima, I ex

pressed high hopes regarding the accomplishments of the Eighth International Conference of American States. I return from the Conference with the conviction that those hopes have been fully realized. We have made fine progress in our inter-American program for peace, economic welfare, and friendly cooperation in all fields of common endeavor. There is every reason to expect that the action taken by the American republics at this significant meeting will be a stabilizing and constructive force in the world situation today.

The delegation of Panama made its splendid contribution to our common task. Dr. Nar

ciso Garay, president of the Panamanian dele

gation, was vice president of the Committee on the Organization of Peace. The work of this committee was one of the outstanding accomplishments of the Conference. All members of the Panamanian delegation are to be congratulated upon their broad and progressive spirit and upon their effective support of those principles which we have undertaken to maintain and defend.

Statement Made at New York City, January 9, 1939, Upon Return From the Conference


T WOULD not be possible in a short state

ment to make adequate comment upon the

work of the Eighth International Conference of American States. I believe that I can report to you, however, that significant and enduring developments in the relationships of the American republics took place at Lima. The delegates attending the Conference were virtually as one in the view that the Conference was an outstanding success and that it set an example for the conduct of international relations by friendly discussion rather than by force and violence.

All the delegates at Lima with whom I had contact were vividly aware of the economic chaos existing in considerable part of the world. They realized that this chaos would eventually involve their own countries unless preventive

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