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The Honorable Cordell Hull
Secretary of State of the United States of America

In Connection With the

Eighth International Conference of American States
held at

Lima, Peru, December 9-27, 1938


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The Secretary of State, the Honorable Cordell Hull, was Chairman of the United States Delegation to the Eighth International Conference of American States, which met in Lima, Peru, December 9-27, 1938. This was the third official trip to South America which Mr. Hull had made since he became Secretary of State. He was Chairman of the United States Delegations to the Seventh International Conference of American States at Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1933 and the Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace at Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1936.

Mr. Hull visited the countries touched en route to and from Lima, and the present publication contains not only the addresses and statements made by him at the Conference but also those made by him in connection with his trip. This was Mr. Hull's second visit to Lima and intermediate points, as he returned by the west coast from Montevideo after attending the Seventh International Conference of American States.




November 25 Sailed from New York.

November 30 Arrived at Cristóbal, Canal Zone; pro

ceeded by train to Balboa, Canal

Zone; and visited Panamá, Panama.

December I Sailed from Panamá, Panama.

December 2 Arrived at and sailed from Buenaven

tura, Colombia.

December 4 Arrived at and sailed from Guayaquil, Ecuador.

December 7 Arrived at Lima, Peru.

December 27 Sailed from Lima, Peru.



I Arrived at and sailed from Buenaventura, Colombia.


3 Arrived at and sailed from Balboa, Canal Zone.


3 Arrived at and sailed from Cristóbal,

Canal Zone.


9 Arrived at New York.

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