IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION, WITH REFERENCES TO DR. SCHMITZ'S LATIN GRAMMAR, PREPARED BY G. F. H. SYKES, B.A. (LOND.), AUTHOR OF GRAMMATICAL EXERCISES IN LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION." LONDON AND GLASGOW: PREFACE. IN preparing this book, three objects have been kept in view: first, to provide suitable Exercises for the pupil while he is learning the Latin Accidence; next, to familiarise him with the commoner constructions in Latin Syntax; and lastly, to furnish him with a stock of common Latin words to be committed to memory. For want of this last practice, many pupils, on beginning to read a Latin author, have the needless labour of turning up in the dictionary words which should be at their fingers' ends. A great deal of the matter has already appeared in the Grammatical Exercises in Latin Prose, to which this book will serve as a good introduction. All difficult words and constructions have been omitted, the exercises and vocabularies shortened, and the matter in general recast to suit the purpose of an elementary book. Reference is made throughout to Dr. Schmitz's Latin Grammar, also to the Public School Latin Primer. For classes in schools, teachers will find a very useful companion to this book in Steps in Latin Accidence, a set of 12 cards, published for the author by Messrs. Relfe Brothers, London, which contain all the necessary forms of Declension and Conjugation. G. F. H. SYKES. WOODFORD, January 1, 1879. CONTENTS. PAGE Ex. XXVI-XXX.—Comparison of Adjectives, 34-37 |