DICTATION EXERCISES. SECOND SERIES. BY ELIZABETH M. SEWELL Author of 'Amy Herbert' and other Tales; 'Dictation Exercises, LONDON: LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN, ROBERTS, & GREEN. AN ATTEMPT has been made in this Second Series of 'Dictation Lessons' to bring into a connected form, and within a moderate compass, the principal words in the English language ; including both those used in conversation and those required for literary purposes. It is thought that the meaning of words, when they stand in their natural place in a sentence, is likely to be more readily acquired than it would be by the aid of a dictionary; whilst the fact of seeing them, instead of merely hearing them repeated, will, it is hoped, tend to form the habit of correct orthography. The lesson is intended to be read over by the pupil before it is written, the great object being to accustom the eye always to the true spelling of the words. A Vocabulary of the most difficult words, and of those few which are not inserted in regular sentences, has also been provided. BONCHURCH: May 23, 1865. a |