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heat of a lamp in order to expel the water retained at 300° to 350° C. To facilitate this removal the stand is on rollers, so that after clamping the projecting end of the tube and removing the front of the box F and the little side pieces S closing the horizontal slits, the oven can be rolled bodily backward, leaving the tube and its attachments in their original position ready for further heating over a burner or blast. The removable front F of the oven is made of two pieces of sheet asbestos board stiffened by an interlaid piece of sheet copper. The inner piece of asbestos board fits snugly into the box, while the



FIG. 3.-Chatard's form of drying oven for water determinations. B, copper box, 18cm. long, 10 cm. high, 9cm. wide, open in front, its sides and top covered with asbestos board; S, two slides of different sizes to close the openings O, after the tube is in position; F, asbestos-board front stiffened by an interlaid sheet of copper; R, metal rod to hold front in place; A, calcium chloride absorption tube.

outer one, being slightly larger, by its projecting edges hinders the door from falling in and helps to prevent air currents. This door is held in place by the metal rod R. The little slides S are made in a somewhat similar manner, and are intended to slip in from the front and close the two openings O after the tube is in place, but before closing the front.

For other forms of tubes adapted to similar determinations, see pages 40 and 46.





In a few cases the simple loss on ignition of a rock will give the total water with accuracy, but in the great majority there are so many possible sources of error that this old-time method can rarely be used with safety. Only when the rock is free from fluorine, chlorine, sulphur, carbon, carbon dioxide, and fixed oxidizable constituents can the loss be accepted as the true index of the amount of water present, and it is rarely that a rock is met with fulfilling these conditions, especially as to the absence of ferrous iron. Blast ignition in presence of carbon dioxide alone of the above list may give a correct result, after separate estimation of the carbon dioxide, provided this emanates from carbonates of the earths and not from those of iron or manganese. The long-maintained and still upheld idea that in presence of ferrous iron a sufficiently correct result is obtainable by adding to the observed loss an amount needed for oxidizing all ferrous iron is not justifiable. There can be no certainty that the oxidation has been complete, especially in the case of readily fusible rocks, and at the high temperature of the blast a partial reduction of higher oxides is not only possible but sometimes certain. The inability to insure complete oxidation by simple ignition is illustrated in the case of precipitated ferric hydroxide which has been ignited in contact with its filter paper. If the quantity was in any degree large it is sometimes decidedly magnetic, presumably from presence of magnetic oxide, which no amount of heating wholly oxidizes, especially in the larger grains. Neither is evaporation with nitric acid and reignition sufficient to destroy the magnetic property of the oxide, as has been claimed.

Direct weighing of the water evolved is then imperative in most cases, and of the numerous methods advocated, or in general use, several will now be considered.


For minerals easily deprived of their water.-If no other volatile constituents than water are present, the beautifully simple method first used by Prof. G. J. Brush and extended by Prof. S. L. Penfield' leaves nothing to be desired for accuracy. It consists simply in heating the powder in a narrow tube of hard glass, enlarged at the closed end and provided with one or two further enlargements in the middle to hold the water and prevent its running back and cracking the hot glass. A capillary glass stopper fitted in with rubber tubing pre

1 Am. Jour. Sci., 3d series, Vol. XLVIII, p. 31, 1894; Zeitsch, für anorg. Chemie, Vol. VII. p. 22,

vents loss of water by circulating air currents. The tube being held horizontally, the bulb is heated to any required degree by the Bunsen or blast flame. Moistened filter paper or cloth wound about the cooler parts of the tube insures condensation of all water. The heated end being finally pulled off, the tube is weighed after cooling and external cleansing, and again after the water has been removed by aspiration. For most rocks, as they contain little water, central enlargements of the tube are hardly needed.

Various forms of tubes used by Penfield are shown in fig. 4.

Before using, even if apparently dry, "these tubes must be thoroughly dried inside, which is best accomplished by heating and aspirating a current of air through them by means of a glass tube reaching to the bottom."

How this simple tube is made to afford entirely satisfactory results

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FIG. 4.-Penfield's tubes for water determination in minerals. a, b, c, different forms of tubes; d, thistle tube for introducing the powder; e, capillary-tipped stopper.

with minerals, even when carbonates are present, is fully set forth in the paper cited.

Few rocks, comparatively, are altogether free from other volatile constituents. Hence, for refined work the application of this apparatus in the simple manner above set forth is limited. It may, however, be used with the addition of a retainer for fluorine, sulphur, etc., such as calcium, lead, or bismuth oxides.

For minerals not easily deprived of their water. When minerals are present which do not give up their water wholly, even over the blast, as tale, topaz, chondrodite, staurolite, etc., Penfield's simple combination of fire-brick and charcoal oven, depicted in fig. 5, must be used, either with or without a retainer for fluorine, as circumstances demand. The part of the tube in the fire is to be protected by a cylinder of platinum foil tightly sprung about its end, and the part outside by asbestos board, as well as by wet cloth or paper. A piece of charcoal

is likewise laid on the tube, as well as beneath and behind, and the blast flame is given a horizontal direction, so as to play upon the side of the apparatus. In this way a most intense temperature can be reached.

In whichever way the apparatus may be used, the water found is

FIG. 5.-Penfield's fire-brick and charcoal oven for use in determining water.

the total water, from which that found separately at 105° C. may be deducted if desired.


Penfield's procedure. The simplest of these methods as to apparatus, and one permitting, by the use of auxiliary arrangements such as are shown and described on page 37, the determination of the hygroscopic as well as any other fraction of the water, is the following glasstube arrangement (fig. 6) of Dr. Penfield's,' whereby the brick and charcoal oven already referred to (fig. 5) comes again into play, but without the half brick shown in that figure.

The tube is of about 15 mm. internal diameter, and is fitted with two platinum cylinders at A, one inside, the other outside, where the heat exposure is to be most intense.

These are made from pieces of platinum foil, about 0.07 mm. in thickness and 8 by 11 cm. in diameter, which have been previously bent around glass tubes of such


16 C.M


16 C.M.


FIG. 6. Tube for water determination according to Penfield. A, outer protecting covering of platinum foil. A second similar foil on the inside prevents the glass from collapsing when heated to softness. b, cross-section of platinum boat.



a size that when applied to the combustion tubing the spring of the metal will hold them in place. A large platinum boat, 7 to 8 cm. long and 11 to 12 mm. in diameter, with a cross-section like b, should be used, since this will readily hold a gram of mineral mixed with 5 grams of sodium carbonate. * The tube is placed in the angle formed by the charcoal lining, some pieces of charcoal are placed at the sides in front, leaving an opening through which the flame may be directed, and an additional piece is laid on top. The tube can readily be brought to a full white heat,

1Am. Jour. Sci., 3d series, Vol. XLVIII, p. 37, 1894; Zeitsch. für anorg. Chemie, Vol. VI, p. 22, 1894.

and by forcing a slow current of dry air through the apparatus the carbon dioxide resulting from the decomposition can be removed and the water carried over into the weighed absorption tube. The glass fuses between the platinum casings, and in a number of experiments that have been tried there has not been a single instance where the glass tube has broken or shown any indication of breaking. After heating the tube will not crack if it is left to cool slowly on the charcoal, but it can not be used a second time. * * * At the high temperature to which the glass is subjected it of course becomes very soft and the ends must be properly supported; also the rubber connections and absorption apparatus must be carefully screened by asbestos board. By constructing a cover for the boat no material need be lost by spattering, and after making the water determination the contents may be used for the remainder of the analysis.

The inner cylinder of platinum serves to prevent the glass from collapsing as it softens, whereby distortion of the boat would result and its withdrawal for further examination of its contents would be impossible.

Gooch's apparatus. Of more elaborate apparatus, designed to be used with fluxes, the tubulated platinum crucible invented by Dr. Gooch' is capable of affording most excellent service, and it is the one by which far the larger number of water determinations in this laboratory have been made.

Fig. 7, which hardly needs detailed description, shows it in a modified form, which differs from the original forms of Gooch in that the tubes for connecting with both the drying and absorption vessels are constructed wholly of platinum instead of lead glass, the vertical one being bent horizontally at right angles for convenient attachment to the drying towers, and the side one also bent at right angles, but downward, and having its end slightly drawn in at E-(fig. 7) so as to admit of easy insertion in the rubber stopper of a U-shaped calciumchloride tube, as shown in fig. 9 (p. 44). With tubes of the lengths shown in the figure there is absolutely no danger of their ends becoming hot enough by conduction to scorch or soften the rubber stopper or other connection.

The extra first cost of the platinum extension to these tubes over the lead-glass ends of Gooch's original and modified forms need hardly enter as a factor into the question of employment of this apparatus. The glass ends often break, and only a rich lead glass, not easily obtainable, can be used, since it alone will not crack at the joint with the platinum after cooling. In its present form the whole apparatus weighs approximately 88 grams.

As an adjunct to its convenient use there is needed an ordinary upright iron ring-stand, with two small sliding rings, and a sliding ring-burner provided with entering ducts for gas and air blast. Across the uppermost ring there is an arrangement of stout platinum wire (S, fig. 8), forming at the center of the ring a secure seat for the

1 Am. Chem. Jour., Vol. II, p. 247, 1880; Chemical News, Vol. XLII, p. 326, 1880.

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