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boil the freshly precipitated mixture with a solution of the alkali, on the assumption that the titanium oxide is hereby rendered wholly insoluble and thus separated from the alumina. This, however, is in part an error long since pointed out by Gooch,' who showed that pure titanic oxide is markedly soluble under both conditions of treatment. Experiments very recently made by the writer to test the extent of this error brought out the following interesting results:

When 0.045 gram of titanic oxide was fused by itself with sodium hydroxide, the clear aqueous extract of the fusion held 0.0031 TiO,, or about 7 per cent, determined colorimetrically. When freshly precipitated and boiled with the alkali the solubility was less. When fused with sodium carbonate but an infinitesimal trace was dissolved, which required strong concentration for its detection. When mixed with a large excess of alumina and fused with the caustic alkali, the solubility was still very marked, though less than when alumina was absent. With a large excess of ferric oxide, with or without alumina, no titanium could be detected in the unconcentrated filtrate.

It thus appears that fusion with caustic alkali after first removing iron involves an error in the gravimetric determination of both aluminum and titanium which does not appear if the iron has not been removed.


A recent and promising method for the "direct determination of alumina in presence of iron, manganese, calcium, and magnesium" is that of Hess and Campbell, but, as with the methods just considered, it involves finally weighing aluminum and phosphorus together, and the behavior of titanium has not been investigated. For this latter reason the details of the method will not be given. Suffice it to say that precipitation of the aluminum and phosphorus is made by phenylhydrazine, after first neutralizing the (preferably chloride) solution by ammonia and reducing iron by a saturated solution of ammonium bisulphite. Phenylhydrazine “pre-ipitates aluminum from its solutions quantitatively as the hydroxide without a trace of the precipitate being redissolved in excess of the precipitant.”


Ammonia is added to the flask containing manganese, the earths, etc. (p. 56), and hydrogen sulphide gas is introduced, whereby manganese, nickel, cobalt, copper, zine, and a small part of the platinum from the dish are precipitated. The flask is set aside, corked, for at least twelve hours, and preferably twenty-four, or even longer; the pre

1 Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. XII, p. 436, 1885; Bull. U. S. Geol. Survey No. 27, pp. 16 and 17. 2 Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. XXI, p. 776, 1899; Chemical News, Vol. LXXXI, p. 158, 1900.

cipitate, collected and washed on a small filter with water containing ammonium chloride and sulphide, is extracted by hydrogen-sulphide water acidified with one-fifth its volume of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.11), manganese and zinc, if present, going into solution.


The filtrate is evaporated to dryness, ammonium salts are destroyed by evaporation with a few drops of sodium-carbonate solution, hydrochloric and a drop of sulphurous acids are added to decompose excess of carbonate and to dissolve precipitated manganese, and the latter is reprecipitated at boiling heat by sodium carbonate after evaporation of the hydrochloric acid. If zine is present, it can be separated from the manganese after weighing. For the small quantities of manganese usually found the sodium-carbonate method of precipitation is to be preferred to that by bromine or sodium phosphate, as equally accurate and a great timesaver.

The precipitation of manganese in alkaline solution by hydrogen peroxide, as proposed by Jannasch and Cloedt,' a method which appeared to be simple and accurate, besides affording a separation from zinc, has been shown by Friedheim and Brühl to be valueless, as also other separation methods of Jannasch based on the use of hydrogen peroxide.

The employment of ammonium sulphide instead of bromine for the separation of manganese from the alkaline earths and magnesia has the advantage that, by a single operation, nickel, copper, and zinc are likewise removed if present. There need be no fear of overlooking nickel or copper, for under the conditions of the precipitation they are not held in solution. Now and then a trace of alumina may be found in the precipitate, and magnesia, too, would contaminate it if ammonium salts were not present in sufficient quantity. Regard must therefore be had to these possibilities, and also to the rather remote possibility of the presence of rare earths which were not thrown out by the basic acetate precipitation. (See footnote, p. 55.)


The paper containing these is incinerated in porcelain, dissolved in a few drops of aqua regia, evaporated with hydrochloric acid, the copper and platinum thrown out warm by hydrogen sulphide, and nickel and cobalt thrown down from the ammoniacal filtrate by hydrogen sulphide. This is then rendered faintly acid by acetic acid and allowed to stand. The sulphide of nickel is simply burned and weighed as

1 Zeitschr. für anorg. Chemie Vol. X, p. 405, 1895.

2 Zeitschr. für. anal. Chemie, Vol. XXXVIII, p. 681, 1899.

oxide, its weight being always very small, and is then tested for cobalt in the borax bead.

It is somewhat unsafe to consider traces of copper found at this stage to belong to the rock if the evaporations have been conducted, as is usually the case, on a copper water bath, or if water has been used which has been boiled in a copper kettle, even if tinned inside. Therefore, and because of its contamination by a little platinum, it is better to determine copper in a separate portion if its presence is indicated with certainty. (See p. 54.)



Precipitation and ignition of the oxalates together.—The platinum derived from the dish in the silica evaporation, except for the small portion precipitated with the manganese sulphide, is now wholly in the filtrate from the latter. Its separation at this or any other stage is quite unnecessary; nor is the removal of ammonium chloride usually demanded, since there is no undue amount present in most cases, the first precipitation of alumina, etc., having been by sodium acetate.' Therefore, without destroying ammonium sulphide the calcium and strontium are thrown out by ammonium oxalate at boiling heat; the precipitate, often darkened by deposited platinum sulphide, is ignited and redissolved in hydrochloric acid, boiled with ammonia to throw out traces of alumina sometimes present and reprecipitated as before, but in a small bulk of solution. It is weighed as oxide, transferred to a small flask of 20 cm.3 capacity, dissolved in nitric acid, evaporated to dryness at 150° to 160° C., and the separation of strontium from calcium effected by ether-alcohol as described below.

The weight of strontia found deducted from that of the two oxides gives that of the lime.

Necessity for two precipitations by ammonium oxalate.-It may be said with regard to the separation of calcium from magnesium that two precipitations by ammonium oxalate are essential to the attainment of correct results, not only for the complete removal of magnesium but of sodium as well, the retention of compounds of the latter element by calcium oxalate being now generally known. For the treatment of the filtrates, see Magnesium, p. 64.

1 If two or three precipitations by ammonia alone are depended on, the second and third filtrates are evaporated rapidly to dryness and the ammonium salts removed by ignition.

2 See Fresenius: Zeitschr. für anal. Chemie, Vol. XXXII, pp. 189, 312, 1893, for the latest improvements in this method.


The thoroughly dried nitrates are treated with as little (rarely over 2 cm. 3) of a mixture in equal parts of absolute alcohol and ether as may be needed to dissolve the calcium salt, solution being hastened by occasional gentle agitation. After standing over night in a corked flask the insoluble matter is collected on the smallest possible filter and washed with more of the above mixture of alcohol and ether. After drying, a few cubic centimeters of hot water are passed through the filter, on which may remain a few tenths of a milligram of residue, which does not usually contain any lime or other alkaline earth, and whose weight is therefore to be deducted from that of the lime, unless it can be shown that it is derived from the glass of the little flask in which the nitrates of calcium and strontium were evaporated. To the solution of strontium nitrate in a small beaker sulphuric acid and then alcohol is added, whereby the strontium is precipitated as sulphate, in which form it is weighed and then tested spectroscopically as to freedom from calcium and barium.

Because of the slight solubility of strontium nitrate in amyl alcohol the method of Browning1 does not appear to be adapted to the separation from calcium of the small amounts of strontium met with in rocks, though with barium the case is different, since its nitrate according to Browning is insoluble in absolute amyl alcohol.



Barium will, after two ammonium oxalate precipitations, never be found with the ignited calcium and strontium in more than spectroscopic traces, unless originally present in excess of 3 or 4 milligrams, and very often only when in considerable excess. If present with them, however, it will be separated with the strontium by ether-alcohol or amyl alcohol, and these two must then be treated by the ammoniumchromate method, given below, in order to arrive at the strontium. The barium is best estimated in a separate portion. (See Barium, p. 73.)


Fresenius has shown in what manner only a correct separation of barium and strontium can be made by the ammonium-chromate method, involving double precipitation when the amounts are at all large. This procedure is here given for the amounts used by him, but a single precipitation will suffice for the small amounts met with in rock analysis.

1 Am. Jour. Sci., 3d series, Vol. XLIII, pp. 50, 314, 1892.

2 W. F. Hillebrand: Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. XVI, p. 83, 1894, Chemical News, Vol. LXIX, p. 147, 1894.

3 Zeitschr. für anal. Chemie, Vol. XXIX, p. 428, 1890.

[blocks in formation]

The volumes of solutions used should be largely reduced and the operations otherwise shortened.


The chlorides corresponding to 0.2774 gram BaO and 0.4864 gram SrO were dissolved in 300 cm.3 of water with addition of 6 drops of acetic acid (1.065 sp. gr.). To the hot solution was added an excess (10 cm.) of ammonium chromate solution (1 cm.3 0.1 gr. neutral chromate). After settling and cooling for an hour the precipitate was washed, mainly by decantation, with water holding ammonium chromate till the filtrate gave no precipitate with ammonia and ammonium carbonate (100 cm. used). The washing was continued with warm water till silver nitrate gave but a very slight reddish coloration (110) em.). The precipitate was then washed into the precipitating dish, the filter rinsed with warm dilute nitric acid (1.2 sp. gr.), and more nitric acid (2 cm.3 in all) added to the dish. The solution having been diluted to 200 cm.3 and heated, 5 cm.3 of ammonium acetate solution (1 cm.3 0.31 gr. ammonium acetate) was very gradually added, and then ammonium chromate till the odor of acetic acid had wholly disappeared (10 cm.). After one hour the supernatant liquid was passed through the filter and the precipitate digested with hot water, which was then cooled; thereupon the precipitate itself was brought on the filter and washed with cold water till silver nitrate gave a scarcely perceptible reaction. The strontium was thrown down from the filtrate by ammonia and ammonium carbonate, after concentration in presence of a little nitric acid, and weighed as carbonate; or the carbonate can be redissolved, precipitated by sulphuric acid and alcohol, and weighed as sulphate. The barium is weighed as chromate after ignition, the filter being burned separately.



The first precipitation of magnesium is made without special precautions in the filtrate from the first calcium oxalate separation (p. 62) by sodium-ammonium-hydrogen phosphate (microcosmic salt)' in indefinite decided excess and without the great excess of ammonia usually prescribed. It is not necessary to first remove ammoniacal salts unless very little magnesium is present, and then only in order to hasten precipitation. Neubauer has shown that precipitation is complete even in presence of large quantities of salts of ammonium, including the oxalate. He has, however, also shown that the composition of the precipitate is largely affected by ammonium salts, and also by the way in which the

The objection that has been made by one writer to the use of this salt instead of disodium-hydrogen phosphate is, so far as our experience teaches, entirely groundless,

Zeitschr. für angew. Chemie, 1896, p. 435,

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