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Agreements concerning, 92, 111, 224.
Awards, river tonnage, 660, 675.
Provisions for, 83-84, 481, 483, 497,

593, 597, 599, 602, 608, 658, 674-675,
686, 807, 874, 891-892, 893-894, 896-
897, 900, 911, 918, 935-937.
Treaties, effect of Covenant on, 92.
-Tribunals, 929, 930, 935-937.


Restitution by Germany, 522.
Restoration by Germany, 144.
Transfer, 143, 184, 268.

Armament. See Arms, munitions, and
war material.

Armament reduction (see also Disarma-

ment), 82-83, 302-319, 338-342.
Conference for Reduction and Limita-
tion of Armaments (Geneva 1932),
77, 309-316, 339.
German proposals, 312, 315, 318-319.

Agreements concerning, 302, 303-304.
Authorized armament stocks, 336-

United Kingdom proposals, 315.
United States proposals, 315.
Armaments, Conference for Reduction

and Limitation, 77, 309-316, 339.
Armies of occupation. See Occupation


1918: 54, 59, 359-362, 443-444, 447-
448, 509, 515, 533, 537, 540, 738,
743, 744, 745, 763-764, 771, 942.
1919: 54, 59, 443-444, 448-449, 499,
507-508, 533, 745, 763, 764, 771.
German failure to execute certain
provisions, 743-748.

Agricultural material, 507-508.
Coal, 360, 509, 515.

Communication systems, 360-361.

Delivery of military establishments,

Effect, 738.

Food stores, 360.

Foodstuffs and tonnage, 499.

Heligoland, 447.

Industrial establishments, 360.
Ports, 360.

Provisions remaining in force, 359-362.
Railways, 360.

Restitution, 443-444.

Rhineland, 763-764, 771.

Roads, 360.

Shipping, 448, 449.

Sick and wounded, 360.
Telecommunications, 360-361.
Waterways, 360.

Armistice Commission, Permanent Inter-
Allied, 745.

Arms, munitions, and war material, Ger-
man, 323-329, 336-337, 339, 348-351,

Coastal fortifications, 350-351.
Delivery to Allies, 354.
Disposition, 326-329, 332.
Explosives, manufacture, 329.
Exportation, 328, 329, 746.

Gas, poison, prohibitions re, 329.
Guns, 324, 325, 326-327, 336-337.
Importation, 328, 329.

Limitations, 324-325, 348-349.
Manufacture, 325, 349.

Surrender to Allied Powers, 326-328.
Arms and ammunition:

Agreements concerning, 33, 110-111:
League control, 104.

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National Socialist Party, 201.

Peace treaties and related agreements
(see also Saint-Germain-en-Laye,
Treaty of):

List, 29-35.

Table of corresponding articles, 36-


Treaty with United States (1921), 26.
Political status (1919), 198-202.
Political status (1945), 202.

Reparation. See Reparation: Austria.
Reparation agreements, 394, 421.
Reparation Commission, 460.

Treaty of peace. See Saint-Germain-
en-Laye, Treaty of.

Tripartite Claims Commission, 630.
United States:

Claims, 630.

Resumption of diplomatic relations,


Treaty of peace (1921), 26.

Debts, 420, 825-828, 829.

Disposition, German recognition, 727.
Peace with United States, text of joint
resolution (July 2, 1921), 18-19.
Property cessions, 411-412.
Railways, 828.

Shipping, distribution agreements, 848.

Cost of liberation, 878-880.

1919 agreement and modifying
declaration, text, 822-831.
Italian agreement and modifying
declaration (1919), text, 831-

Transfer of property to acquiring

states, 836-838, 878-880.

United States claims, satisfaction as
condition of peace, 19, 23.
Automotive traffic agreement (1909), 566.
Avenol, Joseph, 107.

Aviation (see also Air forces; Aircraft),
28, 351-355, 642-646.

Agreements concerning, 34-35, 201, 352,

Allied rights in Germany, 643-644.

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Germany, 124, 139, 142.
Netherlands, 136.

Claims against Germany, 471-472.
Customs union with Luxembourg, 558-

Debt assumption, 144, 535.
Debts, war, 398-400, 401.

Distribution of Dawes annuities, 907-

German reimbursement, 388, 425,
427, 851.

Exemption from payment for German
property in ceded territory, 536,

German concessions, 135-144.
German property, 279.

Economic relations, 614-615.
Insurance contracts, 621.

Peaceful settlement of disputes, 843.
Revival of bilateral treaties, 576-577.
Guaranties, 135-139, 678, 841.

Industrial material, default in restitu-
tion by Germany, 746.


1914, 135.

1940, 139.

Locarno pact (1925). See Locarno,
treaties of (1925): Guaranty.
Mandatory, 93-104.

Neutralization of 1839, 135.
Occupation army:

Costs, 777-778, 905-906, 913-914, 925-
Strength, 776.

Peace treaties and related agreements,
list, 29-35.
Reparation :

Aeronautical material, 354.
Agricultural machinery, 508.
Amount received, 442.
Art, works of, 524-525, 744.
Claims, 471-472.

German marks issued during war.
142, 427-428.

Payment of war debt, 388, 425.

427, 851:

Coal, 513

Dirigibles, 355.

Dyestuffs, 516-518.

Industrial material, default, 746.
Livestock, 507.

Occupation costs, 871, 876.

· Percentages, 441-442, 852.

Priority, 785, 853, 854, 855, 856, 859,

875, 876, 908-909.

Text of 1919 agreement, 849-851.
Rolling stock, 534.
Reparation agreements, 382, 388-389,
393-394, 395, 404-407, 420-424, 427,
429, 467, 481, 483, 484, 503, 504.
Distribution of Dawes annuities
(1925), text, 902-922; (1927),

text, 924-927.


Claims against Germany, 474.
Diplomatic relations with Germany, 68.
Severance, 735.

Bolshevist government, Russia, 273.
Bonds, German reparation, 476-480, 511,
862-870, 876.

Payments to United States, 943, 944,
945, 947-948.

Series "A", 387, 435, 439, 863, 870,

876; text, 868-869.

Series "B", 387, 436, 863, 870, 876.
Series "C", 387, 409-410, 436, 863, 870,
876, 877, 879-880.


Restitution by Germany, 524-525.
Bosnia-Herzegovina, agreement re
(1909), 837.

Distribution of German payments Boulogne-sur-Mer Conference (1920),

(1922), text, 870-880.

Experts' (Dawes) Plan agreement
(1924), text, 899-901.

New (Young) Plan (1930), text,

Priority (1919), text, 849-851.
Spa (1920), text, 851-862. See
also Spa reparation agreement

Restitution arrangements, 445-447.
Rhine, right to take water from, 676.
Rhine-Meuse Canal, 677-678.
Rhineland High Commission, 764.
Rhineland occupation, 722, 772, 773.
River-tonnage loss in World War I,

Ruhr occupation, 382, 486-487, 773, 780-

Separation from Netherlands, 135.

Treaties of 1839, 135-137, 678.
Waterways, 136-137.

Belligerency, dates, 426, 436.

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429, 438.

Agreements concerning, 35, 98, 125,
130-131, 140, 142, 166, 202-206, 210,
664, 795.

Agreements re occupation zones in

Germany, 724-725.

Austria, 126.

Belgium, 124, 136, 139, 142.

Czechoslovakia, 126, 131, 202-206, 809.
Danzig, 251-253.

Denmark, 131, 262-266, 268-270.
East Prussia, 132-133, 230-236.
France, 125-126.

Germany, 122-134, 139, 142, 203-206,
208-216, 262-266, 268-270.
Iraq (Mesopotamia), 95, 98.
Luxembourg, 124-125.

Netherlands, 136.

Palestine, 95.

Poland, 127-131, 204-206, 208-216, 230-
236, 793-795.

Russia, 793-795.

Saar Basin, 165-166.

Schleswig, 262-266, 268-270.

Switzerland, 126.

Syria, 95.

Water, 133, 136.

Boundary commissions:

Belgian-German, 142.

Czechoslovakia, 202, 204, 205, 206.

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