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erated in it, in whatever mode it was formed. can be estimated with a considerable amount of precision. The heat received at the earth from the sun can also be measured with some accuracy, and hence it is a mere matter of calculation to determine how much heat the sun sends out in a year. The total heat which can have been generated in the sun divided by the annual output gives a quotient of about 20 millions. Hence it seemed to be imperatively necessary that the whole history of the solar system should be comprised within some 20 millions of years.

This argument, which is due to Helmholtz, appeared to be absolutely crushing, and for the last forty years the physicists have been accustomed to tell the geologists that they must moderate their claims. But for myself I have always believed that the geologists were more nearly correct than the physicists, notwithstanding the fact that appearances were so strongly against them.

And now, at length, relief has come to the strained relations between the two parties, for the recent marvellous discoveries in physics show that concentration of matter is not the only source from which the sun may draw its heat.

Radium is a substance which is perhaps millions of times more powerful than dynamite. Thus it is estimated that an ounce of radium would contain enough power to raise 10,000 tons a mile above the earth's surface. Another way of stating the same estimate is this: the energy needed to tow a ship of 12,000 tons a distance of six thousand sea miles at 15 knots is contained in 22 ounces of radium. Saron probably burns five or six thou


7 Lord Kelvin has estimated the age of the earth from the rate of increase of temperature underground. But the force of his argument seems to be entirely destroyed by this result.

sand tons of coal on a voyage of approximately the same length. Again, M. and Mme. Curie have proved that radium actually gives out heat,' and it has been calculated that a small proportion of radium in the sun would suffice to explain its present radiation. Other lines of argument tend in the same direction."

Now we know that the earth contains radio-active materials, and it is safe to assume that it forms in some degree a sample of the materials of the solar system. Hence it is almost certain that the sun is radio-active also; and besides it is not improbable that an element with so heavy an atom as radium would gravitate more abundantly to the central condensation than to the outlying planets. In this case the sun should contain a larger proportion of radio-active material than the earth.

This branch of science is as yet but in its infancy, but we already see how unsafe it is to dogmatize on the potentialities of matter.

It appears, then, that the physical argument is not susceptible of a greater degree of certainty than that of the geologists, and the scale of geological time remains in great measure unknown.

I have now ended my discussion of the solar system, and must pass on to the wider fields of the stellar universe.

Only a few thousand stars are visible with the unaided eye, but photography has revealed an inconceivably vast multitude of stars and nebulæ, and every improvement in that art seems to disclose yet more and more. About twenty years ago the number of photographic objects in the heavens was roughly estimated at about 170

8 See W. E. Wilson, "Nature," July 9, 1903; and G. H. Darwin, "Nature," September 24, 1903.

millions, and some ten years later it had increased to about 400 millions. Although Newcomb, in his recent book on "The Stars," refrains even from conjecturing any definite number, yet I suppose that the enormous number of 400 million must now be far below the mark, and photography still grows better year by year. It seems useless to consider whether the number of stars has any limit, for infinite number, space, and time transcend our powers of comprehension. We must then make a virtue of necessity, and confine our attention to such more limited views as seem within our powers.

A celestial photograph looks at first like a dark sheet of paper splashed with whitewash, but further examination shows that there is some degree of method in the arrangement of the white spots. It may be observed that the stars in many places are arranged in lines and sweeping trains, and chains of stars, arranged in roughly parallel curves, seem to be drawn round some centre. A surface splashed at hazard might present apparent evidence of system in a few instances, but the frequency of the occurrence in the heavens renders the hypothesis of mere chance altogether incredible.

Thus there is order of some sort in the heavens, and, although no reason can be assigned for the observed arrangement in any particular case, yet it is possible to obtain general ideas as to the succession of events in stellar evolution.

Besides the stars there are numerous streaks, wisps, and agglomerations of nebulosity, the light of which we know to emanate from gas. Spots of intenser light are observed in less brilliant regions; clusters of stars sometimes imbedded in nebulosity, while in other cases each individual star of a cluster stands out clear by itself. These and other observations


force on us the conviction that the wispy clouds represent the earliest stage of development, the more condensed nebulæ a later stage, and the stars themselves the last stage. This view is in agreement with the nebular hypothesis of Laplace, and we may fairly conjecture that the chains and lines of stars represent pre-existing streaks of nebulosity.

As a star cools it must change, and the changes which it undergoes constitute its life-history, hence the history of a star presents an analogy with the life of an individual animal. Now, the object which I have had in view has been to trace types or species in the physical world through their transformations into other types. Accordingly it falls somewhat outside the scope of this address to consider the constitution and history of an individual star, interesting although those questions are. I may, however, mention that the constitution of gaseous stars was first discussed from the theoretical side by Lane, and subsequently more completely by Ritter. On the observational side the spectroscope has proved to be a powerful instrument in analyzing the constitutions of the stars, and in assigning to them their respective stages of development.

If we are correct in believing that stars are condensations of matter originally more widely spread, a certain space surrounding each star must have been cleared of nebulosity in the course of its formation. Much thought has been devoted to the determination of the distribution of the stars in space, and although the results are lacking in precision, yet it has been found possible to arrive at a rough determination of the average distance from star to star. It has been concluded, from investigations into which I cannot enter, that if we draw a sphere round the sun with a radius of

twenty million millions of miles," it will contain no other star; if the radius were twice as great the sphere might perhaps contain one other star; a sphere with a radius of sixty million millions of miles will contain about four stars. This serves to give some idea of the extraordinary sparseness of the average stellar population; but there are probably in the heavens urban and rural districts, as on earth, where the stars may be either more or less crowded. The stars are moving relatively to one another with speeds which are enormous, as estimated by terrestrial standards, but the distances which separate us from them are so immense that it needs refined observation to detect and measure the movements.

Change is obviously in progress everywhere, as well in each individual nebula and star as in the positions of these bodies relatively to one another. But we are unable even to form conjectures as to the tendency of the evolution which is going on. This being so, we cannot expect, by considering the distribution of stars and nebulæ. to find many illustrations of the general laws of evolution which I have attempted to explain; accordingly I must confine myself to the few cases where we at least fancy ourselves able to form ideas as to the stages by which the present conditions have been reached.

Up to a few years ago there was no evidence that the law of gravitation extended to the stars, and even now there is nothing to prove the transmission of gravity from star to star. But in the neighborhood of many stars the existence of gravity is now as clearly demonstrated as within the solar system itself. The telescope has disclosed the double character of a large number of stars, and the relative 9 This is the distance at which the earth's distance from the sun would appear to be 1". LIVING AGE. VOL. XXIX. 1510

motions of the pairs of companions have been observed with the same assiduity as that of the planets. When the relative orbit of a pair of binary or double stars is examined, it is found that the motion conforms exactly to those laws of Kepler which prove that the planets circle round the sun under the action of solar gravitation. The success of the hypothesis of stellar gravitation has been so complete that astronomers have not hesitated to explain the anomalous motion of a seemingly single star by the existence of a dark companion; and it is interesting to know that the more powerful telescopes of recent times have disclosed, in at least two cases, a faintly luminous companion in the position which had been assigned to it by theory.

By an extension of the same argument, certain variations in the spectra of a considerable number of stars have been pronounced to prove them each to be really double, although in general the pair may be so distant that they will probably always remain single to our sight. Lastly, the variability in the light of other apparently single stars has proved them to be really double. A pair of stars may partially or wholly cover one another as they revolve in their orbit, and the light of the seemingly single star will then be eclipsed, just as a lighthouse winks when the light is periodically hidden by a revolving shutter. Exact measurements of the character of the variability in the light have rendered it possible not only to determine the nature of the orbit described, but even to discover the figures and densities of the two components which are fused together by the enormous distance of our point of view. This is a branch of astronomy to which much careful observation and skilful analysis has been devoted; and I am glad to mention that Alexander Roberts, one of the

most eminent of the astronomers who have considered the nature of variable stars, is a resident in South Africa.

I must not, however, allow you to suppose that the theory of eclipses will serve to explain the variability of all stars, for there are undoubtedly others the periodicity of which must be explained by something in their internal constitution.

The periods of double stars are extremely various, and naturally those of short period have been the first noted; in times to come others with longer and longer periods will certainly be discovered. A leading characteristic of all these double stars is that the two companions do not differ enormously in mass from one another. In this respect the systems present a strongly marked contrast with that of the sun, attended as it is by relatively insignificant planets.

In the earlier part of my address I showed how theory indicates that a rotating fluid body will as it cools separate into two detached masses. Mathematicians have not yet been able to carry their analysis far enough to determine the relative magnitudes of the two parts, but so far as we can see the results point to the birth of a satellite the mass of which is a considerable fraction of that of its parent. Accordingly See (who devotes his attention largely to the astronomy of double stars), Roberts, and others consider that what they have observed in the heavens is in agreement with the indications of theory. It thus appears that there is reason to hold that double stars have been generated by the division of primitive and more diffused single stars.

But if this theory is correct we should expect the orbit of a double star to be approximately circular; yet this is so far from being the case that the eccentricity of the orbits of many double stars exceeds by far any of the eccentricities in the solar system. Now See has pointed out that when


two bodies of not very unequal masses revolve round one another in close proximity the conditions are such as to make tidal friction as efficient as possible in transforming the orbit. Hence we seem to see in tidal friction a cause which may have sufficed not only to separate the two component stars from one another, but also to render the orbit eccentric.

I have thought it best to deal very briefly with stellar astronomy, in spite of the importance of the subject, because the direction of the changes in progress is in general too vague to admit of the formation of profitable theories.

We have seen that it is possible to trace the solar system back to a primitive nebula with some degree of contidence, and that there is reason to believe that the stars in general have originated in the same manner. But such primitive nebulæ stand in as much need of explanation as their stellar offspring. Thus, even if we grant the exact truth of these theories, the advance towards an explanation of the universe remains miserably slight. Man is but a microscopic being relatively to astronomical space, and he lives on a puny planet circling round a star of inferior rank. Does it not then seem as futile to imagine that he can discover the origin and tendency of the universe as to expect a housefly to instruct us as to the theory of the motions of the planets? And yet, so long as he shall last, he will pursue his search, and will no doubt discover many wonderful things which are still hidden. We may indeed be amazed at all that man has been able to find out, but the immeasurable magnitude of the undiscovered will throughout all time remain to humble his pride. Our children's children will still be gazing and marvelling at the starry heavens, but the riddle will never be read.

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On a burning day in the early Indian summer of 1857 a man lay dying of cholera. He had passed through the stages of cramping agony, and, worn out by the horrible course of the disease, he lay in a state of collapse, unable to move, and hardly capable of thought. The room was silent except for the persistent buzzing of the mosquitoes, which pierced the sick man's head like a knife; the punkah hung idle from the roof; there was not a soul there to minister to his wants. He dimly wondered what he had done that he should be condemned to suffer the appalling thirst that parched him, to bear the sickening heat that crushed the little that remained of his vitality. In his comatose state he did not realize that it was curious that there was no coolie to pull the punkah, that no doctor stood by his bedside, that his servants had left him; and yet he had a distant indistinct recollection of being taken ill a few hours earlier, of being put to bed by the doctor, of being tended by his servants. But now his power of reasoning was almost gone, and he was but aware of the burning, splitting ache in his head, of the chill numbness of his legs, of the torturing thirst, and of a feeling of absolute collapse. He closed his eyes and wondered how long it was to last.

There was but little doubt that Captain Anderson of the -th Light Cavalry was dying,-not only dying of cholera, but dying with no one to soften the cruel manner of his death. And yet when cholera had seized him early that morning he had had all the attendance and every alleviation that were possible. But in the meantime the Mutiny had broken out.

While he had lain struggling in the first throes of his sickness, uncon

scious of everything save the agony that held him, the sound of heavy firing from the mess, where his brother officers were at breakfast, had caused the doctor to rush from his bedside, anxious to ascertain the reason of the disturbance; and no sooner had the latter entered the mess compound than he had shared the fate of the other British officers of the regiment, who had been shot by the mutineers as they sat in the mess-room.

The looting of the mess plate and furniture, and the firing of the bungalow, had distracted the thoughts of the mutineers from Anderson; but when there was breathing-space from the work in hand, Rissaldar Sikandar Khan remembered that the British officer who commanded his squadron had not been among the sahibs already murdered. "Oh, brothers, where is Anderson Sahib? Has he fled, or is he sitting in his bungalow? Him, too, let us search for and slay, for not till then will the regiment be clean of unbelievers." His speech was answered by a yell from the sowars, and a rush was made toward the sick man's bungalow -a rush only to be checked by Anderson's sweeper, who stopped the leaders with a warning of cholera. This gave them pause; but after a hasty consultation they decided to continue their advance more cautiously, and to shoot their victim from the verandah, without entering the sick-room, for they feared infection, and their cowardice was as great as their treachery.

Lying motionless, in a lethargy that affected mind as well as body, without sufficient strength even to brush away the flies that buzzed around his head and settled upon him with tormenting persistence, Anderson became dimly aware of the sound of footsteps, of the

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