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he had dressed, and whose lives might have | converting them into barracks, jails, hospitals, been saved the cries they kept up for mercy and protection when they heard the retreat ordered, beggared all description; they were necessarily left to be sacrificed by savage barbarity; and whether Dr. Tusten stayed and perished with his wounded countrymen, or attempted to make his retreat, is not known. This is the last time he was ever seen by any white man, though it is generally believed that he suffered by the same tomahawk which destroyed those that were with him. On this fatal day forty-four of our countrymen fell, some of whom might emphatically be called the pride and flower of Goshen. Among them was a Jones, a Little, a Duncan, a Wisner, a Vail, a Townsend, and a Knapp; and there perished our friend and brother in profession, Dr. Tusten, a sacrifice for the independence and liberty of our country.

riding schools, etc. Boston, Newport, Philadelphia and Charlestown, all furnished melancholy instances of this prostitution and abuse of the house of God;-and of nineteen places of public worship in this city, when the war began, there were but nine fit for use when the British troops left it. It is true, Trinity church, and the old Lutheran, were destroyed by the fire, that laid waste so great part of the city, a few nights after the enemy took possession of it; the fire was occasioned by the carelessness of their people; and they prevented its more speedy extinguishment. But the ruinous situation in which they left two of the Low Dutch Reformed churches, the three Presbyterian churches, the French Protestant church, the Anabaptist church, and the Friends new meeting house, was the effect of design, and strongly marks their enmity to those societies."



TO CHURCHES OF New York DURING THE Of this church, which, in the beginning of the


The Churches. Extract from a sermon preached at New York, by the Rev. Dr. Rodgers, Dec. 11, 1783, the day appointed by congress as a public thanksgiving throughout the United States.

"It is much to be lamented, that the troops of a nation who had been considered as one of the bulwarks of the reformation, should act as if they had waged war with the God whom Christians adore. They have, in the course of this war, utterly destroyed more than fifty places of worship in these states. Most of these were burnt, others they levelled with the ground, and in some places left not a vestige of their former situation; while they have wantonly defaced, or rather destroyed others, by

war, was used by the British as a prison, and afterwards converted into a riding school, the venerable Dr. Livingston thus expresses himself, in a sermon, delivered July 4, 1790, when it was for the first time opened for public worship, after being repaired.

"I dare not speak of the wanton cruelty of those who destroyed this temple, nor repeat the various indignities which have been perpetrated. It would be easy to mention facts which would chill your blood! A recollection of the groans of dying prisoners, which pierced this ceiling, or the sacrilegious shouts and rough feats of horsemanship exhibited within these walls, might raise sentiments in your minds which would, perhaps, not harmonize with those religious affections, which I wish, at present, to promote, and always to cherish.”


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ON GOVERNOR WM. FRANKLIN, BY THE PROVINCIAL Congress, of New Jersey. BURLINGTON, June 14, 1776. Resolved, That in the opinion of this congress, the proclamation of William Franklin, esq. late governor of New Jersey, bearing date the thirtieth day of May last, in the name of the king of Great Britain, appointing a meeting of the general assembly, to be held on the twentieth of this instant, June, ought not to be obeyed.

Resolved, That, in the opinion of this congress, the said William Franklin, esq. by such his declaration, has acted in direct contempt and violation of the resolve of the continental congress of the 15th day of May last.

Resolved, That, in the opinion of this congress, all payments of money on account of salary or otherwise, to the said William Franklin, esq. as governor, ought from henceforth, to cease; and that the treasurer or treasurers of this province, shall account for the monies in their hands to this congress, or to the future legislation of this colony.

By order of the congress,

A true copy,





Countrymen and friends-This province has

been requested by the continental congress to send, without delay, from their militia, three thousand three hundred men to New-York, in consequence of authentic information that the grand attack of our common enemy this summer, which will probably prove the decisive campaign, is to be upon that city; and that their force may be expected there in a few days. Your representatives in this congress have, with all the despatch in their power, and with the utmost unanimity, prepared an ordinance for raising the number called for, as equally from the different parts of the province as possible. They have determined to raise the men by voluntary enlistment in the several counties, in full confidence that, in this war, they will be raised most speedily, as well as consist of persons of the greatest spirit and alacrity for the important service. Filled with the same zeal for the defence of their country, they apply to you by this short address—and, in the most earnest and affectionate manner entreat you not to sully the reputation acquired on all former occasions; but to give a new proof to the public of your courage and intrepidity, as men, of your unalterable attachment to the liberties of America, and the sincerity of your unanimous resolutions from the beginning of this contest. Were there time to draw up a long discourse in this hour of danger, the arguments that might be used are innumerable, and as some of them are of the most urgent, so (blessed be God) others are of the most encouraging and animating kind.

The danger is not only certain, but immediate and imminent. It does not admit of a moment's delay, for our unjust and implacable enemy is at hand. The place where the attack is expected is of the last importance; not only a city of great extent, the interest of whose numerous inhabitants must be exceedingly dear to us, but situated in the middle of the colonies, and where the success of the enemy would separate the provinces, and disunite their efforts by land, which are of necessity liable to interruption from the enemy's fleet by sea. It is scarce worth while to add, that this province, by its vicinity, would then be exposed to the cruel depredations of the enemy, who happily, hitherto have been able to do us little or no mischief but by theft and rapine. It would seem to carry unjust

suspicion of you to say any more on our own | religious denominations, rivalship of different private interest, as we hope every honest man is chiefly concerned for, and will strain every nerve in support of, the common cause of the united colonies.

We cannot help putting you in mind how signally Almighty God has prospered us hitherto, and crowned our virtuous efforts with success. The expulsion of the enemy from Boston, where they first took possession, and began their oppressive measures, was an event as disgraceful to them, as it was advantageous to the public cause, and honorable to that brave and resolute army by which it was accomplished. It will certainly be no small encouragement to those who shall now proceed to the place of danger, that they shall join with many of the same soldiers, who have gained immortal honor by their past conduct, as well as serve under that wise and able leader, whose prudence, firmness and attention to his great charge, have procured him the most unlimited confidence, both of those who direct the public counsels, and of those who are in arms under his command.

We must not forget the activity and success of the inhabitants of the southern colonies. They ran to arms in thousands the moment they heard of an attack, both in Virginia and North Carolina. God was pleased, in both cases, to reward their alacrity, for they obtained a complete victory over their enemies with so little loss of blood, as was not barely wonderful, but scarcely credible. At the battle of Moor-Creek Bridge, there were but few men killed and at Norfolk GreatBridge we did not lose a single life.

Time does not permit us to enlarge on the past events of this war, in which the kindness of Providence is so clearly to be seen. We therefore only further observe, that, by the preparations in Britain for this campaign, and by all the intelligence received from Europe, it is plain that not honor and advantage only, but absolute necessity requires us to exert our utmost efforts, for our all is at stake. Every one now is obliged to confess what many saw long ago, that entire and unconditional submission is the point to which our enemies are determined to bring us, if in their power; so that nothing remains for us but either the abject slavery of tributary states, or to maintain our rights and liberties by force of arms, and hand down the fair inheritance to our posterity, by a brave and determined defence.

We desire and expect, that, in such a situation of things, all particular difference of small moment, arising from whatever cause, whether

classes of men, scarcity of some articles of commerce, or any other, may be entirely laid aside. The present danger requires the most perfect union. Let every enemy perceive, that the representatives of the colonies, as soon as they determine upon any measure, are able to bring out the whole strength of this vast country to carry it into execution.

That you may be under no apprehension either of inequality in the burden, or that our own coasts will be left unguarded by the destination of this brigade, we have thought it best to inform you, that the continental congress have amply provided for the defence of this province, and have made such arrangement of the continental army for the ensuing campaign, as lays an equal burden on the inhabitants of the different colonies; in particular, that a flying camp of ten thousand men is now forming for the protection of the middle colonies, which, we are credibly informed, is to have its chief station in this province. We add no more, but that we trust and hope, that, while every province is making the most spirited efforts, New Jersey in its place and duty will be second to none.

Signed in name, and by appointment of congress, Burlington, June 15, 1776.

A true copy,


WM. PATTERSON, Secretary.



Gentlemen—Having already laid before the assembly, by messages, the several matters that have occurred to me, as more particularly demanding their attention during the present session, it may seem less necessary to address you in the more ceremonious form of a speech. But conceiving it my duty to the state, to deliver my sentiments on the present situation of affairs, and the eventful contest between Great Britain and America, which could not, with any propriety, be conveyed in occasional messages, you will excuse my giving you the trouble of attending for that


After deploring with you, the desolation spread through this state by an unrelenting enemy, who have indeed marked their progress

with a devastation unknown to civilized na-
tions, and evincive of the most implacable
vengeance-I heartily congratulate you upon
that subsequent series of success wherewith it
has pleased the Almighty to crown the Ameri-
can arms; and particularly on the important
enterprise against the enemy at Trenton-and is a beast, and government a curse.
the signal victory obtained over them at Prince-

from ambitious or lucrative motives-or intimi-
dated by the terror of their arms-or from a
partial fondness for the British constitution-or
deluded by insidious propositions—-are secretly
abetting, or openly aiding their machinations,
to deprive us of that liberty, without which man

Besides the inexpressible baseness of wish

ton, by the gallant troops under the commanding to rise on the ruins of our country—or to of his excellency general Washington.

Considering the contemptible figure they make at present, and the disgust they have given to many of their own confederates among us, by their more than Gothic ravages-(for thus doth the Great Disposer of events often deduce good out of evil)-their irruption into our dominion will probably redound to the public benefit. It has certainly enabled us the more effectually to distinguish our friends from our enemies. It has winnowed the chaff from the grain. It has discriminated the temporizing politician, who, at the first appearance of danger, was determined to secure his idol, property, at the hazard of the general weal, from the persevering patriot-who, hav- | ing embarked his all in the common cause, chooses rather to risk-rather to lose that all, for the preservation of the more estimable treasure, liberty, than to possess it—(enjoy it he certainly could not)—upon the ignominious terms of tamely resigning his country and posterity to perpetual servitude. It has, in a word, opened the eyes of those who were made to believe, that their impious merit, in abetting our persecutors, would exempt them from being involved in the general calamity. But as the rapacity of the enemy was boundless-their havoc was indiscriminate, and their barbarity unparalleled. They have plundered friends and foes. Effects capable of division, they have divided. Such as were not, they have destroyed. They have warred upon decrepit age-warred upon defenceless youth. They have committed hostilities against the professors of literature, and the ministers of religion-against public records, and private monuments, and books of improvement, and papers of curiosity, and against the arts and sciences. They have butchered the wounded, asking for quarter; mangled the dying, weltering in their blood; refused to the dead the rites of sepulture; suffered prisoners to perish for want of sustenance; violated the chastity of women; disfigured private dwellings, of taste and elegance; and, in the rage of impiety and barbarism, profaned and prostrated edifices dedicated to Almighty God.

acquire riches at the expense of the liberties and fortunes of millions of our fellow-citizens— how soon would these delusive dreams, upon the conquest of America, end in disappointment? For where is the fund to recompense those retainers to the British arms? Was every estate in America to be confiscated, and converted into cash, the product would not satiate the avidity of their national dependents; nor furnish an adequate repast for the keen appetites of their own ministerial beneficiaries. Instead of gratuities and promotion, these unhappy accomplices in their tyranny, would meet with supercilious looks and cold disdain; and, after tedious attendance, be finally told by their haughty masters, that they indeed approved the treason, but despised the traitor. Insulted, in fine, by their pretended protectors, but real betrayers-and goaded with the stings of their own consciences-they would remain the frightful monuments of human contempt and divine indignation, and linger out the rest of their days in self-condemnation and remorse-and in weeping over the ruins of their country, which themselves had been instrumental in reducing to desolation and bondage.

Others there are, who, terrified by the power of Britain, have persuaded themselves that she is not only formidable, but irresistible. That her power is great, is beyond question; that it is not to be despised, is the dictate of common prudence. But then we ought also to consider her, as weak in council, and ingulfed in debt

reduced in her trade-reduced in her revenue-immersed in pleasure-enervated with luxury-and, in dissipation and venality, surpassing all Europe. We ought to consider her as hated by a potent rival, her natural enemy and particularly exasperated by her imperious conduct in the last war, as well as her insolent manner of commencing it; and thence inflamed with resentment, and only watching a favorable juncture for open hostilities. We ought to consider the amazing expense and difficulty of transporting troops and provisions above three thousand miles, with the impossibility of recruiting their army at a less distance, save only

And yet there are among us, who, either with such recreants, whose conscious guilt

must at the first approach of danger, appal the | what has it been for years past, but a pensioned stoutest heart. Those insuperable obstacles confederacy against reason, and virtue, and are known and acknowledged by every virtuous honor, and patriotism, and the rights of man? and impartial man in the nation. Even the What were their leaders, but a set of political author of this horrid war is incapable of conceal- craftsmen, flagitiously conspiring to erect the ing his own confusion and distress. Too great babel, despotism, upon the ruins of the ancient to be wholly suppressed, it frequently discovers and beautiful fabric of law-a shameless cabal, itself in the course of his speech-a speech ter- notoriously employed in deceiving the prince, rible in word, and fraught with contradiction corrupting the parliament, debasing the people, -breathing threatenings, and betraying terror- depressing the most virtuous, and exalting the a motley mixture of magnanimity and consterna- most profligate-in short, an insatiable junto tion-of grandeur and abasement.-With troops of public spoilers, lavishing the national wealth invincible he dreaded a defeat, and wants re- and, by peculation and plunder, accumulating a inforcements. Victorious in America, and debt already enormous? And what was the triumphant on the ocean, he is an humble de- majority of their parliament, formerly the most pendent on a petty prince; and apprehends an august assembly in the world, but venal penattack upon his own metropolis; and, with full sioners to the crown-a perfect mockery of all confidence in the friendship and alliance of popular representation-and at the absolute France, he trembles upon his throne, at her devotion of every minister? What were the secret designs and open preparations. characteristics of their administration of the provinces? The substitution of regal instructions in the room of law; the multiplication of officers to strengthen the court interest; perpetually extending the prerogatives of the king, and retrenching the rights of the subject, advancing to the most eminent stations, men without education, and of the most dissolute manners; employing, with the people's money, a band of emissaries to misrepresent and traduce the people; and, to crown the system of misrule, sporting with our persons and estates by filling the highest seats of justice, with bankrupts, bullies, and blockheads.

With all this, we ought to contrast the numerous and hardy sons of America, inured to toil-seasoned alike to heat and cold-hale -robust-patient of fatigue-and, from their ardent love of liberty, ready to face danger and death-the immense extent of continent, which our infatuated enemies have undertaken to subjugate the remarkable unanimity of its inhabitants, notwithstanding the exception of a few apostates and deserters—their unshaken resolution to maintain their freedom, or perish in the attempt the fertility of our soil in all kinds of provisions necessary for the support of war-our inexhaustible internal resources for military stores and naval armaments-our comparative economy in public expenses-and the millions we save by having reprobated the farther exchange of our valuable staples for the worthless baubles and finery of English manufacture. Add to this, that in a cause so just and righteous on our part, we have the highest reason to expect the blessing of Heaven upon our glorious conflict. For who can doubt the interposition of the supremely just, in favor of a people forced to recur to arms in defence of every thing dear and precious, against a nation deaf to our complaints - rejoicing in our misery-wantonly aggravating our oppressions -determined to divide our substance-and by fire and sword to compel us into submission?

From such a nation (though all this we bore, and should perhaps have borne for another century, had they not avowedly claimed the unconditional disposal of life and property) it is evidently our duty to be detached. To remain happy or safe in our connection with her, became thenceforth utterly impossible. She is moreover precipitating her own fall, or the age of miracles is returned—and Britain a phenomenon in the political world, without a parallel.

The proclamations to ensnare the timid and credulous, are beyond expression disingenuous and tantalizing. In a gilded pill they conceal real poison: they add insult to injury. After repeated intimations of commissioners to treat with America, we are presented, instead of the Respecting the constitution of Great Britain, peaceful olive-branch, with the devouring sword: bating certain royal prerogatives, of dangerous instead of being visited by plenipotentiaries to tendency, it has been applauded by the best bring matters to an accommodation, we are judges; and displays, in its original structure, invaded by an army, in their opinion, able to illustrious proofs of wisdom and the knowledge subdue us--and upon discovering their error, of human nature. But what avails the best the terms propounded amount to this, "If you constitution, with the worst administration? will submit without resistance, we are content For what is their present government-and to take your property, and spare your lives; and

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