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dangers in the navigation of the Mississippi and its tributaries arising from snags, logs and rocks; the whole responsibility and it is a fearful one-for the destruction of life and property occasioned thereby, rests upon the Federal Government, which alone has the power and the requisite authority and means for their removal.

Having thus shown-imperfectly doubtless, yet, as we cannot but think, in a most imposing form-the importance, value and steady growth of the commerce and navigation of the Mississippi and its tributaries, we will now turn to the lakes, and see what their claims are to the liberal care and protection of the government.

The letter addressed by James L. Barton of Buffalo, to Mr. McClelland, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce in the House of Representatives, will furnish the statistics to illustrate this portion of our inquiry.

In 1818 the first steamboat, the Walk in the Water, was seen upon Lake Erie. Itsvoyage to and from Buffalo and Detroit occupied ten days. Its business was chiefly confined to Lake Erie, but it made an annual trip to Mackinac-then the Ultima Thule of lake navigation. It was not till 1826 or 1827 that the waters of Lake Michigan were invaded by a steamboat, which ran with a pleasure party to Greenbay. The southern part of the lake and Chicago were not visited till 1832, when the necessities of the government requiring the transportation of troops and munitions for the then existing Indian war, steamboats were chartered to carry them to Chicago.

In 1840, there were 48 steamboats on the lakes, of from 150 to 750 tons, and costing about $2,200,000; the business that year West of Detroit, produced $201,838-chiefly freight and passage money. Owing, however, to the entire want

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1845, from Ohio and

other States, 717,466 1,354,990

All this passed through Buffalo into the Erie Canal-but the whole quantity of flour and wheat sent over the lakes in 1845 from these States, exceeded 1,500,000 bbls.

But the claims of the trade of these lakes to the care and protection of the Federal Government, would be imperfectly set forth, if the number of persons

of harbors around Lake Michigan, the bu-
siness is wholly confined to its Western
coast. From 1834 to 1841, the business
West of Detroit, was found by accurate
statistics to have grown from $6,272 to
$226,352. The sail vessels then on the
lakes were estimated at 250, varying from
30 to 350 tons, and costing from $1000 to
$14,000. The aggregate capital they re-
present may be put down at one and a
quarter millions, and the annual earnings
of these vessels amount to about $750,000.
In 1845, there were on the lakes above
Niagara, the following vessels:

Steamboats, 52-20,500 tons.
Propellers, 8- 2,500 66
50-11,000 66
Schooners, 270-42,000

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380 76,000 tons. Costing in their construction, $4,600,000. On lake Ontario, at the same period, there were

7 Steamboats, confining their trade to that lake.

8 large Propellers, and 100 Brigs and Schooners-which, passing through the Welland Canal, traded to the extreme end of Lake Michigan, and at all the intermediate points.

A large accession has since been made to the navigation on all the lakes, as well to repair the disasters of the boisterous autumn of 1845, as to meet the increased demand.

The loss of life in 1845 was 60 persons, and 36 vessels were driven ashore. During five years ending with 1845, more than 400 lives were lost, and more than one million of dollars damage was sustained by the shipping.

The following comparative table of two periods, ten years apart, will show the great growth of the trade:

In 1835, the State of Ohio, the only Exporting State on the upper lakes, passed through the Erie Canal to tide waterbdls. staves. bbls. prov's. bbls. ashes. lbs. wool. 2,565,272 6,502 4,410 149,401

88,296,431 68,000 34,000 2,957,761 who are annually transported upon them were overlooked.

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Last year," says Mr. Barton's letter, 'during the season of navigation, there were three daily lines of large steamboats leaving Buffalo for Toledo, Detroit, and the Western shore of Lake Michigan as far as Chicago, besides other shorter lines." A very carefully made list from the

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Of these, 40,630 were landed at ports West of Detroit and principally on the Western shore of Lake Michigan from Shebrygan to Chicago.

These are the passengers going one way and by steamboats. But if those coming from the West, in vessels of all sorts, be added, and those passing and repassing from port to port, it will not be unreasonable to state at 200,000, the number of persons who were embarked on the upper lakes in that year. If to these be added the number of passengers on Lake Ontario, and thence through the Welland Canal to the upper lake, the aggregate would not fall short of a quarter of a million of human beings, whose lives areannually hazarded on these lakes. Such is the present state of the navigation and commerce of the great lakes; but when the Illinois and Michigan Canal, to terminate at Chicago, which connects the Mississippi with Lake Michigan, is finished-when Wisconsin, the finest territory in the Union, shall be filled up and cultivated, and the process is now rapidly going on-and when a Railroad or Canal shall traverse its level prairies and bring into connection the upper Mississippi and the lake, who shall even conjecture the extent of commerce and navigation then to be carried on over these great inland seas? The commerce of the port of Buffalo alone, during the year 1845, amounted to $33,000,000 in value; that of all the other ports on the lake would exceed that sum, and probably swell the total to $70,000,000, and even that large figure fails to mark the real value of the whole lake trade, seeing that a considerable portion of it goes through the Welland Canal, direct to Canadian ports.

In duly considering the facts here brought together, it will, it is thought, be readily admitted, that when Mr. Polk treats the object for which appropriations were made by the River and Harbor bill vetoed by him, as of secondary importance to the Mexican war, and of no pressing urgency, he does great violence to truth. It is utterly inconsistent with

every notion of the uses of Government to say, that interests such as we have shown to exist, in constant peril from causes susceptible of removal, are not entitled to claim that in some shape and by some competent power, these perils shall be abated. No one will maintain that a sagacious and practical people have agreed to bind themselves into a form of government which is powerless to remove patent evils-and that the force of certain metaphysical abstractions is such, that countless lives and countless treasure may be annually destroyed, because that people cannot agree where the power is placed to apply the remedy, which all admit can be effectually applied. Such power must reside somewhere in every social and political organization, and when it is shown where, from the nature of things, it cannot reside, a great step is made towards determining where, of necessity, it must reside.

In regard to the Mississippi, Mr. Calhoun's Report already so copiously referred to, after asking "where the power, and where the duty, to improve the navigation of the Mississippi and its tributaries," thus proceeds to answer :

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"It is certainly not that of individuals; their means and power. Nor is it that of the the improvement is beyond the reach of several States bordering on its navigable waters. It is also beyond their means and power acting separately. Nor can it be done by their united and joint action. There are 16 States and two Territories lying wholly or partly within the valley of the Mississippi, and there still is ample space for several more-these all have a common interest in its commerce-their united and joint action would be requisite for the improvement of the navigation. But the only means by which that could be done, is expressly prohibited by the 10th Sec. 1st Art. of the Constitution, which provides that "No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation." But if neither individuals nor States acting separately or jointly, have the power to improve its navigation, it must belong to the Federal Government, if the power exist at all, as there is no other agency or authority in our system of Government by

which it could be exercised."

This is well and soundly said, and every word of it is alike applicable to the case of the lakes-even in a greater degree indeed, than to that of the Mississippi.

Mr. Calhoun then proceeds to inquire under what provision of the Constitution the power can be exercised. It must be

comprised, he argues, among the expressly granted and enumerated powers, or among those necessary and proper to carry them into effect." If not to be found among them it does not exist at all.

It is admitted that whether the Federal Government possesses the power or not, it has heretofore acted on the supposition that it did," as the numerous acts of Congress for the improvement of the Mississippi, including its principal tributaries, abundantly prove." These appropriations so far as appear-were made under what is usually called the money power, that power which Madison, Monroe, and Jackson considered as still preserving to the Federal Government the means of attaining the great ends of internal improvement, even while they denied to that Government the right to carry on such improvement, directly.

But Mr. Calhoun is not content with this source of the power, and he looks elsewhere for it and after some fine spun metaphysics about the "common defence" and the general welfare," which he in like manner rejects as the source of this power, he finds it at last, though limited in degree, and tied up by subtleties most sophistical, in the authority granted to the Federal Government "to regulate Commerce with foreign nations and among the States."

After adverting to the constant and uncontroverted exercise of this power in establishing lighthouses, beacons, piers, &c. on the Atlantic, Mr. Calhoun assumes that the good sense of the thing requires that a like practice on the lakes and the great inland water-courses can be maintained and justified under the same provision.

Hence, says he, the Committee " are of opinion that it (the power of Congress) extends to removing all obstructions within the channel of the Mississippi, the removal of which would add to the safety and facility of its navigation. It includes the removal of snags, logs, rocks, shoals, sand-breaks, bars-including that at its mouth, and trees projecting over or liable to slide into its channel-where the removal would improve or secure the navigation."

This is all clear and undoubted; but in the next breath, Mr. Calhoun limits this power to the case where a river bounds three or more States, and denies that it can be rightfully exercised where a river runs clearly through one State, or between two States. The reasoning is too

superfine for use, and quite inconsistent with the robust arguments of other portions of the Report.

After establishing the right of the Federal Government to improve the Mississippi-even to the cutting down and removal of trees on its banks-Mr. Calhoun denies that "Harbors or canals round falls" in the river can be justly constructed under this power! It would be perfectly competent, according to such reasoning, for the Federal Government to blast and clear away the falls of the Ohio, for instance at Louisville-which at an enormous expense might probably be done-but it is not competent to obtain the same object, that of facilitating the navigation, by turning those falls with a sufficient canal!! So again, it is admitted that the Federal Government may dredge out, improve and render more secure, any existing harbor; but they may not, however valuable the commerce that may have sprung up to require it, form a new harbor!!!

And yet the men who indulge in such hair-splitting subtleties, and, where great benefit is certain to grow out of a common sense and liberal construction of the Constitution, insist upon adhering to its letter, have no scruples at other times, and for the furtherance of one special interest -that of slavery-to open wide the door of the Constitution.

Mr. Polk and Mr. Calhoun would search in vain for the provision of the Constitution which will justify the admission of Texas into the Union, in the manner in which that State was admitted. They can find no warrant in it, for an admission by act of Congress to the original limited partnership of these United States, of a foreign territory and all its citizens. Such a power belongs, if it exist at all, to the treaty-making branch: nor can even that justify cancelling two Representatives in Congress to the sparse white population of that foreign territory, numerically below the ratio which in the United States is required for one Representative-thus giving to Texas twice the weight in the popular branch possessed by Delaware-one of the old thirteen original founders of the Constitution—and equal weight in the Senate.

The same sticklers for the letter "which killeth" can find authority in the Constitution to fit out exploring expeditions, by land and by water, can approach the hyperborean rigors of the South pole, in their effort to solve a problem in geogra

phy, and spend treasure and human lives in surveying the coasts and rivers of foreign countries; but they can find no authority to render our own coasts and rivers secure by harbors and breakwaters, or by removing obstructions. Verily, they "strain at a gnat while swallowing a whole drove of camels."

But Mr. Polk would seem to lack the apology of an apparent convictionerroneous though that might be-onthis subject for if there be any faith due to the representations of Mr. Brinckerhoff and Mr. Thompson, which have been already quoted, and to the hardly less expressive silence or costiveness of Messrs. McClelland and Constable, Mr. Polk has played a part in this whole matter. After using the influence which the possession of a Veto power and the apprehension that he might use it against the Harbor Bill, gave him to carry the Tariff-after appealing to the principle, and appearing to assent to the details of the appropriation in that Harbor Bill while another favorite object was in abeyance-Mr. Polk, at the eleventh hour, makes a stalking horse of the Constitution, in order to cheat his friendsand upon pretended scruples, about the sxistence of a power which almost all his

predecessors have, in some form, exercised, refuses his final and formal assent to a bill-of which many of the appropriations were suggested by his own officers-were reinforced by the President's own recommendation-were subsequently approved in principle, if not in absolute detail, by the President personally-and which would, it is hardly doubtful, have been all passed by him, if the veto on the Tariff Bill had been postponed till the return of the River and Harbor Bill.

The lamentation of the country, therefore, and especially of that large portion of it more immediately bordering on the great lakes and rivers, for the improvement and security of which this bill was mainly devised, are embittered and exasperated by the conviction, that their interests, and the safety of life and commerce among them, have been sacrificed, not to any honest conviction-not to any pardonable doubt about the true meaning of the Constitution—but to a wanton and corrupt exercise of a monarchical prerogative, which in the purest hands is of dangerous reach, but which in such hands as it has fallen into, should be abolished, or we cease to be free.

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AND thou art passed from life! Th' uncounted years-
That rose so glorious on th' horizon's verge,
Airy and winged, and touched with many hues,
When thou rod'st sparkling on the crest o' the wave,
And dreamed no end could come to their bright change,
Thy cloud-flushed Future-blankly have put on
A sudden blackness, and thy little drop
All darkly glided down into the deep,
The vast of ocean, never more to rise
Into the dear realm of this mortal light!
Yet art thou not all gone! Thy memory still
Lingers around me, whether at the hour
Of sacred Evening, or when Morning fills
The world's great face with solitary beams-
And thy strong spirit, swift and fresh and calm,
Oh Brother! cleaves the ambrosial stellar space,
Or with an earnest joy, contemplative,

Sits in hushed valleys, and by chaunting streams,
To which Earth's beautiful places all must seem
Poor-very poor! And yet could we but see
Thy face among us!-could we feel thy hand!
Thy voice but hear, and-hush! no more of thee!
Art thou not made immortal?

New-Haven, April, 1840.






CUPID SMITH was by no means an uncommon man. We do not remember that anybody ever called him one of the most remarkable men of the age. He was one of those persons who pass in a crowd without being seen; one who impresses you with the thought, the first time you happen to meet him, that you must have seen him before; and when you meet him a second time, causes you to doubt whether or no you ever did see him before so nearly did he resemble the average of humanity. He was of middle age, middle size, and in middling circumstances. But he once met with an uncommon adventure, which serves to segregate him from the rest of his tribe. Then there was something uncommon in his very common name. Cu pid and Smith are both common names enough, but it is not often that we see them united. We are not positive that his Christian name was Cupid. Perhaps not. But we are positive that we never heard him called by any other. He was a very smiling, agreeable gentleman, with a fine head of glossy, brown hair, which curled pleasantly round his very common face, and, together with his attention to the ladies, had probably caused his friends to apply to him the appellation of the little curly-headed God of Love. Cupid was unmarried, of course; it would be a strange freak for the God of Love to marry. Catch him doing such a thing. However, our Cupid really had a desire to marry: why he never did, is more than we know; but we know why he did not marry one of the Miss Prymsticks, and the reason of it will form the burden of our story. We could divulge that reason at a word, and put the reader out of suspense at once, and bring our story to an immediate close: and so might a mother with a spoonful of laudanum put an end to the life of her infant, and save herself the trouble of bringing it up, and

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the infant the trouble of living. But magazine authors have an affection for their offspring, as well as other people, and feel it a sacred duty to keep them alive as long as possible. And even this little bit of a digression has added some lines to the span of our bantling's life, as you see, without doing anybody any harm; and also shown you how easy a matter it is to get up a magazine story, nothing being necessary with a practiced writer but pen, ink and paper, a subject and sure pay. But to resume the thread of our story.

Cupid Smith had some kind of employment in Wall street. What it was we do not know; but it was a gentlemanly occupation which never soiled his hands, however much it might have soiled his thoughts; he was always dressed exceedingly well, a little within the extreme of the fashion, and was always at leisure of an evening. Consequently he was a valuable acquaintance to ladies of a certain age, and was always willing to devote his time to them, but he never manifested any particular desire to devote any money to their enjoyments. We have heard it said, but mind it is only what the newspapers call an on dit, that in passing by an ice-cream saloon with a lady on his arm, or a pair of them on his arms, he never could be induced by any sly hints or inuendoes to stop, but on the contrary was certain to quicken his pace and pretend to be in a great hurry to get home. Ladies are terrible scandalizers, and they will give a gentleman a worse name for refusing them a glass of icecream, than for breaking half the laws of the Decalogue; and we suspect that the ladies of Cupid's circle had told as many bad things of him as though he had been a downright Don Giovanni. And this might have been one reason why he had never succeeded in obtaining any

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