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inform the Infant of it, observing that, for the interest of Portugal, it was undoubtedly desirable that the Infant should not scruple to take, in conformity with the intentions of the emperor Don Pedro, his brother, the title of regent of the kingdom. MM. de Villa-Secca and Villa-Real added, that they had received the order of the Infant to declare, that filled with gratitude for the paternal kindness, which his majesty the emperor of Austria has constantly shown to him since his first arrival at Vienna, and still more particularly on this last occasion, his highness would consider it his duty to express personally to his imperial majesty the deep and respectful gratitude which he feels, and that he relied upon his sentiments being made known to him by means of the conference.

Prince Metternich undertook with eagerness, in the mean time, to become the channel of his royal highness's sentiments to the emperor, his august master, adding, that his imperial majesty would receive the expression of them with the most sincere satisfaction.






Vienna, Oct. 20, 1827.


On the part of Austria.-M. le Prince de Metternich, M. le Comte de Lebzeltern, M. le Chevalier de Neumann, M. le Comte Henri de Bombelles.

On the part of England.-The British Ambassador.

On the part of his royal highness the Infant Don Miguel.-M. le Baron de Villa-Secca, M. le Comte de Villa-Real.

The Portuguese plenipotentiaries having requested prince Metternich to have the goodness to assemble a second conference to receive the communication of the letters which his royal highness the Infant had written and signed on the preceding evening, for his majesty the emperor Don Pedro, his august brother, for his majesty the king of England, and for her royal highness the Infanta Donna Maria Isabella, regent of Portugal; in which letters the Infant, in conformity with the opinion of the Cabinet of Vienna, assumes the double character of lieutenant and regent of the kingdom; and prince Metternich being desirous to re-assemble the conference at his house on the 20th of October, according to the desire of the Portuguese plenipotentiaries, those gentlemen read the three letters above-mentioned, and annexed to the Protocol copies and translations of them. A just eulogium was generally paid to the wisdom, uprightness, and rectitude of the principles manifested in their composition. It was also observed, that the letter of the Infant to the emperor Don Pedro did not contain any reservation of his personal rights, but that at London, however, such a reservation was considered as desirable. But prince Metternich replied, that the Infant having already explicitly reserved all his rights in the letter which he has written to the emperor Don Pedro his brother, in sending to him his oath to the Portuguese

charter, a second reservation would at present be superfluous; that it was, notwithstanding, very natural that in Portugal a high value should be attached to that question, which is necessarily connected with those of the confirmation of the act of abdication of the emperor Don Pedro, of the sending the young queen Maria de Gloria to Portugal, and of the total and definitive scparation of the two crowns; that they might remain perfectly tranquil on that head, seeing that Austria and England were convinced of the importance of not suffering a longer time to elapse, without deciding upon questions of so high an interest for the interior tranquillity of Portugal, and that those two powers were determined to unite their efforts to urge and obtain their decision at Rio de Janeiro.

The explanations furnished on this subject by prince Metternich having been found fully satisfac. tory, it was acknowledged that the reservation in question would be useless.

The Portuguese plenipontentiaries afterwards announced to the English ambassador, that the Infant had anticipated the wishes of his government, in deciding spontaneously to address a second confidential and affectionate letter to the Infanta, his sister, to tranquillize her on the subject of her future condition. Those gentlemen added, that the Infant had also decided to write in duplicate to the Infanta, his sister; that all the letters were ready, signed and sealed; that it only remained for them, conse. quently, to request prince Metter. nich to have the goodness to hasten their despatch by way of London and Madrid. Prince Metternich

gave a positive assurance that these two expeditions should set out with the least possible delay, and he, in consequence, engaged MM. de de Villa-Real Villa-Secca and

to send to him, in the course of to-morrow, the letters of his royal highness, as well as the despatches which those gentlemen may desire should accompany them.

The Portuguese plenipotentiaries observed, lastly, that the frank and loyal support which they have constantly met with from M. the mar quis de Rezende, in regard to all the questions, relative as well to the departure of the Infant as to the direction and acceleration of the journey of that prince, has induced them to keep him generally acquainted with the course of their transactions, and to inquire of him respecting the desire which he might perhaps have to assist at the conferences destined to sanction the result; but that the envoy of Brazil had answered, that he had fulfilled the instructions of the emperor, his master, in causing the Infant to know distinctly the intentions of his august brother relative to his departure and voyage; but that not being specially authorized to take part in the affairs of Portugal, as he had announced in one of their former confidential meetings, he had preferred not assisting at the conferences relative to them.

In conformity with this declaration, it has been agreed not to invite the marquis de Rezende to assist at the present meeting, but to conclude the protocol of it, and to submit it, as well as that of the preceding meeting, for the signature of the representatives of Austria, England, and Portugal, to preserve the two original protocols in the archives of the Chancery of

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Vienna, Oct. 19, 1827.
Sir-I have received the decree
which your imperial, royal and
most faithful majesty has deigned
to address to me, dated the 3d of
July, by which your majesty has
been pleased to nominate me your
lieutenant and regent of the king-
doms of Portugal, the Algarves,
and their dependencies; and, con-
formably with the sovereign deter-
minations of your majesty, I imme.
diately occupied myself in making
the necessary arrangements to pro-
ceed to Lisbon, in order to fulfil
the wise and paternal views of
your majesty, in governing and
ruling the said kingdoms conforma-
bly to the Constitutional Charter
which your majesty has granted to
the Portuguese nation.

All my efforts shall tend to the maintenance of the institutions which govern Portugal, and to contribute, as much as lies in my pow. er, to the preservation of the public tranquillity in that country, to prevent its being troubled by factions, whatever may be their origin,factions which shall never have my support.

May Heaven preserve the precious days of your majesty.. (Signed)

THE INFANT DON MIGUEL. His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil.


Vienna, Oct. 19, 1827.

My dear Sister,-Although I have every reason to suppose that you are already acquainted with the resolution taken by our august brother and king to nominate me his lieutenant and regent of the kingdoms of Portugal and the Algarves, and their dependencies, to govern them conformably to what is prescribed in the Constitutional Charter given by our august brother to the Portuguese nation, I cannot, nevertheless, forbear an. nouncing to you that I have receiv. ed the decree of the 3d of July of the present year, in virtue of which I find myself fully authorized to take possession of the regency of the above-mentioned kingdoms.

Determined to maintain inviolate the laws of the kingdom, and the institutions legally granted by our august brother, and which we have all sworn to maintain and to cause to be observed, and to rule by them the above-mentioned kingdoms, it is proper that I should so declare it, that you may have the goodness, my dear sister, to give to that solemn declaration the required publicity, and that you may make known, at the same time, the firm intention which I have to repress the factions which, under whatever pretext, tend to trouble the public tranquillity in Portugal; desiring that past errors and faults which may have been committed may be buried in an entire oblivion, and that concord, and a perfect spirit of conciliation may succeed to the de.

plorable agitations, which have divided a nation, celebrated in the annals of history for its virtues, valour, loyalty, and devotion to its princes.

In order to execute the royal intentions of our august brother, I am preparing to return to Portugal; and I request you, my dear sister, without any loss of time, to cause a frigate and a brig to be prepared, and to set out for the port of Falmouth, in order that they may serve to transport me to Lisbon.

May God, my dear sister, have you in his safe and holy keeping. (Signed) MIGUEL. The Infanta Regent of Portugal.


Vienna, Oct. 19, 1827. Sire, The decree by which the emperor and king, my brother, has nominated me his lieutenant and regent in the kingdoms of Portugal and the Algarves, and its depen. dencies, having reached me, one of my first cares must be to convey this noble resolution to the know. ledge of your majesty. Convinced of the interest which you will take in it, on account of the ancient and intimate alliance which has always subsisted between Portugal and Great Britain, and which I sincerely desire to cultivate, I dare flatter myself that you will have the goodness to grant me your good-will and support; the end which I propose to myself being invariably to main. tain tranquillity and good order in Portugal, by means of the institutions granted by the emperor and king, my brother,-institutions which I am firmly resolved to cause to be respected.

I address this request to your

majesty, in the expectation of hav ing the honour of making it to you personally, with the confidence inspired by your great wisdom and the interest which you have always taken in every thing which regards my family and the welfare of Portugal.

1 pray your majesty to accept the homage of my sentiments of attachment and high consideration. (Signed)

His Britannic Majesty.


Vienna, Oct. 23, 1827.


On the part of Austria.-M. le Prince de Metternich, M. le Comte de Lebzeltern, M. le Chevalier de Neumann, M. le Comte H. de Bombelles.

On the part of England.-The British Ambassador.

On the part of his royal highness the Infant Don Miguel.-M. le Baron de Villa-Secca, M. le Comte de Villa-Real.

The protocol of the conference of the 20th inst., was approved and signed, when the British ambassador announced that he had still a confidential communication to make to the members of the conference, and he read to them a letter which he had that day received from Paris, in which he was informed that some agents of the Portuguese refugees had been sent there to obtain access to the Infant. It appears, according to this letter, that these refugees are endeavouring to excite an insurrection in Portugal, and to destroy the constitution before the arrival of Don Miguel.

Prince Metternich observed, that this communication deserved the more serious attention, as the in

telligence which he had received direct from Spain in the course of the last week, and which he had hastened to communicate to the British Government on the 18th of of this month, gave him reason to believe in the existence of this culpable project; that the Infant had himself been the first to speak to him of his fears with respect to this, and had expressed a wish that means should be thought of to prevent a movement, which, should it break out before his arrival at Lis. bon, might place him in a very difficult and embarrassing situation. Prince Metternich added, that, as the Infant entertained views so favourable, the most effectual means to employ, would be a direct overture from this prince to the king of Spain. He proposed, therefore, to invite the Infant to write immedi. ately to his Catholic majesty, to inform him of the determination which he had come to, in conformity with the decree of the emperor Don Pedro, his brother, of the 3d of July, and to ask of him, at the same time, with confidence, to take such measures as, in his wisdom, he should judge most effectual in preserving tranquillity in the Peninsula, and to make known to the aforesaid refugees that the Infant highly disapproved of such projects, and was determined to repress them.

This proposal of prince Metternich having heen unanimously approved, the Portuguese plenipotentiaries having undertaken to submit it to the Infant, and that prince having received it favourably, the baron de Villa Secca, and the count de Villa-Real have announc. ed to-day to the conference, that his royal highness had willingly consented to write to the king of

Spain in the sense agreed upon; that they had it in command to deliver to prince Metternich the letter of the Infant to his Catholic majesty, with the request that it might be forwarded to its destination as soon as possible, and to annex a copy of it to the present protocol.

The prince Metternich declared that he took charge of it with the greater pleasure inasmuch as he did not doubt but that a step so frank and loyal on the part of the Infant would produce all the effect which it gave a right to expect. He then proposed to communicate the present protocol to the cabinets of London, Paris, Berlin, and Petersburg, with the request that they would transmit, without delay to their respective missions at Madrid, orders to support, with all their influence, the step which the Infant has just taken towards his Catholic majesty.

This proposition having been unanimously approved, it was agreed that the despatches for Paris and London should be in con. sequence made up immediately, and that they should be intrusted to M. de Neumann.





Vienna, Oct. 21, 1827.

My very dear Uncle, I have the honour to inform your majesty, that I have received a decree, dated from Rio de Janeiro, by which my

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