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ABERCROMBIE, general, appointed, to the chief command in America,
404. His unfuccefsful attempt on Ticonderago, 405. Superfeded by
general Amherst, 406.

Abo, peace of, between Ruffia and Sweden, 302.

Achmet III. emperor of the Turks, his extraordinary depofition, 138, 140.
Addifon, Mr. advanced to the poft of fecretary of state, 60; but refigns,
ib-His literary character, 124.

Adolphus-Frederic, king of Sweden, his acceffion to the throne, 347. His
voluntary oath, ib.

Aix-la-Chapelle, convention of, 122. General peace of, 332.

Alberoni, cardinal, his character and romantic projects, 39-50,
Albemarle, earl of, his fpirited memorial to the French court, 365.

Amberf, general, affumes the command in America, 404. Captures the
city of Louisburg, ib. Reduces the forts of Ticonderago and Crown-
Point, ib. Takes the city of Montreal, and completes the conquest of
Canada, 413.

Anne Iwanowna, emprefs of Ruffia, her acceffion, 137. Her conquefts
over the Ottomans, 200. Her death, 225.

Anfon, commodore, detached with a fquadron into the fouth-fea, 223.
Returns to England after a circumnavigation of the globe, 224. En-
gages and defeats a French squadron, 330. Ennobled, ib
head of the admiralty, 400.

Placed at the

Argyle, duke of, defeats the rebels at Sheriffmoor, 15. His character
drawn, 130. Oppofes the bill for inflicting penalties on the city of
Edinburgh, 198. Accepts the mafter-generalfhip of the ordnance, which
he quickly refigns, 245.

Atterbury, bishop of Rochester, refufes to fign the proteftation against the
pretender, 55. Opposes the petition of the quakers, 86. Engages in a
confpiracy against the government, and banished, 89. Remarkable de-
claration of lord Harcourt refpecting him, 92. His character and
death, 93.

Auguftus 1. king of Poland, his death, and its political confequences, 173.
Auguftus II. king of Poland, joins the confederacy against the queen of
Hungary, 226. Concludes a treaty of peace, 229. Joins the queen of
Hungary against Pruflia, 265. His troops defeated at Keffeldorff, and
the city of Drefden compelled to surrender, 270 Concludes a treaty of
peace with Pruffia, ib. Engages in a fubfidy-treaty with England, 348;
whom he abandons, 373. Enters into fecret intrigues to the prejudice
of the king of Pruffia 439. His dominions invaded by the king of
Pruffia, who takes poffeffion of Drefden, 440. His army compelled to
capitulate, 441.


His speech
His plan for

Balchen, admiral fir John, loft, with his whole crew, in the Victory, 312.
Barnard, fir John, Eis opposition to the foreign loan bill, 142.
against the requifition of an unlimited vote of credit, 188.
reducing the public debt, 206.


Bedford, duke of, declares his disapprobation of the Hanoverian fystem, 254-
His fpeech against the bill for extending the forfeitures of treason, 297-
Appointed first lord of the admiralty, 313. His remarkable motion in
the house of peers, 337.

Benedict, pope, XIII. his acceffion to the papacy, 84. His death, 137.
Benedict, pope, XIV. his death and character, 473.

Berwick, duke of, captures Fontarabia and St. Sebaftian, 52. Reduces
fort Kehl and Traerbach, 174. Killed by a cannon-ball at the fiege
of Philipsburg, 175

Braddock, general, his disastrous expedition to the Ohio, 368.

Bligh, general, his unfortunate retreat to St. Cas, 415.

Bolingbroke, viscount, removed from his office, 8; and impeached of high
treafon, 10. Withdraws to the continent, ib. Engages in the fervice of
the pretender, 12. Bill of attainder paffed against him, 14. His cha-
Act of attainder reverfed, 29. Joins the
racter of the pretender, 18.
oppofition, inftigated by chagrin and ambition, ib. Acquires the favor
His character in the con-
and confidence of the prince of Wales, 334.
cluding years of his life, ib.

Bofcawen, admiral, captures the Alcide and the Lys, 368. Defeats the
French fleet off Cape Lagos, 416.

Bourbon, duke of, fucceeds the duke of Orleans as regent of France, 100.
Breslau, treaty of, 229.

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Britife Fibery, at paffed for its encouragement, 343-

Bute, earl of, introduced into the household of the prince of Wales, 337-
His baleful influence, ib.

Byng, fir George, engages and deftroys the Spanish fleet off Melfina, 43.
Created vifcount Torrington, 45·

Byng, admiral, dispatched to the relief of Minorca, 389. His indecifive
engagement with monf. Galiffioniere, 390.

His pufillanimous retreat to

Gibraltar, 391. His trial and execution, 393, 394.

Cambray, congrefs of, 52.


Cameron, doctor, his trial and barbarous execution, 356.

Cape Breton, inland of, taken by admiral Warren, 325. Reftored by the
peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 333 Captured by general Amherst, 404.
Carew, Mr. his motion for restoring annual parliaments, 314.
Carteret, lord, his character, 131. Appointed to the government of Ire-
land, 136. His wife administration, ib. He refigns his offices, and joins
the oppofition, 150. Supports the penfion bill, ib. Declares against
votes of credit, 209. Appointed principal fecretary of ftate, 245. Votes
against the penfion bill, 246. Infinuates himself into the favor of the
king, 252. Appointed ambaffador extraordinary to the states-general, ib.
His infidious policy, 258. Engroffed by continental politics, 283. His
fpeech in vindication of the continental war, 285. Againft difmiffing the
Hanoverian mercenaries, 293. Compelled to refign his office, 313. Be-
comes earl of Granville, is re-appointed to the office of fecretary of flate,
and again refigns, 326. Made prefident of the council, ib.
Carlos, don, fucceeds to the duchies of Parma, &c. 151. Conquers Naples
and Sicily, 176. Succeeds to the crown of Spain, 475.
Caroline, queen of Great Britain, dies, 200. Her liberality of fentiment, 480.
Catherine 1. emprefs of Ruffia, her acceffion to the throne, 110.

at the measures of the English court, ib. Accedes to the treaty of Vienna,
Death of the empress, 122.


Catherine II. emprefs of Ruffia, her acceflion and character, 467.

Charles XII. king of Sweden, offended at the purchafe of Bremen and Ver-
den, 31. Projects the invafion of Great Britain, 33. His death and
character, 37.


Charles VI. emperor of Germany, engages as a party in the quadruple al-
liance, 41. Refuses to the king of England the inveftitures of Bre-
men and Verden, 52. Grants a protectorial commiffion for Mecklen-
burg, 53. His jealoufy of the king of England, 99. Eftablishes an im-
perial East India company at Ostend, ib. Concludes an alliance with
Spain, lor. Agrees to preliminaries of accommodation with England,
122. Offended at the treaty of Seville, 137-150. His unfuccessful war
with Turkey, 201. His death, 224.

Charles VII. emperor of Germany, elector of Bavaria, his claim upon the
Auftrian fucceffion, 226. Invades the archduchy of Austria, and threatens
Vienna, 227. Crowned king of Bohemia at Prague, ib. Elected em-
peror at Francfort, ib. Reduced to great difficulty and distress, 230.
His decree against the queen of Hungary, 231. În danger of being
made a prifoner 255. Signs a treaty at Francfort, with Pruffia, Sweden,
and the elector Palatine, 265. Recovers poffefsion of Munich, his ca-
pital, and dies, 287.

Charles-Emmanuel, king of Sardinia, fucceeds to the crown on the refigna-
tion of his father, 137. Orders the perfon of the late king to be seized,
168. Declares war against the emperor, in conjunction with France
and Spain, 174. Joins the houfe of Austria against Spain and France,
231. In danger of lofing his dominions, 233. He is remunerated for
his fervices, 236.

Charles, prince of Lorraine, opposes the king of Pruffia in Silefia, 229.
Advances into Bohemia, and invefts the city of Prague, ib. Croffes the
Rhine, and invades the kingdom of France, 264. Compels the king of
Pruffia to evacuate Bohemia, 265. Defeated by marefchal Saxe, at
Roucoux, 278. Defeated by the king of Pruffia at Prague, 442. Su-
1 perfeded in the command by marefchal Daun, 443.

Cherbourg, city of, taken by lord Howe, who deftroys its bason and har-
bour, 416.

Chefterfield, earl of, his character, 129. His fpeech against the bill for
licenfing the ftage, 203. Inveighs against a continental war, 253. His
fpeech on moving the addrefs, 284. Appointed to the government of
Ireland, 313. Goes as ambaffador-extraordinary to Holland, 321. The
wifdom and popularity of his government, 323. Presents a bill for the
reform of the calendar, 346.

Chriftiern VI. king of Denmark, endeavors to revive the union of Calmar,
309. Refufes the fubfidies of Great Britain, ib. Renews the alliance
with Great Britain, 310. His death, ib.

Clement XI. pope, dies-his character, 83.

Clement XII. pope, his acceffion, 137. Fills the papal chair ten years, ib.
Clive, colonel, takes the city of Arcot, 429. Captures, in conjunction with
admiral Watson, the city of Calcutta, 432. Defeats Sou-Rajah-Dowla, 433.
Takes Chandernagore, ib His march to Moorfhedabad, 434. Gains a
complete victory at Plaffey, ib.

Gloifter-Seven, convention of, 403.

Coote, colonel, defeats M. Lally at Wandewash, 437. Takes the city of
Pondicherry, 438.

Cope, fir John, defeated by the rebels at Preston-Pans, 274.

Cotton, fir John Hynde, his defeription of a genuine whig, 202. Accepts a
place at court, which he foon refigns, 313. His oppofition to the fubfi-
dizing fyftem, 350.

Cowper, lord, reinstated in his office of lord-chancellor, 8. Opposes the
repeal of the teft laws, 63; and the bill for banishing the bishop of Ro-
chefter, 90.

Crawford, earl of, his extraordinary prefence of mind, 279.
Cumberland, duke of, wounded at Dettingen, 257. Affumes the command
of the allied army against marefchal Saxe, 263. Defeated at Fontenoy,
273. Gains a complete victory over the rebels at Culloden, 277. De-


feated by marefchal Saxe, at Laffeldt, 281. His military character, 332.
Appointed to the command of the army of observation in Germany, 402.
Defeated at Haftenbeck by marefchal D'Etrées, ib. His injudicious re-
treat to Stade, 403. Obliged to capitulate with his whole army, ib. Re-
figns his employments, ib.


Daun, marefchal, defeats the king of Pruffia at Kolin, and relieves Prague,
433. Captures Schweidnitz, 444. Defeats the Pruffians under the prince
of Bevern, and takes Breslau, ib. Defeated by the king of Pruffia at Liffa,
ib. Relieves Olmutz, and pursues the king into Bohemia, 449. Defeats
the king at Hochkirchen, 450. Captures general Finck and his whole
army, 454. Defeated by the king at Torgau, 461.

Derwentwater, earl of, appears in arms against the government, 15. Sur-
renders himself prifoner, ib. Beheaded on Tower-hill, 18.

Devonfire, duke of, appointed first commiffioner of the treasury, 396.
Dorset, duke of, his declaration to the parliament of Ireland, 357-
Dupleix, M. his abilities and ambition, 428.


Egmont, lord, his oppofition to German fubfidies, 349.

Elizabeth, emprefs of Ruffia, her acceffion, 224. Orders the march of
40,000 men to the Rhine, 283. Carries on a fuccefsful war with the
Swedes, 308. Her infidious and interested policy, 332. Concludes a
fubfidy treaty with England, 374. Enters into engagements with France,
376. Joins the confederacy against Prussia, 438-444. Her death, 466.
Eugene, prince, triumphs over the Ottomans, 40. Opposes the duke of Ber-
wick on the Rhine, 175.


Fazakerly, Mr. his speech against the extenfion of forfeitures for high trea-
fon, 300.
Ferdinand, prince, reaffembles the allied army at Stade, 446. Recovers
Hanover, and compels the French to repafs the Rhine, ib. Defeats the
-French army at Crevelt, ib. Repulfed by mareschal Broglio at Bergen,
452. Gains a complete victory at Minden, ib. Defeats the French at
Warbourg, 457. Defeats the French at Grabenftein, 464. Takes the
city of Caffel, 465.

Ferdinand 11. king of Spain, his acceffion, 329. Reftores to the English their
commercial privileges, 344. Determined to maintain his neutrality, 373.
Offers his mediation to the courts of Versailles and London, ib. His ex-
ceffive grief at the lofs of the queen, and death, 475.

Ferrars, lord, execution of, 485.

Finale, marquifate of, belonging to Genoa, fraudulently ceded to the king of
Sardinia, 257.

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Fleury, cardinal, gains the reverfion of Lorraine for France, 177. Offers
the mediation of France to accommodate the differences between Spain and
England, 221. His death, 262.
Fox, right honourable Henry, his character, 329.
cretary of state, 378. His fpirited reply to M
tion for the introduction of foreign troops, 386.
Appointed paymafter to the forces, 400.
Francis I. emperor of Germany, duke of Lorraine, elected emperor at Franc-
fort, 269.

Appointed principal se-
Rouille, 385. His mo-
Refigns his office, 396.

Frederic V. king of Denmark, his acceffion, 310. Lofes his queen, daughter
to the king of England, 348.

Frederic, king of Sweden, landgrave of Heffe Caffel, accedes to the crown
on the refignation of his queen Ulrica, 302. His political fituation and
deficient authority, 302-308. Forced into a war with, Ruffia, 308.
Dies the amount of his fubfidies from England, 348.
Frederic II. king of Pruffia, fucceeds to the crown on the demife of his fa-
ther, 224. His unexpected invasion of Silefia, ib. Gains the battles of

Molwitz and Czaflaw, 229. The entire province of Silefia ceded to him
by the treaty of Breflau, ib. Invades Bohemia, and concludes a treaty
with the emperor, 264. Compelled to evacuate Bohemia with lofs, 265.
Opens the campaign in Silefia, and defeats the Austrians at Friedburg, 269;
and at Sohr, 270; and the Saxons at Keffeldorff, ib. Signs a treaty of
peace at Drefden, ib. Oppofes the election of a king of the Romans, 351.
Signs a treaty of alliance with the king of Great Britain, 374. Enters
the electorate of Saxony, and compels the whole Saxon army to capitulate,
441. Fights an indecifive battle with the Auftrians at Lowofchutz, ib.
Put under the ban of the empire, 442. Gains a complete victory over
the prince of Lorraine at Prague, ib. Defeated by marefchal Daun, at
Kolin, 443. Gains a complete victory over the French at Rofbach, 444;
and over the Auftrians at Liffa, ib. Becomes extremely popular in Eng-
land, 446. Subfidy treaty figned, 447. Compelled to raife the fiege of
Olmutz, 449. Defeats the Ruffians at Zorndorf, ib. Defeated by maref
chal Daun at Hochkirchen, 450. Relieves fix cities befieged by the ene-
my, ib. Defeated with great lofs by the Ruffians at Cunerfdorff, 454. In
imminent danger of being furrounded, 459. Defeats general Laudohn at
Lignitz, ib. Defeats marefchal Dann at Torgau, 461. Concludes a fe-
parate peace with Ruffia, 466. Captures the fortrefs of Schweidnitz,
467. Concludes a peace with the queen of Hungary at Hubertsburg, 468.
Frederic, prince of Wales, arrives in England, 134. Married to Augufta
princefs of Saxe Gotha, 199. Motion in the house of commons for fettling
one hundred thousand pounds per annum on the prince, ib. Divides in
perfon against the convention with Spain, 220. His reply to the king's
melfage, 244. Again alienated from the court, 334. His death, 336.


Gages, count de, fucceeds the duc de Montemar in the command of the
Spanish army in Italy, 231. Defeated by M. Traun, at Campo-Santo, ib.
His march across the Appenines, 233. Defeated by the Austrians at San
Lazaro, 235; and Tortona, ib. Retires to Provence, ib

Genoa, republic of, treated with flagrant injuftice by the courts of Vienna and
London, 258. Joins the confederacy against the queen of Hungary, 233
-259. City of Genoa taken by the Auftrians, 235. Recovered by the
heroic bravery of the Genoose, ib.

George I. his acceffion and defcent, 1. State of parties. 2. His predilection
for the whigs and diffenters, 6. Difmiffes the tory minifters, 8. His re-
markable proclamation for convening a parliament, 9. Purchases of the
king of Denmark the duchies of Bremen and Verden, 31. His alliance
with France, ib. Caufes the Swedish ambaffador to be arrested, 32.
Quarrels with the czar, 36. Joins in the quadruple alliance, 41. Con-
fequent war with Spain, 45- Concludes a treaty of alliance with Sweden
against the czar, 52. Sends a fleet into the Baltic, 54 Restrains the
violent proceedings of the convocation, 62. Recommends the limitation
of the peerage, in a speech from the throne, 70; and the repeal of the teft
laws to the parliament of Ireland, 72. Concludes a treaty of peace with
Spain, 85. Interms the parliament of a dangerous conípiracy, 87. De-
clines to mediate between Spain and the emperor, 102. Treaty of Han-
over, ib. Sends a fleet into the Baltic, 110; to the Mediterranean, 112;
to the West Indies, ib. Revives the order of knights of the Bath, 113.
His letter to the king of Spain, 116. Orders the imperial ambaffador
to depart the kingdom, 120. Preparations for war, ib. Articles of ac-
commodation figned at Aix-la-Chapelle, 122. The king's death and cha-
racer, 122-3.

George 11. his acceffion, 128. Concludes a treaty with Spain at Seville, 137.
His angry mention of incendiaries, 143. His remarkable fpeech from
the throne, ib. Concludes a treaty of peace with the emperor, 150. Gua


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