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entrust an irresponsible tyrant ma. jority with the decision of a pecuniary question of twenty shillings, we nevertheless entrust to it the appointment of those to whom we surrender the direction of our immortal souls?

Patronage of churches, when vested in a single individual, may be often abused; but the real question is, not whether such abuse exists, but whether it is not more likely to be increased than diminished by vesting the nomination of the clergy in the whole, or any considerable number of the parishioners. Patronage, as present constituted by law, has one immense advantage in the estimation of all who are acquainted with the workings of human nature;-it vests the power of nomination in one responsible person. No doubt he may often make an improper appointment; sometimes do so from selfish, or improper motives; but if he does this, every one knows that the appointment rests with him, and he will never hear the last of it as long as he lives. But, if any improper appointment is made by an irresponsible promiscuous body, of some hundred or thousand parishioners, every body will throw the blame upon his neighbour; the majority who chose him will be lost in the obscurity of the whole electors; and no individual will be found upon whom the responsibility of the wrong appointment can be thrown. It is proverbially known, that large bodies of men are much more prone to error, and much more liable to be deceived, than when acting singly, or in two or three together; and it is for that reason that in all ages it has been found necessary to vest the government of nations, armies, and provinces in single individuals, instead of irresponsible masses. If, therefore, the Non-intrusionists shall prove successful in spoliating the patrons, and establishing universal suffrage in church matters, by preaching up resistance to the law, we shall have voluntarily taken the important trust of appointing our spiritual guides out of the hands of those who are known, and are responsible, and whom the experience of all ages has found to be the only safe deposi

taries of important power, and vested it in numerous bodies, who are ill informed and irresponsible, and whom the experience of all ages, and of ordinary life in every department, has proved or found to be incapable of managing even the most common concerns of human affairs. That is to say, we shall have voluntarily favoured injustice, and forwarded revolution, in order to diminish the chances of the people obtaining the best class of spiritual teachers.

And if the cause of universal suffrage is triumphant in the church, how, it may be asked, is it to be resisted in the State? If the Non-intrusion party succeed by dint of clamour, resistance to the law, and misrepresentation, in at last obtaining the worst mode of appointing spiritual teachers that human wit has ever yet devised, namely, the nomination of the masses in one part of the kingdom, how is it to be resisted in another? With what countenance can it be maintained, that the rights of patrons are to be spoliated and set at nought to the north of the Tweed, and defended and maintained inviolate to the south of that river

that the clergy are to be elected by universal suffrage in Scotland, and by the crown, the bishops, or the patrons in the English counties? Such an imaginary line was never between revolution and Conservatism in the same empire. If the great cause of patron spoliation, and non-intrusion resistance to the laws, be successful in the northern end of the island, it will unquestionably be not slow of spreading also to the southern. Obsta principiis, is the only safe principle upon which Conservatives or holders of property canact in such cases. The anomaly of a popularly elected church and a hereditary monarchy cannot co-exist in the same country. The English may now not understand, or despise, the quarrels of the Scottish church, but let them beware. In former days, it was the Scottish covenant which overturned the English crown, and another solemu league and covenant has been formed, and signed, and is now acted upon by the Non-intrusion party to the north of the Tweed.


A few hours at Hampton Court, 764.
A night excursion with Martin Zur-
bano, 740.

Abaza, a second chapter of Turkish his-
tory, 177.

Alison, Archibald, Esq., review of vol.
viii. of his History of Europe, 64-
his works on the "Principles of Po-
pulation, and their connexion with
Human Happiness," reviewed, 808.
Andryane, Alexander, his Memoirs of a
Prisoner of State, noticed, 495.
Archæus, thoughts in rhyme by, 280.
Art and its vehicles, 255.
Austrians, Charles Julius Weber's ac-
count of them quoted, 487- notice
of Von Wolfgang Menzel's Travels
in Austria, taken, 487-notice of Peter
Evan Turnbull's Austria, taken, 487.

Baden-Baden, 478.

Bagdad, the fall of, a third chapter of
Turkish history, 595.
Bath, the Monarch of, 773.
Beauty Draught, the, a tale, 795-Chap.
II., 798-Chap. III., 806.
Bell, James Stanislaus, his "Journal of

a Residence in Circassia during the
years 1837, 1838, and 1839," review-
ed, 619.

Bridegroom of Barna, the, an Irish
tale, 680-II., 688-III., 694-IV.,
696-V., 698-VI., 700-VII., 702.
Boundary question, the results of the
late survey of it made by English en-
gineers, stated, from their report,

Bouvet, F., his réponse à M. Guizot,
noticed, 522.

Bunn, Alfred, his work on " The Stage
both before and behind the curtain,"
reviewed, 234.

Camoëns, a dramatic sketch, in one act,

by Frederick Halm, 220.
Carmen Triumphale, stanzas suggested
under the flag of the marble-arch of
the Queen's palace, the evening of
Wednesday, June 10, 1840, by B.
Simmons, 33.

Candidates' garland, an excellent new
song, so named, to the air of " Crop-
pies lie down," 534.

Caucasian war, the, being a review of
James Stanislaus Bell's" Journal of a
Residence in Circassia during the
years 1837, 1838, and 1839," 619.
Celtic language, the history of the, being
a review of L. Maclean's work of that
name, 249.
Chamberlayne, Dr, quotations given from
his "Sketches of England in the 17th
century," 263.

Charles-Edward after Culloden, by B.
Simmons, 824.

Cicala-Pasha, a chapter of Turkish his-
tory, 18.

Circassia, a political sketch of the pre-
sent position of that country, 84-J.
S. Bell's journal of a residence in, re-
viewed, 619-a war-song, 675.
Contrabandist, the, 771.
Correggio and Leonardo da Vinci, on,

Delta, to a wounded ptarmigan, 175-
De Quincey's Revenge, a ballad in
three fittes, by, 578.

Democracy in America, being a review
of M. de Tocqueville's work of that
name, 463.

De Quincey's Revenge, a ballad in three
fittes, with genealogical and antiqua-
rian notes, by Delta, 578.
Devil's, The, Last Walk, 676.
De Walstein, the Enthusiast, a tale of
the French Revolution, 338.
Dreams, Omens, &c., a few passages
concerning, 194.

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Europe, history of, from the French
Revolution in 1789, to the restoration
of the Bourbons in 1815, being a re-
view of the eighth volume of Mr Ali-
son's work of that name, 64.

Field Flowers, a poetical homage, 674.
Foreign Politics, 546-a strong feeling

exists, and has existed, in this country
in regard to the designs of Russia,
ib. by thus accusing Russia of
schemes of aggrandizement, it is not
improbable that she may be driven to
attempt what she has so long been
accused of, ib.- this delusion of
Russian aggrandizement has arisen

from the press of this country having
followed in the wake of the French
press, which accuses Russia of being
an enemy to free institutions, in or-
der to avert our eyes from their own
republican tendencies, 547-let the
cases of aggression against Russia be
calmly considered, and first in regard
to Khiva, which was only a movement
after all on her part to protect her
great trade in the east, from the de-
predations of the Khivan marauders,
548-in regard to the British testi-
mony against Russia on this and other
points, it has all been derived from Bri-
tish officers in the cast, whose minds
were prejudiced before leaving the
country, 549-that testimony, there-
fore, is good only for its facts, and
amongst its facts, only for that part
which depends on official report,
ib.-Is it then for itself that Khiva
is occupied? No.-550-Is it a step-
ping-stone to any thing connected
with this country? ib.-Let the situa-
tion of Khiva be considered for this
purpose, 1st, it is hostile, ib.—2d, it
is difficult of access, ib.-3d, it is
under water for a long season of the
year, ib.-4th, the passage of artil-
lery from it to Bokhara is nearly an
impossibility, 551-facts and argu-
ments to support these points, ad-
duced, ib.-Russian expressions of
hostility have been disavowed, and
what is the Russian interest in India?
None.-554-besides the difficulties of
a Russian invasion in India are insu-
perable in various respects, ib.-The
selfish motives of France detected in
the attempt to excite hostile feelings
against Russia, and especially in re-
gard to the signing of the quintuple
treaty of 15th July, 1840, 556-a
caveat entered against the misrepre-
sentation regarding the part taken by
Russia in putting down the last affair
in Poland, 558.-But the object of
this paper is not so much to raise a
scruple of Russian hostility as to notice
the great revolution for mankind,
which seems at present going on to
force Great Britain and Russia into
friendship, for the purpose of Chris-
tianizing the East, 559, et seq.
Forster, Frederick, his Erinnerrungen,
&c., in the Deutsche Pandora, review-
ed, 746.
France, M. Guizot's recent sentiments
on the moral and religious condition
of that country, reviewed, 522.

Germany, being a review of Charles
Julius Weber's work on, 119-notice
of Bisset Hawkins', M. D. work on

Germany, the spirit of her history,
literature, and social condition, 123–
notice of sketches of Germany and
the Germans, by an English resident
in Germany, 123.

Guizot, M., his papers in the Revue
Française, "De la démocratie dans
les societés modernes," "De la reli-
gion dans les societés modernes,” and
"Du Catholicisme, du Protestantisme,
et de la Philosophie en France," re-
viewed, 522.

Halm, Frederick, a dramatic sketch
by him, termed Camõens, given, 220.
Hampton Court, a few hours at, 764.
Hanmer, Sir Thomas, quotations given

from his sketches of France in the
17th century, 259.

Hints for the Hustings, 289-intended
for the use of Conservative candidates
at the next general election. The
mode how the following topics should
be treated on the hustings, by Conser-
vative candidates, is pointed out; 1st,
The accusation of disloyalty against
the Queen, 289-2d, the subject of
the revolt in Canada, 295-3d, the
question of the union of the two
Canadas, 299-4th, the agitation on
the corn-laws, 303-5th, on the state
of Ireland, 305-6th, the subject of
pauperism, 309-on Chartists and
Chartism, ib. et seq.

Irish registration bill of Lord Stanley's
explained and enforced, 135.

Kōlle, Von Friedrich, his Erliebtes von
Jahr 1813, in the Deutsche Pandora,
reviewed, 746.

Lector on the legal merits of the Iliad,


Leonardo da Vinci and Correggio, on,

Louis-Philippe, a biographical sketch of,

Maclean, L., his work on the " History
of the Celtic language" reviewed, 249.
Mahon, Lord, his work on the "History
of England, from the peace of Utrecht
to the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle,"
commended, 531.

Menzel, Von Wolfgang, his "Travels in
Austria," noticed, 487.
Monarch of Bath, the, 773.

Non-intrusion question, the, considered,

Omens, dreams, &c., a few passages con-
cerning, 194.

One Quarter More, a new song, to be

sung with great applause at an ap-
proaching Cabinet entertainment, to
the air of "One bottle more," 793.

Personification, on, Part II. 35.
Population, on, 808.

Post-Mortem Musings, 829.

Proteus, the politician, a poetical sketch,

Ptarmigan, to a wounded, by Delta, 175.
Raymond, a tale, 705-Chap. II.
706-Chap. III. 709-Chap. IV. 712
-Chap. V. 716-Chap. VI. 718-
Chap. VII. 721-Chap. VIII. 722-
Chap. IX. 724-Chap. X. 726-
Chap. XI. 730-Chap. XII. 732-
Chap. XIII. 736.

Reminiscences of the year 1813 in Ger-
many, 746.

Review of an unpublished tragedy, 610.
Royal Academy Exhibition, 374, 481.

Simmons, B., Carmen Triumphale by, 33
-Vanities in verse, by him, 231-826
-Charles Edward after Culloden,

Sketches of France and England in the

seventeenth century, 259.
Smith, the late James, his biography,
entitled "Literary Remains," by his
nephew, reviewed, 361.
Spectres, Institute of the Law of, by
Stryck, reviewed, 325.

Stage, the metropolitan, being a review

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of Bunn's work entitled, "The Stage,
both Before and Behind the Curtain,'

Stanley's, Lord, Irish Registration Bill,
135 the motive of the furious oppo-
sition set up by the Ministry against
this bill, is obvious and natural, it is
because only by the disorder of the
election franchise that an O'Connell
influence exists, and only by an O'Con-
nell influence that a Melbourne cabi-
net exists, ib.-they cannot allege
against it that no reform of the regis-
tration is required, for, for three
successive sessions they themselves
brought forward measures for that
particular reform, 137-but the actual
objection brought against it of its
being of a restrictive character with
regard to the franchise, may be urged
against all measures of true reform,
138-this bill has the higher tendency
of strengthening party principles
though it may injure personal inter-
ests, 139-It has also the great merit
of putting the two parties, the Con-
servative in favourable contrast with
the Whig; for, first, it forces the
Ministry to the public support of Irish
perjury, 142-secondly, it confers a
benefit on Conservative policy, at the

same time that it confers a public
benefit, inasmuch as it annihilates an
extensive system of fraud and perjury,
ib.--thirdly, it abolishes the hypocrisy
of personation, 143-and fourthly, it
exposes the bullying threatenings of
the Irish agitators, ib.

Stryck's Institute of the Law of Spectres
reviewed, 325.

Style, No. I. 1-No. II. 387--No. III.

Tee-Totalism, and total abstinence, be-
ing Tomkins' practice and opinion of
them, 214.

Ten Thousand a-Year, a tale, Part IX.
92-Part X. 145-Part XI. 399-

Part XII. 431-Part XIII. 623.
Ten Years of Whig Government, 563—
the evil consequences of it now seem
about to fall on us, ib.-the first delu-
sion that overspread the land was
Reform, and to its success all the
others may be ascribed, ib.-the next
delusion was the popular mode of con-
ducting our finances, 564-another
favourite delusion was the manage-
ment of the Romish population of
Ireland, 565-the West Indies was
another theatre on which the new
principles were to be advocated, ib.-
Canada has also been made the theatre
of the new system of government, 567
-while wounds were inflicted in the
West, dangers have been allowed to
accumulate in the East, 568-but if
the East and the West have been the
theatre of reform innovations, Europe
has been the theatre of unaccountable
vacillation and perplexity of policy,
569-first, in regard to Turkey, 570

then, as to Holland, ib.-next, in
regard to Spain and Portugal, 571—
and now, as regards Egypt, ib.-it
was the shameful desertion of our old
ally Turkey, that has been the root
of the whole evil, 572-the imminence
of the present crisis is thus great, ib.
-and what have we gained by sup
porting revolutionary allies? 573-
nothing but loss of trade, as proved by
public documents, ib.-ultimate advan-
tages, however, will overbalance these
perils, first, by unmasking the revolu-
tionary projects of France, 576-se-
cond, by producing unprecedented una-
nimity in the Conservative party, ib.-
and lastly, by placing in a clear point
of view the enormous peril, both to
the interest of the individual and the
safety of the state which arises from
pursuing that wretched system of
economy which has so long paralysed
the naval and military strength of
Britain, 577.

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Edinburgh: Printed by Ballantyne and Hughes, Paul's Work, Canongate.

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