HYMNS FOR CHRISTMAS. 11 HYMN III. FROM far sunrise at early morn Lo! the great Maker of the world, To save His creatures, veil'd beneath A Manger scantly strewn with hay Straightway with joy the Heav'ns are filled, The Hosts Angelic sing; And Shepherds hasten to adore Their SHEPHERD, LORD, and KING. JESU, the Virgin-Mother's Son, To Thee all glory be, With Father, Spirit, Three in One, The Circumcision of Christ. THE year begins with Thee, By Blood and Water too, Oh, are we born to tears, And seems it hard our early years Look here, and hold thy peace, Ev'n from the womb takes no release If thou would'st reap in love, So life a winter's morn may prove Epiphany. HYMN I. PRAISE God, who sent His guiding Star Where all in Gentile darkness lay, Oh, may we too, with off'rings meet, B Jesu, be Thou for ever blest, Who to the Gentiles manifest, Art God, while endless worlds endure. HYMN II. O God, who by a Star didst lead, Teach us, O Lord! to know and feel The tale, and all Thy love disclose. His humble lot should have a share? Or what his sons, that thus they find Their wants the object of Thy care. All that a grateful heart can give Is poor to what Thy love demands, Yet, Lord, accept us while we strive To obey in fear, Thy blest commands. Jesu, be Thou for ever blest, Who to the Gentiles manifest, With Father, and with Spirit pure, Art God, while endless worlds endure. The Presentation in the Temple. BLESS'D are the pure in heart, Are such the joyful hymns, Wide open from that hour The Temple gates are set, They who to earthly joys In faith have given farewell, Now see unlook'd for Heaven on earth, Christ in His Israel. Still to the lowly soul, He doth Himself impart; And for His dwelling and His throne, Chooseth the pure in heart. |