WITH fast and prayer for sinful man, His course on earth our Lord began; May we His gracious call obey, For our own sins to fast and pray.
Let us each one, with down-cast eye, The altar of our God draw nigh, And mourn our guilt, if so we may His just displeasure turn away.
O awful Judge of quick and dead, Our sins lie heavy on our head; Too vast a weight for us to bear :- Yet, gracious Father, deign to spare!
Repair the ills we dared to do, Increase the gifts for which we sue, Give to our hearts true contrite pain, That we Thy plenteous grace may gain.
Grant, ever blessed Three in One, Grant, Thou who art One God alone, Our Lent through all its holy round, May with the Spirit's fruits be crown'd.
HAVE mercy, Lord, on me, As Thou wert ever kind; Let me, oppress'd with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find.
Wash off my foul offence,
And cleanse me from my sin, For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been.
A broken spirit is,
Thy favour'd sacrifice;
A broken and a contrite heart, Thou wilt not, Lord, despise.
Withdraw not Thou Thy help, Nor cast me from Thy sight; Nor let Thy Holy Spirit take Its everlasting flight.
The joy Thy favour gives Let me again obtain ;
And Thy free Spirit's firm support My fainting soul sustain.
Sunday next before Easter.
O THOU, who through this holy Week
Didst suffer for us all,
The sick to heal, the lost to seek,
To raise up them that fall.
We cannot understand the woe Thy love was pleased to bear, O Lamb of God! we only know That all our hopes are there!
Thy Feet the path of suffering trod, Thy Hand the victory won, What shall we render to our God For all that He hath done?
To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Ghost, By men on earth be honour done, And by the Heavenly Host.
SEE the destin'd day arrive,
See a willing Sacrifice,
JESUS, to redeem our loss,
Hangs upon the shameful Cross.
JESU! who but Thou had borne, Lifted on that tree of scorn, Every pang and bitter throe, Finishing Thy Life of woe.
Who but Thou had dar'd to drain, Steep'd in gall, the Cup of pain, And with tender Body bear,
Thorns, and Nails, and piercing Spear.
Thence the cleansing Water flow'd, Mingled from Thy Side with Blood, Sign, to all attesting eyes, Of the finish'd Sacrifice.
Holy JESU! grant us grace, In that Sacrifice to place All our trust, for life renew'd, Pardon'd sin, and promis'd good.
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