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CAST out from Eden's happy home, Through earth's bleak wilderness to roam, In deepest gloom our guilty race, Wander'd afar from light and grace.

Lo! Heaven's own King doth Heav'n forsake,
A Body to Himself doth take;

And, thus to lead the exiles home,
To share their banishment is come.

O Thou Supreme, Eternal God,
Now veil'd in mortal flesh and blood,
Give us pure hearts that we may see,
Thy hidden light of Deity.

Incarnate Saviour! God and Friend,
To Thee adoring praise ascend!
Like praise be to the Father given,
And Thee, O Spirit Blest, in heaven.

The Transfiguration of our Lord.

WITH patience, Lord, with tender might, Thou dost our souls to Thee allure! Conceal'd or manifest to sight,

Thy purposes of love are sure.

The Father's Voice that owns Thee His,
Owns us, adopted in Thy Name;

And by that pledge of future bliss,

The heavenly glories we may claim.

The fleeting cloud, the Father's call, Prophet and Law, what make they plain? Shadow and types are vanish'd all,

And Thou, true Light, dost there remain.

Obedient to Thy Father's Will

Thy mortal form Thou dost resume;
To save a world, from Tabor's hill
Descending toward Thy destin'd Tomb.

Praise be to Him, Who spake above,
To Him Whom the dread Father own'd,
Alike to Him, the Spirit of Love,

With Them Co-equal God enthron'd!

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My God, and is Thy Table spread,
And doth Thy Cup with love o'erflow?
Thither be all Thy children led,

And let them all Thy sweetness know.

Hail, sacred Feast, which Jesus makes, Rich Banquet of His Flesh and Blood! Thrice happy he who here partakes

That sacred Stream, that heavenly Food.

Why are its dainties all in vain

Before unwilling hearts display'd?

Was not for you the Victim slain?

Are you forbid the children's Bread?

Revive our fainting spirits, Lord,
And bid our drooping graces live;
And more, that energy afford,

A Saviour's Blood alone can give.



ye who faithful servants are Of our Almighty King,

Both high and low, and small and great,
His praise devoutly sing!

Let us rejoice and render thanks
To His most holy Name;
Rejoice, rejoice! for now is come
The marriage of the Lamb.

His Bride herself has ready made,
How pure and white her dress!
Which is her saints' integrity,
And spotless holiness.

O therefore bless'd is every one,
Who to the marriage feast,
And holy Supper of the Lamb,
Is made a welcome guest!



O GOD unseen, yet ever near,
Thy presence may we feel;
And thus inspir'd with holy fear,
Before Thine altar kneel.

Here may Thy faithful people know,
The blessings of Thy Love,

The streams that through the desert flow,
The manna from above.

We come, obedient to Thy word,
To feast on heav'nly Food;
Our meat, the Body of the Lord,
Our drink, His precious Blood.

Thus may we all Thy words obey,
For we, O God, are Thine,
And go rejoicing on our way,
Renew'd with strength divine.


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