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St. Michael and All Angels.


THE Lord, the Sovereign King,
Hath fix'd His Throne on high;
O'er all the heav'nly world He rules,
And all beneath the sky.

Ye Angels, great in might,

And swift to do His will,

Bless ye the Lord, Whose Voice ye hear,

Whose pleasure ye fulfil.

Let the bright hosts who wait,

The orders of their King,

And guard His people, when they pray,

Join in the praise they sing.

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While all His wondrous works,
Through His vast kingdom show,
Their Maker's glory, thou my soul,
Shall sing His praises too.


CHRIST, of Thy Angel host the grace,
The Saviour of mankind,
Grant us on high a blessed place,
With that blest host to find.

But first, on us below, to wait,
Be there blest spirits given,
The court of Thy imperial state,
The ministry of heaven.

Grant us such aid, eternal King,
That we with Thy blest host,
May the eternal Father sing,
With Son, and Holy Ghost.


Saints' Days.

GOD hath two families of love,
In earth below, and heav'n above;
One is in battle, sharp and sore,
And one in bliss for evermore.

The holy Church on earth must fight,
Against the devil and his might;

The Church in heaven with war hath done,
Yet these two Churches both are one.

For they who lov'd their Saviour here,
And died in God's true faith and fear,
Have join'd the glorious Church on high,
And reign with it beyond the sky.

We thank Thee, Lord, for that high grace,
Which led them to such blessed place;
O teach us so to live, that we

May follow them, as they did Thee.


Teach us to think on them with love,
Until Thou callest us above

To see Thee as Thou art, and bow
Before Thy throne, as they do now.

Praise God, from whom all blessings. flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, angelic host,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Feast of Dedication of a Church.

O 'TWAS a joyful sound to hear,

Our tribes devoutly say,

Up Israel to the temple haste,
And keep your festal day.

At Salem's courts we must appear,
With our assembled powers,

In strong and beauteous order ranged,
Like her united towers.


"Tis thither by divine command,
The tribes of God repair,
Before His ark to celebrate,

His name with praise and prayer.

O pray we then for Salem's peace,
For they shall prosperous be,
Thou holy city of our God,

Who bear true love to thee.

But most of all I'll seek thy good,
And ever wish thee well,
For Sion and the temple's sake,
Where God vouchsafes to dwell.


ALL people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice ;
Him serve with fear, His praise forthtell,
Come ye before Him and rejoice.

The Lord, ye know, is God indeed,
Without our aid He did us make;
We are his flock, He doth us feed,

And for his sheep He doth us take.

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