DEDICATION OF A CHURCH. Oh, enter then His gates with praise, For why? the Lord our God is good, His truth at all times firmly stood, 41 Miscellaneous Bymus. HYMN I, How pleasant is Thy dwelling place, How pleasant, Lord, they be. My thirsty soul full sore doth long, Bless'd are they in Thy house that dwell, They ever give Thee praise, Bless'd is the man, whose strength Thou art, In whose heart are Thy ways. From strength to strength they walk full fast, No faintness there shall be; And so the God of Gods at last, In Sion they shall see. MISCELLANEOUS HYMNS. HYMN II. O LORD of hosts, return again, Thy pleasant Vine, thy Israel, Which Thy right hand hath set, And so when Thou hast set us free, And saved us from shame, Then will we never fall from Thee, But call upon thy Name. O Lord of hosts, through Thy good grace, Convert us unto Thee; Behold us with a pleasant face, 43 HYMN III. O HELP us Lord; each hour of need, Help us in thought, and word, and deed, O help us when our spirits bleed, With contrite anguish sore, And when our hearts are cold and dead, O help us, Lord, the more! O help us through the power of faith, For still the more the servant hath, O help us, Jesu, from on high, HYMN IV. I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE Life. HOLY JESUS, Saviour blest, As by passion strong possessed, Holy JESUS, when the night MISCELLANEOUS HYMNS. Holy JESUS, when our power Fails us in temptation's hour, - All unequal to the strife, Thou to aid us art the Life. Who would reach his heavenly home, JESUS, he must come by Thee. Channel of the Father's grace, HYMN V. To GOD in Whom I trust, To me Thy truth impart, And lead me in Thy way; For Thou art He that brings me help, 45 |