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Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued
Zone C-Continued

Siltstone, medium-gray, very limy; finely sandy in
upper half; siderite; white vein calcite____
Siltstone and shale, grayish-brown, slightly limy;
white vein calcite; trace of pyrite; grayish-brown

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, slightly
micaceous, limy, silty--






Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,
very limy; coal; pyrite; abundant white vein


Siltstone, medium-gray, finely micaceous; silty very
fine grained sandstone beds_--


Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, slightly micaceous,
slightly limy; dark rock grains; some medium
quartz grains in lower part-----


Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-
grained, finely micaceous, slightly limy, silty----


Shale, medium-gray_


[blocks in formation]

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,

slightly limy_-_.



985-1, 000

Shale, medium-gray

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine- to medium-
grained, micaceous slightly limy dark rock grains__
Shale, medium-gray; silty in part-‒‒‒‒‒
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine grained, finely mi-
caceous, very slightly limy___

Shale, medium-gray, finely micaceous; silty in part;
trace of pyrite---

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, silty, very
slightly limy.

[blocks in formation]

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,

1, 117–1, 142

Shale, medium-gray-

1, 142-1, 147

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,

1, 147-1, 160

1, 160-1, 181

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part----

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,

Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine grained, slightly
limy, silty; medium-gray shale beds‒‒‒‒‒
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, micaceous,
slightly limy, silty; coal; pyrite; dark rock grains;
medium-gray shale beds‒‒‒‒‒

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine- to medium-grained,
slightly limy; dark rock grains..

1,181-1, 195

1, 195-1, 205

1, 205-1, 305

1, 305-1, 317

Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued

Zone C-Continued

Shale, medium-gray; slightly limy in part.
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, slightly
limy, silty; micaceous in part------
Shale, medium-gray_.

Depth (feet)

1, 317-1, 327

1, 327-1, 354

1, 354-1, 357

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
slightly limy; trace of mica_____.

1, 357-1, 393

Shale, medium-light-gray, very slightly limy; silty in

1, 393-1, 415

1, 415-1, 450

1, 450-1, 460

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
silty; very limy in lower part‒‒‒‒
Shale, medium-gray--

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained,
slightly limy; very silty___

Shale, medium-gray, slightly micaceous; silty in part--
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, very
slightly limy, silty; medium-gray shale partings;
trace of pyrite; coaly partings---.

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part; locally limy..
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, silty,
very slightly limy----

Zone B:

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to medium-
grained, limy, silty; trace of coarse grains in upper

Shale, medium-gray; mostly clay---.

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
silty; siliceous in part; grain size increases down-
ward, some medium grains in lower part; trace of

Shale, medium-light-gray, fissile, and medium-light-
gray siltstone___.

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, very
slightly limy, silty-

1, 460-1, 473 1, 473–1, 522

1, 522-1, 553

1, 553-1, 589

1, 589-1, 612

1, 612-1, 620 1, 620-1, 628

1, 628-1, 643

1,643-1, 662

1, 662-1, 672

Shale, medium-light-gray, fissile, and medium-light-
gray siltstone____

1, 672-1, 733

1, 733-1, 742

1, 742-1, 744

1, 744-1, 760

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, very
slightly micaceous, silty, slightly limy; pyrite-----
Shale, medium-gray, fissile_-_-

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, silty, fine-grained; inter-
bedded with siltstone and shale__
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained to very
coarse grained, slightly limy, poorly sorted; quartz
granules; partings of medium-gray shale___

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part-----
Sandstone, medium-light-gray to medium-gray, very
fine to fine-grained, finely micaceous, slightly limy.
silty; crinoids____.

Shale, medium-gray, fissile; trace of pyrite---

1,760-1, 768 1, 768-1, 780

1,780-1, 810 1, 810-1, 820

Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued
Zone B-Continued
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, finely
micaceous, slightly limy to limy; interbedded with
medium-gray shale and coarse-grained siltstone;
grades downward to finer grained rock; mostly silt-
stone and shale in lower half; crinoids at 1,835-1,845
ft and 1,862–1,869 ft.
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, finely
micaceous, silty----.

Siltstone, medium-gray, very finely micaceous‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, limy,
finely micaceous; interbedded with nearly 50 percent
medium-gray shale and siltstone--
Shale, medium-gray; silty in part-----
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained,
slightly limy, silty; crinoids___

Shale, medium-gray, slightly micaceous, fissile, silty;
interbedded with medium-gray to medium-light-gray
slightly limy coarse-grained siltstone___

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
slightly limy, silty-.

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part----
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
finely micaceous, slightly limy
Shale, medium-gray-.

Sandstone, light-gray, fine-grained, slightly micaceous,
limy, relatively clean; angular grains; drilling frees
individual sand grains-‒‒‒‒

Depth (feet)

1, 820-1, 870

1, 870-1, 878 1, 878-1, 890

1, 890-1, 915

1, 915-1, 938

1, 938-1, 948

1, 948-2, 000

2,000-2, 008 2, 008-2, 018

2, 018-2, 037

2, 037-2, 045

2, 045-2, 055

Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine grained, slightly
limy, silty----

2, 055-2, 068

2, 068-2, 097

Shale, medium-gray, finely micaceous; medium-gray
finely sandy coarse-grained siltstone beds_-_.
Sandstone, light-gray, fine- to medium-grained, finely
micaceous, limy; grain size decreases downward___ 2, 097-2, 112
Shale, medium-gray, finely micaceous, slightly limy;
silty in part; pelecypods at 2,120-2,130 ft..
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained to very
coarse grained, very silty, limy, poorly sorted;
quartz granules__.

Shale, medium-gray.

2, 112-2, 165

2, 165-2, 172

2, 172-2, 180

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, silty,

slightly limy----

2, 180-2, 190

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part

2, 190-2, 200

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, slightly

limy, well-sorted; dark rock grains.

2, 200-2, 209

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part.

2, 209-2, 238

Siltstone, medium-light-gray, micaceous, very finely


2, 238-2, 245

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part---.

Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine to very coarse
grained, very silty, poorly sorted__.

2, 245, 2, 255

2,255-2, 265

Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued

Zone A:

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part; very fine grained
sandstone at 2,280-2,282 ft....

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
very slightly limy, silty___



2,265-2, 295

2, 295-2, 304

2, 304-2, 315

Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
limy, silty---

2, 315-2, 330

2, 330-2, 345

Siltstone, medium-gray, finely micaceous__

Shale, medium-gray

Sandstone, medium-gray, very fine grained, very silty 2, 345–2, 355
Shale, medium-gray....

2, 355-2, 385

Siltstone, medium-gray, very finely sandy, slightly limy 2, 385–2, 396
Shale, medium-gray_.

[ocr errors]

Siltstone, medium-light-gray, very finely sandy..

Shale, medium-gray_

Siltstone, medium-gray, finely sandy; medium-gray

shale beds_____.

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part---

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
slightly limy, silty; pyrite____.

Shale, medium-gray; interbedded with coarse-grained
siltstone and very fine grained sandstone‒‒‒‒‒
Shale, medium-gray; silty in part------

Siltstone, medium-light-gray, coarse-grained; slightly
limy medium-gray shale beds..
Shale, medium-gray, silty---.

Siltstone, medium-gray, finely micaceous, slightly limy
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-grained,
very finely micaceous, silty, slightly limy_-_-
Siltstone, medium-light-gray, finely micaceous, slightly

Shale, medium-gray; silty in part---
Siltstone, medium-gray, slightly limy, and medium-gray

Shale, medium-gray, silty; siltstone in part----
Siltstone, medium-light-gray, coarse-grained, very limy;
crinoids and brachiopods___

Siltstone, medium-gray to medium-light-gray, very
finely micaceous, slightly limy; medium-gray shale

Shale and siltstone, medium-gray to medium-dark-
gray; siltstone is finely micaceous, coarse grained,
limy; white vein calcite locally---.
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, very
limy, silty__

Siltstone and shale, medium-gray; very limy in part:
erinoids and a few brachiopods, especially at 3,020-

3,030 and 3,065-3,075 ft__

Shale, medium-gray.

2, 396-2, 432

2, 432-2, 445 2,445-2, 458

2, 458-2, 480

2, 480-2, 530

2, 530-2, 550

2, 550-2, 580 2, 580-2, 597

2,597-2, 640 2, 640-2, 650

2, 650-2, 660

2, 660-2, 670

2, 670-2, 695 2,695-2, 733

2, 733-2, 770 2, 770-2, 840

2, 840-2, 845

2, 845-2, 910

2, 910-3, 010

3, 010-3, 020

3,020-3,075 3, 075-3, 095

Susquehanna Group-Continued

Catskill Formation-Continued

Zone A-Continued

Siltstone and shale, medium-gray; very limy and finely
micaceous in more silty part; crinoids and brachio-



3, 195-3, 222

pods in upper part; trace of pyrite at 3,178–3,186 ft 3, 095–3, 195 Siltstone, medium-light-gray, limy, finely micaceous; trace of very fine sand; medium-gray shale beds; crinoids and brachipods---Shale, medium-dark-gray; interbedded with mediumgray to medium-light-gray finely micaceous very limy siltstone; abundant crinoids and gastropods--‒‒‒‒‒ Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained, finely micaceous, limy, silty; trace of fossils_ Shale, medium-dark-gray-

3, 222-3, 240

3, 240-3, 250

3, 250-3, 260

Siltstone, medium-light-gray, finely micaceous, limy‒‒‒‒ 3, 260–3, 270
Shale, medium-dark-gray--

3, 270-3, 283

Siltstone, medium-light-gray, finely sandy; interbedded
with medium-gray shale; crinoidal in part-------- 3, 283–3, 300
Shale, medium-dark-gray; interbedded with medium-

gray finely micaceous slightly limy siltstone---- 3, 300-3, 324 Siltstone, medium-dark-gray, finely micaceous, slightly

limy; trace of well-rounded medium quartz sand____ 3, 324–3, 330 Shale, medium-gray-

Trimmers Rock Formation (1,907 ft):

Upper zone:

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, limy, silty, very fine

3, 330-3, 340

3, 370-3, 375

3, 375-3, 390

to fine-grained; trace of medium to coarse grains. 3, 340-3, 345
Sandstone (as above); many clear quartz granules in
some beds; medium-gray shale and siltstone beds--- 3, 345-3, 370
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, slightly
limy, micaceous; abundant coarse grains and gran-
ules of quartz in fine-grained matrix...
Shale, medium-gray to medium-dark-gray; interbedded
with slightly limy siltstone_.
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, finely mi-
caceous, limy; abundant coarse grains and granules
of quartz in fine-grained matrix____.
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine grained; inter-
bedded with medium-gray silty shale---.
Sandstone, medium-light-gray, very fine to fine-
grained, finely micaceous, slightly limy, silty; some
medium to coarse grains-----
Siltstone, medium-light-gray, finely micaceous, slightly
limy, very finely sandy..

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine- to coarse-grained,
finely micaceous, slightly limy, silty; smaller grains
are angular, larger grains subrounded; drills free
in part---.

Sandstone, medium-light-gray, fine-grained, finely
micaceous, slightly limy, silty; trace of medium
grains; drills free..

3, 390-3, 405

3, 405-3, 415

3, 415-3, 423

3, 423-3, 433

3, 433-3, 445

3, 445-3, 460

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