A KEY Jr. Bodychen TO THE Sharrow OR THE CHURCH-CATECHISM To the UNDERSTANDING, MEMORY, Some PRAYERS and HYMNS, Recommended as useful for Schools and By LONDON: Imith. Printed for the Author, and Sold by SAMUEL 17/2 то Mr.WILLIAM TRENT, Merchant in PHILADELPHIA SIR, S your fingular Humanity and Good-Will to all Men do juftly recommend you to the Efteem and Love of all; fo the Inftances thereof, that you have applied to me particularly, do particularly require of me my moft thankful Acknowledgment. And as fuch, I defire you to accept of this New and Small Effay, for the more ef fectual Promoting of Catechetical Inftruction; and to vouchsafe it your Pa tronage, tronage. For as it is defign'd in part for the Use of our poor Countrymen, who are difperfed up and down in your vaft and fpacious Regions; fo your honoured and worthy Name prefixed hereunto, may recommend it very much to their Acceptance and Ufe. For I know not any Gentleman, in all the Country round about you, that is either better known, or more beloved than yourself And particularly by him, who in reality is, STR, Your moft obliged, most humble, and most respectful Servant PHILO-DELPHUS. THE PREFAC E. A S the Knowledge of true Religion is neceffary to Man's Salvation, fo one excellent Means and Help for the Acquiring of this Knowledge, is to learn and keep in Memory fome Methodical and short Catechifm, or Syftem of Divinity. And it is generally acknowledged, that this our Catechifm is fuck; Mr. Baxter fays of it, that 'tis more truly methodical than most other Catechifms that pretend to greater Accuratenefs. And Bishop Beveridge hath affirmed, that no other doth, or can exceed this: It being fo plain and fhort, that even Children may foon learn it; and withal so full and copious, in the Senfe and Doctrines of it, that the ableft Divines can never wholly comprehend it: Like a River that hath Fords, wherein Lambs may wade; and Profundities or Depths, wherein Elephants may fwim. This |