TWEED, THE, 833. Tweed, the river, derivation of the Uganda railway, camping out on the, United Free Church, provisions of the VICEROYALTY, A GREAT, 718. Wanliss, T. D., strictures on Andrew Lang's 'History of Scotland' by, 477 Waste lands, profitable planting of, with WEALTH, A POOR MAN'S, 219. et seq. WILLIAM PITT: THE YEARS of PEACE, WILLIAM PITT THE YOUNGER, 591. MORNING IN CHITRAL, 211. Yellow Peril, reality of a, 568 et seq. Printed by William Blackwood and Sons, A PRIMER A NEW HISTORY OF PENNSYLVANIA By BARR FERREE A book of facts. The whole history of Pennsylvania "Every reader will learn much that he cannot find as easily elsewhere."-The Athenacum (London). - "The best and most concise story of the origin, progress and development of our Commonwealth that has so far been written. Its value as a book of reference can hardly be over-estimated."—-New Era (Lancaster, Pa). -" We can only wish that every State in the Union had its merits described with so much fullness and detail." The Sun (New York). -" Remarkably valuable."-Public Ledger (Philadelphia.)-" It would be difficult to find its equal for compactness, clarity, completeness of information and reliability as a ready reference work."-Post (Boston). -" Unusually comprehensive.”—North American (Philadelphia) -" Remarkably interesting and valuable_contains a vast amount of information to be found in no other single volume."-Transcript (Boston).-" The essential facts of Pennsylvania affairs and history."-Pittsburg Gazette.-"Contains primary facts in a way that meets the approval of those who want to get at the meat of the subject."—Philadelphia Inquirer - "A handy book of reference." - The Nation (New York). - " It covers a a much broader field than many larger histories." - WilkesBarre Record. -" Concise and authoritative and well adapted for practical general use."-Book News (Philadelphia). Governor Pennypacker says:-" You have done good work: I congratulate you upon its success." 164 ILLUSTRATIONS LEONARD SCOTT PUBLICATION 7 and 9 Warren Street : :: COMPANY : New York |