And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark, curled locks, streaming down over his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the silver bullet had made... Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Էջ 3991905Ամբողջությամբ դիտվող - Այս գրքի մասին
 | sir Walter Scott (bart.) - 1824 - 336 էջ
...Advocate MacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark, curled locks, streaming down to his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-bladc, to hide the wound that the... | |
 | Tobias Merton - 1824 - 488 էջ
...Advocate MacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark curled locks, streaming down to his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule blade, to hide the wound that the... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1824 - 330 էջ
...Advocate MacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark, curled locks, streaming down to his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the... | |
 | 1824 - 394 էջ
...Advocate MacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as ;t god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark, curled .locks, streaming down to his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spulc-hlade, to hide the wound that the.... | |
 | Tobias Merton (pseud) - 1824 - 480 էջ
...MaoKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhonse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark curled locks, streaming down to his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always ou his right spule blade, to hide the wound that the... | |
 | 1826 - 654 էջ
...Kenyie, who, tiir his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverbouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark, curled locks, streaming down to his laced, and his led hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the... | |
 | Sir Walter Scott - 1832 - 378 էջ
...Advocate MacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his...laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the silver bullet had made.* He sat apart from them all, and looked... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1834 - 848 էջ
...AdvocateMacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his...laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the silver bullet had made. 24 He sat apart from them all, and... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1836 - 540 էջ
...Advocate MacKenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his...laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the silver bullet had made.24 He sat apart from them all, and looked... | |
 | 1837 - 456 էջ
...Advocate, Mac Kenyie, who, for his worldly wit and wisdom, had been to the rest as a god. And there was Claverhouse, as beautiful as when he lived, with his long, dark, curled locks, streaming down to his laced buff-coat, and his left hand always on his right spule-blade, to hide the wound that the... | |
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