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MEMORIAL praying for a Treaty with the Crow Indians, protecting the Rights of the citizens of Montana in the Valley of the Yellow Stone.

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled:

Your memorialists, the legislative assembly of the territory of Montana, would earnestly represent, that citizens of the territory of Montana, in the Yellow Stone Valley, have acquired rights under the laws of the United States and the territory of Montana, as pioneers of this mountain region, long before a treaty was made by the government of the United States with the Crow nation of Indians, whereby said portion of territory was set apart as a reservation for these aborigines, and therefore we, your petitioners, the legislative assembly of the territory of Montana, in order to save bloodshed and protect the lawful rights and privileges of that portion of the citizens of this territory, would earnestly ask of the treaty-making power of the United States, that the treaty by which that portion of this territory was assigned as a reservation to the Crow nation be revised so as to protect the rights and privileges of that portion of our inhabitants, as it is a historical fact, that the portion so assigned is neutral Indian territory, and that there is a sufficient Indian territory belonging to said Crow nation, other than the territory mentioned. Approved January 11, 1869.

JOINT MEMORIAL to the Congress of the United States, praying for the Removal of the Flat Head Indians from the Bitter Root Valley in the County of Missoula to their reservation on the Iocko.

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled :

We, your memorialists, the legislative assembly of the territory of Montana, would respectfully represent, that all that portion of Missoula county known as the Bitter Root Valley, contains several hundreds of industrious white settlers, who are engaged in agri

culture, manufacturing and mining; that from year to year they have made valuable and substantial improvements, until such improvements exceed in value the property of all other portions of said county; that there are at this time about three hundred and fifty of the Flat Head tribe of Indians residing in said valley; that their habits and customs are so different from those of the whites, it is found to be impossible for the two races to live on amicable terms; therefore, we, your memorialists, would respectfully memorialize your honorable body, that a commissioner be appointed to treat with said Indians for their removal to the reservation provided for them in the Iocko Valley. Approved January 11, 1869.


To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled:

Your memorialists, the council and house of representatives of the territory of Montana, would most respectfully represent to your honorable body, the great necessity of the construction of a government military road, from some point on the Union Pacific Railroad, at or near Box Elder, in Utah territory, to Helena City, in Montana territory.

Your memorialists would most earnestly represent, that the construction of the said road would be of great public benefit to all the people of the territories of Utah, Montana and Idaho. That it would be the most convenient road as an outlet to the railroad for all the towns in our territory, as it would necessarily run through the following towns in making a direct course to and from the point mentioned, via Bannack City, Argenta, Silver Bow, Deer Lodge and Blackfoot cities.

Your memorialists would further represent, that owing to the early completion of the Union Pacific Railroad, that the people of the territory will receive all their supplies from the East and West by the said road, and that there is now but toll roads by

which they can travel in going to and from said railroad, and that all of said roads are circuitous and indirect, and charge an enormous and extravagant rate of toll, and that there is no road now open that is as short, or that can be made as convenient to the people of this territory, as the one herein represented to your honorable body.

Your memorialists would humbly urge upon your honorable body immediate action upon the subject set forth in this memorial, as a measure of the greatest importance to the development of the mineral and agricultural resources of this country, and as an actual necessity to the people thereof.

As in duty bound, will ever pray, etc.
Approved January 14, 1869.

To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled:

Your memorialists, the legislative assembly of the territory of Montana, respectfully represent, that there has been organized in this territory, a society known as the Historical Society of the territory of Montana; that the society, being organized for the purpose of preserving such historical incidents as are worthy of preservation, and generally for the advancement of literature in this territory; that the said society is greatly in need of means for the purpose of maintaining its organization, and the carrying out of the beneficial designs of its inception.

Your memorialists, understanding it to be the custom of the general government to foster such institutions in the several territories, would respectfully request your honorable body to appropriate for the relief of said society the sum of three thousand dollars.

And your memorialists will ever pray, etc.
Approved January 15, 1869.


Resolved by the House, the Council concurring, That the sum of two thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated from the territorial treasury, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, to build a suitable magazine and arsenal, for the territorial arms now in the city of Helena. That the governor is hereby authorized to contract for the building of the same, in or near Helena, provided no expense incurred in the matter whatever shall exceed the foregoing appropriation. The territorial auditor is hereby authorized to draw his warrants on the treasurer for the above amount, whenever the governor shall certify to him that the said arsenal is constructed. That the governor be authorized to procure the services of a suitable person in Virginia, and of one in Helena, to take charge of, and keep in order the arms and ammunition at those places, provided that neither of said parties shall receive more than four hundred dollars per annum for each service; and the auditor is hereby directed to draw his warrants in favor of such parties, quarterly, to the extent of four hundred dollars each, per annum, upon the certificate of the governor that the services required in this act have been performed.

Approved January 15, 1869.


Resolved by the House, the Council concurring, That the territorial auditor be instructed to draw a warrant on the territorial treasurer for the sum of fifty dollars in favor of William Y. Lovell, for services rendered in copying revenue law, and in taking deposition of Messrs. Cummings and Carpenter before the committee on ways and means.

Approved January 14, 1869.


Resolved by the House, the Council concurring, That the secretary of the territory, when he has the laws of this session published, be and he is hereby authorized to cause the printed copies thereof to be published free of all errors in punctuation, orthography and grammatical construction, provided that the corrections made do not interfere with the legal construction of said laws.

Approved January 15, 1869.


Resolved by the House, the Council concurring, That the house and council adjourn this day at 4 o'clock P. M. sine die.. Approved January 15, 1869.


Resolved by the Council, the House concurring, That the territorial auditor be required to issue his warrant in favor of Samuel B. Green for the sum of forty-eight dollars for three days services as assistant enrolling clerk of the council.

Approved January 15, 1869.

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