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value when compared with the high testimonial bestowed upon him by his continuance for twenty two successive years in the office of Corresponding Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture. He year by year won his reappointment by a strict, faithful, and intelligent discharge of his duties, and thus he acquired the high honor of being regarded as an honest, faithful, and competent public servant.

Dr. N. S. Townshend then read the following resolutions, drawn up by the committee:

Resolved, That in the death of John H. Klippart, who for nearly twenty-two years had been Corresponding Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, the agricultural interest of the State sustains a serious loss, the State Board of Agriculture loses a faithful and accomplished officer, and the State of Ohio a citizen who labored incessantly for the public good.

Resolved, That the career of Mr. Klippart-begun under great disadvantages, but ended in marked usefulness and distinction-is worthy the emulation of the young men of our State.

Resolved, That this Convention tenders its sympathy to the bereaved wife and daughter, and mourns with them that a life so full of good service and of future promise should so early have terminated. Many have lived longer, but very few have done more to merit the grateful remembrance of the people of the State.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions be sent to Mr. Klippart's family, and incorporated with the proceedings of this Convention.

At the close of the reading of the resolutions, Dr. Townsend said: Mr. President, to what has been reported by the committee, I would beg to add a few words, which I have prepared hastily in writing that I might save the time of the Convention:

Mr. President and GentlemEN OF THE CONVENTION:-To-day we cannot fail to note the absence of one familiar face and voice. John H. Klippart, for more than twentyone years the Corresponding Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, died on the 24th of October. For many months his friends had observed his comparative feebleness, but their solicitude was partly set at rest by the cheerful answer given to all inquiries "that he now felt much better." His physician prescribed relaxation, and assured him that he could discover about him no evidence of organic disease; an assurance which a post mortem examination showed to be fully justified. Mr. Klippart died from paralysis of the muscles concerned in respiration, the result probably of nervous exhaustion consequent upon overwork. Pain and discomfort though often felt, were as often and promptly relieved by electricity in some of its modes of application. Unfortunately, however, the relief and strength thus obtained were as uniformly expended in further labors, instead of in seeking rest and restoration, until finally and unexpectedly he sank beyond the help of his accustomed stimulus, and died at the age of fifty-five in the midst of his usefulness, and but little past the prime of his manhood.

John Hancock Klippart was born near Canton, Stark county, Ohio, July 26, 1823. His ancestors were German, though citizens of the United States for two or three generations. His father, Heury Klippart, was a man of but little education, but of more than average natural ability, and it is probably from him that our friend inherited his peculiar mental activity. His parents were poor, and were able to secure for him only the elementary education of the common schools. In his tenth year, he went to live with an aunt, that he might render her what assistance he could in her work of weaving. At thirteen

he became errand boy in a store in Louisville, Stark county, but remained only a few months. He next entered as a clerk in the drug store of Sala & Kline, of Cauton; after remaining there some three years, he engaged as clerk in a drug and dry goods store in Massillon, and afterward in a similar store in Mt. Eaton, Wayne county. In 1847, at the age of twenty-four, he was married to Miss Emeline Rahn, of Canton, and soon after set up in a dry goods store on his own account. In 1849 he was appointed postmaster of Osnaling, Stark county. In 1852 he became a contractor on the Ohio & Pennsylvania Railroad, and speedily lost all of his previous earnings. In 1853 he became editor and publisher of a political paper at Canton; this venture not proving a success, he made another newspaper experiment at Cleveland, which was equally unremunerative. Early in 1856 he was employed by Thomas Brown, Esq., upon the Ohio Farmer, and near the close of the same year was elected Corresponding Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture. From that time he has been identified with the agricultural interests of our State, and perhaps we may, for a few moments, be permitted to speak of his life-work. Mr. Klippart was elected to the office of Corresponding Secretary of the State Boardhad he been styled General Secretary, it would have better expressed the extent and scope of his duties. Of preceding annual conventions he acted as secretary, and arranged the proceedings for publication.

At the meetings of the State Board, although some member acted as recording secretary, and made a minute of the business transacted, these records were arranged by Mr. Klippart for publication in the annual report. The reports from the several county societies were placed in his charge, and by him arranged and sent to press. Preparations for each State Fair were made by the whole Board, or by its executive committee, but a large share of the work unavoidably fell upon the Secretary. Members of the Board, without compensation, gave their time to arranging for and attending the State Fairs, often at great sacrifice of personal interests, consequently Mr. Klippart, the only salaried officer connected with the Board, was left to look after numerous details. During the fairs innumerable matters required his attention, the services of the Secretary were always in requisition; so, when the fairs were over, an immense number of settlements and adjustments required his attention. Besides this, he kept the office through the year, where, besides his legitimate duties, he answered orally, or by letter, innumerable questions. Perhaps none, except members of the Board, who, of necessity, were often in the office, can form an idea of the multitude of sensible and senseless questions to which the Secretary was expected to furnish a satisfactory answer. But this was merely clerical work, and an immense amount of it required to be done.

In addition to this, Mr. Klippart performed a large amount of literary labor of higher character. He wrote essays on almost all agricultural topics of interest, and these required extensive research; for he brought to the office no practical knowledge of any branch of farming. He translated, or procured the translation of many of the best articles from French and German periodicals. He made laborious compilations of statistics, showing the condition and progress of agriculture within the State. Two elaborate treatises emanated from his pen: one on the "Wheat Plant;" the other on "Drainage." These were first published in the annual reports, and afterwards in book form.

In 1860 Governor Dennison appointed him one of a Board of Commissioners to proceed to the Atlantic seaboard to examine and report on the pleuro-pneumonia of cattle, which was then creating consternation among the stockmen of the country. In 1865 he visited Europe, made an extended tour, and an able report upon the various agricultura institutions there in operation. In 1869 he was appointed by Governor Hayes one of the Assistant Geologists for the State survey. In 1873 he was appointed by Governor Noyes

one of a Board of Commissioners to take measures for restocking the waters of the State with edible fish. In 1876 he attended the great centennial exhibition at Philadelphia to present there the agricultural products of Ohio.

From all these appointments, and consequent services rendered to the State, the volumes of the Ohio Agricultural Reports have been enriched. I have been more or less familiar with the contents of these twenty-one volumes, edited by Mr. Klippart. Recently, however, I have taken occasion to look them all over, and I hazard nothing in saying that they constitute a body of agricultural literature upon which the people of any State might look with satisfaction. Of course, the articles that fill these volumes were not all written by Mr. Klippart; for almost every well-known farmer in the State has addded to these volumes by his contributions. Many of these articles, however, were written at Mr. Kilppart's special request, and but for his interest in the subjects discussed, many of those prepared would never have been written. These twenty-one volumes form a splendid monument to his memory, which, being in our own houses, will serve to remind us of his services to the State much better than any stately obelisk erected in a cemetery. I regret to say that either because these reports were distributed gratuitously, or for some other cause, they have not been fully appreciated. How few farmers have taken pains to procure and preserve an unbroken set. I have seen some of these volumes packed away in various court-houses in the State, and the county auditors have had trouble in disposing of them. It would seem that many farmers prefer that some one should tell them what a book contains to reading it for themselves. I have often heard Mr. Klippart answer inquiries by saying, "You have the agricultural reports, read there what Judge Jones, or Dr. Warder, or Major Millikin, or others have said on the subject, and you will not need to make such inquiries.

Valuable lessons may be drawn from such a life as Mr. Klippart's. In the first place, we may learn from it that WORK is a good thing, not merely for its objective results, but for its effect upon the worker; it is in the struggle for existence that inherent force finds its opportunity and means of development. Necessity is the mother of invention not only, but it is equally the mother of industry, and enterprise, and economy.

Mr. Kiippart's parents could give him but little help; they gave him only a scanty education and no money; consequently, he was compelled to work, and his work not only brought bread and butter, but it afforded him practical training both of body and mind. While a dry goods clerk he became a handsome penman, and also acquired the practice of book keeping. As a clerk he learned to be accommodating and courteous, and no education is worth more to a person than agreeable manners. Better even than this, he learned just what he could do, and to rely upon himself. Judging of its effect upon Mr. Klippart, no young man need regret that he is compelled to work.

Mr. Klippart's life may teach young men not to yield to discouragement. Many things that he undertook did not succeed; he tried being a merchant, a railroad contractor, and an editor; but from some cause or other-not necessarily from any fault of his own--he failed in all. Then he became Secretary of the State Board. In this he proved a success, and found a field where all his previous experiences were valuable to him, and where he had full scope for the exercise and growth of his powers. He did not yield to discouragements; when he failed in one thing he tried another; finally, by perseverance he succeeded. His whole life is an illustration of the value of determination and of perseverance.

Mr. Klippart's life not only shows that it pays to work; it shows that it pays well to work HARD. Many men will work hard to make a fortune; they will leave no stone unturned; they will toil early and late to put money in their purse. Others will work

equally hard to win fame; what they do or what they suffer counts as nothing, so that it brings distinction. They would seek the bubble reputation, as Shakespeare says, in the cannon's mouth. Mr. Klippart was not less earnest, but his passion was not for wealth or fame, but for knowledge. For this he worked incessantly, in season and out of season: everything within reach was laid under contribution; every mineral, every plant, every insect, or fish, or bird, or animal was made to tell its story and minister to his craving for knowledge, and what is more, this knowledge when acquired was turned to good account. Those of you that have spent time in his office know how frequently men came, having in their hands a mineral; "What is this?" they would ask, and in reply he told, that is pyrites, or hematite, or Galena, or bituminous shale, or mica; or the question would be, "What plant is this; what is its name, and what is it good for?" Or "What insect is this: is it beneficial to the farmer, or is it mischievous ?" To thousands of such inquiries he usually had a ready and instructive answer, and the relations of such facts to human well-being were familiarly and courteously explained. Every farmer of the State he regarded as his client. Every department of natural history, because of its close alliance with agriculture, he cultivated with an unflagging zeal. What seemed to many only insignificant facts were by him seen in their relation to use, and that he better understood their true value. Thus, he not only worked, but he worked hard and with a genuine enthusiasm.

Mr. Klippart's life also teaches us that it does not pay to work too hard. He had a passion for the acquisition of knowledge; the acquisition was pleasant to him, and he knew so well how to use it when acquired. He never satiated; the more he learned, the more he wished to learn. In consequence of this desire for improvement, he became a member of several scientific associations, both at home and abroad, and was always deeply interested in their proceedings. He sought and obtained an appointment upon the Geological Survey and upon the Fish Commission, doubtless thinking that both appointments might be made, directly or indirectly, conducive to the agricultural interest of the State. Besides this, he became deeply interested in the remains of pre-historic races scattered over the State; and hence, the State Archæological Society found in him a zealous member. The varieties of race, noticeable in the population of this and other States, raised in his mind many questions; and hence, ethnology became with him a favorite study. Now, but for a single reason, all these pursuits would have excited our admiration, and have been commendable. But no man can embrace all subjects of thought, or acquire all knowledge. Our humanity, of necessity, has its limitations. Neither the body nor the mind can be worked beyond certain bounds. Could Mr. Klippart have learned in time the measure and limit of his strength, he might probably have continued to labor another twenty years. As the sad result proves, more ci concentration and more of moderation in regard to work would have been more profitable. How difficult it is for any man to be thoroughly wise, but where one errs by voluntarily accepting work beyond his strength, ten thousand err by not utilizing half their force. In conclusion, then, the lesson of Mr. Klippart's life, if expressed in was, is this: WORK, WORK HARD; DON'T WORK TOO HARD.

B. W. CARLISLE. I move that the resolutions reportedly the committee be adopted.

Which was unanimously agreed to.

B. W. CARLISLE. I now move that they, together wit!: the address by

Dr. Townshend, following the same, be spread upon the journal and engrafted in our next annual report.

Agreed to unanimously.

THE PRESIDENT. The next thing in order will be the nomination of candidates for members of the State Board.

Whereupon the following persons were put in nomination: Peter Murphy, of Butler county, for re-election; Charles Smith, of Marion, for re-election; L. B. Wing, of Licking, for re-election; R. Baker, of Lorain; Arvine C. Wales, of Stark; E. J. Hiatt, of Morgan; Henry Milner, of Erie; C. C. Cunningham, of Medina; S. H. Pitkins, of Summit; J. B. Robison, of Allen; T. F. Joy, of Delaware; H. B. Perkins, of Trumbull; R. S. Gilchrist, of Logan, and N. H. Hill, of Hamilton.

On motion, the Convention then took a recess until 1:30 P.M.


The Convention reassembled at 1:30 P.M., when M. B. Bateham, of Painesville, read the following paper:

SIGNS OF PROGRESS IN OHIO AGRICULTURE, AND BENEFITS RESULTING FROM HARD TIMES. Mr. President and Members of the Convention: It gives me pleasure to meet this large body of friends of Ohio agriculture. I see before me a number of veterans in this cause those who enlisted in this work with me thirty-four years ago, when I commenced in this city the publication of the Ohio Cultivator, and a few months later issued a call for the first State Convention of this kind, to consider the wants and condition of our agriculture, and to devise means for its improvement; also to ask of the Legislature some recognition of this great but then neglected interest.

I was young then, as were most of you. The men who composed that Convention were generally past middle age, and a majority of them have gone to their final rest; but their works remain. Many of you, no doubt, are familiar with the recorded doings of that Convention and the early history of the State Board of Agriculture which grew out of it; but there are some items of the unwritten history of those times which are of interest in connection with my present theme.

We hear much said in these times of the evils of party strife and the blindness of political prejudice; but these were much worse in the days of which I am speaking. Every public measure at that time was approved or condemned solely from a party standpoint, according as it was deemed a Whig or a Democratic project. When I was starting the Ohio Cultivator, I found that Sam. Medary, the leading Democratic editor, would do my printing on better terms than the printers of the other party; but when it was known that the paper was printed on a Democratic press, a number of the Whig editors refused to commend it to their farming readers, from the belief that it was secretly owned by Medary, or would in some way aid his party. Then when the State Board was organized, and it was found that all the active members were Whigs, with an exWhig Governor (Allen Trimble) as its President, we were told that it would be vain to ask for any aid or recognition for such a Board from a Democratic Legislature, so the chief of the Democrats, Sam. Medary, was persuaded to be the nominal Secretary of the Board, on my promising to do all the work. This satisfied the timid ones, and after the

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