Page images

Letter on the man with the
iron mask 321.

- E. of Hillsborough to the
Gov. of Corolina 328

from Aylesbury concern-
ing J Wilkes 375, 6

from Gen. Paoli 643
Letters concerning Mr Ro-
bertfon 84, 5


from Mr John Wright
collector of feeds 24: 134
of the house of repre-
fentatives in Boston
― relative to the prefent
ftate of America 393
Lewis XIV. his generofity to
Voffius 175

Liberty depofed, or, The weft-
ern election 209
Lightening, damage by 385
Lima, earthquake at 47
Lisbon, earthquake at 323
Litchfield E. of, gives two an-
nual prizes 107
Llangollen, earthquake at 106
Lockhart, Col. advanced, &c.
London diocefe, number of
Papifts in 16. Election of
members for the city 217.
Wilkes's address to the live-
ry ib. riots in 328, 9. Com-
binations of journeymen 329.
A mob at the mansion-house

Lonmay, meeting-house at,
fhut up 499
Lucas's mirror for courts mar-
tial 244

on the military force in
Ireland 310

- his account of Blacke-
ney's affair, remarks on 360
Lucan, B. of, and Mad. Rai-
vrai 281
Macconnochie, Allan gets the
the prize at a carouselle 385
Macdonald, Sir James, infcrip-

tion for his monument 210
Macintosh against Dempfter
judicial proceedings 164.337.

[blocks in formation]

Manufcripts antient, advan- Neufchatel. See Switzerland
tage of collating 140
Newstadt, earthquake at 157
Marischal, L. refigns his go- North Britons, publishers of
vernment of Neufchatel 42 profecuted 378. 667
Marriage, action on a promife

of 107
Mafon-lodge, a stranger at-
tempts to get
into 107
Maffachufet's-bay colony, hi-
story of 350. See America
Medical education at Halle

Melvil's new husbandry 617
First Meridian, to find the di-
ftance from 24
Middlesex, Wilkes's address to
218. 375. Election 2 18.665
Miller, A. infcription to the
memory of 285
Modena, D. of, his petition to
the Pope 159

-his edict 438
Mold, earthquake at 106
Mole-bee, account of 587
Monaco, Pr. of, fine horfes
fent to 106

Montague, the traveller, ar-
rives at Conftantinople 41.
Description of him ib.
Mournings, court, shortened
50. Addreffes on that occa-
fion si
Mummy, extraordinary kind
of, 188

Murphy, J. and others, a re-
ward offered for apprehend-
ing 333


Murray, Gov. his defence 61
Mufcovy, infurrections in
Musical instruments and wri.
ters, analogy between 86
Naples, Jefuits fent from Ter-
racina, 44. their houfes dif.
pofed of ib. Effects of the
Jefuits found 159. Queen
of Naples vifits Rome 323.
King and Queen make their
entry into Naples ib. Power
of the Pope's nuncio abri-
ged at Naples 438. Bone-
vento, taken ib. A number
of monafteries to be fuppreff-
ed 494. Ecclefiaftics order-
ed to produce their titles,
&c. ib. Earthquake at Na-
ples 323

Nafeby, earthquake at 106
National debt, bulk of 22
Navy-furgeons memorial to
the admiralty 621
Neuenburg city, punishment
of 491

4 X 2

Norway, eruption of a spring
in 256

Notes on the ftatute-law of
Scotland, fpecimen of 225
Offspring numerous 643
Orders parole 332
Orrery, E. on Swift's lunacy
Outlawry, fpeech on the rever-
fal of 283

Oxford magiftrates, repti-
manded 88. their crime 105.
Answer by the late members
to the magiftrates letter ib.
Two annual prizes at Oxford


Paoli, letter from 643. See

Papifts, in the diocese of Lon-
don, number of 106
Paraguay, 130 Jefuits hanged
in 47. King's orders con-
cerning the Jefuits executed

Parliament 1766-7, proceed-
ings in. Bill to prohibit ex-
portation of corn 76. extrac-
tion of low wines or pints
from wheat, &c. ib. for al-
lowing importation of wheat
from America ib. for impor-
tation of falted beef, &c. ib.
for the importation of oats,
ib. Debate on the embargo,

c. 80. Bill for indemnifying
fuch as have execute the or-
der of council concerning
embargo 81.
Of the regu-
lation of the E. India-stock
ib. E. India company's pe-
tition ib. Petition for the
proprietors of E. India stock
82. Act for regulation of
certain public companies, ib.
Of importation of hog's lard
177. Of the high price of
provifions ib. Importation
of falted meat and butter
ib. Importation of rice,
fago-powder, &c. ib. Act
concerning the customs, &c.
in America 178. for puni-
fhing mutiny and differtion
180. concerning the depend-
ence of the American colo-
nies ib. 181. Of the petition
of the merchants of N. York
$15, rejected $17


[blocks in formation]

156. 254. Confederates fo-
licit the affiftance of the
Grand Signior ib. fome of
the confederates defeated ib.
Skirmithes between the Ruf-
fians and confederates ib
Further accounts of the trou
bles in Poland ib. 255. Cler-
gy have dvanced four mil-
lions of florins to the Popish
confederates 255. Action at
Conftantinople between the
confederates and Ruffians
319. Confederates defeated
ib. Number of the confede-
rates of Podolia ib. fome of
their actions ib. Tartars for-
bid to join the confederates
ib. they commit great difor-
ders in the K.'s hereditary
eftates ib. An officer of
Houlans infulted by a Ruf-
fian officer ib. Count Po-
tocki to be attacked by the
Ruffians ib. Confederates
receive reinforcements 320.
Zaleszick plunderedandburnt
ib. Confederates defeated
near Buiracz ib. A fresh
body of Ruffian troops en-
ter Poland ib. Porte not to
aflift the confederates ib.
Great diforder at Guefna ib.
Count Potocki totally rout-
ed ib. Ruffians pu fue the
confederates of Bar ib. Con-
federates lofe by the taking
of Bar 365. Count Potocki's
advantages over the Ruffians
ib. A new confederacy at
Kalifch ib. at Kien ib. at
Samogitia ib. and at Pronf-
nowick ib. Pr. Repnin's
declaration to the refidents
from Moldavia and Wala
chia ib. 366. Confederates
of Great Poland beaten 366.
A pardon offered to the con-
federates of Great Poland ib.
Cracow blockaded ib. Con-
federates at Bar beaten ib.
Malice against the city of
Thorn ib. Bafhaw of Choc-
zim arrested ib. Pealants of
the Greek religion commit
great outrages ib. Bishop of
the Greeks maffacred 434.
Cruelties committed by the
infurgents ib. Moft of the
feditious peafants difperfed
ib. Confederates of Podolia
difperfed ib. Troop of the
crown who had joined the

confederates furrender i
Five new confederacies form-
ed ib. Pealants of the U-
kraine punished ib. Prufian
minifter's declaration to the
K. of Poland ib. 435. A
body of Ruffians enter L
thuania 435.

Pealants of

Mozyr revolt 489. Confe
derares of Siradia defeated
ib, alfo near Cracow ib. Cra-
cow taken ib. 490. Peafants
of the Ukraine put in isons
490. Diets, convention of
ib. Two new confederacies
it. Two confederacies in
Lithuania 540. Cattle plun-
dered by the confederates of i
Bar ib. returned ib. Grie
vances to be redreffcd ib.
A fkirmish at Brieck, and at
Storam ib. Coffacks, guilty
of murder, to be executed
ib. Turkish troops march
towards Poland 601,2. Thee
confederacies difperied 601,
Confederates in Ozmany fur-
rounded by the Ruffians ib.
obliged to furrender is rou-
bles in Lithuania increate ib. 1
Confederates harafs the Dif
fidents ib. 603. P. Martin's
manifefto ib. Diet cannot
be held ib. Refugees from
Poland come to Koningiberg
ib. Pr. Radzivii arrested by
the Rufhians 656. 40,000
ducats fent to the K. of Po-
land ib. Ruflian troops to
be relieved it. Confede-
rates under Malczewski beat

Political manœuvres 684
Pontecorvo taken by the Ne-
apolitans 438
Pope, orders a ftatue to be
erected to St Januarius 606
Fortland, D. cafe of 194-
Reply to it 198
Portugal, affairs in last year
72. Jefuits in irons arrive
in the Tagus 47. Grievan
ces of the English to be re-
drefied 159. Brazil and Pa-
raguay to be eded to Spain
ib. Tribunal for centuring
books 259. Pope's briet fup-
preffed 323. Decree con-
cerning the fale of actions

Pox received by dreffing a
patient 624
Prefburg, earthquake at 157

Primerofe. See Douglas caufe.
Printing-houfes in the Otto-
man empire 41
Prints, effay on 189. 240
Proclamation against riots 331
Promifes extorted obligatory
449. Queries upon 619
Profperity and adverfity, an
allegory 142

Howard's thoughts on


Prostitutes abandoned, pity
to 64
Provencial language, proposal
for discovering 287. 415
Provifions, &c. caufes of the
high price of 63
Pruflia, a treaty with the States
General 99. four regiments
taken into pay 435.
to be inlifted, and horfes
bought, for the Pruffian fer-
vice ib.
Pfalm 146. paraphrastical ef-
fay on 457
Quebec, iron ore fent from
368. Appeals from 699
Ratifbon, earthquake at 157
Rattlefnake, Witt's letter on
the bite of 89
Raybould, J. hanged 163
Reprefentation, virtual and
actual, explained 284
Riots, late, and conduct of
the minifters 171. to be fup-
prefied by magiftrates 181.
defcribed ib. 182. Laws a
gainst them 182. by whom
promoted 287. In the Tham.
c. 328, 9, 30. A procla-
mation for fupprefling 331.
Some of the rioters punished
376. 699. Trials of others

[blocks in formation]

fian declaration on the arrest, cerning the condemnation
of its minifter 626. Otto- of books 438


man manifefto thercon 627. Spice-trees found in Tobago
Question concerning the pea-
fants 603. Settlements per-
mitted at Kola in Laponia
ib. 604. The Emprefs ino-
culated 656

Sailors, &c. riot of 329. 696
Salgo, a mount in Hungary,
burst out into a flame 42
Salop, eastern manner of pre-
paring 8

Salute, ceremonial of, ordi-
nance for adjufting 349
Sarfaparilla root found in N.
England 372
Savoy proteft relating to the
fucceffion to the British crown

Scot, Capt. preaches at Had-
dington and Muffelburgh

Scotland, queries concerning


Scurvy at fea, wort a remedy
for 30. Hulme's preventa-

tive of 622

Seduction, law propofed a-
gainst 119
Seeds Canadian, catalogue of

Selkirk, violent form at 499
Seneka Indians, religious o-
pinions of $29
Serpent, a monstrous one 673
Shelburne, E. his letter to
Gov. Bernard 261

Sheriffs appointed in S. Caro-
lina 443

Simmonds, J. punished for
decoying men 666, 7
Slugs, method of deftroying

Spinning, women, brought
from France to Glasgow 501
Spring, eruption of in Nor-
way 256

Stair, E. of, memorial on his
refignation 143
State-lottery 697
Statute-law of Scotland, fpe-
cimen of notes on 225
Stephano, alias Peter III. faid
to be taken by the Turks 99.
further account of him 155.
434. he takes refuge in the
mountains 489. his best chief
killed $40
Stirling, trials at 384
Stump, Fr. murders commit-
ted by 159. 268. he is im-
prifoned 268. carried off
from prifon 269. Compen-
fation to be made to the In-
diaus ib.

Sun's distance, by Dr Stewart,
remarks on 510. 693
Sutherland, peerage of, dif-
pute about 163
Sutton's practice of inocula:
tion, &c. 21. Extenfion ot
his method proposed 32
Sweden, affairs in last year 7.
Number of perfons there 41.
Expences at christenings and
burials diminished ib. Pro-
hibited merchandizes feized
42. 9000 crowns affigned
for obfervation of the tranfit
of Venus ib. A triple al-
liance between Denmark,
Sweden, and Pruffia 99. 100
children inoculated at Stock-
holm 604. A trunk belong-

Smart's parables 251
Smith on the connection of ing to the K. feized 656.
foul and body 561
Swift's lunacy, E. of Orrery
Smith and Ferrier, Meff. cafe on 136
Switzerland, mob at Neuf-
chatel 256, 7. Sieur Gaudot
murdered ib. Troops to
march thither 258. 322.490.
City of Nevenburg punished

of 644
Soul and body, connection of

Spain, affairs in last year 70.
A treaty with France 43.
Circular letter by the Bp of
Cuenca 46. Schedule by the
K. to him ib. Difgrace of
the Cardinal de Cardue ib.
47. Number of officers to
be reduced 159. Council of
Caftile's opinion of the edict
of the D. of Parma 216.
Manilla ranfom to be regu. 373
lated 252. Ordinance con- Toulon, earthquake at 256

Tanners, foreign agent im-
prisoned for enticing 106
Theatre founded at Edinburgh

Thunder and lightning, da-
mage done by 378
Tobago, fpice-trees found in



bany and the Morea ib.
Hoftilities committed by the
Perfiaus ib. Amount of the
Turkish army ib.
Signior's manifefto with re-
fpect to Poland ib.
United provinces. See Hol-

Treaty between Denmark and
Ruffia 42. France and Spain
43. Sweden, Denmark, and
Pruffia 99.
Pruffia and the
States General ib. the Eng-
lish and Corficans 101. Spain
and Portugal 102. France
and Genoa 258. Pruffia,
Denmark, England, Swe- Univerfities, origin of 648
den, and Poland 657 Varefa, Carmelites purchafe
Trial of L. Baltimore 200
lands at 322
The govern
of Mr Dempster 337. ment take poffeffion of the
Arguments 401.—406 In- lands ib.
terlocutor 406. Extract from Venice, religious orders of
the criminal letters 407 mendicants forbidden 42. A
——about a stranger's getting difference between the Holy
into a mafon-lodge 107 See and the republic of 215.
Regulations of monafteries
and convents in 544
Venus, tranfit of, prepara-
tions of obferving 20, 1
Vermine, recipe for destroy-
ing 458
Vetuvius, Hamilton's account
of 29. 30. A marble ftatue
erected in memory of the
ceffation of the eruption of

between a lady and a
gentleman about marriage


of Samuel Gillam 376
of Capt. Fullarton 497
of James Wilfon
Trials at circuit-courts 383. et



Vienna, earthquake at 157



Voffius, I. Lewis XIV. his
generosity to 175
Vox populi vox Dei explained


Wager's crew, distresses of 357.

Wagstaff, Jeoffry, fpecula-
tions of 86

for riots at St George's
fields 699
Trinity, doctrine of 472
Tun of gold explained 139
Turky, affairs in laft year 1. Virgil, tranfpofition in 409
The plague near Constanti- Volcanoes in Bohemia
nople 41. Mr Montague, Voltaire, anecdotes of 510
the celebrated traveller, ar- to the K. of Denmark
rives at Conftantinople ib.
Printing-houses in Turky ib.
Janifaries to hold themselves
in readiness to march 254.
The divan difgufted at the
proceedings of the Ruffians
in Poland 319. Preparation
to fecure the frontiers 489.
War declared against Ruffia
ib. 601. Grand Vizir remo-
ved 540 is fent to Tenedos
ib. Stephano di Montinero
beat 601. Mountains of
Montenegro furrounded ib.
The Ruflian minifter arreft-
ed ib. Troops in motion to-
wards Poland ib. 602. Plague
at Conftantinople 603. Grand
Signior's meffage to the K.
of Poland ib. Manifefto on
the arrest of the Ruffian
minifter 627. Advantages
gained over the Montene-
grins 655. Stephano Piccalo
appears again ib. Peace with
the Montenegrins ib. Dal-
matians beat the Turks ib.
Troubles in the Lower Al-

War, secretary of, on the be-
haviour of the foldiers in St
George's fields 332
Water-fpout falls on Dunga-
vel hill soo

Welford, earthquake at 186
Wells, Mr, riot at his fettle-
ment at Shotts 445. fome
of the rioters tried 499.
Difpute concerning the obli-
gation of a promife extorted
from that gentleman 449.

Wilkes, John, papers rela
ting to 130. et feqq. Freedom
of the city of London given
to 257. A fubfcription for
paying his debts ib. his ad-
drefs to the livery ib. his
fpeech at clofing the poll
218. his address to the elec
tors of Middlesex ib. is e
leted member ib. The mob
outrageous after the election
ib. 219. his fpeech to the e-
lectors 219. his fpeech in
the court of King's-bench ib.
220. is ordered to the King's-
bench prifon 221. his ad-
drefs to the freeholders of
Middlesex 211, 2. Extract
from his letter to the D. of
G. 222. Riotous mob on his
account 330. his outlawry
reversed 334. further pro-
ceedings against him . his
fentences 374. his address to
the county of Middlesex ib.
375. Legacy left him by
Sir Andrew Chadwick 375.
Letter from Aylesbury in his
favour ib. 376. he is hanged,
and burnt, in effigie, at E-
Edinburgh 385

Whale fishery, account of


Widows, a propofal to provide
for 57

Wife, advertisement for one

Wilfon, Peter, banished Scot-
land 163

James, trial of 497
Witherspoon, Dr. his fermon
300. He arrives at Phila-
delphia 546. his reception
in America ib.
Witt on the bite of a rattle-
fnake 89

Wort a remedy for the scurvy
at fea 30
Wrecked fhips, cargoes of
them ftole 107
Wright, Mr, collector of feeds,
letters from 24. 134
Writers and musical inftru
ments, analogy between 86
Yarmouth, seizure at, bad
confequences of 107
Yate on the Hebrew notation
of numbers $13 [384, 5
Yeft, new method of making
York, New, and Maffachu-
fets bay, faláries of the go-
vernors of 48. New-York
petition 515. Rejected 517.
Merchants not to buy or fell
goods from Britain 443. Go-
vernor's fpeech in the affem-
bly of N. York 660

INDEX to the POETRY, &c. 1768..

A Ddrefs to the Middlefex Eton boy, epigram by 539

voters 210

[blocks in formation]

Ewe and Courtier
Garden, verfes written in 34
G-me, Mifs, epitaph by ib.
Grace after dinner, at a mi
fer's $39

Hounds in couples 253 (432
Hufband dying, to his wife
Infeription to the memory of
A. Skene 96

Elm and Vine 487
Elphinston's verses to the K.
of Denmark 538
Epigram on Mrs Rofs 538
- by an Eton boy 539
Epitaph by Miss G-me 34
-on Mrs Maffon 539

at Seton ib.


for Andrew Millar 285
- for a column at Runemede

-on a burial-vault 487
- to the memory of pa-
triotifm 537
Islands discovered by the Dol-
phin 432

Ladies, stanzas to 364
Lady, a fong written to 487
Lady's fan at church, on fee-
ing 317

Liberty and Wilkes 153
Liberty depofed 209
The Loft fheep 151
Love, man in 36
Madness of Afpafia 363
Man in love 36

Martinico, ode on the taking
of 431


Maffon, Mrs, epitaph on 539
Mifer's, grace atter dinner at
Moral reflection 36
Munro, Col. to 153
Newcastle, D. on the death

of 600

Patriotifm modern, to the
memory of 537

Pipe of tobacco, verfes on 36
Poems on the K. of Denmark
537, 8

Pritchard, Mrs, her farewell
to the theatre 212
Prologue at closing the theatre

for the lying-in hospital 654
The Races 488

Reflection, moral 36
Rofs, Mrs, epigram on 538
Runemede, infcription for a
column at 363
Rubrilla, true beauty 60
Seton, epitaph at 539
Sicknefs, ode in 598
The Sigh 487, 8
Sifter, on the death of 363
Skene, An infcription to the
memory of 96

Song, written to a lady 487
-in vogue in America 488
Stanzas to the ladies 364
State-coach 35-

(of 600
Tavistock, M. on the death
Tobacco-pipe of on 96
Triumph of arts 654
Vacation 33

Verfes written in a garden 34


ftuck in the mouth of a
bulfinch 96

-on a pipe of tobacco ib.
-from a tomb-stone 362
-on a lady giving a sprig of

Ode to the new year 1768 34 myrtle 487
Ode 36

-to patience 154
-for the birth-day 317
- to Victory ib.

-on taking of Martinico 431
-in fickness 598

Officer's verfes to the K. of
Denmark 538

Victory, ode to 317
Volunteer toaft 537
Wedding-day, on a precep.
tor's 318

Wilkes and liberty 153
-addrefs to the voters for 2 19
— on his standing for Middle-
fex 211


Parody on American hearts of Winifreda 154

Wonders of the creation 362
Year new, odę to 34

oak 599
-parodifed ib.

Patriot and cobler 653

Yorrick's death, to the author
of the lines on 212

Effex, verfes from a tomb. Patience, ode to 154

ftone in 362

N. B. When a name occurs oftener than once in a page, the number of times is denoted by numeraḥ
letters immediately after the number of the page.

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