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In the statement the continent is properly named first, because it is far away in the interior of the continent that the line begins, and it is the continent that the line leaves in going toward Vancouver. But when a great continent like North America is spoken of as distinguished ⚫ from a large island lying near it, the intervening cluster of smaller islands would, according to all geographical usage, be taken as included with the continent, and thus the channel of Haro divides the continent from Vancouver. But we will not waste words. Nobody can dispute that the Canal de Haro washes the eastern shore of Vancouver Island, and separates that island from the continent.


The next words in the treaty are: "And thence southerly." The southerly deflection from the forty-ninth parallel is made to avoid cutting Vancouver Island, and must be limited to that object. The movement of the boundary line is steadily west to the Pacific. The treaty knows only two points of compass: "westward" and this "southerly deviation from the due west course. The southern deflection, therefore, must always be accompanied with the idea of a western direction; and of two channels going in a "southerly" direction, that which least interrupts the general" westward" direction of the line must be chosen as the channel of the treaty.



The next words of the treaty are: "Through the middle of the said channel and of Fuca's Straits to the Pacific Ocean." The treaty contemplates a continuous channel to the Pacific; the channel of Haro and Fuca's Straits form such a continuous channel, and a glance at the map will show that no other channel can pretend to do so.

So, then, the description of the treaty as a whole applies to no channel but that of Haro; and every single phrase, taken separately, points also to that channel, and to that channel alone.


And yet the British government ask the Imperial arbitrator to find the channel of the treaty in a passage for which, in January, 1848, they had no name and no other description than "the wide channel to the east of numerous islands, which is laid down by Vancouver," and which now, in 1871, they call by the name of "the Rosario Straits."

Мар С.

My first request is that the Imperial arbitrator will ascertain where on the 15th of June, 1846, the day when the treaty was signed, the negotiators supposed Rosario Straits to lie. On that day the name "Straits of Rosario" was, on every map used by the negotiators, placed upon the waters which divide the island of Texada from the continent, far north of the parallel of 49°. There it lies fast anchored on the map of Vancouver, published in 1798; it holds the same place in the atlas of the French translation of Vancouver. There, too, it is found on the French map of Duflot de Mofras, published in 1844; and also on the map of Wilkes, published in 1845; and there, too, on the British map of Vancouver Island, published by the geographer to the Queen, so late as 1848. Then, [29] since all British and American maps, which in 1846 *had on

Map E. Map F.

them the name "Straits of Rosario," located those straits far to the

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talement it is easy to convince us by a comparim-50°

dates and numes given on the chart with the
und names, given in the reports on Elizas explod
in the Journal of the Spanish voyage to these re
unilor Valdes and Guliano(1792). Everything.
we learn from this report agrees with what
depicted on the chart, which is very accurately
and which is the very chart, made by Eliza him-
at land a true copy of it.

chart is so very interesting, and valuable, because we
diserier of Eliza & minsstely depicted on it.
as thefirst, who penetrated into the Rosario.
et the first who gave this and many other mines.
no special journal of his voyquje, we promess
scattered allusions to his expedition in the said
Caliano and Valdes I have also never seen be
chart, nor ever heard it alluded too I believe it
erfectly unknown to all the historians of the Nort
discoveries. Ela penetrated nearly to the
part of the great Gulf of Georgia. His names
early all adopted and preserved by his succes
Caliano and Valdes in the year 17 and we
eet them again on the chart of these navigators
ur collection)

rida blanca



de S Rafael

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