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ebts by the general government, or the distribution of the proceeds of the ublic lands; and to use their efforts to effect a reduction of the tariff of 842 to a revenue standard, and an extension of the laws of the United tates over the Territory of Oregon.

The resolutions were read.

Ordered, That they be printed.

Mr. Chalmers presented the petition of Harriet L. Catching, praying to e released from the payment of a judgment obtained against her by the United States: which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Pennybacker presented the petition of Elizabeth Jones, daughter nd heir of John Carr, deceased, a soldier in the revolutionary army, prayng to be allowed arrears of pension: which was referred to the Committee 11 Pensions.

Mr. Pennybacker presented the memorial of Thompson Hutchinson, eir of Thomas Hutchinson, deceased, a revolutionary soldier, praying a ension: which was referred to the Committee on Pensions.

Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, presented the petition of Francis A. Thornton nd Eliza P. Gwinn, children and heirs of Presley Thornton, deceased, In officer in the revolutionary army, praying to be allowed commutation ay: which was referred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

Mr. Hannegan presented a memorial of citizens of Ohio, praying the stablishment of a naval depot at Toledo, in that State: which was referred o the Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Evans submitted the following resolution for consideration:

Resolved, That the Secretary of State be directed to communicate to the Senate any despatch or information he may have received from either of the ninisters of the United States abroad, upon the subject of a ship canal across he isthmus of Panama, and of opening new channels of communication with the eastern nations.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. 2. 65) making appropriations for the payment of revolutionary and other ensions of the United States for the year ending the 30th June, 1847, and or other purposes; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

On motion by Mr. Lewis,

Ordered, That the Committee on Finance be discharged from the furher consideration of the memorial of Jonathan Thompson, and that the nemorialist have leave to withdraw his memorial and papers.

Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, agreeably to notice, asked and obtained. eave to bring in a bill (S. 88) to amend the act approved June 17, 1844, ntitled "An act to provide for the adjustment of land claims within the States of Missouri, Arkansas, and' Louisiana, and in those parts of the tates of Missouri and Alabama south of the 31st degree of north latitude, nd between the Mississippi and Perdido rivers:" which was read the first nd second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

The Senate proceeded to consider the report of the Committee of Claims on the petition of Isaac Lilley: and,

On motion by Mr. Evans,

Ordered, That it be recommitted to the Committee of Claims.

The Senate proceeded to consider the adverse report of the Committee

hat the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted. proceeded to consider the adverse report of the Committee e petition of Henry Northup: and, in concurrence therewith, hat the petitioner is not entitled to relief.

proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on Penition of Caroline E. Sanders: and, in concurrence therewith, hat the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted. proceeded to consider the adverse report of the Committee i the petition of Jane Heyl: and, in concurrence therewith, hat the prayer of the petitioner be rejected.

proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on Pen-
tition of Hannah Branch, widow of Elijah Branch: and, in

hat the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted.
an had leave to withdraw the motion submitted by him the
or the printing of additional copies of the message of the
e United States of the 9th instant, and the accompanying


resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of S. R. 1) advising the President of the United States to give overnment of Great Britain that the government of the Uniin virtue of the second article of the convention of the 6th of 1827, between the two governments, relative to the Oregon ul and abrogate that convention: and,

ion by Mr. Sevier,



ng message was received from the President of the United Walker, his secretary:

of the United States:

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d. That it be referre gum presented th flad in the Territory States: which was ref On motion by Mr. Da ned. That the Secret Saltmarsh and Full for the same. Ashler submitted the d. That the Comm to inquire into the Pas, Jefferson County ad county, in the St Poke bayou, via t Seat of Fulton count On motion by Mr. Br red, That when the Cameron, from the Co referred the petiti hich was read. Cameron, from the C

ce with the request of the Senate, in their resolution of the
sking for information relative to the Mexican indemnity, I
herewith, a report from the Secretary of State, with the
anying it.

N, February 18, 1846.

resident laid before the Senate a letter from the governor of f Wisconsin, communicating resolutions passed by the legisTerritory, in favor of an appropriation by Congress for the t of the Indian title to the lands lying north of the Fox ween the Wolf and Wisconsin rivers: which was referred to = on Indian Affairs.

resident laid before the Senate a letter from the governor of f Wisconsin, communicating a resolution passed by the legisTerritory, in favor of an appropriation for the erection of a

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as referred the bill certain acts of th anendment.

On motion by Mr. C ed, That the Comm nsideration of the to the Committee o Sally to notice, Mr.

ght-house on Grassy island, near the mouth of Fox river: which was eferred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Sevier submitted documents relating to the claim of Solomon Drew o compensation for his services as provost marshal of the legionary court f the militia of the city of Washington: which were referred to the Comittee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Thomas Clayton presented the memorial of Edward Earle, praying e purchase by the government of his invention of a method for protectng canvass and cordage against mildew and rot: which was referred to e Committee on Naval Affairs.

Mr. Atchison presented the petition of Isaac W. Taylor, for himself and he heirs of James Clamorgan, deceased, praying that the benefits of the ct of June 17, 1844, providing for the adjustment of certain private land laims, may be extended to them: which was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Dickinson presented a petition of shipmasters and seamen engaged navigation on the lakes, praying that the harbor of Cattaraugus, on lake Crie, may be completed and lighted: which was referred to the Committee n Commerce.

Mr. Dickinson presented the petition of C. P. Van Ness, praying the eimbursement of money which he erroneously paid into the treasury of he United States, while collector of the customs for the district of Ver


Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Mangum presented the memorial of Cuyler W. Young, praying a rant of land in the Territory of Oregon, for the use of emigrants from the United States: which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. On motion by Mr. Dayton,

Ordered, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit the petition and apers of Saltmarsh and Fuller to the Postmaster General, agreeably to his pplication for the same.

Mr. Ashley submitted the following resolution for consideration:

Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be nstructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post route from Pine Bluffs, Jefferson county, via Princeton and Dallasport, to Washington, Hempstead county, in the State of Arkansas; also, a post route from Batesille, up Poke bayou, via the residence of John Martin, to Salem, the ounty seat of Fulton county, in said State.

On motion by Mr. Breese,

Ordered, That when the Senate adjourn, it be to Monday next.

Mr. Cameron, from the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, to whom was referred the petition of David Little, submitted an adverse reort: which was read.

Mr. Cameron, from the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 217) declaratory of the powers, and egalizing certain acts of the chief clerk of the Patent Office, reported it without amendment.

On motion by Mr. Chalmers,

Ordered, That the Committee on Public Lands be discharged from the urther consideration of the memorial of John A. Rogers, and that it be referred to the Committee of Claims.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Breese asked and obtained leave to bring in a

es, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee


of Maryland, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was tion of Amos Kendall, reported a bill (S. 89) for his relief: and passed to the second reading..

rom the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that they and found duly enrolled the bill (H. R. 192) entitled "An e powers of the several orphans' courts held in and for the imbia."

com the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

t: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. the Fort Wayne land district certain tracts of land lying ts of that district, which are not now attached to any disthey request the concurrence of the Senate.

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at it be referred to the Committee on Public Lands.
R. 65) making appropriations for the payment of revolu-
ner pensions of the United States for the year ending the
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at it be referred to the Committee on Finance.

resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the bill (S. 43) for ijah White: and,

ion by Mr. Mangum,

at it lie on the table.

resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the joint resolution sing the President of the United States to give notice to the Great Britain that the government of the United States will, e second article of the convention of the 6th of August, the two governments, relative to the Oregon Territory, gate that convention: and,

ion by Mr. Dickinson,



ion by Mr. Mangum,


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The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of Var, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, formation concerning the mineral regions of lake Superior, the defects of he present system in relation to the same, and the legislative provisions ecessary for their future management or disposition: which was read. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and rinted.

Mr. Ashley presented a petition of citizens of Arkansas, praying the stablishment of a post route from Pine Bluff to Camden, in that State: which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Mr. Breese presented the memorial of A. Whitney, praying an approriation of public land for the construction of a railroad from lake Michigan o the Pacific ocean: which was referred to the Committee on Public ands, and, with the accompanying map, ordered to be printed.

Mr. Thomas Clayton presented the memorial of the heirs-at-law of Edard Armstrong, deceased, an officer in the revolutionary army, praying o be allowed arrearages of pension: which was referred to the Committee n Pensions.

Mr. Dickinson presented a memorial of the mayor and common council f Rochester, New York, praying the erection of fortifications at that place: which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered to e printed.

Mr. Dix presented two petitions of shipmasters and seamen engaged in navigation on the lakes, praying the completion and lighting of the harbor of Cattaraugus, on lake Erie: which were referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Dix presented four petitions of citizens of New York, praying the brogation of the treaties of December, 1838, and May; 1842, with the Seneca Indians: which were referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Mr. Sevier submitted additional documents in relation to the memorial of Solomon Drew: which were referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Westcott presented three memorials of citizens of Florida, praying he erection of a sea-wall and battery at the port of St. Mark's, in that State: vhich were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Mr. Westcott submitted the following resolution; which was considered, y unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Committee on Commerce be instructed to inquire nto the expediency of providing by law for the erection of a light-house t or near the extremity of South cape, near the mouth of the river Ockockony, in the State of Florida; and into the expediency of providing by aw for the placing one or more beacons or buoys on the shoals in the ulf of Mexico, off said cape.

Mr. Bagby submitted the following resolution; which was considered, y unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Secretary of War be requested to transmit to the Senate the papers in the case of John C. Whitsett, in which he claims two racts of land under the Choctaw treaty of Dancing Rabbit creek.

Mr. Simmons submitted the following resolution; which was considered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

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