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he bill (S. 86) for the relief of Joseph Chaires and others; at the same may not become a law: which was referred to on the Judiciary.

-n presented the petition of Haym M. Salomon, praying the of advances made by his father during the revolutionary s referred to the Committee of Claims.

esented the memorial of Jonathan Tyner, praying to be inThe destruction of his property by order of a United States the Florida war: which was referred to the Committee of

sented a petition of citizens of New York, praying an inty on coarse wool: which was referred to the Committee on

ented a petition of members of the Lyceum of Natural Hisork, praying the publication by Congress of an increased scientific works of the exploring expedition: which was Committee on the Library.

ented the petition of James Buchanan, late British consul New York, praying the reimbursement of expenses incident à instituted against a vessel captured and brought into that h officer, for having been engaged in the slave trade; and the custody of the cargo: which was referred to the Comgn Relations.

sented a petition of citizens of Tioga county, New York, ogation of the treaties of December, 1838, and May, 1842, a Indians: which was referred to the Committee on Indian

-retted hemp for the
second reading.
The said bill was read
he Whole: and no a

Ordered. That it be en

I. Cameron, from the
the petition of certa
at Washington, subi

Thomas Clayton, 1
Fim was referred the pe
shes report: which was
Breese, from the
ses of the Senate, to
tire into the expedi
er. submitted a rep
Bred, That the Col
ses of the Senate take
over the marble g
rsed by them, the im
4eparing the marble
Provided, That t
thousand dollars.
Ordered, That the rep
E. Johnson, of Louis
erred the bill (S.
b amendment.
. Johnson, of Louis
i was ordered to be
H. Berrien, from the C
etition of John P. Sk
ted a report, accon
her and the legal rep
The bill was read, and
red, That the rep
Johnson, of Louis
Ferred the petition
which was ordere
Ashley, from the
morial of Charles
Pred, That the pr
The Senate proceeded
d Louisiana, the
copies of additiona

from the Committee on Military Affairs, submitted a comn the Secretary of War relative to the expediency of inilitary defences of the country: which was ordered to be

submitted the following resolution; which was considered, consent, and agreed to:

hat the Committees on Military and Naval Affairs, respecre the Senate the estimates communicated to them by the etaries of War and the Navy, for the increase of the military ns of the defence of the country.

bmitted the following resolution for consideration:

hat the Committee on Finance inquire into the right of the Ha to a ratable share of the surplus revenue distributed to er the act of Congress of June 23, 1836.

submitted the following resolution for consideration:

hat the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be nquire into the expediency of directing that in all cases n is presented to the Senate for the establishment of a post the same petition the establishment of post offices or the postmasters is prayed for, it shall be the duty of the Secreate to transmit to the Postmaster General such petition, proroute therein prayed for shall have been established by law. 1, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was reon of George W. Billings, reported a bill (S. 132) to authoary of the Navy to contract for the purchase of American

The Senate proceeded
Bi instant, in relati

dered, That the re the contingent et Bright reported

water-rotted hemp for the use of the navy: which was read, and passed to the second reading.

The said bill was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole: and no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.

Ordered, That it be engrossed, and read a third time.

Mr. Cameron, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was referred the petition of certain mechanics and laborers employed in the navy yard at Washington, submitted an adverse report: which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Thomas Clayton, from the Committee on Revolutionary Claims, to whom was referred the petition of the heirs of Willis Wilson, submitted an adverse report: which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Breese, from the Committee to audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate, to whom was referred a resolution instructing them to inquire into the expediency of making certain alterations in the Senate chamber, submitted a report, accompanied by the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee to audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate take prompt order for the construction of an additional gallery over the marble gallery, the arrangement of the reporters' seats as proposed by them, the improvement of the lantern light, and the furnishing and preparing the marble gallery in appropriate style for the use of the ladies: Provided, That the expense attending the same shall not exceed four thousand dollars.

Ordered, That the report be printed.

Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the bill (S. 66) for the relief of Sally Rockwood, reported it without amendment.

Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, submitted an adverse report on the subject: which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Berrien, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the petition of John P. Skinner and the legal representatives of Isaac Green, submitted a report, accompanied by a bill (S. 131) for the relief of John P. Skinner and the legal representatives of Isaac Green.

The bill was read, and passed to a second reading.

Ordered, That the report be printed.

Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel Knight, junior, submitted an adverse report: which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Ashley, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the memorial of Charles Stearns, reported the following resolution:

Resolved, That the prayer of the petitioner ought not to be granted. The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, the 17th instant, in relation to furnishing reporters with copies of additional documents printed by the Senate; and agreed thereto.

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. Niles the 23d instant, in relation to the appointment of a messenger to the Senate: and

Ordered, That the resolution be referred to the Committee to audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate.

Mr. Bright reported from the committee that they presented to the

e act requiring one of the judges of the circuit court for the mbia hereafter to reside in Alexandria.

om the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

t: The President of the United States approved and signed , the bill (H. R. 260) entitled "An act to repeal the act f the judges of the circuit court for the District of Columeside in Alexandria."

f Representatives have passed a bill (H. R. 38) to authorize he rank and file of the army of the United States: in which concurrence of the Senate.

the House of Representatives last mentioned was read the times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Comry Affairs.

esumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration
) to establish courts of the United States, and provide for
on of the laws of the United States, in the State of Florida.
on by Mr. Westcott,

at the further consideration thereof be postponed until to-
esumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration
(S. R. 1) advising the President of the United States to give
vernment of Great Britain that the government of the United
virtue of the second article of the convention of the 6th of
1827, between the two governments, relative to the Oregon
l and abrogate that convention: and,

on by Mr. Miller,



s presented the credentials of the Hon. Thomas F. Rusk,
or by the legislature of the State of Texas for the constitu-
he credentials were read; and the oath prescribed by law
ed to Mr. Rusk, and he took his seat in the Senate.
resident laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of
nade in compliance with a joint resolution of Congress of
1844, relative to the collection of statistical information:


resented additional documents in relation to the memorial tatives of Jacob Housman, deceased: which were referred ee of Claims.

sented a memorial of the American Shipwreck Society in ying the enactment of a law for the better protection of the rty of persons wrecked upon the coast: which was referred ee on Commerce.

ng that the bounti Zenes may not be dis Ordered, That it lie o Atchison presente es, Missouri, prayi hased by them from s of a confirmed Spa Ordered, That it be re motion by Mr. Dix Bran to the Commi I was determined in t On motion by Mr red, That Gilbert tion and papers. Arably to notice, M 133) for the final was read the firs to the Committe Dickinson, from t pettion of Samuel A. 134 for his relief. The bill was read, an The bill (S. 132) to a

ented two petitions of citizens of New York, remonstrating ewal of a patent heretofore granted to Jethro Wood for an the plough.

at they lie on the table.

chase of America been reported by th Rered, That this b rred, That the S sentatives therein. The Senate proceeded Mr. John M. Clayto 20: and, er debate,

On motion by M Ordered, That it be A message from the

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Mr. Fairfield presented a petition of citizens of North Yarmouth, Maine, praying that the bounties allowed by law to persons engaged in the codfisheries may not be discontinued.

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

Mr. Atchison presented the petition of citizens of Lincoln and Pike counties, Missouri, praying to be protected in the possession of the lands purchased by them from the United States, which proved to be within the limits of a confirmed Spanish grant.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. On motion by Mr. Dix, that the vote on referring the petition of James Buchanan to the Committee on Foreign Relations be reconsidered: It was determined in the affirmative.

On motion by Mr. McDuffie,

Ordered, That Gilbert Stalker and N.. B. Hill have leave to withdraw their petition and papers.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Pearce asked and obtained leave to bring in a bill (S. 133) for the final adjustment of the accounts of some of the States: which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Dickinson, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred the petition of Samuel A. Morse, submitted a report, accompanied by a bill (S. 134) for his relief.

The bill was read, and passed to a second reading.

The bill (S. 132) to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to contract for the purchase of American water-rotted hemp for the use of the navy, having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read a third time.

Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein.

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted the 3d instant by Mr. John M. Clayton, relative to a correspondence on the subject of Oregon: and,

After debate,

On motion by Mr. Phelps,

Ordered, That it be postponed until to-morrow.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the bill from the Senate (S. 132) to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to contract for the purchase of American water-rotted hemp for the use of the navy. On motion by Mr. Barrow, that when the Senate adjourn, it be to Monday next:

It was determined in the affirmative,


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On motion by Mr. Sevier, The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are,



Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Benton, Berrien, Calhoun, Cameron, Cass, Corwin, Crittenden, Evans, Haywood, Jarnagin, Johnson, of Maryland, Lewis, McDuffie, Miller, Morehead, Pearce, Rusk, Speight, Upham, Westcott.

1, Ashley, Atchison, Bagby, Breese, Bright, Chalmers, John ickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Jenness, Johnson, of es, Pennybacker, Sevier, Turney.

hat when the Senate adjourn, it be to Monday next.

117) for the relief of George Wentling was read the second idered as in Committee of the Whole: and no amendment was reported to the Senate.

hat it be engrossed, and read a third time.

I having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, d time, by unanimous consent.

hat this bill pass, and that the title be as aforesaid.

hat the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of s therein.

resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration on (S. R. 1) advising the President of the United States to he government of Great Britain that the government of the will, in virtue of the second article of the convention of the A. D. 1827, between the two governments, relative to the ry, annul and abrogate that convention: and,

, and the consideration of Executive business, adjourned.

MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1846.

resented the credentials of the honorable Samuel Houston, tor by the legislature of the State of Texas for the constituThe credentials were read; and the oath prescribed by law red to Mr. Houston, and he took his seat in the Senate. submitted the following resolution; which was considered, consent, and agreed to:

hat the Senate proceed to ascertain the classes in which the he State of Texas shall be inserted, in conformity with the e 14th May, 1789, and as the constitution requires.

ion by Mr. Speight,

at the Secretary put into the ballot-box three papers of nbered 1, 2, 3; that each Senator from the State of Texas paper; that number one, if drawn, shall entitle the Senator the class whose term of service will expire the third day of number two, in the class whose term will expire the third 1849; and number three, in the class whose term will exLay of March, 1851.

above mentioned were put by the Secretary into the box,
on drew number one, and is accordingly in the class of
e terms of service will expire the third day of March, 1847;
drew number three, and is accordingly in the class of Sena-
ms of service will expire the third day of March, 1851.
esident laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of
nade in compliance with the fifth section of the act of Con-
'An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatie

other purposes.
relative to transact
public money: wh
Webster presented
that the bill (H.
runt in computatio
Turkish coins: w
Evans presented th
ed, a soldier in the
was referred to the
Semple presented
given him for tran
countries: which
Post Roads.
Breese presented th
Ei Potosi, in the
ring the harbor
Public Lands.
Ashley presented
shment of a mail re
: which was refe

Cass presented a p
2 the establishment
kie, Wisconsin T
Est Office and Post
Johnson, of Maryla
assignees of the B
to be released from
the public mo
to the Committee o
Johnson, of Maryl
presentative of E
nary services: w
compensation fo
as referred to the
On motion by Mr.
red, That the do
of Henry H.

On motion by Mr.
ed, That the Co
tion of the mem
On motion by Mr.
red, That the C
Consideration of t
Committee on Nav
Jarnagin submitte
animous consent, i

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