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from the Committee on

ate Land Claims, to whom was emorial of the heirs and legal representatives of Louis de la orted a bill (S. 179) for their relief: which was read, and second reading.

from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

ent: The House of Representatives concur in the amendSenate to the bill (H. R. 145) providing for the prosecution war between the United States and the republic of Mexico. passed a joint resolution (H. R. 31) to correct a clerical h they request the concurrence of the Senate.

er of the House of Representatives having signed four enam directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of


reported from the committee that they had examined and rolled the following bills:

An act to authorize an increase of the rank and file of the [nited States.

An act providing for the prosecution of the existing war beited States and the republic of Mexico.

An act for the relief of Charles W. Bingley, of Charleston,


act for the relief of George Wentling.

President signed the four enrolled bills last reported to have ed, and they were delivered to the committee to be presented ent of the United States.

reported from the committee that they had this day presented ent of the United States the four enrolled bills this day ree been examined; and that they had presented to the PresiUnited States, the 7th instant, the bill (H. R. 179) to supply nappropriations for certain objects made for the service of the ding the 30th of June, 1846.

e resumed the consideration of the bill (H. R. 47) making for certain fortifications of the United States for the year Oth of June, 1847, together with the amendment thereto; and amendment having been agreed to, and the bill being further That the amendments be engrossed, and the bill read a third

bill was read a third time, as amended.

That this.bill pass, with amendments.

the amendmen been, in part, a A motion was ma On motion by The Senate, after

Vice Presider
made in con
of letters and
October: w
red, That it h
The Vice Presiden
edings of a court
ent of the Sprin
rred, That it b
Berrien presen
ray, praying pe
te their railroa

Ir. Johnson, of y late a paymast obtained against de in his custo the Committe Miller, from the erred a resolutio bridge across free bridge acros Washington: w Serier, from th to the collecti was read, and I Breese (by una to repeal part year endin ond times, by 1 red, That it be Jassage from the President: The making an apl year ending the Pe of the Senate, President of the the acts entitled: R. 145. An act en the United St

That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of ves in the amendments.

from the President of the United States, by Mr. Walker, his

lent: The President of the United States this day approved he enrolled bill (S. 117) entitled "An act for the relief of ling."

e proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the 8) making appropriations for the current and contingent exIndian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with Indian tribes for the year ending June 30th, 1846, together


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with the amendments reported thereto: and the reported amendments ha
ing been, in part, agreed to, and the bill further amended,

A motion was made by Mr. Atchison further to amend the bill: and,
On motion by Mr. Evans,

The Senate, after the consideration of Executive business, adjourned.

THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1846.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Postmast General, made in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, showing th number of letters and the amount of postage at the specified rates, for th month of October: which was read.

Ordered, That it be printed.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, th proceedings of a court of inquiry in the case of Major J. W. Ripley, supe intendent of the Springfield armory: which was read.

Ordered, That it be printed, with the accompanying documents.

Mr. Berrien presented the petition of the Macon and Western Railroa Company, praying permission to import free of duty the iron necessary t complete their railroad: which was referred to the Committee on Fi


Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, presented the memorial of Lewis G. d Russey, late a paymaster in the army, praying to be released from a judg ment obtained against him by the United States for certain public money lost while in his custody, by the explosion of a steamboat: which was re ferred to the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Miller, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, to whom was referred a resolution of the legislature of the State of Maryland, relating to a free bridge across the eastern branch, reported a bill (S. 180) to pro vide a free bridge across the eastern branch of the river Potomac, in the city of Washington: which was read, and passed to the second reading.

Mr. Sevier, from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill (S. 181) relating to the collection district of New Orleans, and for other purposes which was read, and passed to the second reading.

Mr. Breese (by unanimous consent) obtained leave to bring in a bil (S. 182) to repeal part of the act making appropriations for the naval ser vice for the year ending the 30th of June, 1846: which was read the firs and second times, by unanimous consent.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, thei Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H R. 116) making an appropriation for the support of the Military Academy for the year ending the 30th June, 1847: in which they request the con currence of the Senate.

The President of the United States approved and signed the 13th in stant, the acts entitled:

H. R. 145. An act providing for the prosecution of the existing wa


. An act to authorize an increase in the rank and file of the army ed States.

4. An act for the relief of Charles W. Bingley, of Charleston, lina.

olution (H. R. 31) to correct a clerical error, was read the first 1 times, by unanimous consent, and considered as in Comne Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported to

- That it pass to a third reading.

I resolution was read a third time, by unanimous consent.
That this resolution pass.

That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accord

(H. R. 116) making appropriations for the support of the Milimy for the year ending the 30th June, 1847, was read the first a times, by unanimous consent.

, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance.

nate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. 13th instant, directing a certain payment to be made to Eliza: and the resolution was agreed to.

nate proceeded to consider the motion made by Mr. Speight the t, to reconsider the vote on the engrossment of the bill (S. 3) to courts of the United States, and provide for the due execution of -f the United States in the State of Florida: and,

question to agree to the motion,

determined in the negative.

1 last mentioned having been reported by the committee correctly was read a third time.

d, That it pass, and the title thereof be as aforesaid.

, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of
atives therein.

grossed bill (S. 25) for the settlement of the claims of New
e against the United States, was read a third time.
question, Shall this bill pass?

determined in the affirmative,



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-as and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, who voted in the affirmative are,



entatives to the bi ers, and pontoni Resolved, That t! Ordered, That th dingly.

Mr. Bright report and duly enrolled Se, miners, and Jarnagin repor ial duly enrolled t essage from

President: T ed an enrolled bi ed to bring them The Vice Presiden ported to have ee to be presented The bill (S. 120) I e read the second

An amendment ha
ate ensued: and,
On motion,
The Senate adjour

Mr. Dix presented and Company showed interest port, and refund referred to the C H. Simmons pres that the act of M ered, That the Simmons prese de Island in f zens to inder

- Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Benton, Breese, Bright, Cameron, Chalmers, Colquitt, Dix, Houston, Jenness, Johnson, and, Johnson, of Louisiana, Lewis, McDuffie, Niles, PennyRusk, Sevier, Speight, Sturgeon, Turney, Webster, Westcott, age, Yulee.

who voted in the negative are,

. Archer, Berrien, Thomas Clayton, John M. Clayton, Corwin,


Cameron prese pledging to

ayton, Evans, Huntington, Jarnagin, Mangum, Miller, Morehead, the repayme


ed, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. ed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of tatives in this bill.

var between th red to lie on the . Lewis present d of them by the ed to the Commi Hr. Breese presen


moneys at S ity for a sum

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The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of Re resentatives to the bill (S. 21) for the organization of a company of sappe: miners, and pontoniers: and

Resolved, That they concur therein.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives cordingly.

Mr. Bright reported from the committee that they had examined a found duly enrolled the bill (S. 21) for the organization of a company sappers, miners, and pontoniers.

Mr. Jarnagin reported from the committee that they had examined a found duly enrolled the joint resolution (H. R. 31) to correct a clerical erro A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, the Clerk:

Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives havi signed an enrolled bill (S. 21,) and an enrolled resolution (H. R. 31,) I a directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their President.

The Vice President signed the enrolled bill and the enrolled resoluti last reported to have been examined, and they were delivered to the co mittee to be presented to the President of the United States.

The bill (S. 120) making alterations in the pay department of the arm was read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whol and

An amendment having been proposed by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, debate ensued: and,

On motion,

The Senate adjourned.

FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1846.

Mr. Dix presented the petition of John T. Adams, assignee of Taylo Little, and Company, late merchants in the city of New York, praying be allowed interest on certain duties illegally exacted by the collector that port, and refunded by order of the Secretary of the Treasury: whic was referred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Simmons presented two petitions of citizens of Rhode Island, pra ing that the act of March 2, 1837, concerning pilots, may not be repeale Ordered, That they lie on the table.

Mr. Simmons presented resolutions passed by the legislature of the Sta of Rhode Island in favor of the speedy settlement of the claims of Amer can citizens to indemnity for French spoliations: which were ordered be printed.

Mr. Cameron presented the proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Phil delphia, pledging to the government their support in the prosecution the war between the United States and Mexico: which were read, ar ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Lewis presented the petition of Robert Jones and James Bowe praying the repayment of certain duties alleged to have been illegally e acted of them by the collector of the port of New York: which was r ferred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Breese presented the petition of Stephen R. Rowan, late receiver public moneys at Shawneetown, Illinois, praying to be released fro

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e a deposite in the Louisville Savings Institution in Kentucky: referred to the Committee of Claims.

notion by Mr. Bagby,

That the memorial of Joshua Kennedy, on the files of the referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

ster submitted the following resolution; which was considered, us consent, and agreed to:

That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire ediency of providing by law for continuing in force the several ore passed for the relief of insolvent debtors of the United States. er submitted the following resolution; which was considered, us consent; and, being amended on the motion of Mr. Turgreed to, as follows:

That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire priety of providing by law for a change in the time of holding erms of the district courts of the United States, holden at RichNorfolk, in the State of Virginia, so that the former, instead of g on the 13th day of May, may commence on the second Monin each year; and the latter, instead of being held on the 30th , may commence on the second Monday in June in each year; ey also inquire into the expediency of changing the time of spring term of the district court for the district of East TenKnoxville.

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The Senate procee on the petition c red, That the The Senate proceed s on the petition Reed, That the The Senate proceed the petition of Bed, That the Senate proceed n the petition o Bed, That the The Senate proceed instant, to recons of Representati mounted riflen the question to a was determined in

On motion by

gin reported from the committee that they yesterday presented yeas and nays

dent of the United States the following acts:

. Resolution to correct a clerical error.

n act for the organization of a company of sappers, miners, and

t reported from the committee that they had examined and

se who voted in s. Archer, Bar Davis, Dayton, Johnson, of Lou Upham, Webste

enrolled the bill (H. R. 47) making appropriations for certaine who voted in

s of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1847.
e from the President of the United States, by Mr. Walker, his

ident: The President of the United States this day approved "An act (S. 21) for the organization of a company of sappers, - pontoniers."

That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives ac

ybacker, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred of John Hulbert, submitted an adverse report: which was or printed.

eron, from the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office, ill (S. 183) in addition to and amendment of the several acts the progress of the useful arts: which was read, and passed to reading.

motion by Mr. Cameron,

That one thousand copies of the said bill, in addition to the er, be printed for the use of the Senate.

ge from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

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Allen, Ashl , Cass, Chal er, Rusk, Sevie The Senate being on in the negativ Senate resumed hill (H. R. 48) n es of the Indian us Indian trib ended, it was din. ed, That the a

sident: The House of Representatives concur in the amendLe Senate to the bill (H. R. 47) making appropriations for cer

On motion by 1
red, That whe
Yulee, from the
H.R. 182) to
Service for the y
Senate proceed
e: and,

On motion,
e Senate adjourn

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