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alor and good conduct of General Taylor, and the army under his
d, in the late victories over the Mexican army.
red, That they lie on the table, and be printed.

ewis, from the Committee on Finance, reported the following reso

ved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause nished to the Senate an estimate of the amount of money required the present and next fiscal year, for such a prosecution of the existwith Mexico as will most likely result in its speedy and honorable tion.


ved, That he also cause to be reported to the Senate, whether the
so required is likely to be realized, in the present condition of our
, without a resort to loans, treasury notes, or direct taxes; and if
at modifications of the existing tariff are required to furnish ample
for the vigorous prosecution of such war.

Senate proceeded to consider the resolutions, by unanimous con-
d an amendment being proposed by Mr. Crittenden:

On motion,

red, That the further consideration of the resolutions be postponed


Senate proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on Fi-
n the memorial of Henry Simpson: and, in concurrence therewith,
ved, That the prayer of the petition ought not to be granted.
Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the
solution (S. 26) presenting the thanks of Congress to Brigadier
Taylor, and for other purposes: and

nendment being proposed by Mr. Houston:

On motion by Mr. Atherton,

red, That the resolution be referred to the Committee on Military

Mr. Bagby present
in carrying the Unit
a the Post Office an
. Archer prese

srict of Columbia
ngress, providing
Sate of Virginia: wh
Mr. Benton presen
Maryland, residing in
ments in the militia
an the seaboard and
the Militia, and o
Mr. Pennybacker
District of Colun
Congress, provid
randria to the St

abe District of Co
Ashley submi
unanimous conse
Resolved, That th
ructed to inquire
ena, in Phillips
, to the mouth
On motion b
Ordered, That L
Dix, from the
H. R. 450) for
certain districts
inces, and exp
Fr. Ashley, from
all (S. 192) to
United States
ad for other purpo
ad ordered to be
. Dix, from th
e mendment of t
Aions in the p
The Senate proc
atives to the 1

resolution from the House of Representatives, (H. R. 34,) presentthanks of Congress to Major General Taylor, his officers and men, d the second time: and,

On motion by Mr. Atherton,

red, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration ill (H. R. 7) to protect the rights of American citizens in the terf the United States west of the Rocky mountains, and for other s; together with the instructions proposed by Mr. Benton to be the Committee on the Judiciary: and,

On motion by Mr. Crittenden,

red, That the instructions lie on the table.


ed, That the bill be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. the consideration of Executive business,

Senate adjourned.


Sturgeon presented a memorial of the president and directors of the ake and Delaware Canal Company, praying the relinquishment, United States, of the stock held by them in that company: which erred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.


army: and,
Ón motion
Resolved, That
Ordered, That

The Senate res
the bill (S. 13
On motion

Ordered, That




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to Brig

Mr. Bagby presented the petition of Wade Allen, praying compensation for carrying the United States mail: which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Archer presented four petitions of citizens of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, praying the passage of the bill, now pending before Congress, providing for the retrocession of the county of Alexandria to the State of Virginia: which were referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Benton presented a memorial of the militia officers of the State o Maryland, residing in Baltimore, praying the adoption of certain improvements in the militia system for the better protection of the cities and towns on the seaboard and lake frontiers: which was referred to the Committee on the Militia, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Pennybacker presented five petitions of citizens of Alexandria, in the District of Columbia, praying the passage of the bill, now pending before Congress, providing for the retrocession of the town and county of Alexandria to the State of Virginia: which were referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Ashley submitted the following resolution; which was considered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be instructed to inquire into the expediency of establishing a post road from Helena, in Phillips county, Arkansas, on the west side of the Mississippi river, to the mouth of White river.

On motion by Mr. Sevier,

Ordered, That Lorenzo N. Clarke have leave to withdraw his petition and papers.

Mr. Dix, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred the on bill. (H. R. 450) for the allowance of drawback on merchandise imported

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into certain districts of the United States from the British North American provinces, and exported to foreign countries, reported it without amend


Mr. Ashley, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill (S. 192) to authorize the clerks of the circuit and district courts of the United States for the western district of Virginia to appoint deputies, and for other purposes, reported it with an amendment: which was read,

s in the and ordered to be printed.

id for co enton

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Mr. Dix, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 120) making alterations in the pay department of the army, reported thereon.

The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of Rep resentatives to the bill (S. 120) making alterations in the pay department of the army: and,

Ön motion by Mr. Dix,

Resolved, That the Senate disagree to the amendment,

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 13) appropriating alternate sections of the public lands for the improvement of Pearl river: and having been amended:

On motion by Mr. Calhoun,

the Committee on Finance, relative to the provision required for the prosecution of the war with Mexico: and, having been n the motion of Mr. Crittenden, the resolutions were agreed to

, That the President of the United States be requested to cause hed to the Senate an estimate of the amount of money required present and next fiscal year, for such a prosecution of the exwith Mexico as will most likely result in its speedy and honination.

', That he also cause to be reported to the Senate, whether the required is likely to be realized, in the present condition of our without a resort to loans, treasury notes, or direct taxes; and if nodifications of the existing tariff are required to furnish ample the vigorous prosecution of such war.

', That he also be requested to communicate to the Senate, the event of the deficiency contemplated in the preceding resowould recommend a resort to loans, treasury notes, direct taxes, ication of the tariff, to supply that deficiency, or what other if any, he would recommend for the purpose.

ate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration lution (S. R. 6) in relation to the issuing of grants of certain ouisiana: and no amendment being made, it was reported to the

question, "Shall this resolution be engrossed, and read a third

determined in the affirmative, Yeas,


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motion by Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana,
as and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
who voted in the affirmative are,



Allen, Ashley, Atherton, Bagby, Berrien, Breese, Thomas Clay, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Greene, Haywood, Houston, Hunarnagin, Johnson, of Louisiana, Mangum, Miller, Niles, Pennysk, Semple, Simmons, Sturgeon, Turney, Upham, Woodbridge,

who voted in the negative are,

Atchison, Barrow, Chalmers, Lewis, McDuffie, Speight.


7, That this resolution be engrossed, and read a third time. motion,

nate adjourned.


¿Trginia may not
the District of Co
Mr. Cass submitt
Resolved, That th
oficer of the ar
sor militia into t
et; and if so,
azed, and whe
try to law. A
terbable amoun
ed, or are like
Dment of War
Ted States durin
Mr. Lewis submi
the Committee o
griation for the
d New Orle
those points:
A message from

Mr. President:
Senate (S. 185)
prosecution of
xblic of Mexico,
request the co
Mr. Ashley, from
Preferred, subm
e district of Arka
The bill was rea
Ordered, That t
. Davis, from
of the Secr
ging machine,

[ocr errors]

Resolved, That that Mrs. Put The case. Ordered, That The Senate res of the bill (H. R. Departmen ended, on the sed by Mr. Lev On motion The Senate ad

rgeon presented the petition of Edward H. Miles, praying to be change the registry of a vessel purchased by him at a marshal's port of Philadelphia: which was referred to the Committee on


vis presented a petition of citizens of the town and county of a, in the District of Columbia, praying that the bill now pending ngress for the retrocession of said town and county to the State

Mr. Dix presey
This collection i
bes of North
Library, and ord

[blocks in formation]

1846, June 5.]



of Virginia may not become a law: which was referred to the Committ on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Cass submitted the following resolution for consideration: Resolved, That the President be requested to inform the Senate wheth any officer of the army, during the past or present year, has called volu teers or militia into the service of the United States without legal authori therefor; and if so, what is the number of said force, how it has bee organized, and whether officers of the line or staff have been appointe contrary to law. And whether such calls, if made, were necessary, ar the probable amount they will cost, and whether any advantages ha resulted, or are likely to result, therefrom; and also, what measures t Department of War adopted for the defence of the southern frontier of th United States during the same period.

Mr. Lewis submitted a communication, addressed to him, as chairma of the Committee on Finance, by the Postmaster General, relative to a appropriation for the establishment of a magnetic telegraph between M bile and New Orleans, with a view to suppressing private expresses b tween those points: which was ordered to be printed.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, the Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the bill fro the Senate (S. 185) supplemental to an act entitled "An act providing f the prosecution of the existing war between the United States and th republic of Mexico, and for other purposes," with amendments: in whic they request the concurrence of the Senate.

Mr. Ashley, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom the subje was referred, submitted a report, accompanied by a bill (S. 200) to divi the district of Arkansas into two judicial districts.

The bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

Ordered, That the report be printed.

Mr. Davis, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was referred report of the Secretary of War in relation to Putnam's ploughing an dredging machine, submitted a report, accompanied by the following res lution:

Resolved, That any further legislation upon the subject is inexpedier and that Mrs. Putnam have leave to withdraw such papers as she has fil in the case.

Ordered, That the report be printed.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the considerati of the bill (H. R. 287) making appropriations for the service of the Po Office Department for the year ending 30th June, 1847; and having be amended, on the motion of Mr. Simmons, a further amendment was p posed by Mr. Lewis: and,

On motion by Mr. Mangum,
The Senate adjourned.

FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1846.

Mr. Dix presented the memorial of George Catlin, proposing to dispo of his collection illustrative of the natural history and condition of the Indi tribes of North America: which was referred to the Committee on t

Webster presented the memorial of Henry Stevens, a citizen of the
States, residing in England, praying that the Library of the British
may be supplied with copies of the public documents, or State
printed by the order of Congress: which was referred to the Com-
the Library.

cDuffie submitted the following resolution for consideration:
ed, That the Commissioner of the General Land Office furnish to
te the number of acres contained in the two upper tracts of the
land claim, numbered in the transcripts of decisions Nos. 127 and
aid before the board of commissioners and confirmed; and also,
ber of acres of said grant, included in the patents issued the 12th
st, 1844, and the number of acres included in the decision of the
commissioners, under the survey ordered by Governor Claiborne,
uded in the patents issued as aforesaid, and the situation of the
excluded; also, the number of patents issued upon said claim, by
office, within the limits patented on the 12th of August, 1844, as
and the number of acres claimed under the patents previously
nd also, the number of the said patents which have been surren-
the General Land Office by the parties holding the same, and the
of purchase money refunded thereon; the number of applications
ns holding floats within the limits embraced in the patents of that
the land office, since the 12th of August, 1844, to have those
tented by the government up to this date, with a copy of each
on; and also, the number of applications which have been made
inding of purchase money; and also, what amount of purchase
as been refunded upon entries made within the limits of the
land claim since the issuing of the patents on the 12th of August,
d the number of acres upon which the purchase money has been

ulee submitted the following resolution for consideration:

Mr. Niles, from th
viom was referred
Lavenworth, reporte
On motion by
Ordered, That the

ther consideration
red to the Comm
The Senate resum
the bill (S. 24) to
of actual settler
On motion by
Onered, That the
the order of th
The Senate resum
the bill (S. 13) a
improvement of
e Senate, and t
in the question
Evas determined
On motion,

The yeas and nay
Those who voted
Messrs. Ashley,
arton, Corwin,
sana, Miller,
Webster, Westcott.
Those who vote
Messrs. Atherton
inson, Fairfie
So it was
Ordered, That
The Senate pro
Cass, in relati
olunteer or m

ed, That the Committee on Public Lands be directed to inquirenbacker, Tur

expediency of providing by law for the grant of alternate sections blic lands along the line of all public improvements which may ucted by a State of the Union within which the public lands are and also, a similar grant along the line of rivers the navigation may require improvement.

ollowing message was received from the President of the United y Mr. Walker, his secretary:

Senate of the United States:

wer to the resolution of the Senate of the 22d ultimo, calling for on upon the subject of the treaties which were concluded between epublic of Texas and England and France, respectively, I transort from the Secretary of State, and the documents by which it mpanied.

INGTON, June 5, 1846.


essage was read, and ordered to be printed, with the accompany


ickinson, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred H. R. 182) for the relief of John R. Williams, reported it without


e and organizati
On motion by

was determin
On motion
The yeas and
Those who vo
Messrs. Atchis
anson, of Lou
Those who vo
Messrs. Allen

Bright, Cass, T
Jaris, Dickinso
. Jarnagin, J
•Pennybacker, S

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