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Lators prest

Crittenden, Davis, Dayton, Evans, Greene, Houston, Huntington, Jarna gin, Johnson, of Maryland, Johnson, of Louisiana, Mangum, Miller Morehead, Pearce, Phelps, Rusk, Simmons, Upham, Webster, Wood bridge.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Benton, Breese
Bright, Cameron, Cass, Chalmers, Colquitt, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield
Hannegan, Haywood, Jenness, McDuffie, Niles, Pennybacker, Semple
Sevier, Speight, Sturgeon, Turney, Westcott, Yulee.

On the question to agree to the report of the committee of conference:
It was determined in the affirmative, Yeas,

On motion by Mr. Huntington,


The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,



Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Benton, Berrien Breese, Bright, Calhoun, Cameron, Cass, Chalmers, Colquitt, Dickinson Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Haywood, Houston, Jenness, Johnson, o Maryland, Niles, Pennybacker, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Speight, Sturgeon Turney, Westcott, Yulee.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Thomas Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis
Dayton, Evans, Greene, Huntington, Johnson, of Louisiana, Mangum
Miller, Morehead, Pearce, Phelps, Upham, Webster, Woodbridge.
So it was

Resolved, That the Senate agree to the report of the committee of con ference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses on the bill supplemen tal to an act entitled "An act providing for the prosecution of the existing war between the United States and the republic of Mexico, and for othe purposes," and that the bill be amended accordingly.

Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accord ingly.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, thei Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the follow ing bills from the Senate:

S. 122. An act to authorize the justices of the county court of Bates county, in the State of Missouri, to enter a certain quarter section of land for a county seat.

S. 166. An act for the relief of Asenath Canney.

They concur in the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, S3, 13th, 15th, 151 and 17th amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 48) making appro priations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian depart ment, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes for the year ending June 30, 1847; they concur in the 11th, 14th, 16th and 18th amendments of the Senate, with amendments; and they dis agree to the 1st, 9th, 10th, 12th, 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22d amendment of the Senate to the same.

They concur in the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 286 making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department for the year ending 30th June, 1847.

Senate resumed the execution of the order for the appointment, by f a chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations: and IcDuffie was appointed.

the consideration of Executive business,

Senate adjourned.

THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1846.

-peight presented a petition of citizens of Natchez, in the State of ppi, praying that an appropriation of money may be made for the of a marine hospital in Natchez: which was referred to the Comn Commerce.

On motion by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland,

red, That Agnes Williams have leave to withdraw her petition


Bright reported from the committee that they had examined and uly enrolled the following bills:

286. An act making appropriations for the service of the Post Department for the year ending 30th June, 1847.

2. An act to authorize the justices of the county court of Bates in the State of Missouri, to enter a certain quarter section of land unty seat.

5. An act for the relief of Asenath Canney.

5. An act supplemental to an act entitled "An act providing for ecution of the existing war between the United States and the ref Mexico, and for other purposes.

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On motion Ordered. That i On motion by 1 te bill (S. 12) t

Breese, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred (H. R. 445) to establish an additional land office in Iowa, reported amendments: which were ordered to be printed.

ther purposes:

It was determine

On motion The reas and na Those who vote Yers Allen,

Cas Chalmers, D Kaffe, Pennyba Those who vote Vers. Archer,

Niles, from the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, rebill (S. 207) in amendment of an act entitled "An act to reduce s of postage, to limit the use and correct the abuse of the franking e, and for the prevention of frauds on the Post Office Department: vas read, and passed to the second reading.

tin, Corwin,

Son of Mary
, Phelps, Si
The Senate resu
The Whole: and
On motion
Ordered, That

The Senate proc

Houston, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was ree resolution (S. 26) presenting the thanks of Congress to Brigadier Taylor, and for other purposes, reported it without amendment. Houston, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was rejoint resolution (H. R. 34) presenting the thanks of Congress to eneral Taylor, his officers and men, reported it with an amendment. Senate proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on Indian "to discharge the committee from the further consideration of the 167) for the relief of the legal representatives of Captain John and

12th instant, s in the Senate

in the question was determin

On motion The reas and E

Those who vot Messrs. Allen, Jenness, Those who vo Messrs. Arche on, Cass,

red, That the committee be discharged from the further considerahe bill.

Senate proceeded to consider the said bill, as in Committee of the and,

On motion by Mr. Atchison,

ed, That it lie on the table.

rs, Dayton, Son, of Mary Morehead ht, Upham the resolut message fre

Senate proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on Comn Putnam's ploughing and dredging machine: and,

Mr. Presiden

ed four enro ature of the The Vice Pre 185) this C d to the c

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On motion by Mr. Bagby,

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

On motion by Mr. Breese, that the Senate proceed to the consideratio of the bill (S. 12) to reduce and graduate the price of the public lands, an for other purposes:

It was determined in the affirmative,

On motion by Mr. Breese,

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Nays, .

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Benton, Brees
Cass, Chalmers, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Houston, Lewi
McDuffie, Pennybacker, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Turney, Westcott, Yule
Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Berrien, Cameron, Thomas Clayton, John M Clayton, Corwin, Davis, Dayton, Evans, Greene, Huntington, Jarnagin Johnson, of Maryland, Johnson, of Louisiana, Mangum, Miller, Nile: Pearce, Phelps, Simmons, Upham.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the said bill, as in Committe of the Whole: and having been amended:

On motion by Mr. Breese,


Ordered, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed unt

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. Alle the 12th instant, for the amendment of the 40th rule for conducting bus ness in the Senate: and,

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The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Allen, Atchison, Atherton, Breese, Dickinson, Fairfield, Har
negan, Jenness, Niles, Semple, Sturgeon, Turney, Westcott.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Archer, Ashley, Bagby, Barrow, Benton, Berrien, Calhoun Cameron, Cass, Chalmers, Thomas Clayton, John M. Clayton, Corwin Davis, Dayton, Dix, Evans, Greene, Houston, Huntington, Jarnagin Johnson, of Maryland, Johnson, of Louisiana, Lewis, McDuffie, Mangum Miller, Morehead, Pearce, Pennybacker, Phelps, Rusk, Sevier, Simmon Speight, Upham, Webster, Yulee.

So the resolution was disagreed to.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, the Clerk:

Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives havin signed four enrolled bills, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for th signature of their President.

The Vice President signed the four enrolled bills (H. R. 286, S. 12 166, 185) this day reported to have been examined, and they were d livered to the committee to be presented to the President of the Unite States.

After the consideration of Executive business,

Westcott presented two memorials of citizens of the State of Florida, nting the importance of adequate fortifications and defences on the f Florida, and especially at the bay of St. Andrews: which were to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Yulee presented a memorial of citizens of Florida, praying the erecfortifications on the exposed points of the coast of Florida, and eson the bay of St. Andrews: which was referred to the Committee tary Affairs.

Westcott submitted the following resolution; which was considered, nimous consent, and agreed to:

Redced, That

entatives to the

agreed to by the
eeing votes
On motion

Ordered, That
M. Lewis, Mr.
Ordered, That t
The Senate res
E to the issu

motion by

I was determin On motion The reas and n

Those who vote

Messrs. Allen,

lved, That the Secretary of War be directed to communicate to the a copy of a letter from General E.. P. Gaines, dated New Orleans, 1846, to the War Department, in relation to his recall from the nd of the western military division of the United States. Niles submitted the following resolution for consideration: lved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire into pediency of providing by law that the subsistence, clothing, and ge for the army be purchased by advertising for contracts to be o the lowest bidder, when the exigencies of the service will admit. nd also to inquire into the expediency of requiring the Quartermas-Lewis, McD eral and the Commissary General of Subsistence to report annually Secretary of War the terms of all contracts made, and all bids or or contracts not accepted, relating to the military service. On motion by Mr. Yulee,

red, That when the Senate adjourn, it be to Monday next. Benton, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was rethe bill for the relief of John Stockton, reported it without amend

Woodbridge, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom ferred the petition of Shedrack Gillet and George Clark, submitted a accompanied by a bill (S. 208) for the relief of Shedrack Gillet and

bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

red, That the report be printed.

Corwin, Di

Those who vote Messrs. Archer. on, Davis, I on, of Louis Simmons, U motion by mittee on the

Woodbridge, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was

was determin

in the question

was determin

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Those who vot

sts. Ashley

the petition of John Russell, submitted a report, accompanied by Dayton,

S. 209) in addition to the several resolves, ordinances, and acts of ess providing for, or relative to, the grant of bounty lands to the and soldiers of the Revolution upon the continental establishment. bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

red, That the report be printed.

Houston, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was rethe resolution (H. R. 37) to refund to States and individuals ex

ngton, Joh e, Sevier,

ose who vo ars. Allen

ers, Corw fe, Moreh

it was

incurred by them under calls for militia and volunteers made by red, The

ls Gaines and Taylor, reported it without amendment.
Lewis, from the Committee on Finance, to whom were referred the
ments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 48) making appropriations for
rrent and contingent expenses of the Indian department, and for
g treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, for the year end-
e 30, 1847, amended and disagreed to by the House of Represent-
reported thereon.


dered, The


message fro


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The Senate proceeded to consider the said amendments: and Resolved, That they disagree to the amendments of the House of Rep resentatives to the amendments of the Senate; insist on their amendments disagreed to by the House of Representatives, and ask a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses.


On motion by Mr. Lewis,

Ordered, That the Vice President appoint the committee of conference:

Mr. Lewis, Mr. Jarnagin, and Mr. Sevier, were appointed accordingly. Ordered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof. The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution (S. R. 6) in relation to the issuing of grants of certain lands in Louisiana, on its third reading.

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The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

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Messrs. Allen, Atchison, Bagby, Barrow, Breese, Calhoun, Cass, Chalmers, Corwin, Dickinson, Dix, Hannegan, Jenness, Johnson, of Mary

Quar land, Lewis, McDuffie, Morehead, Speight, Sturgeon, Webster.

port ana d all b ice.

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propriatio tment,

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Archer, Ashley, Atherton, Berrien, Thomas Clayton, John M. Clayton, Davis, Dayton, Evans, Fairfield, Greene, Houston, Huntington, Johnson, of Louisiana, Miller, Niles, Pearce, Phelps, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Simmons, Upham, Woodbridge, Yulee.

On motion by Mr. Atchison, that the resolution be recommitted to the Committee on the Judiciary:

It was determined in the negative.


On the question, "Shall this resolution pass?
It was determined in the affirmative, Yeas,

On motion by Mr. Breese,


The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,



Messrs. Ashley, Atherton, Berrien, Thomas Clayton, John M. Clayton,
Davis, Dayton, Dickinson, Dix, Evans, Fairfield, Greene, Houston,
Huntington, Johnson, of Louisiana, Miller, Niles, Pearce, Phelps, Rusk,
Semple, Sevier, Simmons, Turney, Upham, Woodbridge, Yulee.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Allen, Atchison, Bagby, Barrow, Breese, Bright, Calhoun,
Chalmers, Corwin, Hannegan, Jenness, Johnson, of Maryland, Lewis,
McDuffie, Morehead, Speight, Sturgeon, Webster.

So it was

Resolved, That this resolution pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of
Representatives in this resolution.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Clerk
Mr. President: The House of Representatives insist on their amend

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