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On motion by Mr. Crittenden, to amend the bill by striking out, afte the word Mexico, in the 9th line, the following: "and that he be, an hereby is, authorized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of th Senate, such number of major generals and brigadier generals as the o ganization of such volunteer forces into brigades and divisions may rer der necessary: Provided, That the brigadier generals and major generals s appointed shall be discharged from service by the President of the Unite States when the war with Mexico shall be terminated by a definitive treat of peace, duly concluded and ratified; or, in case the brigades or division of volunteers at any time in the service shall be reduced in number, th deration: brigadier generals and major generals herein provided for shall be dis charged in proportion to the reduction in the number of the brigades an divisions;" and in lieu thereof inserting the following:


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"SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That where the number of regimen of such volunteer forces called into the service of the United States from an one State, under the said act of the 13th of May, 1846, shall be sufficient t form a brigade, a brigadier general for the command thereof shall be ap pointed by the proper authority of the State to which they belong, in th manner prescribed by the laws of said State.

"SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the second section of the act en titled' An act supplemental to an act entitled An act providing for the pros

yton, John cution of the existing war between the United States and the republic

untingten angum, F.


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Phelps, R e, Yulee.

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Mexico, and for other purposes,' approved the day of June, 1846, b and the same is hereby, repealed.

"SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President of the Unite States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the advic and consent of the Senate, two brigadier generals, in addition to the military establishment:"

It was determined in the negative,Nays,

On motion by Mr. Davis,



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The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Cilley, John M. Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden Davis, Dayton, Greene, Huntington, Jarnagin, Mangum, Miller, More head, Phelps, Simmons, Upham, Woodbridge.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Ashley, Atherton, Benton, Berrien, Breese, Bright, Cass, Cha

lorehead, mers, Thomas Clayton, Colquitt, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Haywood

tional co Library n be p e considerati

volunteer fre

and divisio neral officers

Houston, Johnson, of Maryland, McDuffie, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Speight
Sturgeon, Turney, Westcott, Yulee.

So the amendment was disagreed to.

No amendment being made, the bill was reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it be engrossed, and read a third time.

The said bill was read a third time.

Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House o Representatives therein.

On motion,
The Senate adjourned.

Haywood presented a memorial of the Historical Society of the Uniof North Carolina, praying that no alteration may be made in the empting from duty books, maps, and scientific and literary appamported for the use of any college, academy, or philosophical or society: which was referred to the Committee on Finance. Dickinson, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred ition of the legal representatives of George Mayo, deceased, submiteport, accompanied by a bill (S. 215) for the relief of the legal reprewes of George Mayo, deceased.

bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

ered, That the report be printed.

Houston, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was rereport of the Secretary of War, communicating a report of an expeinder Lieutenant Abert, reported thereon.

reupon, in conformity with the report,

ered, That it be referred to the Committee on Printing, for the purascertaining the expense of printing the report, and lithographing ps and drawings.

proviso: Prov Se the payment of begid by an age Samants in pers pants, then to

Calhoun, from the select committee, to whom was referred the me-
of the convention at Memphis, on the subject of the resources and
of the valley of the Mississippi, submitted a report, accompanied by
S. 216) authorizing the appointment of a board of engineers to make
mination and survey of the Mississippi with the view to the im-
ent of its navigation, and provision for the gradual reduction of the
the swampy and inundated public lands lying thereon within the
of Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Illinois, and Missouri.
bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

ered, That the report, with the accompanying memorial, be printed,
at ten thousand additional copies be printed for the use of the Senate.
bill last mentioned was read the second time, by unanimous con-
nd considered as in Committee of the Whole: and

ered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to, and he order of the day for Monday, the 13th of July.

-That the Hou the Senate, and That the Ho lamendments iment: Strik the following, i SEC. And ad dollars, here Me treaty made a the benefit of WR invested, sha the United Sta be the duty o

Lewis, from the committee of conference on the part of the Senate disagreeing votes of the two houses on the bill (H. R. 48) making ciations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian dent, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, year ending June 30, 1847, reported:

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at the Senate recede from its amendments numbered 9, 12, 19.
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use to its 14th and 16th amendments, and agree to the same.
at the Senate recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the
to its 18th amendment, and agree to the same with the following
ment, viz: Strike out the whole of said amendment of the House,
sert, in lieu thereof, the following: And it shall be the duty of the
t agents and sub-agents to take a census and to obtain such other
cal information of the several tribes of Indians among whom they
Evely reside, as may be required by the Secretary of War, and in such
she shall prescribe.

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the House to its 11th amendment, and agree to the same with the follow ing proviso: Provided, That the money herein or heretofore appropriat for the payment of the appraised value of the Wyandot improvements, she be paid by an agent of the United States to the several individual Índic claimants in person, or, in the event of the death of any of the origin claimants, then to his family, and to no other person or persons whatsoeve "That the House recede from its disagreement to the 10th amendme of the Senate, and agree to the same.

"That the House recede from its disagreement to the 20th, 21st, an 22d amendments of the Senate, and agree to the same with the followin amendment: Strike out the whole of the said three amendments, and agr to the following, in lieu thereof;

"SEC. And be it further enacted, That the sum of seventy-five tho sand dollars, heretofore paid to the President of the United States, und the treaty made with the Seneca Indians of New York in the year 1841 for the benefit of said Indians, and the stock in which the same may har been invested, shall be, and the same is hereby, taken absolutely to the us of the United States, in accordance with the prayer of said Indians; and shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cancel the said stock and place upon the books of his department the amount of $75,000 to th credit of said Indians, upon which sum interest shall thereafter be paid them at the rate of five per centum per annum: Provided, That any terest which may be due and unpaid on said stock at the time of its cance lation, shall be forthwith paid to them.

"SEC.. And be it further enacted, That the President of the Unite States be, and he is hereby, authorized to receive from the Ontario Bank New York any stock of the public debt of the United States, or money which the said bank may hold in trust for the said Senecas, whenever th said Indians, or other persons whose consent may be necessary, shall i proper form authorize the transfer; and to cause the stock to be cancelled and the amount thereof, and of any moneys which he may receive, to b deposited in the treasury to the credit of said Indians, upon which amoun interest shall thereafter be paid to them at the rate of five per centum pe annum, until Congress may direct the principal in this and the precedin section to be paid to the Indians.


And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be and he is hereby, required to ascertain what annuities or moneys have bee wrongfully withholden from the said Senecas by the late sub-agent of the United States, and so lost to them; and to that end the said Secretary i authorized, if in his judgment it shall be necessary or expedient so to do, t issue a commission or commissions to some discreet person or persons to b selected by him to take testimony in the premises, and to report the same t Congress; and to defray any expenses which may be incurred in the execu tion of the provisions of this section a sum not exceeding five hundred do lars is hereby appropriated.

"That the House recede from its disagreement to the first amendmen of the Senate, and agree to the same with the following amendment:

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"Strike out the words 'fully accounted for and settled all existing bal ances that may be outstanding and unaccounted for,' and insert, in lie thereof, settled his accounts of the preceding year and satisfactorily show that all balances in favor of the government, which may appear to be in his hands, are ready to be paid over on the order of the department.'”

Senate proceeded to consider the said report: and

lved, That they concur therein, and that the bill be amended ac-
ered, That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives thereof.
Senate proceeded to consider the motion submitted yesterday by
halmers, to print five thousand additional copies of the report of the
ibrary Committee: and

motion was agreed to.

Berrien submitted the following resolution; which was considered, animous consent, and agreed to:

olved, That the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inquire e expediency of passing a joint resolution to authorize the accounticers of the treasury to settle the accounts of the United States ship 1, Captain Pendergrast, and to pass to the credit of the purser, Barry, the items charged to him, in the reconciling statement of his


Mr. Bagby su
unanimous c
Resolved, Th
the Senate any
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war against
f volunteers (if
Alabama, for th

Johnson, of Louisiana, submitted the following resolution; which
onsidered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:
olved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be instructed to report to
nate such proofs as may be in his department, as to the frauds re-
to have been committed by recent importations from the West India
s into the port of New York, and other ports of the United States, of
as molasses; and to report such measures as may be necessary to
against the recurrence of such frauds.

Mr. Johnson,
Resolved, Th
hether any ind
ended by the

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A message fro
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Simmons submitted the following resolution for consideration:
olved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to furnish the
e with the estimates by the department of the annual amount of im-
ons which it is expected will be made should the duties thereon be
ed, as is proposed in his report of the 16th instant; specifying the
nt, in value, of imports of the articles comprehended within each of
veral classes of merchandise upon which it is proposed to levy, upon
lue thereof, duties at the rate of 125 per cent., 40 per cent., 30 per
25 per cent., 20 per cent., 15 per cent., 10 per cent., and 5 per cent.
tively; together with his estimate of the amount of revenue to be de-
therefrom; also, the estimated amount of the annual value of imports
h articles as it is proposed shall continue to be imported free of duty:
at he accompany the same with a statement of the amount, in value,
portations for the last fiscal year of all articles embraced in each class
ports upon which it is proposed to levy the foregoing rates of duties,
g in each case the amount of imports of articles subject to duty under
ng laws, and the rates of duties paid thereon the last year, and the
ut of imports of each class that were imported the last year free of
with his estimate of the annual value of imports of each kind after
oposed change in the rates of duties shall have taken place; also, a
ent of the revenue received from customs for the three first quarters
e present year, and the amount expected from that source for the

Haywood submitted the following resolution for consideration:
solved, That a select committee he appointed to revise the rules for
cting business in the Senate of the United States, and to inquire and
a report to the Senate whether any, and, if any, what amendments
cessary or expedient for the orderly and convenient despatch of busi-

Mr. Jarnag
Fand duly e

S.211. Al
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S. 6. A re
The Vice
resolution (S
delivered to



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Mr. Bagby submitted the following resolution; which was considere by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Secretary of War be requested to communicate the Senate any information in the department showing the number a description of troops that have been mustered into the service from A bama, since the 1st of April last, under the calls for volunteers to serve the war against Mexico, and discharged; also, the number and descripti of volunteers (if any) who have tendered their services to the governor Alabama, for the service aforesaid, and who have not been mustered in service.

Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, submitted the following resolution for co sideration:

Resolved, That the Secretary of War be directed to report to the Sen whether any individual has been authorized by the department, or reco mended by the department to the executive of any State to be authorize to raise volunteers to serve in the war with Mexico; or whether the g ernor of any State has been authorized by the department to receive in service volunteers raised, or to be raised, by any individual named by t department; and if so, that he report the facts to the Senate, together w copies of any instructions or correspondence relating to the same, and sta under what power such authority has been given, or such recommendati has been made.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Cle Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed the bill fr the Senate (S. 211) entitled "An act to provide for the organization of t volunteer forces brought into the service of the United States into brigad and divisions, and for the appointment of the necessary number of gene officers to command the same;" also the resolution (S. 6) in relation to t issuing of grants of certain lands in Louisiana.

The President of the United States has approved and signed "An (H. R. 286) making appropriations for the service of the Post Office I partment for the year ending 30th June, 1847."

The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an rolled bill and an enrolled resolution, I am directed to bring them to t Senate for the signature of their President.

The House of Representatives agree to the report of the committee conference on the disagreeing votes of the two houses on the bill (H. 48) making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of t Indian department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with the vario Indian tribes for the year ending June 30, 1847.

Mr. Jarnagin reported from the committee that they had examined a found duly enrolled the following acts:

S. 211. An act to provide for the organization of the volunteer for brought into the service of the United States into brigades and division and for the appointment of the necessary number of general officers command the same.

S. 6. A resolution in relation to the issuing of grants of certain lands Louisiana.

The Vice President signed the enrolled bill (S. 211) and the enroll resolution (S. R. 6) last reported to have been examined, and they w delivered to the committee to be presented to the President of the Unit States.

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