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R. 59. An act authorizing the inhabitants of township 1, of range 13 Seneca county, Ohio, to relinquish certain lands selected for schools, to obtain others in lieu thereof;

ted them severally without amendment.

r. Niles, from the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads,
ted a bill (S. 239) to provide for transporting the mail of the United
es to Oregon: which was read, and passed to the second reading.
r. Houston, from the Committee on Military Affairs, who were in-
ted to inquire into the necessity and propriety of making provision for
urvey, improvement, and fortification of the principal harbors on the
of Texas, and into the practicability, propriety, and expense of open-
an inland navigation from the Sabine to Galveston and the Rio Grande,
nitted a report: which was read.

On motion by Mr. Rusk,

rdered, That it be printed, and that four thousand additional copies rinted for the use of the Senate.

he bill (H. R. 459) in relation to the payment of claims, was read the and second times, by unanimous consent.

rdered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

he Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration he bill (H. R. 515) making appropriations for certain objects of expenre therein specified: and having been amended, it was reported to the


n the question to concur in the amendment, striking out the following
iso from the 1st section:
Provided, That no other or higher compensation shall be paid to the
missioners appointed to negotiate with said Indians than is authorized
he act approved seventeenth July, eighteen hundred and forty-two,
shall any expenditure be allowed by the accounting officers but what
I appear to have been proper and reasonable, and which shall in all
ects be supported by the most satisfactory vouchers: Provided, further,
t no account shall be allowed except for objects authorized in the in-
ctions to the commissioners:"

was determined in the negative, Nays,

On motion by Mr. Westcott,



he yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, hose who voted in the affirmative are,

essrs. Allen, Ashley, Bagby, Breese, Cass, Chalmers, Dickinson, Dix, negan, Houston, Jarnagin, Johnson, of Louisiana, McDuffie, Man

Niles, Pennybacker, Phelps, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Sturgeon. hose who voted in the negative are,

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essrs. Archer, Atchison, Atherton, Barrow, Benton, Berrien, Bright, noun, Cameron, Cilley, Thomas Clayton, John M. Clayton, Corwin, tenden, Dayton, Evans, Fairfield, Haywood, Huntington, Johnson, Iaryland, Lewis, Miller, Morehead, Speight, Turney, Upham, WestWoodbridge.

O the amendment was disagreed to.

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n the question to concur in the following amendment: after the 21st


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Indian Affairs, in pursuance of instructions and authority given to th
shall be paid out of this appropriation, holding said commissioners t
due accountability for the amount or proceeds of said bills or drafts:"
It was determined in the affirmative.

The bill having been amended,

Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed, and the bill read a th time.

The said bill was read a third time, as amended.

Resolved, That it pass, with an amendment.

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House Representatives in the amendment.

Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, from the Committee on Pensions, to wh the following bills were referred:

H. R. 350. An act for the relief of Griffin Kelly;

H. R. 351. An act for the relief of Benjamin Allen; reported them severally without amendment.

Mr. Haywood, from the Committee on the District of Columbia, whom was referred the bill (H. R. 310) to amend and continue in for the act to incorporate the inhabitants of the city of Washington, report it with amendments: which were read, and ordered to be printed.

The Senate proceeded to consider the report of the Committee on P sions on the petition of Andrew Parke: and, in concurrence therewith, Resolved, That the prayer of the petition be not granted.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, th Clerk:

Mr. President: The House of Representatives concur in the amen ment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 515) making appropriations for certa objects of expenditure therein specified.

The House of Representatives insist on their amendment to the fi amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 49) making appropriations the support of the army for the year ending the 30th June, 1847; and their disagreement to the third and seventh amendments of the Senate the said bill; ask a conference on the disagreeing votes of the two house and have appointed Mr. McKay, Mr. James A. Black, and Mr. Ashm to be managers at the same on their part.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an enroll bill, (H. R. 515,) I am directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature their President.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the considerati of the bill (H. R. 384) reducing the duty on imports, and for other p poses: and,

After debate,

On motion by Mr. Upham, that the further consideration of the bill postponed until to-morrow:

It was determined in the affirmative, Yeas,

On motion by Mr. McDuffie,


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The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Archer, Bagby, Barrow, Benton, Berrien, Cameron, Thom
Clayton, John M. Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Dayton, Evar
Greene, Haywood, Huntington, Jarnagin, Johnson, of Maryland, Joh


It was det
After deba

on, of Louisiana, Mangum, Miller, Morehead, Niles, Phelps, Rusk, Sim. On motion
nons, Sturgeon, Upham, Webster, Woodbridge.
Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Breese, Bright, Calhoun,
Cass, Chalmers, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Lewis, McDuffie,
Pennybacker, Semple, Sevier, Speight, Turney, Yulee.
After the consideration of Executive business,

The Senate adjourned.

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1846.

On motion
It was det

On m
The yeas

Those wh

Messrs. A

Calhoun, Ca


Mr. Bright reported from the committee that they had examined and ound duly enrolled the bill (H. R. 515) making appropriations for certain, Westco bjects of expenditure therein specified; and that they had presented to the Those wh President of the United States the 22d instant the enrolled bill (H. R. 492) Messrs. Al ntitled “An act authorizing the issue of treasury notes and a loan." Jan M. Cla The Vice President signed the enrolled resolution (S. R. 3) and the enwood, I olled bill (H. R. 515) last reported to have been examined, and they were Luisiana, M elivered to the committee to be presented to the President of the United, Woodl Whereupo

Committee of

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Ordered,"



Mr. President: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having igned an enrolled resolution, (S. R. 33,) I am directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature of their President.

Mr. Cilley

New Han

vernment i

Sent with

The House of Representatives have passed a resolution (H. R. 42) di inciden ecting the manner of procuring the printing for the two houses of Con ress: in which they request the concurrence of the Senate.

Interests I

Mr. Bright reported from the committee that they had examined and The resolu Ound duly enrolled the resolution (S. R. 33) authorizing the sale of certain Ordered,

and at Baton Rouge to the State of Louisiana.

The Vice

The Vice President signed the resolution (S. R. 33) last reported testing th ave been examined, and it was delivered to the committee to be presentede fonds int

o the President of the United States.

the and othe

istown, Pennsylvania, protesting against any modification of the tariff old, by una

Mr. Cameron presented the proceedings of a meeting of citizens of Norr. Hann

Mr. Cameron presented a memorial of proprietors and workers of coal



the caus

ploy of th

nines in Carbon county, Pennsylvania, praying that the existing duty on tation of Mr. Cameron presented a memorial of freeholders and inhabitants of the mer of the

oreign coal may not be reduced..

ounties of Carbon and Luzerne, Pennsylvania, remonstrating against the assage of the bill (H. R. 384) reducing the duty on imports, and for ther purposes.

Mr. Cameron presented a memorial of coal merchants of Philadelphia,

Mr. Bagb Resolvert, strued as ar memoria

g it.

Pennsylvania, praying that the existing duty on foreign coal may not be ton of any


Mr. Cameron presented a memorial of shippers and importers in the city nd county of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, remonstrating against any hange in the present mode of collecting duties on imports.

A motion being made by Mr. Cameron, that the proceedings and memoals be printed:

Mr. Lewi Resolved,

Senate by W

the navy

have been

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R. 3) at

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On motion by Mr. McDuffie, that the motion lie on the table:
It was determined in the negative,Nays,

On motion by Mr. McDuffie,


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The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Breese, Bright Calhoun, Cass, Chalmers, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Hous ton, Lewis, McDuffie, Pennybacker, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Speight, Tu ney, Westcott, Yulee.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Archer, Barrow, Berrien, Cameron, Cilley, Thomas Clayton John M. Clayton, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Dayton, Evans, Greene Haywood, Huntington, Jarnagin, Johnson, of Maryland, Johnson, o Louisiana, Mangum, Miller, Morehead, Pearce, Simmons, Sturgeon, Up dent of tham, Woodbridge.

Mr. Fread



Ordered, That the said memorials and proceedings be referred to th Committee on Printing.

Mr. Cilley presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the Stat d to bring of New Hampshire, expressing their opinion that "it is the duty of the government in laying all import duties and collecting its revenues to afford

wo houses sistent with an economical administration of the government, and the pub tion (H&E such incidental protection to our various industrial pursuits as may be con


had exam

the sales

lic interests may require."

The resolution was read.
Ordered, That it be printed.

The Vice President presented a communication signed by P. M. Butler

33) last requesting that an investigation may be made into the manner in which ittee to be the funds intrusted to his charge for negotiating a treaty with the Caman

g of citize

che and other Indians were expended: which was read.

Mr. Hannegan submitted the following resolution; which was consid

ation of thered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

and worked

he existi

d inhabita


n impors

Resolved, That the Committee on the Library be directed to examine into the causes of complaint which exist concerning the delay in the dis tribution of Frémont's report, and whether any officer or person in the employ of the Senate has disposed of or withheld documents printed by order of the Senate, in a manner contrary to the rules of the Senate. Mr. Bagby submitted the following resolution for consideration:

Resolved, That the twenty-fourth rule of the Senate shall not be so construed as to authorize any debate or discussion upon a motion to prin

ats of Phany memorial or petition presented to the Senate; nor shall any explana

in coal m

mporters in

rating ag orts.

eedings and


tion of any memorial or petition be made, except by the Senator introduc ing it.

Mr. Lewis submitted the following resolutions for consideration:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Navy be instructed to inform the Senate by what authority of law the office of "principal steam engineer' in the navy has been created or continued from year to year; what services have been performed by that officer which do not appropriately belong to

Those who

The Senat

The questi


Ordered, T

Mr. Atherto

bjects were Memorial of

Petition of orted again On the ques was deter Ordered, T

e duties of engineer in chief, or of some other officer in the engineer Messrs. A partment; what are the appropriate duties of the engineer in chief of the John M. Cla vy, with a detailed statement of the services in which he has been en- Haywood, H ged since the present incumbent came into office, including a statement such plans and estimates and drawings of engines as he has at any Louisiana, odbridge. me made or furnished for fitting out any new steam vessel belonging to e government, or altering or repairing any which has already been in rvice. And that he further report the compensation, if any, which thestion in th principal steam engineer" and the "engineer in chief" have received om the government for services of any and every kind whatever, over nd above the salaries which have been allowed them by law. Resolved, further, That the Secretary of the Navy be instructed to com unicate to the Senate the names of "the engineers of the United States avy," together with the date of their appointment, and the rank and an ual pay of each; also, to furnish the evidence of the qualifications of each or the performance of their several duties. Resolved, further, That the Secretary of the Navy be instructed to in orm the Senate whether any member or members of the engineer corps ttached to the navy, appointed by the President, by and with the advice nd consent of the Senate, has been reduced in rank or pay, or dismisse. rom the service, except for crime, without trial by court martial, and o, under what law, and by what authority, and for what cause the reduc ion in rank or pay or dismissal has taken place; and whether any person nd, if any, who, not known as an officer under the laws of the Unite States, has presided as an examiner or judge at any tribunal where th qualifications of officers appointed by the President, by and with the adviasury, mad and consent of the Senate, have been inquired into; together with th of the ma names and authority of such person or persons, and under what law, an annually hority, or regulation any examination or trial has been held by such pe son or persons, and whether such trial or examination was public or private and under injunctions of secrecy.

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Atherto report of


Se, reported Ordered, T

The Vice P


raestic articl d ordered to Mr. Atchiso

were refe H.R. 204. H. R. 207. H.R. 298. H. R. 299.

Mr. Atherton, from the Committee on Printing, to whom the followins subjects were referred, with the several motions to print the same: Memorial of merchants and importers of the city of New York, presente he 16th July;

Proceedings of a meeting of democratic citizens of Sunbury, Pennsylv nia, presented the 18th July;

Memorial of a meeting of paper manufacturers of New England, PMr. Breese

sented the 21st July;

Memorial of coal owners and iron-masters of Richmond;

reported against printing the same.

On the question to concur in the report,


It was determined in the negative, Nays,

On motion by Mr. John M. Clayton,

ported them ed the bill Florida, repo Mr. John 1 ved the bil Robert Fulto Mr. Jarna

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators presented the m

Those who voted in the affirmative are,

S.R.34) fo

Mr. Lewi H.R.5

Messrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Breese, Bright, C noun, Cass, Chalmers, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Housto Lewis, McDuffie, Pennybacker, Rusk, Semple, Sevier, Speight, Turne governm Westcott, Yulee.

other purpo inted. Mr. Lew

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