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? result of such suits or prosecutions; and the cost and 1 by the United States therein, including the amount of 7 the United States within the same period, for illegal ine aforesaid agents, with private rights.

mitted the following resolution for consideration:

at the Secretary of War be required to transmit to this the map of Florida, recently prepared in the bureau of gineers.

Clayton submitted the following resolution for considera

at the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to communite such information as he can obtain in regard to the exting a light on the stone pier in the river Delaware, near Clayton submitted the following resolution for considera

it the person or persons elected printer to the Senate shall ign an agreement to do the printing of the Senate at not per cent. under the prices fixed by the act of 1819, when e documents to be printed does not exceed five thousand; and one-third per cent. less when the number exceeds and when the same person or persons shall be elected houses, no allowance shall be made for double compoup, of the same document.

Clayton submitted the following resolution for considera

at the Committee on Commerce be instructed to inquire ncy of making appropriations for the improvement of the Castle, Port Penn, Delaware city, and of the Christiana, Delaware.

ubmitted the following resolution for consideration:

at the Secretary of War be directed to inform the Senate the raft in Red river, in the State of Louisiana, has been the contract made with Mr. Williamson; and whether any ng done to remove said raft; and also, what further approey by Congress is necessary to the entire completion of

ubmitted the following resolution for consideration:

at the Senate proceed, to-morrow, to the election of a enate for the twenty-ninth Congress.

esumed the appointment, by ballot, of the chairmen of the ittees of the Senate; and the following chairmen were ap

airman of the Committee on the Post Office and Post

n, chairman of the Committee on Roads and Canals. chairman of the Committee on Pensions.

1, chairman of the Committee on the District of Colum

, chairman of the Committee on Patents and the Patent airman of the Committee on Retrenchment.

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Prident I am directed to of the Hon. John B. Representatives thereon. dson, of Louisiana, subr dered, by unanimous co d. That the Senate has the House of Represen B. Dawson, a Represer animously, That the *showing every mark of the usual badge of mour


Cameron, chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings. Niles, chairman of the Committee to audit and control the continxpenses of the Senate.

Atherton, chairman of the Committee on Printing.

Chalmers, chairman of the Committee on Engrossed Bills.

e Senate proceeded to the appointment of the remaining members of veral standing committees, in pursuance of the 34th rule of the Sennd

e President of the Senate having announced the state of the ballots e members of the Committee on Foreign Relations:

On motion by Mr. Sevier,

lered, That the members of the said committee be arranged as folMr. Cass, Mr. Archer, Mr. Sevier, Mr. Atherton.

e Senate having ballotted for the remaining members of the CommitFinance, the President of the Senate announced the state of the


On motion by Mr. Sevier,

at the members of the said committee be arranged as follows: Mr. s, Mr. Evans, Mr. Benton, and Mr. Jenness.

On motion by Mr. Berrien,

e Senate adjourned.


he Hon. Daniel Webster, from the State of Massachusetts, attended. . Dix presented the memorial of Edwin Bartlett, praying the renewal tain evidences of debt due by the United States: which was referred e Committee on Finance.

. Dix presented the memorial of certain banks in the city of New , praying the establishment of a mint in that city: which was read, red to the Committee on Finance, and ordered to be printed.

On motion by Mr. Miller,

rdered, That the memorial of the representatives of Major General iam Alexander, Lord Stirling, on the files of the Senate, be referred e Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

On motion by Mr. Mangum,

rdered, That when the Senate adjourn, it be to Monday next.

message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their


Ir. President: I am directed to communicate to the Senate information he death of the Hon. John B. Dawson, and the proceedings of the se of Representatives thereon.

r. Johnson, of Louisiana, submitted the following resolutions; which e considered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Senate has received with deep sensibility the mese from the House of Representatives, announcing the death of the 1. John B. Dawson, a Representative from the State of Louisiana. Resolved, unanimously, That the members of the Senate, from a sincere ire of showing every mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, I wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

as a further mark of respect for the memory of the ate do now adjourn.

by Mr. Johnson,



lent laid before the Senate the following reports:

› Commissioner of the Public Buildings, made in comlution of the Senate, in relation to the improvement of enues, and public squares, in the city of Washington; ense of making the same; and the amount received by from the sales of public lots in the city of Washing

e Secretary of War, communicating, in conformity with passed by the two houses of Congress, the results of exf Putnam's plough dredger.

› Secretary of War, exhibiting the expenditures from the of that department, and its offices and bureaus, during Oth June, 1845.

re read.

they be printed. by Mr. Benton,

the annual report of the Commissioner of the General municated to the Senate the 4th instant, be printed.

e presented a petition of citizens of the State of Michiremoval of the land office from Green Bay to Sheboygan, ch was referred to the Committee on Public Lands.

e presented two petitions of citizens of the State of Michpassage of an act for the final adjustment of all private at State: which were referred to the Committee on Private

e presented the petition of Talcot Reed, a teamster in army, praying a pension: which was referred to the nsions.

of Louisiana, presented the petition of Oliver J. Morgan, - of pre-emption to a certain tract of land in the State ich was referred to the Committee on Private Land

f Louisiana, presented the petition of William B. Keene, nfirmed in his right of pre-emption to a tract of land: ed to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

sented a resolution passed by the General Assembly of land, requesting the Senators and Representatives of that to use their efforts to procure an appropriation for deepof Havre-de-Grace, in that State: which was referred to à Commerce.

esented a memorial of the city council of the city of St. n appropriation for improving the harbor at that place: ed to the Committee on Commerce.

-sented the petition of Elijah White, praying compefisastolen from him and his attendants, by Indians residing

delimits of the United State strom the local authorities of 87 government: which was

Beton presented the petition
son for services performed
him while acting as India:

st of the Rocky mountains
an Affairs.

M. Clayton presented t

ty for French spoliations
See on Foreign Relations
25 M. Clayton presented
epresentatives of Richard
ay army, praying to be a
on: which was referred
M. Clayton presented a
nting for that body du
That it lie on the table.
her presented the petition
spriations prior to the
Foreign Relations.
Liber presented the petition:
a pension: which was
er presented a petition o
ng against the admission
. That it lie on the table.
lery presented the petition
and as legal representative

the destruction of the
mencement of the war
of Claims.

presented the petition o with Great Britain, prayin Son Pensions.

x presented the petition
ith Great Britain, prayin
e on Pensions.

en presented the petition
axed, a soldier in the 1
referred to the Commit
agin presented the
Teth Great Britain,
tee on Pensions.
motion by Mr. Levy,
d. That the petition of
General Thomas Sumter, d

petiti prayin

the Committee on Revo
On motion by Mr. Sturgeo
d. That the legal repres
Bide, severally, have le


the limits of the United States, while he was the bearer of commuons from the local authorities of the Territory of Oregon to the seat of eneral government: which was referred to the Committee on Indian


. Benton presented the petition of Elijah White, praying additional ensation for services performed, and reimbursement of expenses ind, by him while acting as Indian agent for the territories of the United s west of the Rocky mountains: which was referred to the Commita Indian Affairs.

. John M. Clayton presented' the memorial of W. P. Brobson, prayndemnity for French spoliations prior to 1800: which was referred to Committee on Foreign Relations.

-. John M. Clayton presented the petition of James Robinson and legal representatives of Richard Wild, deceased, late an officer in the utionary army, praying to be allowed arrears of pension, with legal est thereon: which was referred to the Committee on Pensions.

. John M. Clayton presented a proposal from William Greer, for excg the printing for that body during the twenty-ninth Congress. dered, That it lie on the table, and be printed.

. Archer presented the petition of George Taylor, praying indemnity rench spoliations prior to the year 1800: which was referred to the mittee on Foreign Relations.

. Archer presented the petition of James Morgan, a revolutionary solpraying a pension: which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. . Archer presented a petition of citizens of the State of New Jersey, -nstrating against the admission of Texas into the Union. dered, That it lie on the table.

r. Levy presented the petition of Benjamin D. Herriot, in behalf of self, and as legal representative of Major Woodruff, deceased, praying mnity for the destruction of their property by the Seminole Indians, e commencement of the war in Florida: which was referred to the mittee of Claims.

. Dix presented the petition of William Butterfield, a soldier in the war with Great Britain, praying a pension: which was referred to the amittee on Pensions.

T. Dix presented the petition of Hugh W. Dobbin, an officer in the war with Great Britain, praying a pension: which was referred to the amittee on Pensions.

r. Dayton presented the petition of Clara R. Cobb, widow of Thomas b, deceased, a soldier in the revolutionary army, praying a pension: ch was referred to the Committee on Pensions.

r. Jarnagin presented the petition of William Nicholls, a soldier in the war with Great Britain, praying a pension: which was referred to the mittee on Pensions.

On motion by Mr. Levy,

Ordered, That the petition of Francis Sumter, administrator de bonis of General Thomas Sumter, deceased, on the files of the Senate, be rred to the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

On motion by Mr. Sturgeon,

Ordered, That the legal representatives of James Bell, deceased, and se Biddle, severally, have leave to withdraw their memorials and


n by Mr. Pearce,

it Robert Barnard, agent and attorney of Abraham Mann, rnard, have leave to withdraw his petition and papers. ubmitted the following resolution for consideration:

at the Committee on. the Post Office and Post Roads be quire into the expediency of establishing a tri-weekly mail 7 of Mobile and the city of Jackson, in the State of Missis

ubmitted the following resolution for consideration:
at the Committee on Public Lands be instructed to inquire
ency of granting to the States respectively in which they
nate sections of the public lands inundated by the Missis-
its outlets, on condition that the proceeds of the sales of
applied by said States to the reclamation of said inun-
sufficient and permanent levees.

ubmitted the following resolution for consideration:

at the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire iency of establishing an additional district court of the or the district of Arkansas, to hold its sessions at Van Bud county, in said State; and also, of extending the juriscourt over the adjacent Indian lands in all cases.

greeably to notice, asked and obtained leave to bring in a educe and graduate the price of the public lands, and for which was read the first and second times, by unanimous ferred to the Committee on Public Lands.

proceeded to consider the resolutions submitted by Mr. stant, in relation to the militia and the military and naval country: and,

at the further consideration thereof be postponed until to


We President laid before t
y, acompanied by a rep
wing the progress made
#the United States; which
tion by Mr. Huntingt
That it be printed; and
number, be printed, two
he office of the superinter

rom the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

t: I am directed to communicate to the Senate information f the Hon. Joseph H. Peyton, a member of the House of = from the State of Tennessee, and the proceedings of the esentatives thereon.

submitted the following resolutions; which were consid nous consent, and agreed to:

at the Senate has received with deep sensibility the mesHouse of Representatives announcing the death of the Hon. con, a Representative from the State of Tennessee.

wing message was re

: Waiker, his secretary:

mimously, That the members of the Senate, from a sincere ng every mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, sual badge of mourning for thirty days.

at, as a further mark of respect for the memory of the deate do now adjourn.


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President laid before the *panied by a memorial, a reduced rate.

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d. That the letter and men sa, of Louisiana, prese United States district co

2 to be allowed his expe Committee of Claims.

presented the memo ver of the Ohio river w d to the Committee on R e presented a memor paving the construction

which was referred to Kern presented the petit ents may be made to t which he is the invent Lury Affairs.

en presented the meme and testament of James Re ant found to be due to suit instituted against h the Committee on the Ju ew presented the memo

ation of his title to a tra
referred to the Committe

Imagin presented the men
Tennessee, praying a reli

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