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Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of easury, accompanied by a report of the superintendent of the coast , showing the progress made during the past year in the survey of st of the United States; which was read.

On motion by Mr. Huntington,

ered, That it be printed; and that five hundred copies, in addition usual number, be printed, two hundred and fifty copies thereof for e of the office of the superintendent of the coast survey.

e following message was received from the President of the United , by Mr. Walker, his secretary:

Senate of the United States:

rewith transmit a report from the Secretary of State, containing the ation called for by the resolution of the Senate of the 8th of Janust, in relation to the claim of the owners of the brig General Armagainst the government of Portugal.

SHINGTON, December 16, 1845.

e message was read.


lered, That it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, rinted.

e Vice President laid before the Senate a letter from F. Jefferson and , accompanied by a memorial, proposing to execute the printing of nate at a reduced rate.

dered, That the letter and memorial lie on the table.

Johnson, of Louisiana, presented the petition of Caleb Green, late of the United States district court for the western district of Louisiraying to be allowed his expenses for office rent: which was referthe Committee of Claims.

Cameron presented the memorial of the Philadelphia board of trade, ig a survey of the Ohio river with a view to its improvement: which eferred to the Committee on Roads and Canals.

Cameron presented a memorial of citizens of western Pennsylvania hio, praying the construction of a steamboat canal around the falls Mary: which was referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. . Cameron presented the petition of William W. Hubbell, praying xperiments may be made to test the utility of an explosive concus shell, of which he is the inventor: which was referred to the Commit1 Military Affairs.

. Sturgeon presented the memorial of Mary Reeside, executrix of the ill and testament of James Reeside, deceased, praying the payment e amount found to be due to her late husband by the verdict of a in a suit instituted against him by the United States: which was ed to the Committee on the Judiciary.

. Barrow presented the memorial of Villeneuve Le Blanc, praying onfirmation of his title to a tract of land in the State of Louisiana; h was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Jarnagin presented the memorial of the General Assembly of the

of the congressional reservation line, and a grant of land nessee College, at Jackson, in said State: which was referittee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. esented a petition of citizens of the State of Vermont, reinst the admission of Texas into the Union as a slave

made that the petition be received, and being objected to, at the motion lie on the table.

ented a petition of citizens of Wilna, Jefferson county, nstrating against the admission of Texas into the Union on tolerating slavery.

3 made that the petition be received, and being object

it the motion lie on the table.

on presented a petition of citizens of Connecticut, remonthe admission of Texas into the Union with a constitution y.

made that the petition be received, and being objected to, at the motion lie on the table.

resented a petition of captains of steamboats navigating rs, praying the construction of a canal around the falls of which was referred to the Committee on Roads and

on by Mr. Bagby,

at the documents on the files of the Senate relating to the as Rhodes, be referred to the Committee on the Post Of oads.

on by Mr. Ashley,

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at the petition of James Erwin, for himself and the heirs house, on the files of the Senate, be referred to the Comn Affairs.

on by Mr. Levy,

at the memorial of William Fuller and Orlando Saltmarsh, he Senate, be referred to the Committee on the Post Office


on by Mr. Levy,

at the petition of J. M. Gilliss, on the files of the Senate, e Committee on Naval Affairs.

on by Mr. Bagby,

submitted the following r That the remaining copa sexpeditions to the Rocky 1

at Joseph Ratcliff have leave to withdraw his petition and

on by Mr. Speight,

e ordered, with the map he Senate, be bound in goo Seretary of the Senate: pro wspapers of general cir ents per copy.

on. of Louisiana, submitte

That the Committee on the dency of increasing the ney for the district of Loui 14 him by an act entitled laims within the State

se parts of the States of degree of north latitude *"*" approved June 17, 1 art to repeal An act for the ated States within the poved February 13, 1 presented a memorial of th pal or modification of ti i was referred to the Con

at John Hutchins have leave to withdraw his petition and

on by Mr. Crittenden,

at the heirs of Christopher Miller have leave to withdraw ad papers.

on by Mr. Jenness,

at Pearson Cogswell have leave to withdraw his petition

bmitted the following resolution for consideration:

at the Committee on Commerce be instructed to inquire

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notice, Mr. Woodbridge 15, to amend an act cont gan: which was read the

and referred to the Cout proceeded to consider the Sit, in relation to a map

le resumed the considerat 9th instant, in relation es of the country; and,


estion to agree thereto, termined in the affirmative

e expediency of establishing a port of entry at Jersey city, in the New Jersey.

Breese submitted the following resolution for consideration:

ced, That the remaining copies of brevet Captain Frémont's rehis expeditions to the Rocky mountains and Territory of Oregon, retofore ordered, with the maps and engravings, to be printed for of the Senate, be bound in good muslin binding, under the directhe Secretary of the Senate; proposals therefor to be advertised by two newspapers of general circulation, and the price thereof not to fifty cents per copy.

Johnson, of Louisiana, submitted the following resolution for con


Iced, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire e expediency of increasing the compensation of the United States attorney for the district of Louisiana, in consequence of the duties 1 upon him by an act entitled "An act to provide for the adjustf land claims within the States of Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisid in those parts of the States of Mississippi and Alabama south of ty-first degree of north latitude, and between the Mississippi and rivers," approved June 17, 1844, and by the repeal of an act enAn act to repeal An act for the better organization of the district f the United States within the State of Louisiana, and for other es,' approved February 13, 1845.

Dix presented a memorial of the pilots of the port of New York, the repeal or modification of the act of March 2, 1837, concerning which was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered inted.

On motion by Mr. Jarnagin,

red, That Alexander King, executor of Henry King, have leave draw his petition and papers.

cably to notice, Mr. Speight asked and obtained leave to bring in a 13) appropriating alternate sections of the public lands for the iment of Pearl river: which was read the first and second times, by ous consent, and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. eably to notice, Mr. Jarnagin asked and obtained leave to bring in S. 14) for the relief of John S. Russwurm, heir and legal representWilliam Russwurm, deceased: which was read the first and second by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee on the Judi

eably to notice, Mr. Woodbridge asked and obtained leave to bring 1 (S. 15) to amend an act confirming certain land claims in the f Michigan: which was read the first and second times, by unanionsent, and referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. Levy h instant, in relation to a map of Florida; and the resolution was


Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions submitted by: ss the 9th instant, in relation to the militia and the military and efences of the country; and,

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nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, voted in the affirmative are,

n, Archer, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Bagby, Barrow, n, Breese, Cameron, Cass, Chalmers, Thomas Clayton, on, Colquitt, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Dayton, Dickinfield, Greene, Hannegan, Haywood, Huntington, Jarnagin, son, of Louisiana, Levy, Lewis, Mangum, Miller, Niles, backer, Phelps, Semple, Sevier, Simmons, Speight, SturUpham, Webster, Westcott, Woodbridge.

itions were agreed to.

om the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Clerk: nt: The House of Representatives have passed a joint resoadmission of the State of Texas into the Union: in which le concurrence of the Senate.

on (H. R. 2) for the admission of Texas into the Union was nd second times, by unanimous consent.

hat it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

ion, adjourned.


Potion by Mr. Sevier, and That the members of th Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, notion by Mr. Speight, an ** That the balloting for the factures and the Committ

r presented a petition of citizens of Sandwich, New Hamp o petitions of citizens of the State of Pennsylvania, remonst the admission of Texas into the Union while her constitu


tion by Mr. Speight, a That Mr. Sturgeon, Mr. S

hers of the Committee on tion by Mr. Speight, and That Mr. Semple, Mr. P: of the Committee on Ara

proceeded to ballot for t Mary Affairs; and the r

on by Mr. Sevier, and That the members of th . Mr. Crittenden, Mr. I e proceeded to ballot for t * Militia; and

That Mr. Semple, Mr. B cbers of the Committee on proceeded to ballot for Marai Affairs; and the re

on by Mr. Sevier, and That the members of the

as made that the petitions be received, and being objected to, Manzura, Mr. Can r

'hat the motion lie on the table.

m presented the petition of Simon Summers, an officer in the by Mr. Sevier, ari

army, praying to be allowed commutation pay: which was Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

m presented the petition of Lydia Lush, widow of Stephen ed, a revolutionary officer, praying a pension: which was reCommittee on Pensions.

tion by Mr. Dix,

A That Mr. Speight. Mr. embers of the Comma

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r. Supie, Mr. Jarnagin, members of the Committe

Buty, Mr. Phelps, Mr. A
Comittee on Indian Affa

That the legal representatives of Joshua Kennedy have leave Penbacker, Mr. John

heir petition and papers.

aving stated that a writ of subpoena had been served upon as a witness in a cause pending before a court of the United District of Columbia:

tion by Mr. Webster,

That leave be given to Mr. Allen to attend accordingly.

Maryland, be members of r. Hannegan, Mr. Thoma centers of the Committed Brose, Mr. Berrien, Mr." Committee on the Judiciar Sturgeon, Mr. Simmons the Committee Lewis, Mr. Corwin, Mr. on the Pos Committee on Roads and

e proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mr. Sevier nt, for the arrangement of the members of the Committee on , the motion having been agreed to:

f the Committee on Finance.

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Committee on Pensions.

hat Mr. Lewis, Mr. Evans, Mr. Benton, and Mr. Jenness,ley, Mr. Pearce, Mr. - proceeded to ballot for the remaining members of the Com-Breese, Mr. Miller, Mr.J merce; and the result having been announced by the Vicebers of the Committee a

. Hannegan, Mr. Phelps the Committee on Patent

On motion by Mr. Sevier, and by unanimous consent, red, That the members of the committee be arranged as follows: x, Mr. Johnson, of Maryland, Mr. Sevier, and Mr. Davis. On motion by Mr. Speight, and by unanimous consent,

red, That the balloting for the remaining members of the CommitManufactures and the Committee on Agriculture be dispensed with;

On motion by Mr. Speight, and by unanimous consent,

red, That Mr. Sturgeon, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Colquitt, and Mr. Milmembers of the Committee on Manufactures.

On motion by Mr. Speight, and by unanimous consent,

red, That Mr. Semple, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Turney, and Mr. Corwin, abers of the Committee on Agriculture.

Senate proceeded to ballot for the remaining members of the Comon Military Affairs; and the result having been announced by the resident,

On motion by Mr. Sevier, and by unanimous consent,

red, That the members of the committee be arranged as follows: innegan, Mr. Crittenden, Mr. Dix, and Mr. Speight.

Senate proceeded to ballot for the remaining members of the Comon the Militia; and

red, That Mr. Semple, Mr. Barrow, Mr. Fairfield, and Mr. Westmembers of the Committee on the Militia.

Senate proceeded to ballot for the remaining members of the Comon Naval Affairs; and the result having been announced by the resident,

On motion by Mr. Sevier, and by unanimous consent,

red, That the members of the committee be arranged as follows: vy, Mr. Mangum, Mr. Cameron, and Mr. Dickinson.

On motion by Mr. Sevier, and by unanimous consent,

red, That Mr. Speight, Mr. Woodbridge, Mr. Ashley, and Mr. ad, be members of the Committee on Public Lands.

Mr. Semple, Mr. Jarnagin, Mr. Pennybacker, and Mr. Woodbe members of the Committee on Private Land Claims.

Mr. Bagby, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Atchison, and Mr. Jarnagin, be memthe Committee on Indian Affairs.

Mr. Pennybacker, Mr. John M. Clayton, Mr. Turney, and Mr. 1, of Maryland, be members of the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Hannegan, Mr. Thomas Clayton, Mr. Colquitt, and Mr. be members of the Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

Mr. Breese, Mr. Berrien, Mr. Westcott, and Mr. Webster, be memthe Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr. Sturgeon, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Semple, and Mr. Dayton, be rs of the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Mr. Lewis, Mr. Corwin, Mr. Sturgeon, and Mr. Davis, be memthe Committee on Roads and Canals.

Mr. Ashley, Mr. Pearce, Mr. Atchison, and Mr. Barrow, be memthe Committee on Pensions.

Mr. Breese, Mr. Miller, Mr. Jenness, and Mr. Johnson, of Marymembers of the Committee on the District of Columbia.

Mr. Hannegan, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Sturgeon, and Mr. Lewis, be

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