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ds of Chippewa, Ottowa, and Pottawatomie Indians, sion may be made, in the treaties which may hereafter uring to them the fee simple in their reservations: which e Committee on Indian Affairs.

resented the petition of W. H. Hildreth, praying comisions furnished for the use of the Sac and Fox Indians uri river: which was referred to the Committee on In

sented the petition of Hannah Branch, widow of a dery soldier, praying a pension: which was referred to the nsions.

esented a petition of citizens of Durham, New Hampadoption of measures for the amicable adjustment of all culties: which was referred to the Committee on the

resented the petition of Reuben Mills, a revolutionary pension: which was referred to the Committee on Pen

f Louisiana, presented the petition of Elizabeth Sailor, sed revolutionary soldier, praying a pension: which was nmittee on Pensions.

of Maryland, presented the memorial of Erskine and ing the payment of a balance due on certain advances John Gunter, a Cherokee Indian, for which the United and by the treaty with the Cherokee Indians of 1835-'6: d to the Committee of Claims.

presented the memorial of the chamber of commerce of ston, praying the establishment in that city of a branch es mint: which was referred to the Committee on Com

presented a memorial of citizens of Charleston, South the establishment in that city of a branch of the mint es: which was referred to the Committee on Finance. resented the memorial of John Carter, of Georgetown, pia, praying that he may be authorized by law to bring into the District of Columbia from his former residence : which was referred to the Committee on the District

ed the memorial of Smith, Thurgar, & Co., merchants ying the repayment of certain duties alleged to have ted by the collector of that port: which was referred to Finance.

in Congress, to endeavo the public land to be so st, whenever the same n that the same may be ent arus to the homestead the Committee on Public bey presented a resolution instructing the Senator in Congress, to use thei 2 to the application of ce sas for the erection of a ich was referred to the de printed.

nitted documents relating to the claim of Richard El-
ry soldier, to a pension: which, with the petition and
e referred to the Committee on Pensions.
ented the memorial of Walter Jones and other members
ity of Washington, praying the repeal of the law requir-
of the circuit court for the District of Columbia to
y of Alexandria: which was referred to the Committee

ented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State cting the Senators, and requesting the Representative

. of Maryland, presen in the navy, praying Sher grade: which w

ation by Mr. Fairfield. That the petition of Rob the Committee on Pe on by Mr. Fairfield, That the petition of Jes to the Committee on Na tion by Mr. Atherton That the petition of D. the Committee on Pe tion by Mr. Speight. e. That Abner L. Dunca: to by Mr. Cass, That the members of hdraw their memorial a ton by Mr. Bright, That Seth M. Leaver

Las submitted the followin d. That the Committee

the expediency of const Ste. Marie, in the State defence of the northwes d. That the Committe the expediency of fix army shall be calle Persuch a measure exp to be adopted to effe gan submitted the f Bed, That the country es and fifty-four degree the Rocky mounta Oregon, is the proper *ed States.

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d. That there exist

State in Congress, to endeavor to procure the enactment of a law izing the public land to be sold in half quarter sections running ad west, whenever the same may suit the convenience of purchasnd that the same may be entered only for actual cultivation; or, contiguous to the homestead, by the actual settler: which was d to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. Ashley presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State cansas, instructing the Senators, and requesting the Representative t State in Congress, to use their exertions to obtain the assent of the d States to the application of certain lands, heretofore granted to the of Arkansas for the erection of a seminary, to the support of common ls: which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ed to be printed.

- Johnson, of Maryland, presented the memorial of James McIntosh, mander in the navy, praying compensation for services performed as icer of higher grade: which was referred to the Committee on Naval


On motion by Mr. Fairfield,

dered, That the petition of Robert Ramsay, on the files of the Senate, ferred to the Committee on Pensions.

On motion by Mr. Fairfield,

dered, That the petition of Jesse D. Elliott, on the files of the Senate, ferred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.

On motion by Mr. Atherton,

dered, That the petition of David Currier, on the files of the Senate, ferred to the Committee on Pensions.

On motion by Mr. Speight,

dered, That Abner L. Duncan have leave to withdraw his memorial. On motion by Mr. Cass,

dered, That the members of the Stockbridge nation of Indians have e to withdraw their memorial and papers.

On motion by Mr. Bright,

rdered, That Seth M. Leavenworth have leave to withdraw his petiand papers.

r. Cass submitted the following resolutions for consideration:

esolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to ine into the expediency of constructing a ship canal round the falls at Sault Ste. Marie, in the State of Michigan, with a view to the military naval defence of the northwestern frontier of the United States. Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inre into the expediency of fixing a period of age beyond which no er in the army shall be called into active service during war; and if y consider such a measure expedient, then to consider, also, the regulas proper to be adopted to effect the object.

Ir. Hannegan submitted the following resolutions for consideration: . Resolved, That the country included within the parallels of fortydegrees and fifty-four degrees forty minutes north latitude, and exding from the Rocky mountains to the Pacific ocean, known as the ritory of Oregon, is the property and part and parcel of the territories of United States.

2. Resolved, That there exists no power in this government to transfer

è allegiance of its citizens, to the dominion, authority, con- ge from the House of Rep
tion of any foreign prince, state, or sovereignty.

That the abandonment or surrender of any portion of thet: The Speaker of the
egon would be an abandonment of the honor, the charac-
st interests of the American people.

rom the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

lled bill, S. 11.) I am of their President. President signed the enrol

11) reported to have bee

t: The House of Representatives have passed the bill frome, to be presented to th 11) to extend the laws of the United States over the State

for other purposes.

eported from the committee that they had examined and olled the resolution (H. R. 2) for the admission of the State he Union.

aving been excused, on his motion, from serving on the Roads and Canals:

on by Mr. Speight,

reported from the comm
the United States the
the State of Texas into
reported from the com

the United States the em
States over the State of

from the House of Re

hat a member be appointed by the Vice President to fill the ent: The President of

was appointed.

ion by Mr. Ashley,

at an additional member be added to the Committee on to be appointed by the Vice President: and

vas appointed.

reported from the committee that they had examined and

[blocks in formation]


rolled the bill (S. 11) to extend the laws of the United President laid before t

State of Texas, and for other purposes.

an, from the Committee on Roads and Canals, to whom was S. 9) for the continuation of the Cumberland road in the Indiana, and Illinois, reported it without amendment.

y made agreeably to la Department, the payme from the marine hospit ch was read, and ordered

21) for the organization of a company of sappers, miners, de presented the p

, was read the second time, and considered as in Committee nd no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate. hat it be engrossed, and read a third time.

22) to repeal the act which abolished the office of one of general of the army, and to revive and establish said office, econd time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole: nent being made, it was reported to the Senate.

at it be engrossed, and read a third time.

the right of pre-emny which was referred to the ded presented the petit. itunes received while the erection of a monum h was referred to the C presented the petit erlutionary officer, p

d, from the Committee on Commerce, reported a bill (S. 27)d to have been lost on

ollection district in the State of Texas, and for other purwas read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, I as in Committee of the Whole: and no amendment being ported to the Senate.

at it be engrossed, and read a third time.

I having been reported by the committee correctly engrossed, d time.

Revolutionary Claim

her presented the petitio for his services in car e on the Post Office a , of Maryland, prese Twof a deceased revolutio to the Committee on I on, of Maryland, pres fa deceased revolutionary the Committee on presented seven petition Pensi be imposed on fuel pur ats: which were referr

at this bill pass; and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. hat the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of s therein.

eported from the committee that they had examined and olled the bill (S. 11) to extend the laws of the United States of Texas, and for other purposes.

sage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

resident: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having 1 enrolled bill, (S. 11,) I am directed to bring it to the Senate for ture of their President.

ice President signed the enrolled resolution (H. R. 2) and the en1, (S. 11,) reported to have been examined, and they were delivered mmittee, to be presented to the President of the United States. right reported from the committee that they had presented to the t of the United States the enrolled resolution (H. R. 2) for the on of the State of Texas into the Union.

reene reported from the committee that they had presented to the it of the United States the enrolled bill (S. 11) to extend the laws nited States over the State of Texas, and for other purposes. ssage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

President: The President of the United States this day approved ed a joint resolution (H. R. 2) for the admission of the State of to the Union.

the consideration of Executive business,

Senate adjourned.


Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of asury, made agreeably to law, exhibiting the contracts made by asury Department, the payments for miscellaneous claims, and the tures from the marine hospital fund, for the year ending June 30, which was read, and ordered to be printed.

Voodbridge presented the petition of Shedrach Gillet and George praying the right of pre-emption to a tract of land in the State of an: which was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. Fairfield presented the petition of Samuel Knight, jr., praying a for injuries received while engaged in the service of the United in the erection of a monument on Stage island, in the State of which was referred to the Committee on Pensions.

Atherton presented the petition of the heirs of Crocher Sampson, ed, a revolutionary officer, praying the renewal of a bounty land t alleged to have been lost or destroyed: which was referred to the ittee on Revolutionary Claims.

Archer presented the petition of Nathaniel Kuykendall, praying nsation for his services in carrying the mail: which was referred to inmittee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

Johnson, of Maryland, presented the memorial of Elizabeth Gassavidow of a deceased revolutionary officer, praying a pension: which ferred to the Committee on Pensions.

Johnson, of Maryland, presented the petition of Abigail Reeves, v of a deceased revolutionary soldier, praying a pension: which was ed to the Committee on Pensions.

- Cass presented seven petitions of citizens of Michigan, praying that y may be imposed on fuel purchased in Canada for the use of Amer


s presented resolutions passed by the legislature of the Staten by Mr. Jenness,
oshire, instructing the Senators, and requesting the Repre-
that State in Congress, to use their exertions to procure a
of the rates of passage, so as to authorize the transmission of
ee of postage within the limits of the States where they are

'hat they lie on the table, and be printed.

That David Little have le
ton by Mr. Barrow,
That John L. Delee and
petitions and
submitted the followin

consent, and agreed to That the Committee on t

v presented the petition of the heirs of Nicholas Barra, ying the confirmation of their title to a tract of land in Lou-her any legislation by

ings of the superior cour March, 1815.

was referred to the Committee on Private Land Claims. presented a petition of citizens of New Orleans, Louisiana, stablishment of a national armory and foundery at Fort Mas-bmitted the following hio river: which was referred to the Committee on Military

resented a preamble and resolutions passed by the General

the State of Florida, recommending measures to ascertain ity of reclaiming the everglade lands in that State: which to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be

That the Committee on of granting five years James West, who die

2. of Louisiana, subm

That the Committee on

expediency of an appr a direct compa proposed to be

presented a memorial of the legislature of the State of Arthe Mississippi river g an appropriation for completing the removal of the raft of ich was referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered

da communica The fort to e and naval defence of the

presented a memorial of the legislature of the State of Ar-subunitted the follow

g an appropriation for completing the road between Memle Rock, and for opening a road from Little Rock to Fort south bank of the Arkansas river: which was referred to e on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

presented a memorial of the legislature of the State of Arng an appropriation for constructing levees on the Arkansas pi rivers, for the purpose of reclaiming the inundated lands to: which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, o be printed.

resented the petition of Harriet Ward, widow of a deceased - praying a pension: which was referred to the Committee

That the President of t icated to the Senate c General and the Solic The Territory of Florida, i as federal judges since submitted the followin That the Committee of expediency of providi of Mobile. wood submitted the follo That the Committee on

ayment of a balance due him on his contract for grading and

the warehouse syste

n, of Maryland, presented the petition of Peter Gorman, the revenue system = road leading from the capitol to the navy yard and con- That so much of the

ial ground, in the city of Washington: which was referred ttee of Claims.

tion by Mr. Atchison,

hat the petition of J. Throckmorton, on the files of the Sento the Committee of Claims.

tion by Mr. Atchison,

'hat the documents on the files of the Senate, relating to the ben E. Gentry and others, be referred to the Committee on

tion by Mr. Dix,

"hat the petition of Calvin Emmons, and the memorial of the ri Emmons, on the files of the Senate, be referred to the Patents and the Patent Office.

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ail have leave to report

d States as refers to the Committee on Comme Von, of Maryland, sub


That the Committee ter, with a view to the scription to its stock. as may be agreed upon Raad Company, to a from its present west

tion by Mr. Speight, That the Committee

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