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'hat the committee be appointed by the President of the

t and Mr. Upham were appointed.

That the Secretary notify the House of Representatives acfrom the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

ent: I am directed to inform the Senate that a quorum of the presentatives has assembled; that John W. Davis, one of the es from the State of Indiana, has been chosen Speaker; and se is now ready to proceed to business.

e of Representatives have passed a resolution for the appointint committee to wait on the President of the United States, im that a quorum of the two houses is assembled, and that ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to Ir. McDowell, Mr. Hopkins, and Mr. Winthrop have been e committee on their part.

e proceeded to consider the resolution submitted yesterday r, to classify the Senators from the State of Florida; and the as agreed to.


rs, with the respective numbers specified in the resolution, Secretary, put into the ballot-box; when Mr. Levy drew No. ordingly of the class of Senators whose terms of service will Ed day of March, 1851, and Mr. Westcott drew No. 2, and is of Senators whose terms of service will expire the 3d day of

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to notice, Mr. Crittenden asked and obtained leave to bring ing bills:

Ell for the purchase of the stock of the Louisville and Portland any.

ill to provide for the improvement of the navigation of the› Mississippi, Missouri, and Arkansas.

bills were severally read, and passed to the second reading. e submitted the following resolution for consideration:

That so much of the 34th rule as requires the appointment of standing committees by ballot, at the present session, be susthat the appointments be made by the President of the Senate. ht, from the committee appointed on the part of the Senate, the committee appointed on the part of the House of Repreo wait on the President of the United States, and inform him im of each house has assembled, and that Congress is ready ny communication he may be pleased to make, reported that rformed the duty assigned them, and that the President stated ld make a communication to each house forthwith. wing message was received from the President of the United Ir. Walker, his secretary:

ens of the Senate and House of Representatives:

e a source of unaffected satisfaction to meet the RepresentaStates and the people in Congress assembled, as it will be to

of their combined wisdom in the administration of public forming, for the first time, the duty imposed on me by the giving to you information of the state of the Union, and to your consideration such measures as in my judgment nd expedient, I am happy that I can congratulate you on prosperity of our country. Under the blessings of Divine the benign influence of our free institutions, it stands bei spectacle of national happiness.

nexampled advancement in all the elements of national ffection of the people is confirmed for the union of the the doctrines of popular liberty, which lie at the founda


s, in humility, to make our devout acknowledgments to uler of the Universe, for the inestimable civil and religious which we are favored.

at of Texas is required. imme at the new State has been a vene the legislature; and, up be superseded, and the Stat interesting to Texas, in com four revenue laws and judi ell as measures of a local tvugress; and, therefore, up she cught to be represented Icannot too earnestly recom

e attention of Congress to our relations with foreign Powfied to be able to state, that, though with some of them ted since your last session serious causes of irritation and ing, yet no actual hostilities have taken place. Adopting he conduct of our foreign affairs, to "ask nothing that is submit to nothing that is wrong," it has been my anxious ve peace with all nations; but, at the same time, to be preaggression and maintain all our just rights.

e of the joint resolution of Congress, "for annexing Texas States," my predecessor, on the third day of March, 1845, it the first and second sections of that resolution to the cas, as an overture, on the part of the United States, for her State into our Union. This election I approved, and acchargé d'affaires of the United States in Texas, under inthe tenth of March, 1845, presented these sections of the he acceptance of that republic. The executive government, and the people of Texas in convention, have successively all the terms and conditions of the joint resolution. A cone government of the State of Texas, formed by a convens, is herewith laid before Congress. It is well known, also, of Texas at the polls have accepted the terms of annexaed the constitution.

ate to Congress the correspondence between the Secretary ur chargé d'affaires in Texas; and also the correspondence th the authorities of Texas; together with the official docuted by him to his own government.

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f annexation which were offered by the United States havted by Texas, the public faith of both parties is solemnly compact of their union. Nothing remains to consummate the passage of an act by Congress to admit the State of e Union upon an equal footing with the original States. exist why this should be done at an early period of the ll be observed that, by the constitution of Texas, the existt is only continued temporarily till Congress can act; and Monday of the present month is the day appointed for holdneral election. On that day a governor, a lieutenant-govà branches of the legislature, will be chosen by the people.

have been every year d cessful commerce-most u * part in an effort to preve ndition of the recognitio **uli never join herself to ta quil and pervading itluca was sumfient to defeat th and that the almost unam that interference a peacefu European governments may

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st ever prove upon this co which seems natural to c


Texas, I do not doubt tha

Tess in all that concerns E ever have cause to regret tha 48 constellation.

inform you that our rel Lare not been of the

ent of Texas is required, immediately after the receipt of official that the new State has been admitted into our Union by Convene the legislature; and, upon its meeting, the existing govl be superseded, and the State government organized. Quesinteresting to Texas, in common with the other States; the f our revenue laws and judicial system over her people and well as measures of a local character, will claim the early atCongress; and, therefore, upon every principle of republican , she ought to be represented in that body without unneces I cannot too earnestly recommend prompt action on this imLect.

as the act to admit Texas as a State shall be passed, the union epublics will be consummated by their own voluntary consent. ession to our territory has been a bloodless achievement. No e has been raised to produce the result. The sword has had he victory. We have not sought to extend our territorial posconquest, or our republican institutions over a reluctant people. deliberate homage of each people to the great principle of our nion.

sider the extent of territory involved in the annexation-its influence on America--the means by which it has been accominging purely from the choice of the people themselves to share gs of our union,-the history of the world may be challenged parallel.

sdiction of the United States, which at the formation of the stitution was bounded by the St. Mary's on the Atlantic, has Capes of Florida, and been peacefully extended to the Del contemplating the grandeur of this event, it is not to be forgotresult was achieved in despite of the diplomatic interference of nonarchies. Even France-the country which had been our -the country which has a common interest with us in mainfreedom of the seas-the country which, by the cession of first opened to us access to the Gulf of Mexico-the country we have been every year drawing more and more closely the ccessful commerce-most unexpectedly, and to our unfeigned x part in an effort to prevent annexation, and to impose on a condition of the recognition of her independence by Mexico, ould never join herself to the United States. We may rejoice nquil and pervading influence of the American principle of selft was sufficient to defeat the purposes of British and French e, and that the almost unanimous voice of the people of Texas o that interference a peaceful and effective rebuke. From this uropean governments may learn how vain diplomatic arts and ust ever prove upon this continent, against that system of selft which seems natural to our soil, and which will ever resist erference.

Texas, I do not doubt that a liberal and generous spirit will ugress in all that concerns her interests and prosperity, and that ver have cause to regret that she has united her "lone star" to s constellation.

to inform you that our relations with Mexico, since your last ve not been of the amicable character which it is our desire to

all foreign nations. On the sixth day of March last, the y Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United formal protest, in the name of his government, against the passed by Congress, "for the annexation of Texas to the which he chose to regard as a violation of the rights of n consequence of it, he demanded his passports. He was the government of the United States did not consider this as a violation of any of the rights of Mexico, or that it ast cause of offence to his government; that the republic of independent Power, owing no allegiance to Mexico, and > part of her territory or rightful sovereignty and jurisdiction. ssured that it was the sincere desire of this government to that of Mexico relations of peace and good understanding. ary, however, notwithstanding these representations and bruptly terminated his mission, and shortly afterwards left Our Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to efused all official intercourse with that government, and, g several months, by the permission of his own government the United States. Thus, by the acts of Mexico, all diplorse between the two countries was suspended.

Mexico, by a formal act, agn a condition that she would e agreement to acknowles; eth or without this condition, :

of Texas is a fast concede authority to prescribe restricti I might afterwards choose to ! Mexico cannot complain of of Texas, it is to be re between the two countr d injuries inflicted by the as and property of citizens pars. Mexico has adm... ed to repair them. Suel he insults repeatedly off re by Mexico, in palpable vie wen the two countries of t atedly brought to the not y as the eighth of Feb. delared, in a message t e of the injuries have pations for redress, the

ime Mexico has, until recently, occupied an attitude of hosthe United States-has been marshalling and organizing g proclamations, and avowing, the intention to make war on ates, either by an open declaration, or by invading Texas. gress and convention of the people of Texas invited this o send an army into that territory, to protect and defend them enaced attack. The moment the terms of annexation offered States were accepted by Texas, the latter became so far a n country, as to make it our duty to afford such protection I therefore deemed it proper, as a precautionary measure, ng squadron to the coasts of Mexico, and to concentrate an ry force on the western frontier of Texas. Our army was e position in the country between the Nueces and the Del repel any invasion of the Texan territory which might be the Mexican forces. Our squadron in the gulf was ordered with the army. But though our army and navy were placed o defend our own and the rights of Texas, they were ormit no act of hostility against Mexico, unless she declared erself the aggressor by striking the first blow. The result Mexico has made no aggressive movement, and our military manders have executed their orders with such discretion, of the two republics has not been disturbed.

the persons and property
the United States, indepe
ad people by the late extra

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seal an immediate resort to tips
sad not be used by just
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a sport of forbearance, propose
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*Views, committees of the tw
their respective bodies, con

declared her independence, and maintained it by her arms nine years. She has had an organized government in sucion during that period. Her separate existence, as an inde, had been recognised by the United States and the principal rope. Treaties of commerce and navigation had been coner by different nations, and it had become manifest to the that any further attempt on the part of Mexico to conquerrow her government, would be vain. Even Mexico herself atisfied of this fact; and whilst the question of annexation before the people of Texas, during the past summer, the gov

eight years have elapse-l et complained of, others of So the persons and propr

Mexico in the summer of

fal demand for redress. tament promised to repair th auch delay, a treaty of inden e two Powers on the eleven 8th governments. irate and decide on the t of Mexico. The commi By this ty-fifth day of August, 1 s at the expiration of whic outing to two millions tw dollars and sixty-eight eet east the Mexican governme Of the latter, the Amer ar citizens claims amountin dex hundred and

of Mexico, by a formal act, agreed to recognise the independence on condition that she would not annex herself to any other The agreement to acknowledge the independence of Texas, with or without this condition, is conclusive against Mexico. The ence of Texas is a fact conceded by Mexico herself, and she had or authority to prescribe restrictions as to the form of government exas might afterwards choose to assume.

ough Mexico cannot complain of the United States on account of xation of Texas, it is to be regretted that serious causes of misading between the two countries continue to exist, growing out ressed injuries inflicted by the Mexican authorities and people rsons and property of citizens of the United States, through a es of years. Mexico has admitted these injuries, but has negd refused to repair them. Such was the character of the wrongs, the insults repeatedly offered to American citizens and the flag by Mexico, in palpable violation of the laws of nations and y between the two countries of the fifth of April, 1831, that they n repeatedly brought to the notice of Congress by my predecess early as the eighth of February, 1837, the President of the States declared, in a message to Congress, that "the length of e some of the injuries have been committed, the repeated and ng applications for redress, the wanton character of some of the upon the persons and property of our citizens, upon the officers of the United States, independent of recent insults to this govand people by the late extraordinary Mexican minister, would the eyes of all nations immediate war." He did not, however, end an immediate resort to this extreme measure, which he de'should not be used by just and generous nations, confiding strength for injuries committed, if it can be honorably avoided;" spirit of forbearance, proposed that another demand be made on or that redress which had been so long and unjustly withheld. views, committees of the two houses of Congress, in reports their respective bodies, concurred. Since these proceedings an eight years have elapsed, during which, in addition to the hen complained of, others of an aggravated character have been d on the persons and property of our citizens. A special agent to Mexico in the summer of 1838, with full authority to make and final demand for redress. The demand was made; the Mexernment promised to repair the wrongs of which we complained; much delay, a treaty of indemnity with that view was concluded the two Powers, on the eleventh of April, 1839, and was duly ratboth governments. By this treaty a joint commission was credjudicate and decide on the claims of American citizens on the ent of Mexico. The commission was organized at Washington wenty-fifth day of August, 1840. Their time was limited to eighmths; at the expiration of which, they had adjudicated and decided mounting to two millions twenty-six thousand one hundred and ne dollars and sixty-eight cents in favor of citizens of the United gainst the Mexican government, leaving a large amount of claims ed. Of the latter, the American commissioners had decided in our citizens claims amounting to nine hundred and twenty-eight d six hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eighty-eight cents,

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