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tion of Nathaniel Goddard and others, submitted a report, accompanied a bill (S. 38) for his relief.

The bill was read, and passed to the second reading.

Ordered, That the report be printed.

Ir. Evans, agreeably to notice, asked and obtained leave to bring in a (S. 39) granting a pension to Noah Connor: which was read the first second times, by unanimous consent, and, with the accompanying uments, referred to the Committee on Pensions.

The resolution (S. 3) regulating the printing of Congress, and estab ing the compensation of the same, was read the second time, and conered as in Committee of the Whole.

On motion by Mr. John M. Clayton,

Ordered, That it be recommitted to the Committee on the Contingent penses of the Senate.

The following written message was received from the President of the ited States, by Mr. Walker, his secretary:

the Senate of the United States:

communicate to the Senate the information called for by their resoluof December 31, 1845, "requesting the President to cause to be comnicated to the Senate copies of the correspondence between the Attorney neral and the Solicitor of the Treasury, and the judicial officers of rida, in relation to the authority of the territorial judges as federal judges ce the 3d of March, 1845."

WASHINGTON, January 6, 1846.

The message was read.


Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of the nate, made in compliance with the eleventh section of the act of the h of August, 1842, showing the persons employed, during the year 15, in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, and the amount paid to h: which was read, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Hannegan having, on his motion, been excused from serving on the mmittee on Revolutionary Claims:

On motion by Mr. Hannegan,

Ordered, That a member be appointed by the Vice President to supply vacancy: and

Mr. Bright was appointed.

On motion,

Mr. Greene was excused from serving on the Committee on Enrolled lls.

After the consideration of Executive business,

The Senate adjourned.


The Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary for e Department of War, exhibiting, agreeably to law, the contracts made der the authority of that department during the year 1845: which was ad.

resented a memorial of officers of the army of the United the legislation of Congress on the subject of brevet and army: which was referred to the Committee on Military

of Maryland, presented a memorial of pilots of Baltimore, ing the repeal of the act of March 2, 1837, concerning as referred to the Committee on Commerce.

of Maryland, presented the petition of Joseph H. Bradley
zens of Washington, in the District of Columbia, praying
the powers of the orphans' court of said District: which
the Committee on the District of Columbia.

bmitted additional documents in relation to the petition of
which were referred to the Committee of Claims.
resented the memorial of Blair & Rives, praying compen-
g the compendium of the Sixth Census: which was referred
ee of Claims.

ented the memorial of John B. Walbach, praying compen-
ces as aid-de-camp to General Wilkinson in 1801, and the
of his expenses and losses while acting in that capacity:
red to the Committee on Military Affairs.

dge presented the petition of forwarding merchants, and sters of steamboats on lake Michigan, praying the construcat the mouth of the Sheboygan river: which was referred ee on Commerce.

lge presented a petition of citizens of New York, praying of a harbor at the mouth of the Sheboygan river: which the Committee on Commerce.

11 autenizing the erection
. of a monument to G
ence of the Senate.
Ben.from the Committee
323; for the relief of M.
e of the United States
Baru also submitted a re

esented the memorial of the heirs of Gilbert Dench, praying he depreciation of the currency in which he was paid for the revolutionary war: which was referred to the Comlutionary Claims.

as, on his motion, excused from serving on the Committee

having, on his motion, been excused from serving on the -'inance:

on by Mr. Lewis,

at a member be appointed by the President of the Senate cy in the Committee on Finance: and

was appointed.

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esident laid before the Senate a report of the Commissioner ings, exhibiting, agreeably to law, the disbursement of the ted for the public buildings and grounds in the city of ring the year 1845: which was read, and ordered to be


t or compromise Ey of them, for claims Nates, reported it wit' Sate procceded to cons erecting certain cope ution was agreed to. 8.33, for the relief of *mittee correctly engros That this bill James Bogardus." pass, a rd, That the Secretary r ties therein.

sident laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of ommunicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senin regard to the expediency of erecting a light on the e river Delaware, near Fort Mifflin: which was read, remmittee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed.

om the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

t: The House of Representatives have passed a resolution

8.29) to provide for the second time, and co been amended, and th , and the amendments d. That this bill be eng State proceeded to cons 5 for the settlement of t

[blocks in formation]

8.34) establishing e considered as in Comm emotion by Mr. Jarnag 4. That it be recommat Roads.

cution (S.4) appropria Washington. for a monum

e. and considered as in antion by Mr. Critten 7. That it lie on the tal ate proceeded to consi

R. 6) authorizing the erection, on the public grounds in the city of hington, of a monument to George Washington; in which they request concurrence of the Senate.

. Benton, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred ill (S. 23) for the relief of Mary MacRea, widow of Colonel William Rea, late of the United States army, reported it without amendment. c. Benton also submitted a report on the subject: which was ordered e printed.

-. Niles, from the Committee on the Contingent Expenses of the Senate," hom was recommitted the resolution (S. 3) regulating the printing of gress, and establishing the compensation of the same, reported it with mendment.

r. Bright, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that they erday presented to the President of the United States the joint resolu(H. R. 4) relative to the printing and distribution of the annual esti


r. Ashley, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred bill (S. 10) to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to make an ngement or compromise with Mangle M. Quackenboss, and his co-obs, or any of them, for claims on bonds given by them as sureties to United States, reported it without amendment.

he Senate procceded to consider the resolution submitted yesterday by Allen, directing certain copies to be prepared of the map of Oregon: the resolution was agreed to.

he bill (S. 33) for the relief of James Bogardus, having been reported he committee correctly engrossed, was read a third time.

Resolved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be "An act for relief of James Bogardus."

rdered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of resentatives therein.

The bill (S. 29) to provide for raising a regiment of mounted riflemen, read the second time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole; having been amended, and the blanks filled, the bill was reported to Senate, and the amendments were concurred in.

Ordered, That this bill be engrossed, and read a third time.

The Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the (S. 25) for the settlement of the claims of New Hampshire against the ted States.

On motion by Mr. Phelps,

rdered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to Monday, 12th instant.

The bill (S. 34) establishing certain post routes, was read the second e, and considered as in Committee of the Whole.

On motion by Mr. Jarnagin,

Ordered, That it be recommitted to the Committee on the Post Office Post Roads.

The resolution (S. 4) appropriating a portion of the public ground in the of Washington, for a monument to George Washington, was read the ond time, and considered as in Committee of the Whole.

On motion by Mr. Crittenden,

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

The Sonata proceeded to consider

in Committon of the

5) regulating the printing of Congress, and establishing the
of the same, together with the amendment reported thereto;
een amended, it was reported to the Senate, and the amend-
curred in.

hat the resolution be engrossed, and read a third time.
e proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the
the continuation of the Cumberland road in the States of
a, and Illinois: and,

tion by Mr. Dayton,

hat the further consideration thereof be postponed to Wed1st instant.

onsideration of Executive business, › adjourned.


presented the petition of Mary Williams, praying compensa-
rty destroyed by the Seminole Indians, in consequence of its
bation by the troops of the United States: which was referred
ittee of Claims.
esented the memorial of Jonathan Thompson, praying the
at of certain moneys illegally charged against him in the set-

as among the several St

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presented resolutions structing the Senator Congress to oppose th their opposition to any national character; and Sting tariff: which were Ser presented a resoluti tas, in favor of the establ Erith, a mail route from Benton to Perryville, a : which was referred t , and ordered to be pri presented a resolution faror of the passage -quarter sections to a Public Lands, and By presented a memora Stof Columbia, pray

the circuit court for Alexandria: which was re

accounts as collector of the port of New York: which was presented a petition

: Committee on Finance.

esented the memorial of Hugh Munro McLean, praying the ertain outstanding loan office certificates. which was referred ttee on Finance.

od presented the memorial of Sally Bass, daughter and heir

amendment of the law

a the prosecution of suit referred to the Commi notion by Mr. Haywo

d. That the memorials

steur, deceased, late a surgeon in the revolutionary army, citizens of North Car

allowed commutation pay, and compensation for the loss of ores at the battle of Camden: which, with her petition on the Senate, was referred to the Committee on Revolutionary

under the Cherokee

2 the claim of A. R. S. referred to the Committe tntion by Mr. Niles, d. That the petition of W Sate, be referred to the C motion by Mr. Corwin d. That the memorial of es of the Senate, be rele

presented a resolution' passed by the legislature of the State Instructing the Senators and requesting the Representative of Congress to use their influence to procure the passage of a ng the appropriation of the lands heretofore granted to that minary of learning, to the purposes of common schools: which o the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed. presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State in favor of a reduction of the rates of postage: which was Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, and ordered

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Alen submitted the followi consent, and agreed to d. That the Secretary Committee on Foreiz series of general map may direct, and pay f ided the expenditure

presented resolutions passed by the legislature of the State ǹ favor of a law securing to settlers on lands covered by consh or French grants, their rights of pre-emption to those thorizing the proprietors of those grants to locate other lands , and also confirming the innocent purchasers of lands com


"Bowie claims" in their titles: which were referred to the en, from the Committe

■ Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State

put resolution (S. R.

e notice to the govern

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pposed to the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of the States will, in virtu

Angust, A. D. 1827,

lic lands among the several States of the Union: which was ordered to printed.

fr. Sevier presented resolutions passed by the legislature of the State of ansas, instructing the Senators and requesting the Representative of State in Congress to oppose the establishment of a national bank; and ressing their opposition to any system of internal improvement unless purely national character; and also urging the modification or repeal he existing tariff: which were ordered to be printed.

Ir. Sevier presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State Arkansas, in favor of the establishment of a mail route from Little Rock Fort Smith, a mail route from Perryville to Park's post office, a mail te from Benton to Perryville, and a mail route from Benton to Warren, hat State: which was referred to the Committee on the Post Office and =t Roads, and ordered to be printed.

Ir. Sevier presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State of ansas, in favor of the passage of a law authorizing sales of the public is in half-quarter sections to actual settlers: which was referred to the nmittee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

Ir. Bagby presented a memorial of members of the bar of Washington, he District of Columbia, praying the repeal of the law requiring one of judges of the circuit court for the District of Columbia to reside in the nty of Alexandria: which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Ir. Dix presented a petition of merchants of the city of New York, ving an amendment of the law regulating the practice in the admiralty rts in the prosecution of suits for the collection of seamen's wages: ich was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

On motion by Mr. Haywood,

Ordered, That the memorials of William H. Thomas, the petition of umber of citizens of North Carolina relative to the appointment of comsioners under the Cherokee treaty of 1835-'6, and the documents ting to the claim of A. R. S. Hunter, on the files of the Senate, be crally referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.

Ön motion by Mr. Niles,

Ordered, That the petition of Walter Loomis and Abel Gray, on the files the Senate, be referred to the Committee of Claims.

On motion by Mr. Corwin,

Ordered, That the memorial of the representatives of William A. Slacum, the files of the Senate, be referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela


Mr. Allen submitted the following resolution; which was considered, by animous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate procure, and place in the m of the Committee on Foreign Relations, for the use of the committee, onnected series of general maps, a set of globes, and such books as the umittee may direct, and pay for them out of the contingent fund of the ate, provided the expenditure for this purpose shall not exceed five ndred dollars.

Mr. Allen, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, to whom was erred a joint resolution (S. R. 1) advising the President of the United ate to give notice to the government of Great Britain that the government the United States will, in virtue of the second article of the convention the 6th of August. A. D. 1827. between the two governments relative

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