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Territory, annul and abrogate that convention, reported it

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at a member be appointed by the Vice President to supply he Committee of Claims: and

n was appointed.

solution (H. R. 6) authorizing the erection, on the public ity of Washington, of a monument to George Washington, st and second times, by unanimous consent.

at it be referred to the Committee on the District of Co

29) to provide for raising a regiment of mounted riflemen, ported by the committee correctly engrossed, was read a the title was amended.

at this bill pass, and that the title thereof be "An act to ing a regiment of mounted riflemen, and for establishing on the route to Oregon."

at the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of in this bill.

solution (S. 3) regulating the printing of Congress, and compensation for the same, having been reported by the ctly engrossed, was read a third time.

hat this resolution pass, and that the title thereof be as afore

at the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of therein.

37) to pay the debt ascertained to be due to Texas, when State, by the United States, was read the second time, and a Committee of the Whole.

on by Mr. Evans,

at the further consideration thereof be postponed until to

bmitted documents in relation to the said bill: which were rinted.

TE. OURI ukal virkið v

artment during the year

tee on Military Affars. Lanegan presented a re Leliana, in favor of th let the claims of the repres Is the troops under t.. the years 1778 and 1779 onary Claims.

proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the
the relief of David F. Williamson, of Pope county, State of
no amendment being made, it was reported to the Senate.
at it be engrossed, and read a third time.
sideration of Executive business,


esident laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of reeably to law, exhibiting the expenditures made from the or the contingent expenses of the military establishment ar 1845: which was read, referred to the Committee on and ordered to be printed.

sident laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of eeably to law, exhibiting the names of the clerks and other

un presented the p
, South Carolina, in
blishing the warehou
e on Finance.

Lese presented the petitio
2 be released from respo
tution which suspen
Littee on Naval Affair
se submitted additiona
Owens: which were r

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presented the petition
ying the renewal of a
:which was referred
e, and ordered to be
presented the petition
Halton, deceased, prayin
papers of her late husb
Library, and ordered to
Js presented the petition
of his patent for heating

d to the Committee on
is presented a petition
#ainst the admission of

That it lie on the tab
Drkinson presented a pe
inst the admission of

That it lie on the tabl
kinson presented a petit
fustructions in the ha
ittee on Naval Affairs.
argeon submitted docum
captain in the last war
ned to the Committee of

ey presented the pet
G. Sevier, deceased, la
ying to be allowed arrea

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heron presented a men ction of a light-house which was referred to

ons, other than officers of the army, employed in all the branches of department during the year 1845: which was read, and referred to Committee on Military Affairs.

r. Hannegan presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the e of Indiana, in favor of the passage of a law providing for the payt of the claims of the representatives of Francis Vigo, deceased, for inces to the troops under the command of General George Rogers ke in the years 1778 and 1779: which was referred to the Committee Revolutionary Claims.

r. Calhoun presented the proceedings of a meeting of citizens of rgetown, South Carolina, in favor of repealing the tariff act of 1842, of establishing the warehouse system: which were referred to the nmittee on Finance.

Ir. Breese presented the petition of Joseph Wilson, a purser in the navy, ing to be released from responsibility for public money deposited in a sing institution which suspended specie payments: which was referred e Committee on Naval Affairs.

r. Breese submitted additional documents in relation to the petition of eline Owens: which were referred to the Committee on Military irs.

r. Dix presented the petition of the executors of Jethro Wood, deed, praying the renewal of a patent right for certain improvements in plough: which was referred to the Committee on Patents and the ent Office, and ordered to be printed.

Ir. Dix presented the petition of Elizabeth Hamilton, widow of Alexer Hamilton, deceased, praying the aid of Congress in the publication ertain papers of her late husband: which was referred to the Commiton the Library, and ordered to be printed.

fr. Davis presented the petition of Angier M. Perkins, praying an exion of his patent for heating buildings and evaporating fluids: which referred to the Committee on Patents and the Patent Office.

Ir. Davis presented a petition of citizens of the State of Illinois, remonting against the admission of Texas into the Union with a constitution rating slavery.

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

Ir. Dickinson presented a petition of citizens of New York, remonting against the admission of Texas into the Union with a constitution rating slavery.

rdered, That it lie on the table.

Ir. Dickinson presented a petition of citizens of New York, praying the oval of obstructions in the harbor of that city: which was referred to Committee on Naval Affairs.

Ir. Sturgeon submitted documents in relation to the claim of Andrew ore, a captain in the last war with Great Britain, to a pension: which e referred to the Committee on Pensions.


Turney presented the petition of Elizabeth A. Sevier, widow of xander G. Sevier, deceased, late an officer in the United States marine ps, praying to be allowed arrears of pension: which was referred to the mmittee on Pensions.

Mr. Cameron presented a memorial of citizens of Pennsylvania, praythe erection of a light-house on the Brandywine shoals, in the Dela

re river which was referred to the Committee on Commarsa

sented resolutions passed by the legislature of the State favor of an appropriation for improving the navigation of ers: which were referred to the Committee on Roads and ered to be printed.

esented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State vor of the passage of a law granting pre-emption rights to the Miami reserve, in that State: which was referred to n Public Lands.

of Louisiana, presented the petition of the heirs and legal of Charles C. B. Thompson, deceased, praying compenlomatic services, near the governments of Chili and Peru, nd of the United States squadron on the Pacific station: red to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

of Louisiana, presented the petition of William Pumhe confirmation of his title to a tract of land in Louisiana: red to the Committee on Private Land Claims.

ented the petition of W. B. Bend, praying the repayment s alleged to have been illegally exacted by the collector of York: which was referred to the Committee on Finance. esident laid before the Senate a petition of citizens of hat the Senators and Representatives from the State of be admitted to seats in the halls of Congress.

at it lie on the table.

cker presented the memorial of the legal representatives of 1, deceased, praying compensation for work on the Cumwhich was referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. on by Mr. Webster,

at the memorial of Henry Newman, on the files of the red to the Committee on Public Lands.

on by Mr. Breese,

at the documents on the files of the Senate, relating to the rs of Antoine Peltier, deceased, be referred to the Committee ry Claims.

on by Mr. Crittenden,

at the memorial in behalf of Francis A. Harrison, on the nate, be referred to the Committee on the Post Office and

on by Mr. Westcott,

at the Secretary of the Senate, in future, use the surname journals, as the name of the Senator from Florida, heretoid Levy; his name having been changed, by act of the lorida, to that of David Levy Yulee.

bmitted the following resolution; which was considered, by sent, and agreed to:

hat the Committee on Finance be allowed a clerk, to be compensation by the Secretary, out of the contingent fund

abmitted the following resolutions; which were considered, consent, and agreed to:

s made by Leuter
and the adaptation of
s and defensive purp
He further, That the se
gral defences of the gulf
squired to give full secu

Eason, of Louisiana, sul
astered, by unanimous ec
i. That the Committe
azediency of modifying
4rts of the United St.
Prent acts supplement
e Court from the per
of said judges; or 11:
to provide for a new
end Texas.

at the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to make The various late improvements in the construction of war particularly to examine into the advantages of the late

tion submitted the foll
consent, and agre

d. That the Committee
renty of so far amendin
Tons for the civil and

ending the 30th day June 17, 1544, as to p essary to protect the r age from the House of R Prident: The House of (S. 26, to continue the S. 33) for the relief ve passed a bill H. R 3a and Columbus, in saws therefor: in whi

President of the United St
sclution (No. 4) relativ


Maker of the House of I 2.I am directed to b dent.

main reported from the yearolled the bill (S. 2 ne of the inspectors said office.

President signed th and it was delivered of the United States. The President laid before additional compensation ted States to certain E d by them on Ameri Foreign Relations motion by Mr. Bento That the Committe

ovements made by Lieutenant Hunter in his submerged horizontal llers, and the adaptation of his plan of propulsion and construction -uising and defensive purposes.

solved, further, That the same committee examine into the condition naval defences of the gulf of Mexico, and report what further legis1 is required to give full security to the American coast and commerce

at sea.

r. Johnson, of Louisiana, submitted the following resolution; which considered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

esolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire the expediency of modifying an act entitled "An act to establish the cial courts of the United States," approved September 24, 1789, and he different acts supplementary thereto, so as to relieve the judges of Supreme Court from the performance of circuit duties, and to reduce number of said judges; or into the expediency of modifying the said so as to provide for a new circuit, to be composed of the States of isiana and Texas.

r. Atherton submitted the following resolution; which was considered, nanimous consent, and agreed to:

esolved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire into expediency of so far amending the seventh section of the "Act making opriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of government for the year ending the 30th day of June, 1845, and for other purposes," oved June 17, 1844, as to permit the appointment of such officers as be necessary to protect the revenue on the northern and lake frontier. message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their Clerk: Ir. President: The House of Representatives have passed the bill from Senate (S. 26) to continue the office of the Commissioner of Pensions: the bill (S. 33) for the relief of James Bogardus.

hey have passed a bill (H. R. 20) to legalize certain land sales made hocchuma and Columbus, in the State of Mississippi, and to indemnify Chickasaws therefor: in which they request the concurrence of the


The President of the United States approved and signed, the 7th instant, int resolution (No. 4) relative to the printing and distribution of the ual estimates.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives having signed an enrolled (S. 22,) I am directed to bring it to the Senate for the signature of r President.

Ir. Jarnagin reported from the committee that they had examined and id duly enrolled the bill (S. 22) to repeal the act which abolishes the e of one of the inspectors general of the army, and to revive and blish said office.

The Vice President signed the enrolled bill last reported to have been mined; and it was delivered to the committee to be presented to the sident of the United States.

The Vice President laid before the Senate a memorial of Joshua Dodge, ying additional compensation for services and expenses as special agent the United States to certain European governments, in relation to duimposed by them on American tobacco: which was referred to the mmittee on Foreign Relations.

On motion by Mr. Benton,

ion of the memorial of Frederick Vincent, and that it be Committee of Claims.

from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom the subject ported a bill (S. 40) for the relief of the legal representatives al, a Cherokee Indian: which was read, and passed to the

i, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, reported a bill ng for an augmentation of the naval force of the United other purposes: which was read, and passed to the second

from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom the subject reported a bill (S. 42) to repeal a part of the act entitled ementary to the several laws for the sale of the public lands, April, 1832, and for other purposes:" which was read, and econd reading.

, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was etition of Elijah White, reported a bill (S. 43) for his relief: d, and passed to the second reading.

from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was referred Catlin, Peoples, and Company, submitted an adverse report: ered to be printed.

from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was referred to aid the State of Mississippi in the construction of a railson, through Brandon, to the western boundary of Alabama, hout amendment.

also submitted a report on the subject: which was ordered

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rom the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads, to erred a bill (S. 34) establishing certain post routes, reported


R. 20) to legalize certain land sales made at Chocchuma , in the State of Mississippi, and to indemnify the Chickawas read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, the Committee on Public Lands.

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proceeded to consider the resolution (S. 1) advising the e United States to give notice to the government of Great e government of the United States will, in virtue of the of the convention of the 6th of August, A. D. 1827, between nments, relative to the Oregon Territory, annul and abro


ou by Mr. Speight. That the further cons of the day for Thur Se proceeded to cons! 15r the settlement of the

tion by Mr. Davis, That the further consid testant.

8.36, for the relief of ansas, having been re

As read a third time.
That this bill pass, and
That the Secretary rey
res therein.

by Mr. Allen, that the further consideration thereof be post-
made the order of the day for Tuesday, the 27th instant:
is made by Mr. Westcott, that it be postponed to, and made
e day for Tuesday, the 10th of February next.
stion being put on the motion of Mr. Westcott,

mined in the affirmative,





d nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, voted in the affirmative, are,

er, Barrow, Benton, Berrien, Calhoun, Chalmers, Thomas M. Clayton, Colquitt, Corwin, Crittenden, Davis, Dayton,

by Mr. Turney, to E


Nation by Mr. Sevier, That the further consi

e consideration of Execut e adjourned.


President laid before t compliance with a res ating to certain miner.

reported from the cor alled the bill (S. 26, ions; also, the bill S

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