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s, Greene, Haywood, Jarnagin, Johnson, of Maryland, Johnson, of siana, Lewis, McDuffie, Mangum, Miller, Pearce, Pennybacker, os, Speight, Upham, Webster, Westcott, Woodbridge, Yulee.

ose who voted in the negative, are,

ssrs. Allen, Ashley, Atchison, Atherton, Breese, Bright, Cameron, Dickinson, Dix, Fairfield, Hannegan, Jenness, Niles, Semple, r, Sturgeon, Turney.

it was

dered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to, and the order of the day for Tuesday, the 10th of February next.

e Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions submitted by Hannegan the 29th December, in relation to the Oregon Territory, the amendment proposed thereto by Mr. Calhoun: and,

On motion by Mr. Hannegan,

dered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to, and the order of the day for Tuesday, the 10th of February next.

e Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the 6. 4) to apply certain alternate sections of the public domain towards ompletion of works of internal improvement in the State of Michigan, or other purposes: and,

On motion by Mr. Speight,

dered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to, and the order of the day for Thursday, the 15th instant.

e Senate proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the S. 25) for the settlement of the claims of New Hampshire against the d States.

On motion by Mr. Davis,

lered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to Monday, th instant.

e bill (S. 36) for the relief of David F. Williamson, of Pope county, of Arkansas, having been reported by the committee correctly end, was read a third time.

olved, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. lered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of sentatives therein.

motion by Mr. Turney, to be excused from serving on the Comof Claims:

On motion by Mr. Sevier,

ered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until to-

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Vice President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of nade in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, communicating ation relating to certain mineral lands in the State of Illinois: which ad.

Bright reported from the committee that they had examined and duly enrolled the bill (S. 26) to continue the office of the Commisof Pensions: also, the bill (S. 33) for the relief of James Road

esented the memorial of the

-nce, praying that an appropriation may be made for defrayses incident to the custody and preservation of the public itted to their charge: which was referred to the Committee

esented a petition of citizens of Michigan, remonstrating Imission of Texas into the Union with a constitution tole

hat it lie on the table.

esented the petition of Deliverance Slasson, a revolutionary g an increase of his pension: which was referred to the Pensions.

presented a memorial of citizens of Pittsburg, Pennsylthat States hereafter applying for admission into the Union red by law to make a declaration of their assent to certain odied in the Declaration of Independence.

hat it lie on the table.

1, of Maryland, presented the petition of Hector Perkins, a last war with Great Britain, praying to be allowed arrears of ch was referred to the Committee on Pensions.

presented the petition of James Updike, an officer in the army, praying a pension: which was referred to the Comsions.

gton presented the petition of Simeon Hubbard, legal repreFooper Polyreen, a musician in the revolutionary army, prayay be allowed bounty land: which was referred to the Com-olutionary Claims.

presented a resolution passed by the legislature of the State

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ng a post route betwee and Charleston, in the By submitted the foll us consent, and agre d. That the Committee pediency of providing claims ascertained an persons for losses sustaine Un motion by Mr. Allen, d. That the Committe her consideration of the presented the 18th Decem

On motion by Mr. Speigh rd, That the Cominitt her consideration of the 12th instant.

instructing the Senators and requesting the Representatives Phelps submitted the foll in Congress to use their exertions to obtain authority from That the message o

nt for the delivery to the authorities of the State of the canon the enemy at the battle of Bennington in 1777: which to the Committee on Military Affairs.

resented the memorial of Cadwallader Wallace, praying comcertain outstanding Virginia military bounty land warrants: eferred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be

ed to the Senate the 13t hat body, with copies o and conclusion of the

The kingdom of Sardinia, be Senate proceeded, by u


motion by Mr. Phelp

Ons presented the memorial of William R. B. Gale, praying, That it be referred

for his services as bearer of despatches from the American Tunis to the United States: which was referred to the Comreign Relations.

submitted a document relating to the affairs of the Washing ent Society: which was referred to the Committee on the Dismbia.

n submitted a communication from the Secretary of the Washment Society, explanatory of its transactions: which was reCommittee on the District of Columbia.

otion by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland,

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to notice, Mr. Tur 4 to establish a nati in the State of Tenn ading

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bly to notice, Mr. Bent 5) to repeal the acts a fishing bounties and ack of the duties paid was read the first and to the Committee on Fi Perbacker, from the C for the relief of th T. Betts, Jacob Feama sureties of Felix St. V

That the petition of William Morrow, on the files of the eferred to the Committee of Claims.

ht, from the Committee on Public Lands, reported the follown; which was read:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to cause an amination to be made of the public lands subject to the overflow of the ssissippi river, between Memphis and Vicksburg, with an estimate of probable amount required to protect them from such overflow, and the antity of lands which will thereby become saleable, and report a plan such protection, if practicable, at the present session of Congress, or at early day of the next session.

Mr. Berrien submitted the following resolution; which was considered, unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads be structed to inquire whether any and what legislation by Congress is cessary to enforce the provision of the act approved 3d March, 1845, cablishing a post route between the cities of Savannah, in the State of orgia, and Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, by sea.

Mr. Bagby submitted the following resolution; which was considered, unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Committee on Indian Affairs be instructed to inquire o the expediency of providing by law for the payment of the balance certain claims ascertained and reported by the then agent to be due to tain persons for losses sustained during the Creek war.

On motion by Mr. Allen,

Ordered, That the Committee on Foreign Relations be discharged from e further consideration of the petition of citizens of Easton, Pennsylia, presented the 18th December.

On motion by Mr. Speight,

Ordered, That the Committee on Military Affairs be discharged from further consideration of the report of the Secretary of War, communied the 12th instant.

Mr. Phelps submitted the following resolution:

Resolved, That the message of the President of the United States, comunicated to the Senate the 13th September, 1841, in answer to a resolun of that body, with copies of the correspondence touching the origin, gress, and conclusion of the late convention between the United States d the kingdom of Sardinia, be printed.

The Senate proceeded, by unanimous consent, to consider the resolun: and,

On motion by Mr. Phelps,

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Printing.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Turney asked and obtained leave to bring in ill (S. 44) to establish a national armory at the Suck, on the Tennesriver, in the State of Tennessee: which was read, and passed to the ond reading.

Agreeably to notice, Mr. Benton asked and obtained leave to bring in ill (S. 45) to repeal the acts laying a duty on imported salt, and grantcertain fishing bounties and allowances to fishing vessels, in lieu of a wback of the duties paid on the foreign salt used on fish exported: ich was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and' erred to the Committee on Finance.

Mr. Pennybacker, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred bill (S. 7) for the relief of the legal representatives of Pierre Menard, siah T. Betts, Jacob Feaman, and Edmund Roberts, of the State of inois, sureties of Felix St. Vrain, late Indian agent, deceased, reported

red to be printed.

from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was tion of David D. Porter, in behalf of Evelina Porter, subse report: which was ordered to be printed.

cker, from the Committee of Claims, to whom was referred for the relief of the legal representatives of William D. sed, reported it without amendment, and submitted a bject: which was ordered to be printed.

proceeded to consider, as in Committee of the Whole, the the relief of Mary MacRea, widow of Lieutenant Colonel a, late of the United States army, deceased: and,

on by Mr. Sevier,

at the further consideration thereof be postponed to Thurs


eported from the committee that they had presented to the e United States the bill (S. 22) to repeal the act which office of one of the inspectors general of the army, and to olish said office.

rom the House of Representatives, by Mr. French, their

t: The Speaker of the House of Representatives having olled bills, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the eir President.

esident signed the two enrolled bills (S. 26 and 33) this have been examined; and they were delivered to the comesented to the President of the United States.

com the President of the United States, by Mr. Walker, his

t: The President of the United States approved and signed An act to repeal the act which abolishes the office of ectors general of the army, and to revive and establish said


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at the Secretary notify the House of Representatives accord

asideration of Executive business, adjourned.


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d. That it lie on the t
Bright presented a rese
lediana, instructing
that State in Congress
Ritmproving the harb

ed to the Committee
& Primed presented a pet
of measures for insur
lties: which was re


motion by Mr. Johns d. That the petition be referred to the Com Westcott presented the this trouble and expens with the violation of t in the Committee of Cl Westcott presented a res of Florida, in favor of ash a certain townshi and to select any port gabic schools, the se subdivisions: which Sad ordered to be print Le submitted a docu as a court-house for th

esident laid before the Senate an additional communication he memorial of officers of the army on the subject of brevet which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. presented a memorial of the chiefs of the Seneca nation of ng that the annuities falling due under treaties with the may be paid to them from the treasury of the United the intervention of agents of the government: which was Committee on Indian Affairs.

presented a memorial of the chiefs of the Seneca nation of g that authority may be conferred upon the trustees of certain for their benefit, to transfer said funds to the United States,

Tant of a jail in St. J

the St. Sebastian river e on Public Lands, a Yes presented the petit

r the better security of their annuities: which was referred to the Comittee on Indian Affairs.

Mr. Sevier presented a memorial of the Seneca nation of Indians, praying at the United States will secure the payment of the full amount of their nuity under the treaty of 1842: which was referred to the Committee on dian Affairs.

Mr. Dayton presented a petition of citizens of New Jersey, remonstrating gainst the admission of Texas into the Union with a constitution tolering slavery.

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

Mr. Fairfield presented a petition of citizens of York, Maine, praying demnity for French spoliations prior to 1800: which was referred to the elect Committee appointed on that subject.

Mr. Fairfield presented the petition of Jemima Flood, widow of a deased revolutionary soldier, praying a pension: which was referred to the ommittee on Pensions.

Mr. Pearce presented the petition of Philip Pearce, praying the right of re-emption to a certain tract of land: which was referred to the Committee Public Lands.

Mr. Huntington presented a petition of citizens of Connecticut, praying e adoption of measures for insuring the peaceful adjustment of all national fficulties.

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

Mr. Bright presented a resolution passed by the General Assembly of he State of Indiana, instructing the Senators and requesting the Representives of that State in Congress to use their exertions to procure an approciation for improving the harbor at Michigan city, in said State: which as referred to the Committee on Commerce.

Mr. Fairfield presented a petition of citizens of York, Maine, praying the loption of measures for insuring the peaceful adjustment of all internaonal difficulties: which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela


On motion by Mr. Johnson, of Maryland,

Ordered, That the petition of William W. Hall, on the files of the enate, be referred to the Committee on Pensions.

Mr. Westcott presented the petition of Edward Bolon, praying compenation for his trouble and expense in keeping in confinement certain persons harged with the violation of the laws of the United States: which was eferred to the Committee of Claims.

Mr. Westcott presented a resolution passed by the General Assembly of he State of Florida, in favor of the passage of a law authorizing that State › relinquish a certain township of land, and to enter other lands in lieu hereof, and to select any portion of the lands granted for seminaries of arning, public schools, the seat of government, or internal improvement, legal subdivisions: which was referred to the Committee on Public ands, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Yulee submitted a document relative to the use of the United States roperty as a court-house for the circuit and county courts in Florida, the stablishment of a jail in St. John's county, and the repair of the bridge cross the St. Sebastian river, in that State: which was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Niles presented the petition of Joanna Quicey, daughter and heir of

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