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IN offering the present Work to the notice of the Public, it must be sufficiently obvious that its limits cannot comprise the entire productions of the Writers whose names will enrich the collection. The title is chosen from its containing, not a set of abridgments, but that portion of the works of each of our Classic Authors, with which they have most identified themselves, their feelings, and their opinions and the Design is to give the general reader a series of Cabinet Volumes, that may supply, as nearly as our language can, the place in our own libraries which the collection so long esteemed in France, entitled ANA, has occupied in that country. The ANA of our own literature are indeed few in number, consisting of only two legitimate collections, SELDENIANA and WALPOLIANA, of which the latter will form our second volume, immediately following his delightful Narrative the 'REMINISCENCES:' the former will be given in the course of the work, with the Essays, Reflections, Letters, &c. of those British Writers (for instance, Bacon, Boyle, Burns); which appear to be the greatest in merit, and the nearest to apply to the purpose of the publication.

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24. Talbot's Essays.

25. Locke's Conduct of the Under-

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13. Cowley's Essays.

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51. General Titles to bind in 25 vols.

London: Printed for JOHN SHARPE, Piccadilly; and THOMAS TEGG, 73, Cheapside: also HODGES and M'Arthur, Dublin; and GRIFFIN and Co. Glasgow.

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