| 724 էջ
...would have converted our crying tragedy into a most laughable farce. LITERATURE. HAWKER ON SHOOTING. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. By the late Lieut.-Colonel P. Hawker. Tenth edition. Edited by his son, Major Hawker. (Longmans, London.)... | |
| William Wordsworth - 1823 - 184 էջ
...Price 21. 7s. 6d.' By the same Author, The HISTORY of FICTION. Three Volumes, Post Octavo. 21. 2s. INSTRUCTIONS to YOUNG SPORTSMEN in all that relates...PRESERVATION of Game; Getting Access to all Kinds of liirds ; Specific Directions, with new Apparatus for WILD FOWL SHOOTING, both on the Coast and in Fresh... | |
| Sarah Lee - 1823 - 210 էջ
...SAMUEL BUTLER. In Bvo. Price I«. M. bound. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green. 11 INSTRUCTIONS to YOUN-G SPORTSMEN in all that relates to Guns and Shooting ; Difference between tbe Flint and Percussion System ; Pup SERVATION of GAME; Getting Access to all kinds uf Birds ; Specific... | |
| Monthly literary register - 1823 - 586 էջ
...Horsemanship for Ladies, 21s. The Trial of Judge ». Berkeley and others ; -tried at Hereford. 8vo. 3s. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. By Lieut Col. P. Hawker. 4th edition, med. 8vo. 18s. THEOLOGT. The Gospel of St. John, in German, with... | |
| 1825 - 486 էջ
...de I'Ouvrage original de Monsieur le Baron de Theis, a 1'Usage de la Jeunesse, par jtf. de Bouillon. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates...Game; Getting Access to all kinds of Birds . Specific Direction!, with new Apparatus for Wild Fowl Shooting, both on the Coast and in Fresh Water : with... | |
| Samuel Walker - 1825 - 286 էջ
...Romance. By the Author of • Santo Sebastiano," &c. &c. In 3 vols. 12mo. 11. 4s. bds. MISCELLANEOUS. INSTRUCTIONS TO YOUNG SPORTSMEN in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. By Licut.-Col. P. HAWKER. 6th Edit. 8vo. with 30 Plates and Wood-cuts. 18s. in cloth. " Col. Hawker... | |
| 1830 - 524 էջ
...Examples from a Practical Experience of Nine Years. In Svo. 6>. bds. INSTRUCTIONS to YOUNG SPORTS. MEN in all that relates to Guns and Shooting ; Difference...Access to all Kinds of Birds; Specific Directions, with new Apparatus for WILO FOWL SHOOTING, both on the Coast and in Fresh Water: vith which are introduced,... | |
| William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray IV, Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle) - 1826 - 624 էջ
...East India Register, Corrected to August 16, 1825. 12mo. 6s. 6d. Typographic l'.* TC Hansard. 3l. 3s. Instructions to Young Sportsmen in all that relates to Guns and Shooting. By Lieut. Col. P. Hawker. 4th Edition, med. 8vo. 18s. The Astrologer of the Nineteenth Century ; or,... | |
| 1827 - 522 էջ
...of this Kingdom, illustrated by Examples from a Practical Experience of Nine Years. In 8vo. 6s. bds. INSTRUCTIONS to YOUNG SPORTSMEN in all that relates...Flint and Percussion System ; PRESERVATION of GAME i: Getting Access to all Kinds of Birds ; Specific Directions, with new Apparatus for WILD FOWL SHOOTING,... | |
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