| Anthony Horneck - 1702 - 472 էջ
...flander; and, while thou art innocent in , the the fight of God, thou art a Crown tf Glory in the hand oj the Lord, and a Royal Diadem in the hand of thy God; and if fo , how little needft thou matter the good opinion and efleera of Men, efpecially when thy... | |
 | George Bishop - 1703 - 602 էջ
...made bare in the midst of thee, and I will recompense thy sufferings, saith the Lord ; and thou shalt be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God ; and thy walls shall be before Me night and day, and I wiU watch over thee for good, and will nourish... | |
 | John Dunton - 1707 - 588 էջ
...have a -King following Chrift, the King, of his People, who faith of them, Hit. 62. 3. Thou flialt be a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord, and a. Royal Diadem in the hand of thy God. Chrift counteth his People his Crown and Diadem ; fo mould a King efteem the People of the Lord, over... | |
 | Thomas Bell - 1780 - 878 էջ
...; one that fear eth Gcd, and efcheweth evil? Job i. 8. Here the Lord glorieth in his fervant. He is a crown of glory In the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of his God, Ifa. Jxii. 3. So true is it, that the faints are as the ftones of a crown, lifted up as an... | |
 | Ralph Churton - 1785 - 290 էջ
...LXVI. p. 748. ed. Leunclav. « BJL VI. c. ix. §. 3. « Pf. Ixxy. k Pf. xlviii. 2. ' Lam. it O 2 hand hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of her GOD k. But when fhe exalted herfelf, me fell; fhe fell, and there was none to help her. For fhe... | |
 | Thomas Taylor - 1789 - 364 էջ
...and thon Jbalt he called by a new name, nuhich the mouth of the Lord Jhall name.—Tbou Jhctlt alj'o be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God.—Thau Jhalt no more hettrnud, N 2 FcrJaktn; Forfaken ; neither Jhall thy land any more he termed,... | |
 | Ralph Erskine - 1793 - 384 էջ
...: and thou fhalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord iiia.ll name. Thou fhalt alfo be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God. c Jer. xlviii. 1 1. Moab hath been at eafe from his youth, and he hath fettled on his lees, and hath... | |
 | Ralph Erskine - 1796 - 738 էջ
...an unclean thing, and all out rightcouCaelTes arc as filthy rags. . 1 1 Ifa. Ixii. 3. Thoa (halt M> be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in ih? hand of thy Gpd. 11 Song iv. 15. A g«nlen inclofed is my Cfler, my Tpoufe. 13 Mat. xiii. 14, ij.... | |
 | David Levi - 1796 - 336 էջ
...called by a new name, which the mouth ef the LORD mall exprefs. And thou malt be, a beautiful crown in the hand of the LORD; and a royal diadem in the palm of thy God." In verfe 4fh, the Prophet explains the nature of the name by which me is to be called.*'... | |
 | Ebenezer Erskine - 1798 - 630 էջ
...portion, and Jacob is the lot of his inheritance." Sometimes his crown and his ornament." Thou fhalt be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God." Sometimes his glory ; a very ftrange expreffion ! li 1 have placed falvation in Zion for Ifrael my... | |
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