| 1804 - 496 էջ
...foundation for the consistent exercise of pardoning grace, even to the chief of sinners. He is the only name, given under heaven, among men, whereby we must be saved. And he is able to save them to the uttermost, that come unto God by him. Justification by Christ alone... | |
 | 1847 - 760 էջ
...given by our Lord to his disciple« in the Terse following our text, " Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth more labourers into his harvest." Let that be well pondered. If it were complied with for a brief period simultaneously and extensively... | |
 | 1816 - 438 էջ
...condition ? Do we believe that the Bible is indeed the word of life, and that Saviour whom it reveals the only name given under heaven, among men, whereby we...hearts in fervent prayer to the Lord of the harvest, thai he trill send forth more labourers into las harvest, shall we not at least endeavour to furnish... | |
 | 1816 - 430 էջ
...only name given under heaven, among men, w/iereby we mtitt be sated ; and shall we abandon the bast of those for whom he has died, to the perils of their...harvest, that he will send forth more labourers into his hareest, shall we not at leasf endeavour to furnish the starving souls of the poor, with that cheaper... | |
 | Erasmus Middleton - 1816 - 552 էջ
...grief, that provoke GOD to remove such an excellent instrument of his glory from us. Let •us pray to the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth more labourers into it. He was of a middle stature as to his person, and of a fair and fresh complexion, with a mixture... | |
 | 1818 - 588 էջ
...blood of Jesus alone can pacify our conscience and satisfy the demands of God. " There is none other name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved." And as Jesus is the nnlij, so he is the perfect Saviour. There is no sin of too deep a stain, excepting... | |
 | César Henri A. Malan - 1823 - 120 էջ
...soften the heart of a rude inhabitant of these mountains, — and " pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth more labourers into his harvest." It is " truly plenteous ;" there are many, very many, such hardened unsubdued hearts, who reject the... | |
 | 1824 - 410 էջ
...truths, all their desires must ascend, and all their blessings descend through the only Mediator; the only name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved. Thus they would be filled with humility and rejoiced with gratitude. It is indispensable to their acceptance... | |
 | 1832 - 534 էջ
...a state of so much variety of change and engagement as a missionary itation. ' Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth more labourers into his harvest,' and my heart is •till bound to the belief that our heavenly Father would not have incited so much... | |
 | 1825 - 570 էջ
...presume ought te interest every humble dependant on tbe grace of the Divine Redeemer, whose Name (" the only name given under heaven among men, whereby we must be saved") it is the object of these efforts to publish to our unenlightened, guilty, and perishing countrymen... | |
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